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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1507-1516
Thrybius togashii Kusigemati is found to be an ectoparasitoid of larvae of a phytophagous eurytomid, Tetramesa sp. (Hymenoptera), growing gregariously in internodal cavities of reeds (Phragmites japonica Steud.), in Japan. The female of T. togashii oviposits into reed canes and its predaceous larva consumes almost all eurytomid larvae in an internodal cavity. This species is bivoltine. The mode of parasitism of this species is unique in some respects. First, when the female oviposits, no food resources are available in the reed. Second, the parasitoid allows part of the host larvae to grow and exploits increasing food resources. The egg, pupa and first to final instar larvae and adult male are described and figured for the first time. Colour dimorphism in both sexes and adult morphology adapted to habitat and ovipositional substrate are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1275-1294
The new gregarious parasitoid Meteorus acerbiavorus sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) was reared from the cocoons of Acerbia alpina (Quensel) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) in north-western Finnish Lapland. This species belongs to Meteorus rubens (Nees) species group and differs from the most related M. rubens in the following features: the eyes densely setose; the median lobe of the mesoscutum, scutellum, mesopleuron, and the hind coxa entirely or at least partly rugulose-granulate or rugose-areolate and sometimes with granulation; the ovipositor subapically with distinct dorsal node; the ventral borders of the first metasomal tergum weakly separated by narrow space in its basal half; the colour of the body and legs mostly or entirely dark; the fore wing more or less darkened. Phylogenetic relationships among several Meteorus species close to M. rubens including new M. acerbiavorus were investigated based on DNA sequence fragments of the mitochondrial COI and the nuclear 28S rDNA genes. The discussions on the species groups of Meteorus, on distribution of Acerbia alpina in the Holarctic and on its known parasitoids are presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1283-1305
The biology and morphology of the early larval instars of Minotetrastichus frontalis (Nees) are redescribed and the morphology of the preimaginal stages of Chrysocharis laomedon (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) are described in detail for the first time. Both species are larval-pupal parasitoids of Phyllonorycter issikii (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), which is associated with Tilia sp. The female of M. frontalis lays her egg beside the host larva and the newly hatched first instar larva moves and has to find the host larva. The larva of P. issikii tries to continue its feeding but never pupates after paralysis. The female of C. laomedon lays its egg inside the cuticle of the larva of P. issikii, but the newly hatched parasitoid larva vacates the host larva and develops externally on its surface as an ectoparasitoid. Such behaviour might be facilitated by the constant temperature and humidity inside the mine. Some peculiarities of parasitoid–host relationships are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Ptilinus fuscus (Anobiidae) was confirmed as the host species of Pelecotoma fennica (Rhipiphoridae, Pelecotominae). Females of Pelecotoma oviposit into the wood infested by the host larvae. First-instar larvae are elongate, unsclerotized, very different from the triungulinid larvae known in other rhipiphorids. They search actively for the host larvae in the wood; no phoresy is involved in the life cycle. The first-instar larvae temporarily paralyse the host larva and enter its body, overwintering (some perhaps more than once) as an endoparasite. In the spring of the year of emergence, the endoparasite engorges enormously (without moulting) and develops a special sclerotized caudal structure which is then used for perforation of the host's integument. The larva undergoes a further four ectoparasitic instars. The fifth (i.e. fourth ectoparasitic) instar differs considerably from the preceding three, and is capable of boring through the wood to prepare the emergence gallery for the adult. Pupation occurs in the wood. The rate of parasitization may locally far exceed 50%. Superparasitization by the first-instar larvae is possible, but usually only 1 larva survives to the ectoparasitic stage. Larval morphology of Pelecotoma is described and illustrated. Additional data on bionomics and larval morphology are also presented for the genus Metoecus (Rhipiphorinae). Comparing the biology and larval morphology of Pelecotoma with other Rhipiphoridae, it is assumed that ancestral rhipiphorids may have been xylophilous Tenebrionoidea with predaceous or omnivorous larvae, and that the ‘triungulinid’ larvae and phoretic habits may not belong to the groundplan of the family Rhipiphoridae. The widespread opinion considering Rhipiphoridae closely related to the family Mordellidae is questioned.  相似文献   

Nest structure, morphology of all stages and behaviour have contributed to the phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of social vespids. Two aerial nests of Dolichovespula intermedia were discovered in China. The morphology of the three castes, the five larval instars, and the nest structure of D. intermedia Birula, are described in detail and illustrated. The presence of only one campaniform sensillum above each labial palp and the dense minute spicules on the posterior gena found in D. intermedia larvae are mentioned here for the first time for Dolichovespula. The identification characters between D. intermedia and Dolichovespula sylvestris are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2677-2689
Before 1989 all braconid wasps were thought to be parasitoids, but in that year the first phytophagous species was reported. Subsequently, a few other examples of phytophagy have been discovered, most of which are species of Allorhogas in the subfamily Doryctinae. Until now, all demonstrated examples of phytophagy in this genus have been as gall inducers in the fruits of Fabaceae. Here we describe a new species from Costa Rica, Allorhogas conostegia Marsh and Shaw, and provide evidence that it forms galls in the fruits of Conostegia xalapensis (Melastomataceae). We also provide information on the phenology of the plant and of the galls and the effects of the galls on the host plant, and we discuss the potential species richness of Allorhogas in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

The complex of parasitoids attacking larval stages of Epermenia chaerophyllella in Britain is outlined, and the host range of each of the species recorded (three braconids and four ichneumonids) is discussed. ‘Ecological’ factors, such as the behavioural similarity of unrelated hosts during the vulnerable parts of their life histories, seem to have been important in the evolution of the host associations of several of these parasitoids, even though they are koinobionts. A new species, Triclistus epermeniae Shaw and Aeschlimann, is described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1377-1389
A key to the females of Neodohrniphora Malloch is provided. A species referred to as Apocephalus sp. by Eibl-Eibesfeldt and Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1967) is assigned to N. attae sp. nov., and to a newly designated subgenus Eibesfeldtphora for the N. curvinervis (Malloch) group of species. Neodohrniphora frontalis (Curran) is confirmed as a synonym of N. (E). curvinervis. The paratype of N. (N.) acromyrmecis Borgmeier differs from the lectotype, and is reassigned to N. (N.) similis Prado. A new subgenus, Wallerphora, is designated for N. (W.) mexicanae sp. nov. from Mexico.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1047-1087
A comparative morphological study was made of the final-instar larval stage of 33 species of grass-inhabiting Eurytomidae belonging to four genera: Eurytoma Illiger, Tetramesa Walker, Sycophila Walker and Ahtola Claridge. Emphasis was placed upon chaetotaxy and mandibular structure. The final-instar larvae of the species are described, those of 26 species for the first time, and diagnostic characters and keys to genera and species are provided. Information, including new rearing records, is given on the larval biology of each eurytomid species, together with comments on the adult taxonomy of certain species.  相似文献   


The known biology of Adelognathus, including new findings, is summarized. An illustrated key is given to the 15 species found in the British Isles. One species, A. stelfoxi, is described as new.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the genus Ooencyrtus Ashmead is described. Ooencyrtus marcelloi sp. nov. has been reared from eggs of Heliconiini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) collected in Panama on Passiflora spp. The new species is compared with its closest Ooencyrtus species, i.e. O. caligo Noyes, O. neustriae Mercet, O. flavipes (Timberlake), O. camerounensis (Risbec), O. endymion Huang and Noyes and Ooencyrtus sp. “undet. C.” (from India). This represents the second record of Ooencyrtus from Heliconinae and the first record of this genus from Panama.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):2759-2778
The phylogeny of the disjunct pantropical Camptotypus genus-group (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) was reconstructed using 40 morphological characters.The monophyly of many established genera (Parvipimpla, Clydonium, Odontopimpla) was found to be supported, but Hemipimpla was found to nest within Camptotypus and has thus been treated as a junior synonym of it (syn. n.). A group of undescribed Neotropical species were found to form a separate monophyletic group, herein referred to as Genus A. Species of the Neotropical genus Zonopimpla formed a basal paraphyletic grade which could not satisfactorily be resolved into discrete monophyletic units. Rather than subsuming all the more derived genera within one large group, or attempting to erect numerous new and probably ephemeral genera (for isolated species of Zonopimpla), we propose the retention of this grade-group as a separate genus at present. The host utilization patterns of the genus-group, and the biogeography of the genus-group are discussed. The group is hypothesized as having originated and radiated in the Neotropics, as ectoparasitoids of weakly concealed lepidopterous hosts. One lineage, Clydonium, has become specialized at attacking hosts in woody galls where it utilizes coleopterous as well as lepidopterous hosts. The Old World genera (Camptotypus and Parvipimpla) comprise a monophyletic group and are suggested to have originated from a single dispersal event across the widening Atlantic. No evidence for either a southern or northern circum-polar dispersal was observed in this entirely tropical genus-group. One lineage in the Afrotropical region has switched from attacking lepidopterous hosts, to attacking pre-pupal and pupal polistine vespids.  相似文献   

A new species of Agriotypus Curtis, viz., Agriotypus kambaitensis is described from Burma and the Japanese species, A. gracilis Waterson is redescribed. A key to distinguish the known species of Agriotypus is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1587-1605
Five genera of Eunotinae are included in this paper. Ophelosia, Moranila, Cephaleta, Eunotus are reviewed and a new genus Cavitas is described. Four new species, Cavitas concava sp. nov., Eunotus applanatus sp. nov., E. strenus sp. nov. and E. aequalivenus sp. nov. are described. The type specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1319-1325
The biology and immature stages of Pagyris ulla (Hewitson, [1857]) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Ithomiini) are described for the first time. The species’ host plant is established to be Brugmansia candida Pers. (Solanaceae). The life cycle from eggs to adult under laboratory conditions and ambient temperature took approximately 47 days, and the larvae passed through five instars. The larvae are gregarious, feed at night, and rest during the day in nests made by joining leaves near the apex of the plant stem.  相似文献   

Five tribes of the braconid subfamily Agathidinae are recognized, viz. Agathidini (Blanchard), Cremnoptini (new tribe), Disophrini (new tribe), Earinini (new tribe), and Microdini (Ashmead). Phylogenetic relationships of the tribes are proposed and the phylogenetic placement of the Agathidinae within the Braconidae is discussed. Keys to, and diagnoses of, the tribes are presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1311-1329
Three new genera and four new species of Banchinae are described from Central and South America: Terrylee gen. n., is described from Peru and Honduras to accommodate Terrylee olearius sp. n. and Terrylee peruensis sp. n. (type species: Terrylee peruensis sp. n.); Valdiviglypta gen. n. and Pristiboea gen. n. are described from Chile (type species: Valdiviglypta nimbus sp. n. and Pristiboea leiomano sp. n.). Terrylee and Pristiboea are placed in the tribe Atrophini, Valdiviglypta tentatively in the tribe Glyptini. All the three new genera are morphologically very distinctive and two have such character suites that they may not immediately be recognizable as banchines. By describing these three Neotropical genera from Chile, Honduras and Peru we aim to draw further attention to the considerable morphological variation within the ichneumonid subfamily Banchinae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1325-1337
The pre-overwintering nest structure and the immature stages of the hornet Vespa fumida van der Vecht are for the first time reported. All three adult forms (queen, worker and drone) are briefly described. The eggs have many micropyles concentrated at the larger end of the egg. The mature larvae can be identified by having the ecdysial sulcus obliterated ventrally; the parietal band distinctly margined ventrally on the outer side; the palate with a median patch and a pair of dorsal patches; the collar processes of the spiracle long and thick, with many branches over almost all the surface. Morphology and distribution of the different types of sensilla (setae, conical papillae, campaniform sensilla, basiconic sensilla, etc.) and the spicules are illustrated in detail. Close relationship between the Vespa affinis-group and V. fumida previously suggested by adult morphology is briefly discussed in terms of the morphology of the mature larvae.  相似文献   

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