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Five new species and one new combination of marine flatworms belonging to the new genus, Maritigrella nov. gen. (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Euryleptidae) are presented here from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Additional records are given from Australia, Indonesia and the Republic of the Maldives.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Parafoxiphalus longicarpus, and a new species, Metharpinia protuberantis belonging to the family Phoxocephalidae, are described from the Argentine Sea. Both taxa were collected from sandy substrata in the intertidal and subtidal regions. Parafoxiphalus longicarpus is related to Foxiphalus Barnard, 1979 and they share many characters, most of them in plesiomorphic condition. Metharpinia protuberantis is an intermediate species between Metharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 and Microphoxus Barnard, 1960, and its assignation to the first genus is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1259-1290
Monocotyle is revised and three new species are proposed. Monocotyle corali sp. nov. is described from the gills of the cowtail ray, Pastinachus sephen (Forsskål) (Dasyatididae), and is distinguished from other members of Monocotyle by the large hamuli with a distinct tail on the guard and by the male copulatory organ with three loops and a wing-like accessory piece at the distal end. Monocotyle jordani sp. nov. from the gills of the southern eagle ray, Myliobatis australis Macleay (Myliobatididae), is differentiated by the male copulatory organ with a large, unique accessory piece. Monocotyle youngi sp. nov., from the gills of Himantura fai Jordan and Seale (Dasyatididae), has marginal haptoral papillae armed with 12 to 15 sclerites, a male copulatory organ with 20 loops and a unique accessory piece at the distal end. Monocotyle trygoni (Venkatanarsaiah and Kulkarni, 1980) Timofeeva, 1985 is synonymized with M. spirophallus Tripathi, 1959 and M. spirophallus is redescribed fully. There are now 16 valid species of Monocotyle and a key to species is presented. Additional data and illustrations of important taxonomic characters are provided. The developmental sequence of the male copulatory organ of M. spiremae Measures, Beverley-Burton and Williams, 1990 from juvenile to adult is described. The anterior glands and the type of secretion they contain are also documented for several species of Monocotyle.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1085-1089
A new monotypic genus, Sindheres, is established to accommodate a new species, S. karachiensis, of pinnotherid crab from the northern Arabian Sea. The new genus resembles Nepinnotheres Manning, 1993 in having the dactylus of the third maxilliped inserted near the mid-length of the ventral margin of the propodus but it differs in having a sub-hexagonal carapace.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1731-1741
This paper describes two new species, each consisting of two subspecies, of protandric, octothecal pheretimoid earthworms from Taiwan. They are Metaphire paiwanna sp. nov. typica, Metaphire paiwanna var. liliumfordiI subsp. nov., Metaphire bununa sp. nov. typica and Metaphire bununa var. glareosus subsp. nov. The var. typica of both new species occurred on the west side of the Central Mountain Range, whereas the subspecies, liliumfordi and glareosus, occurred on the east side of the range. Apparently, the Central Mountain Range constitutes a geographical barrier for isolation and subspeciation. Metaphire paiwanna has a male disc medial to male pore (opening of copulatory pouch) with a horizontal ridge, the character shared by holandric and sexthecal Amynthas swanus (Tsai) of Taiwan and Metaphire aggera (Kobayashi) of Korea and Manchuria, whereas M. bununa resembles more closely holandric, octothecal Metaphire riukiuensis (Ohfuchi) of the Riukiu Islands than protandric, octothecal Metaphire stephensoni (Michaelsen) of Indochina.  相似文献   

Details are presented of earthworm collections from Jamaica. Eleven species are reported, eight being new records of which two are new species, to bring the total number of species known from the island to 16 and the number of families represented to six. The geographical affinities of each species and its faunal status are summarized. The new species are members of the genus Eutrigaster Cognetti (Octochaetidae) whose validity is reviewed; a table is provided for the identification of the 11 Central American and Caribbean species currently included in the genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1401-1406
A helminthological investigation was carried out on the lacertid lizard, Gallotia atlantica (Peters and Doria, 1882) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Spain). One hundred and three digenean trematodes were found in the small intestine. Based on morphological and morphometric analysis of 35 specimens, it is concluded to be a new species which is here named Pseudoparadistomum yaizaensis gen. et sp. nov. referring to the locality where the hosts were caught. Pseudoparadistomum n.g. most closely resembles members of Paradistomum and Paradistomoidella, but is characterized by a V-shaped excretory vesicle, a spined tegument, and the position of the ovary relative to the testes.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1265-1372
The genus Pandalus Leach, 1814, is revised based upon the abundant material from collections in various museums or institutions in the world. Altogether 20 species are recognized which appear to form five groups. Nineteen species are recognized in Pandalus, three of which are described as new: P. curvatus from southern Japan, and P. chani and P. formosanus from Taiwan. Four informal species groups are also recognized within the genus: P. montagui group (P. montagui Leach, 1814; P. borealis Krøyer, 1838; P. goniuruStimpson, 1860; P. jordani Rathbun, 1902; P. tridens Rathbun, 1902; and P. eous Makarov, 1935); P. stenolepis group (P. stenolepis Rathbun, 1902; P. curvatus sp. nov.); P. hypsinotus group (P. hypsinotus Brandt, 1851; P. danae Stimpson, 1857; P. prensor Stimpson, 1860; P. gracilis Stimpson, 1860; P. gurneyi Stimpson, 1871; P. nipponensis Yokoya, 1933; P. teraoi Kubo, 1937; P. chani sp. nov.; and P. formosanus sp. nov.); and P. platyceros group (P. platyceros Brandt, 1851; and P. latirostris Rathbun, 1902). The P. platyceros group appears to be most closely related to the genus Pandalopsis Bate, 1888, but Pandalus is retained as a possible paraphyletic group. Protandrous hermaphroditism is known in all but two species of the genus (P. curvatus and P. formosanus), for which only specimens of either male or female have been available. Pandalus propinqvus G. O. Sars, 1870, is transferred to a new monotypic genus Atlantopandalus, because of its lack of hermaphroditism and possession of some unique morphological characters, including one indicating a close relationsip to Dichelopandalus Caullery, 1896. All species are fully described and illustrated. The affinities and important morphological variations of the species are discussed. A key for adults is presented for the identification of the species. Biogeography of the genus is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Five species of the hermit crab genus Paguristes Dana, 1851, initially reported by Ortmann (1892) from Japan, are revised based on the materials reported by Ortmann (1892), Doflein (1902), Balss (1913) and Miyake (1978), and on newly collected specimens. The specific status of P. palythophilus Ortmann, 1892, is clarified, and a species confused with P. palythophilus is described as new, P. albimaculatus. It has been revealed that P. kagoshimensis Ortmann, 1892, is actually a junior subjective synonym of P. digitalis Stimpson, 1858. The species heretofore assigned to P. kagoshimensis is described as new, P. versus. It has been confirmed that Paguristes acanthomerus Ortmann, 1892, is a valid species and that P. barbatus sensu Ortmann, 1892, is the same species as P. ortmanni Miyake, 1978. Further, a new species, P. doederleini, is described for P. setosus sensu Ortmann, 1892. It is also shown that a part of the group of specimens identified as Paguristes puniceus by Miyake (1978) is referable to P. doederleini. In addition to the three new species recognized herein, the four previously described species are also redescribed in detail in order to make clear their taxonomic status.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1767-1780
Three species of Nematomorpha were found in a survey of the ground beetles of Scottish agricultural land, Gordionus violaceus (Baird) and two undescribed new species, G. linourgos sp. nov. and G. diligens sp. nov. The morphology of all three species is studied with the aid of SEM, and the characteristics of the cuticle and the male terminal lobes described in detail. All species were found to be parasitic in ground beetles of the family Carabidae, in nine different species (Nebria brevicollis (Fabricius), Harpalus latus (Linnaeus), four species of Pterostichus, and three species of Calathus). Gordionus violaceus is also reported to be a parasite of the spider Arctosa alpigena (Lycosidae). Up to four specimens were found in the same host, typically one adult and several juvenile forms. Parasitized hosts had severe alterations of their reproductive, digestive and secretory systems. The three species of Gordionus were mostly found in grasslands and coniferous forest, most abundantly in June and July.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1239-1260
Three new species of oribatid mites belonging to the genus Liebstadia are described from Mongolia. The new species are characterized by the poorly developed pteromorphae; the club-shaped head of the sensilli; the absence of the dorsosejugal suture; the dorso-ventral thickness, and the length and arrangement of notogastral setae. In addition, L. similis (Michael, 1888) is redescribed and recorded for the first time in Mongolia. Protoribates serratomarginatus Mahunka, 1983 is synonymized with L. similis. A key to the known species of the genus Liebstadia is given.  相似文献   

A new genus of Dytiscidae, Borneodessus gen. n., is described for Borneodessus zetteli zetteli sp. n. (Sabah, East Malaysia) and Borneodessus zetteli kalimantanensis ssp. n. (East Kalimantan, Indonesia). The new genus belongs to the tribe Bidessini because of the presence of two-segmented parameres of the aedeagus. A modified male clypeus is an apomorphy for Borneodessus zetteli. The species habitually resembles some species of Africodytes Biström, 1988 (Africa), Amarodytes Régimbart, 1900 (South America), and some Clypeodytes Régimbart, 1894 (Old World tropics). However, a sister group relation or closer affinities to any of the genera of Bidessini could not be established. Borneodessus is so far the first genus of Dytiscidae which is endemic to Borneo, but we suggest a certain probability of its occurrence in other Sundaic areas. The species is a rheobiont, being collected from forest streams. We briefly address biogeographical aspects and provide a checklist of Bornean Dytiscidae, indicating the currently known degree of endemism.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):2103-2126
Three new species of Heterosignum are described from Japan. Heterosignum elegans sp. nov. differs from its congeners in having stout preorbital lobes on the head, very long lateral spine-like processes and eyestalks, and very long article 2 of male pleopod 2. Heterosignum ohtsukai sp. nov. is distinctive in having a marked stout mid-dorsal spine on the head, long mid-dorsal spines on the pereonites, and article 2 of antenna 1 with a distolateral protrusion. Heterosignum otsuchiensis sp. nov. has single lateral spine-like processes on pereonites 1-7 as in H. ohtsukai, but is distinguished from it in having short mid-dorsal spines on pereonites 1-7 and long basis of pereopod 1. Heterosignum mutsuensis Gamô, 1976 is redescribed using newly collected specimens. Coulmannia unicornis Kensley, 1976 is assigned to Heterosignum after careful examination of the types. The diagnosis of Heterosignum is emended to include all the five species so far recorded.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1091-1154
The species of the Holarctic jumping spider genus Talavera are reviewed. Five new species are described: Talavera ikedai sp. n. (¦ §) from Japan and Korea; T. krocha sp. n. (¦ §) from France, Ukraine and Kyrghyzstan; T. parvistyla sp. n. (¦ §) from central and northern Europe; T. sharlaa sp. n. (§) from Tuva; and T. tuvensis sp. n. (¦) from Tuva. A lectotype is designated for Euophrys monticola Kulczy ` ski, 1884. A key to the 14 species now encompassed in this genus, and distributional maps, are provided for all of them. Arguments are given for placing the names Euophrys poecilopus Thorell, 1873 and Attus westringi Simon, 1868 as nomina dubia. Talavera aperta Miller, 1971 is removed from synonymy with both Talavera monticola (Kulczy ` ski, 1884) and Talavera thorelli (Kulczy ` ski, 1891).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1603-1638
The taxonomy of the Caridina serrata species group (Caridea: Atyidae) is revised. Neotypes of C. serrata Stimpson, 1860, and C. cantonensis Yu, 1938, are designated. Additional information on Caridina sphyrapoda Liang and Zhou, 1993 is provided. Five new species of the Caridina serrata species group are described, namely Caridina nanaoensis from Guangdong Province, C. apodosis from Hong Kong, and C. yulinica, C. wumingensis and C. mutata from Guangxi Province, all in southern China. A key to all members of the species group is included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1639-1660
Three new species of Pseudohaliotrema Yamaguti, 1953 were collected from two Siganus species caught off Singapore. They are Pseudohaliotrema virgata n. sp. and P. molnari n. sp. from Siganus virgatus and P. falcata n. sp. from S. guttatus. They differ in the shape and size of both the body and haptoral sclerites and in the morphology of the male organ (modified copulatory organ). Pseudohaliotrema species from siganids are characterized by having a large prominent vaginal pouch, an eversible spermatophore transfer tube associated with the vaginal pouch, ovoid spermatophores (in mature worms), a male organ adapted for spermatophore formation, a large prostatic reservoir, and a testis and ovary arranged side by side. Pseudohaliotrema plectocirra Paperna, 1972 is re-assigned as Tetrancistrum plectocirra (Paperna, 1972) n. comb. Pseudohaliotrema species from non-siganid fish do not possess these characteristics and belong elsewhere. The generic diagnosis of Pseudohaliotrema is amended. Pseudohaliotrema species use a spermatophore for sperm transfer, which is documented in detail for P. virgata n. sp. The same reproductive strategy is used by P. molnari n. sp. and P. falcata n. sp., as indicated by the presence of spermatophores on the spermatophore transfer tube and inside the vaginal pouch. The presence of individuals exchanging spermatophores indicates that P. sphincteroporus Yamaguti, 1953 and P. sigani Yamaguti, 1953 also employ the same mechanism. The spermatophore, assembled in the sclerotized male organ and stored in the spermatophore chamber, is retrieved by the eversible spermatophore transfer tube (housed within the vaginal pouch) and drawn into the vaginal pouch as the spermatophore transfer tube invaginates. Within the vaginal pouch, the wall of the spermatophore disintegrates releasing spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The Geometrine genus Metallolophia is revised. In addition to the 11 species known, five new species are described as new. All the known species are redescribed and lectotypes are designated for M. opalina (Warren), M. arenaria (Leech) and M. danielaria (Oberthür) (=M. arenaria (Leech)). The male of M. ocellata (Warren) and the females of M. medullosa Inoue and M. devecisi Herbulot are described for the first time. The generic characters based on all species are summarized and a key to all taxa is given. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented. The new and revised taxa are: Metallolophia purpurivenata sp. nov., Metallolophia cuneataria sp. nov., Metallolophia inanularia sp. nov., Metallolophia flavomaculata sp. nov., Metallolophia stueningi sp. nov. and Metallolophia ostrumaria Xue, syn. nov. (of Metallolophia albescens Inoue).  相似文献   

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