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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2349-2376
Four new species and two new genera belonging to the family Oedicerotidae are reported from Korea and Vietnam. Two new genera, Orthomanus and Imbachoculodes are described, with three new species, namely Orthomanus koreanus gen. et sp. nov., Imbachoculodes namhaensis gen. et sp. nov. and Imbachoculodes vietnamensis gen. et sp. nov. The monotypic genus Orthomanus is characterized by the very short carpi and transverse palms of gnathopods 1 and 2, the reduced dactyli on pereopods 3–6, and the greatly enlarged distolateral spine-tooth on the outer plate of maxilla 1. Imbachoculodes has slender gnathopods 1 and 2 with elongated carpi, pereopods 3 and 4 with elongated dactyli, and a narrow basis of pereopod 7. The fourth new species, Sinoediceros hwanghaensis sp. nov. has a greatly reduced flagellum on antenna 2, a broadened meri on pereopods 3 and 4, and an elongated maxilliped outer plate. Keys are provided to 1) the North Pacific genera of the Synchelidium group, 2) species of Imbachoculodes, and 3) species of Sinoediceros.  相似文献   


In this study, the new amphipod superfamily Protodulichioidea and family Protodulichiidae are established. Both belong to the infraorder Corophiida but is different from all known superfamilies and families. Amphipods included in the new superfamily and family are characterised by having a triangular head with large eyes, extremely long pereopod 7, and uropod 3 with a short peduncle and slender rami bearing a few robust setae. Protodulichia scandens gen. et sp. nov. is fully described here and its mast-building behaviour is also recorded.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F6613B27-D954-4E4C-86CB-9FC5E9624334  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):737-768
A list of newly collected and identified oribatids from Kenya is presented, two of them represent new genera; Sceletoppia gen. nov. (Oppiidae) and Mahnertozetes gen. nov. (Haplozetidae). Twelve species, belonging to the families Steganacaridae, Lohmanniidae, Tetracondylidae, Microzetidae, Zetomotrichidae and Galumnidae are new to science. Taxonomical notes on two other species are given.  相似文献   

The caprellids of shallow-water localities from the Mexican Central Pacific coast are investigated. The Mexican Pacific coast is poorly known, unlike more northern sites such as the California coast where c. 40 species have been reported. Hence, this is the first study dealing with the caprellidean fauna of this area. Seven species in three genera were found (four of which are new to science): Aciconula acanthosoma Chess, 1989; Caprella equilibra Say, 1818; Caprella mendax Mayer, 1903; Caprella pitu sp. nov.; Liropus isabelensis sp. nov.; Paracaprella carballoi sp. nov.; and Paracaprella isabelae sp. nov. All the species are fully illustrated.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B04D3837-E7E1-4DA5-A8ED-28CA7BF1E1AF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):2521-2545
Two new species, Metharpinia dentiurosoma and Metharpinia grandirama, belonging to the family Phoxocephalidae are described and illustrated from the Argentine Sea. Both taxa were collected dredging at different depths and the grain size of the sediment was determined for each sampling station. The new species share character states with Metharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 and Microphoxus Barnard, 1960, and their assignation to the first genus is discussed. Metharpinia dentiurosoma and Metharpinia grandirama are distinguished from the other known species of the genus by the dorsal hook on urosomite 3; in addition, the first species is characterized by its epimeron 3 and the second species by its uropod 2.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1101-1110
The genus Haustorius is represented by six species in the world; three are described as American species, three European including a new species described from the Mediterranean. This new species, H. orientalis, is similar to H. algeriensis Mulot, from the Algerian coast but differs in rostrum slightly exceeding in length the antennal lobes, merus of pereiopod 7 with posterior margin lacking spines, and uropod 1 with two separate rows of spines.  相似文献   


Luisacaprella eliae gen. nov, sp. nov. (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidae) is described bwct ased on specimens collected from Kiribati, Pacific Ocean. The new genus is close to Aciconula but can be mainly distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) pereonites 6 and 7 are fused in Luisacaprella gen. nov. while they are separated in Aciconula; (2) the setal formula of mandibular palp is 2-x-1 in Luisacaprella and 1-x-1 in Aciconula; (3) pereopods 3 and 4 are two-articulate in males and females of Luisacaprella, whereas there is sexual dimorphism in Aciconula, and males have pereopods 3 and 4 two-articulate while females have pereopod 3 two- or three-articulate and pereopod 4 four-articulate. The new species L. eliae is additionally characterised by its tiny size (<3 mm). The new taxon was collected from dead branching coral of shallow waters (3–32 m). Further studies targeting small caprellids which could easily be overlooked from substrates such as sediments and dead corals are needed to properly understand the global caprellid diversity of tropical and temperate areas.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1F5A24BE-A7AC-4D3C-A087-F7284F84A2DC  相似文献   

The present study reviews the taxonomy of the Phtisicidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the coast of New South Wales, Australia. The following seven species are described; Dodecas decacentrum Stebbing, 1910b, Dodecas hexacentrum Mayer, 1903, Hircella cornigera (Haswell, 1879b), Metaproto novaehollandiae (Haswell, 1879a), Notoprotomima smithi gen. nov., sp. nov., Paraproto sp. and Perotripus sp. Generic diagnoses of Notoprotomima gen. nov., Dodecas, Hircella and Metaproto are provided based on the present materials. Notoprotomima smithi is fully described as a new species of the new genus. Dodecas decacentrum differs from Dodecas hexacentrum by the presence of paired dorsodistal projections on pereonite 2, paired mid-dorsal projections on pereonites 3 and 4 and shorter gill length on pereonites 2 and 3. Hircella cornigera and Metaproto novaehollandiae are described in detail. The larger mature males of M. novaehollandiae possess the unusual massive type of the propodus of gnathopod 2. The extended distribution of Perotripus to the New South Wales coast is noted. A key for these phtisicid amphipods from New South Wales, Australia is provided.  相似文献   

Three new aorid amphipod species from Tasmanian kelp holdfasts are described: Microdeutopus varietensis sp. nov., Lembos clematis sp. nov. and L. verrucularum sp. nov. Strong sub-ocular regression of the head is a usual feature of the genus Microdeutopus and is shown by M. varietensis. It is not, however, typical of the other known Australian/NewZealand Microdeutopus species (M. haswelli and M. apopo). The Tasmanian Lembos species (L. chiltoni, L. clematis and L. verrucularum) are not known from New Zealand, where the genus is represented by L. pertinax, L. acherontis and L. hippocrenes. The Tasmanian Lembos species display the condition of the mandibular palp that typifies the genus, that is, article 3 longer than article 2 (cf. the New Zealand species which display the reverse, unusual, condition).  相似文献   

The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Eriopisa complex (Amphipoda: Melitidae) has proven to be highly controversial (Stock, 1980; Karaman, 1984; Stock and Sanchez, 1987). A new species of Eriopisa from beach interstitia in Venezuela leads us to reconsider a revision of the Eriopisa complex. We present a phylogenetic analysis based on morphology and comment on the issues of morphological continuity among genera of the Eriopisa complex.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1429-1455
The Atlantic and Mediterranean species of the genus Andaniexis Stebbing, 1906 (Amphipoda: Stegocephalidae) are reviewed, and three new species are described. The species Andaniexis abyssi (Boeck, 1871) which previously was considered a widely distributed species (from Baffin Bay to both Spitzbergen and the Skagerrak), is here divided into three species: Andaniexis abyssi s.str., Andaniexis gracilis n.sp. and Andaniexis lupus n.sp. These species, together with Andaniexis mimonectes Ruffo, 1975, all have allopatric distributions. This is especially evident in northern Norway, where A. abyssi has its northernmost limit: A. abyssi is found in Solbergfjorden (69°10′N), while Andaniexis lupus is found in the adjacent fjord Malangen (69°30′N, the southern limit of this species along the Norwegian coast). Andaniexis eilae n.sp. is described from Iceland. This species is not closely related to the other North Atlantic species of the same genus.  相似文献   

A new deep-sea species of amphipod collected at a depth of 1317 m from the soft bottom of the Bay of Campeche, SW Gulf of Mexico, is herein described. The sediment included a high proportion of silt and organic carbon. The specimen examined in this study was collected during the Oceanographic Expedition Xcambó-4, along the Bay of Campeche, aboard the RV Justo Sierra. The new species represents the sixteenth known species of the genus Psammogammarus worldwide. This new species is the second Psammogammarus recorded from the deep sea, and the first record of the genus for the Gulf of Mexico. Identification keys to males and females of Psammogammarus species are provided. Psammogammarus barrerai sp. nov. is characterised by head with anteroventral notch present; gnathopods 1 and 2 palmar margins oblique, and basis of pereopod 7 forming a wide serrated posterior lobe.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C843777B-FF15-4AEC-B046-6513A96A9BFF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1319-1339
The diagnostic characters of the cavernicolous genus Spelaeoblatta Bolívar, 1897, previously known only from a female, are given based on the male of S. thamfaranga n. sp. from Thailand. Nocticola adebratti n. sp. from Sabah is described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):2303-2368
Seventeen species of gammaridean amphipods were identified from sediment trap collections in the north-east Pacific, off the central California coast from depths of 3450–4050 m. Four new monotypic genera, Anisocallisoma (Family Scopelocheiridae), Triquetramana (Family Eusiridae), Octomana and Macroarthrus (Family Pardaliscidae) and eight new species, Cyphocaris latirama, Schisturella spinirama, Paracallisoma spinipoda, Anisocallisoma armigera, Triquetramana brevipalpa, Octomana hadromischa, Macroarthrus victoriae, Oedicerina denticulata are described. A number of new and unusual morphological characteristics were discovered, most notably in the family Pardaliscidae, where two of the new genera belong. In addition, new distributional and/or depth records are established for the following species: Procyphocaris indurata (K. H. Barnard, 1925), Scopelocheiropsis abyssalis Schellenberg, 1926a, Rhachotropis distincta (Holmes, 1908), Cleonardo biscayensis Chevreux, 1908b, Cleonardo macrocephala Birstein and Vinogradov, 1955, Pardaliscopsis tenuipalpa Chevreux, 1911, Halice aculeata Chevreux, 1912 and the genus Oedicerina Stephensen, 1931. In order to assist future identification, the new species are fully diagnosed and illustrated. Three tables for comparing characters and a key to the species of Oedicerina are also provided. Additional morphological information and figures are given for existing species that hitherto were poorly described and illustrated. Sediment traps normally employed in studying organic matter fluxes are herewith used for the first time as a source of deep-sea amphipods, and this potentially exciting method is discussed. The high proportion of new taxa illustrates the deficiencies in our knowledge of the abyssal fauna in this area, emphasizes the importance of continued collecting in the deep-sea, and demonstrates the need for increased taxonomic effort to document this diversity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2427-2457
The species formerly classified in the genus Afidentula Kapur from New Guinea and Aru Islands are revised. As a result of detailed analysis of mouth parts and genital structures of the species, two new genera are proposed: monotypic Lalokia gen. nov. from Aru Islands and New Guinea, with Lalokia aruensis (Crotch) (comb. nov.), and Papuaepilachna gen. nov. from New Guinea including Papuaepilachna bivacana (Bielawski) (comb. nov.), P. kapuri (Bielawski) (comb. nov.), P. nasti (Bielawski) (comb. nov.), P. tenmana (Bielawski) (comb. nov.), P. watalai (Jadwiszczak) (comb. nov.) and P. wiebesi (Bielawski) (comb. nov.). All species are illustrated and an identification key to the species of Papuaepilachna is provided. A key to the genera of Epilachnini from New Guinea and Aru Islands is also provided. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F721B07F-CBF0-4516-853D-1FD434FE06F1  相似文献   

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