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通过对126根锈蚀钢筋进行拉伸试验,研究了蚀坑特征及其锈蚀后力学性能。研究发现,锈蚀钢筋最大名义屈服强度较标准试件提高了7.65%,伸长率下降最大可达52.94%;锈蚀钢筋拉伸试验后断口形态为锯齿式断口和劈裂式断口;蚀坑最大深度、宽度、长度分别不超过8,15,16mm,并且三者的对数值与质量锈蚀率呈线性关系,深宽比与质量锈蚀率呈指数关系。还建立了与深宽比均值相关的名义屈服强度的退化模型和计算模型。  相似文献   

镍基耐蚀合金扩散均匀化处理及组织性能演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于三维扩散理论,对所研制的Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu铸态合金的均匀化、固溶处理工艺的有效性,以及对其显微组织、力学性能和耐蚀性能的演变进行了试验研究.研究结果表明:手工电弧炉熔炼、真空感应炉熔炼和真空自耗电极炉熔炼得到比较粗大的铸态组织(分别为约20μm的胞状结构、间距80~100μm的粗大树枝晶和60~80μm的方向性树枝晶),经1 140~1 170℃,2.5 h的处理后,其胞状或枝晶组织消失、偏析组织达到均匀化.与铸态合金相比,固溶状态合金在4种典型介质中的耐蚀性都获得提高(15%~25%以上),硬度、强度提高近30%;在盐酸、混合酸和FeCl3溶液中Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu合金的耐蚀性比1Cr18Ni9Ti奥氏体不锈钢提高1~3个数量级.通过扩散方程傅里叶级数解的分析,导得适合该耐蚀合金固溶处理时间的半经验公式.  相似文献   

研究分别以Mg-Al-LDH,Zn-Cr-LDH和Mg-Cr-LDH为模板,海藻酸钠为前驱体在600℃下炭化制备的多孔炭发现,多孔炭的BET比表面积从173m2/g增加到497m2/g,而海藻酸钠自身炭化所得多孔炭的比表面积仅为95m2/g。电化学研究表明,以Mg-Cr-LDH为模板制备的多孔炭(PC—4)电极的循环伏安曲线图形更接近矩形,阴极和阳极过程基本对称;在恒电流充放电实验中,50mA/g的电流密度下PC—4电极的电容为92F/g且电流密度为500mA/g时充放电循环1000次后电容损失小于1%。比表面积、孔结构和电化学研究表明,海藻酸钠修饰LDH制备的多孔炭具有作为超级电容器电极材料的潜在价值。  相似文献   

利用层状双氢氧化物(LDH)合成原理,提出了即时合成LDH处理色素废水的新方法,并对其可行性进行了实验研究。文章探讨了初始质量浓度、pH值、Mg与Al摩尔比及温度对色素去除率的影响。结果表明,在常温下,最佳pH值为9.0,反应时间为2 h,Mg与Al摩尔比为3∶1,初始质量浓度在600 mg/L以下时,胭脂红的去除率可达到99%,效果显著。XRD、FT-IR、SEM对共沉淀产物的结构分析证实,即时合成的产物为LDH,Ponceau-4R插入LDH层间。  相似文献   

锡对灰铸铁组织性能及耐蚀性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了锡对灰铸铁显微组织、机械性能及耐蚀性的影响.结果表明:适量的锡可改善灰铸铁的基体组织,提高其强度和硬度;在质量分数为98%的H2SO4介质中含锡铸铁的耐蚀性能明显优于普通灰铸铁;锡的最佳质量分数范围是0.085%~0.180%.  相似文献   

稀土铈添加对Ni-Co-P化学镀层组织及耐蚀性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了稀土元素铈对化学镀Ni—Co—P镀层组织及耐蚀性的影响.结果表明,在化学镀Ni—Co—P基础液中添加适量稀土元素,可以改善镀液稳定性,提高沉积速度,细化镀层晶粒,降低合金镀层在5%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀电流,从而提高镀层的耐蚀性。  相似文献   

(Mg66.2Zn28.8Ca5)100?xCux (at%, x = 0, 1, 3, and 5) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) of 2 mm in diameter were prepared by the conventional copper mold injection casting method. Besides, the influence of Cu content on the microstructure, thermal stability, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of Mg-Zn-Ca BMGs was investigated. It is found that the addition of Cu decreases the glass-forming ability of Mg-Zn-Ca BMGs. Crystalline phases are precipitated at a higher Cu content, larger than 3at%. The compressive fracture strength of Mg-Zn-Ca BMGs is enhanced by the addition of Cu. With the formation of in-situ composites, the compressive strength of the Mg-Zn-Ca alloy with 3at% Cu reaches 979 MPa, which is the highest strength among the Mg-Zn-Ca alloys. Furthermore, the addition of Cu also results in the increase of corrosion potential and the decrease of corrosion current density in Mg-Zn-Ca BMGs, thereby delaying their biodegradability.  相似文献   

采用电沉积法在铜基底上沉积了NiCo/纳米SiO2复合镀层和NiCo合金镀层,用扫描电子显微镜、CHI660A电化学工作站及UMT-2M摩擦磨损测试机考查了镀层的表面形貌、磨损形貌、耐腐蚀性能及摩擦学性能.结果表明,纳米SiO2颗粒的加入抑制了NiCo晶体的增长,使得镀层中NiCo颗粒明显得到细化,镀层更加均匀致密;在相同的腐蚀和摩擦条件下,纳米复合镀层的耐蚀性、耐磨性能明显高于NiCo合金镀层;随着镀液中纳米颗粒悬浮量的增加,复合镀层的摩擦系数先降低后增大,当镀液中SiO2纳米颗粒含量为5 g/L时复合镀层的摩擦系数最小.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure MOCVD was used to deposit ZnO layers on sapphire and homoepitaxial template under different oxygen flow rates.Oxygen content affects the lattice constant value and texture coefficient of the films as evidenced by the θ-2θ peaks position and their intensity.Films deposited at lower oxygen flow rate possess higher value of strain and stresses.ZnO films deposited at high oxygen flow rates show intense UV emissions while samples prepared under oxygen deficient conditions exhibited defect related emission along with UV luminescence.The results are compared to the ZnO films deposited homoepitaxially on annealed ZnO samples.The data obtained suggest that ZnO stoichiometry is responsible for the structural and optical quality of ZnO films.  相似文献   

The early corrosion control of biomedical magnesium alloy is an important measure to determine its good performance during implantation into human body. The deposition of calcium phosphate biological coating is the most effective solution at present. In this paper, hydroxyapatite (HAP) coating was hydrothermal synthesized on the surface of AZ31B magnesium alloy, and the influence mechanism of hydrothermal synthesis temperature, time and solution concentration was investigated. The synthesis conditions and deposition mechanism of hydroxyapatite coating without DCPA (CaHPO4) were proposed. The surface morphology of the coating was observed by field emission electron scanning microscope (FESEM). The types and contents of microelements in the material were analyzed by energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to analyze the functional group information of the coating surface. The corrosion resistance of different experimental groups was studied by electrochemical test. The results showed that when the calcium phosphate solution concentration was 0.1 ?mol/L and the calcium/phosphorus ratio was 1.67, the coating had better morphology structure and corrosion resistance, and the calcium/phosphorus ratio of HAP crystals reached 1.58, the epit of the prepared AZ31B-HAP coating by bare metal increased from ?1.51 ?V to ?1.18 ?V, the impedance value reached 1.0 ?× ?105 ?Ω?cm2, and the early corrosion of magnesium alloy substrate was effectively delayed.  相似文献   

以十四酸根阴离子柱撑Zn-Al水滑石Zn0.77Al0.22(OH)2.0.22C13H27COO.0.81H2O(记为ZnAl-14A)为预撑前体,在水溶液中用离子交换法将以2:17缺位杂多酸根离子(P2Mo16VO61)11-(记为P Mo V)为配体的稀土杂多配阴离子Ce(P2Mo16VO61)219-(记为Ce(PMoV)2)插层组装到水滑石层板间,合成了1种具有大的层间距(3.37 nm)的超分子插层材料Zn0.77Al0.23(OH)2.0.0105[Ce(P1.9Mo15.7V1.1O61)2].0.029C13H27COO.0.87H2O(记为ZnAl-Ce(PMoV)2).用ICP,IR,XRD和DTA对产物的组成和结构进行了表征.结果表明,该产物中Ce(PMoV)2配阴离子沿其长轴垂直于层板的方向分布于水滑石层间;产物具有规整的层状结构、良好的结晶度和热稳定性;产物对乙酸与正丁醇的酯化反应,二甘醇的脱水-环化反应和H2O2氧化环已烷的反应有良好的催化性能,且易于回收重复使用.  相似文献   

化学镀Ni-Mo-P纳米晶镀层腐蚀性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过化学镀获得了混晶(非晶+微晶)和纳米晶态两种结构的Ni-Mo-P合金镀层,并将混晶态镀层进行晶化处理得到一种单相和一种双相的纳米晶镀层。通过阳极极化曲线分析了各镀层在5%H2SO4溶液的耐蚀性能并与Ni-P镀层进行对比,结果发现,镀态Ni-Mo-P纳米晶镀层的耐蚀性能优于镀态Ni-P纳米晶镀层;经退火处理后获得的两种纳米晶镀层的耐蚀性能比镀态混晶和纳米晶镀层均要好;同时还发现退火处理获得的Ni-Mo-P双相(Ni+Ni3P)纳米晶镀层与退火处理后获得的Ni-Mo-P单相(Ni)纳米晶镀层的耐蚀性能相当。  相似文献   

Nickel ferrite Ni Fe2O4 is a typical soft magnetic ferrite with high electrical resistivity used as high frequency magnetic material. Neodymium(Nd3+) doped Ni Fe2O4 materials were fabricated using solid state reaction. The properties of the obtained material were investigated by X-Ray Diffraction(XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy(FT-IR), magnetic measurements on SQUID and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. It was found that the material consists of two different phases: Nd3+doped Ni Fet2O4and Nd Fe O3. The Nd3 ions occupy cation sites of the Ni Fe2O4 inverse spinel structure. NdFeO3 phase occurred when the level of Nd3+atoms exceed a percolation limit.The presence of both phases was confirmed by SEM observations. The M?ssbauer spectra analysis showed two sextets, which can be ascribed to iron atoms in tetrahedral and octahedral positions. From their intensities it is concluded that Nd3+occupies octahedral sites in the spinel structure of Ni Fe2O4, which were originally occupied by Ni2+.  相似文献   

合金元素对316 LN 不锈钢的力学性能和点蚀性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了N、Cr、Mo和Ni四种合金元素含量的变化对核电主管道用固溶态316LN不锈钢的晶粒尺寸以及常规力学性能和点蚀性能的影响.随着N含量的升高,316LN的晶粒明显细化,其在固溶处理过程中晶粒长大趋势也减小. N含量的升高可改善316LN的力学性能和耐点蚀性能,但是当N质量分数达到0.20%时,其耐点蚀性能又开始变差.晶粒细化对316LN强度的影响远小于N含量对316LN强度的影响. Cr及Ni含量对316LN的晶粒尺寸及抗拉强度、屈服强度等力学性能影响不大;Cr含量增加可轻微改善316LN的抗点蚀能力,Ni元素对316LN的耐点蚀性能影响不大,但可增大钝态的腐蚀速度从而不利于钝化膜的稳定.随Mo含量增加,316LN的晶粒尺寸略有减小,强度增大,延伸率显著降低,耐点蚀能力改善.  相似文献   

The mechanical and physical properties of concrete specimens obtained from replacing natural coarse aggregate with waste vehicle rubber tires at levels of 2vol%, 5vol%, 7vol%, and 10vol% were studied, and the corrosion behavior of reinforcing steels was investigated in these specimens. Corrosion rates were determined by measuring the galvanic current between steel-reinforced concrete specimens both with and without chloride addition. The change in electrode potential of reinforcing steels in these concrete specimens was measured daily for a period of 60 d in accordance with the testing method in ASTM C876. The results show that the use of waste vehicle tires in concrete instead of coarse aggregate decreases the mechanical strength of the specimens, and increases the corrosion rates of the reinforcing steels embedded in the concretes.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of intercalation chemistry of layered double hydroxides (LDHs), RhCI(CO)(TPPTS)2 (TPPTS: P(m-C6H4SO3Na)3) and TPPTS co-intercalated LDHs were successfully synthesized by in situ complexation method. Characterizations of structure and composition of composite materials by powder XRD, FT-IR, and ICP-AES techniques confirmed the supramolecular structures of the catalytic species intercalated LDHs. The correlation between catalytic performance of intercalated catalyst and the composition of both host layers and interlayer guest species was also investigated.  相似文献   

The wear resistance of iron (Fe)-matrix materials could be improved through the in situ formation of vanadium carbide particles (VCp) with high hardness. However, brittleness and low impact toughness limit their application in several industries due to addition of higher carbon content. Carbon-partitioning treatment plays an important role in tuning the microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ VCp-reinforced Fe-matrix composite. In this study, the influences of carbon-partitioning temperatures and times on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and wear resistance of in situ VCp-reinforced Fe-matrix composite were investigated. The experimental results indicated that a certain amount of retained austenite could be stabilized at room temperature through the carbon-partitioning treatment. Microhardness of in situ VCp-reinforced Fe-matrix composite under carbon-partitioning treatment could be decreased, but impact toughness was improved accordingly when wear resistance was enhanced. In addition, the enhancement of wear resistance could be attributed to transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) effect, and phase transformation was caused from γ-Fe (face-centered cubic structure, fcc) to α-Fe (body-centered cubic structure, bcc) under a certain load.  相似文献   

The wear resistance of iron(Fe)-matrix materials could be improved through the in situ formation of vanadium carbide particles(VCp)with high hardness. However, brittleness and low impact toughness limit their application in several industries due to addition of higher carbon content. Carbon-partitioning treatment plays an important role in tuning the microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ VCp-reinforced Fe-matrix composite. In this study, the influences of carbon-partitioning temperatures and times on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and wear resistance of in situ VCp-reinforced Fe-matrix composite were investigated. The experimental results indicated that a certain amount of retained austenite could be stabilized at room temperature through the carbon-partitioning treatment. Microhardness of in situ VCp-reinforced Fematrix composite under carbon-partitioning treatment could be decreased, but impact toughness was improved accordingly when wear resistance was enhanced. In addition, the enhancement of wear resistance could be attributed to transformation-induced plasticity(TRIP) effect, and phase transformation was caused from γ-Fe(face-centered cubic structure, fcc) to α-Fe(body-centered cubic structure, bcc) under a certain load.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂铝及铝—锌涂层在动态腐蚀介质中的耐蚀性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对钢铁基体表面电弧喷涂铝及铝-锌涂层进行了动态腐蚀实验,以失质量法计算了腐蚀速度,并探讨了腐蚀机理。采用SEM对铝及铝—锌涂层腐蚀前后的外表形貌进行了观察,并对铝及铝—锌涂层表面进行了能谱分析,采用电化学系统测试了涂层的自腐蚀电位。实验结果表明,在3%NaCl水溶液中铝涂层的耐蚀性优于铝-锌涂层;其原因是铝涂层表面上氧化膜的自愈能力及自腐蚀电位高于铝-锌涂层。研究还表明,铝及铝—锌这些阳极涂层不仅能有效地保护它所覆盖的钢铁表面,还能保护暴露于腐蚀介质中的钢铁基体表面。在铝、铝—锌涂层上刷涂有机涂料,有机涂料能渗透到金属涂层的孔隙中,将孔隙封闭。同时,有机涂层和金属涂层能构成复合涂层,其防腐效果更佳。  相似文献   

对钢铁基体表面电弧喷涂铝及铝锌涂层进行了动态腐蚀实验 ,以失质量法计算了腐蚀速度 ,并探讨了腐蚀机理。采用SEM对铝及铝锌涂层腐蚀前后的外表形貌进行了观察 ,并对铝及铝锌涂层表面进行了能谱分析 ,采用电化学系统测试了涂层的自腐蚀电位。实验结果表明 ,在 3 %NaCl水溶液中铝涂层的耐蚀性优于铝锌涂层 ;其原因是铝涂层表面上氧化膜的自愈能力及自腐蚀电位高于铝锌涂层。研究还表明 ,铝及铝锌这些阳极涂层不仅能有效地保护它所覆盖的钢铁表面 ,还能保护暴露于腐蚀介质中的钢铁基体表面。在铝、铝锌涂层上刷涂有机涂料 ,有机涂料能渗透到金属涂层的孔隙中 ,将孔隙封闭。同时 ,有机涂层和金属涂层能构成复合涂层 ,其防腐效果更佳  相似文献   

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