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Wintering mule deer showed differential browsing preference among 21 accessions of big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) grown on gardens on three different mule deer herd ranges. The Hobble Creek accession of big sagebrush was significantly preferred over the other 20 accessions across all three sites and for all three years. Accessional preference means for the study period for all sites combined ranged from 28.3 to 57.5%. The data collected support the planned release of the Hobble Creek accession as a superior cultivar of big sagebrush for use on mule deer winter ranges. Plant coumarin content was primarily under genetic control, but site factors also had an effect. Assay for coumarin compounds is useful in determining subspecies of A. tridentata but not for precise prediction of mule deer browsing preference.  相似文献   

A new subspecies of Artemisia arbuscula is described, A. arbuscula ssp. longicaulis Winward & McArthur, ssp. Nov. This taxon is a landscape dominant in portions of northwestern Nevada and adjacent California and Oregon at elevations from 1050 to 2000 m on shallow or argillic (clayey) soils. It differs from A. arbuscula ssp. arbuscula in its long floral stalks and large leaves. Morphological, chemical, ecological, and cytological data suggest that it is of hybrid origin. It is hexaploid (6x). We hypothesize that 2x A. arbusucla ssp. arbusucla and 4x A. tridentata ssp. wyomingensis are its parents.  相似文献   

Winter crude protein content, in vitro digestibility, and productivity were determined for seven accessions of black sagebrush ( Artemisia nova ) grown in a uniform garden. No significant differences were detected among the accessions for any of these attributes. Mean crude protein was 6.8% of dry matter. Accessional range was from 5.8% to 7.3%. Mean in vitro digestion was 54.8% of dry matter; accessional range, 51.9% to 57.2%. Mean current year's growth (a measurement of productivity) was 4.3 cm; accessional range, from 3.7 to 5.1 cm. In comparison to other winter forages, black sagebrush ranks high for winter levels of crude protein and very high in winter digestible dry matter but low in productivity.  相似文献   

The demography of black sagebrush ( Artemisia nova Nelson) was investigated in the Buckskin Mountains of western Nevada to determine patterns of stand renewal in sagebrush communities currently free from wildfires. Biomass sampling was conducted to develop growth classes that reflected apparent age of the shrubs. The density of black sagebrush plants was twice that of basin big sagebrush ( A. tridentata ssp. tridentata Nutt.) in adjacent communities on contrasting soils (2.2 versus 1.1 plants per m 2 ). Black sagebrush accumulated only 75% as much woody biomass as big sagebrush. Regression equations were developed and tested for predicting total woody biomass, current annual growth (CAG), and leaf weight of black sagebrush plants. Apparent age classes were developed both for the black sagebrush plants and the sub-canopy mounds on which they grew. Discriminant analysis was used to test this classification system. Plant succession, apparently controlled by nitrate content of the surface soil, appeared to eliminate the successful establishment of black sagebrush seedlings on the mounds. After the shrubs die, the mounds eventually deflate. We propose that mounds reform around shrub seedlings, but because seedling establishment is so rare in these communities, this could not be verified.  相似文献   

Artemisia tridentata/Symphoricarpos oreophilus and Symphoricarpos oreophilus/Artemisia tridentata  plant associations were studied in northeastern Nevada. A 60-stand reconnaissance followed by a detailed study of 37 stands differentiated five important habitat types using an association table approach. Data reduction with DECORANA and TWINSPAN also described five plant associations that were differentiated by species occurrence and geographical distribution. All stands were found at elevations between 2,200 and 3,100 m in areas where snow accumulates and is late to melt. Stands are found on 15 families of soils that are relatively deep, often skeletal, dark colored, and productive. The dominant perennial grasses included Agropyron spicatum, Agropyron trachycaulum, and Festuca idahoensis.  相似文献   

The importance and nature of vegetative reproduction was compared with seedling establishment in plains silver sagebrush ( Artemisia cana Pursh. ssp. cana ). Sixty-three percent of plants excavated originated from rhizomes. Sites that experienced habitat disturbance did not have a significantly different number of plants originating from vegetative reproduction than did undisturbed sites. Parent rhizomes were significantly older than taproots, which were significantly older than aboveground stems. Rhizome systems were spread 3.3 times that of plant height. Seventy-nine percent of rhizomatous daughter plants were 100 cm or less from parent plants. Up to 52 sprouts were found on one rhizome. Seedling establishment was greatest during wet growing seasons, and vegetative reproduction was greatest during dry years.  相似文献   

Cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum L.) is a dominant weed that has increased the frequency of wildfire in the Great Basin since its introduction about 100 yr ago. This study examines characteristics of respiratory metabolism in several different populations. Seeds from 6 populations were germinated and metabolic heat rates (q) and dark respiration rates (R co2 ) of all seedlings were measured calorimetrically at 15° and 25° C or (for 3 populations) at 5° intervals from 5° to 35° C. Growth rates, substrate carbon conversion efficiencies, and Arrhenius temperature coefficients were calculated from the data. Results show that cheatgrass metabolism is most efficient at temperatures near 0° C; at temperatures above 20-25° C, efficiency goes to zero. Cheatgrass populations differ in their temperature dependencies of substrate carbon conversion efficiency and predicted growth rate. Measurements of respiratory heat and CO 2 rates as functions of temperature can be made relatively quickly and used to aid understanding of metabolic adaptation by invasive and native species to the environment.  相似文献   

The effect of thatching ants ( Formica obscuripes ) on number of spiders found on sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) was determined by comparing spider abundance on shrubs at different distances from ant mounds. Spider abundance was inversely related to proximity to mounds. Spider abundance on shrubs abound abandoned mounds revealed no effects of mound proximity. Two mounds in which ants were exterminated showed a declining effect of mound proximity 1 month after treatment. One year after treatment there was no effect.  相似文献   

A cafeteria - style study was conducted during the winter for two years with tame mule deer to determine if there were preferential differences between accessions of forage kochia ( Kochia prostrata ). Deer consumed significantly more of P.I. numbers 314929, 330708, and 356826 than any of the other accessions. Other plant adaptive characteristics and nutritive qualities are also reported.      相似文献   

White fir ( Abies concolor ) appears to be invading vegetation dominated by big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) on the southeastern slopes of the Warner Mountains of extreme northeastern California. The time of initial tree establishment within the shrubs was determined by increment borings. Possible causes of the invasion involving specific climatic conditions, fire history, and grazing use of the area during years of the establishment were explored. Heavy grazing by domestic livestock, particularly sheep, appears responsible for altering the sagebrush - grass vegetation and allowing tree invasion.  相似文献   

Various abiotic and biotic factors are known to affect tree size, including age, genetics, and environment. Knowledge of size variation within natural riparian tree populations has both ecological and restorative importance. We determined tree sizes, basal area densities, and spatial distributions of 5 Populus fremontii Wats. populations within the Rio Grande watershed in New Mexico. At each site 10 randomly spaced plots, perpendicular to the river and extending from the river to the end of the forest, were established. Diameter at breast height (DBH) and distance to the river were determined for 1803 trees within the 5 populations, and stand cover (measured as basal area [BA] per hectare) was determined for each population. Significant variation in tree size and basal area density existed among sites. Mean DBH per site ranged from 11.7 to 58.4 cm and differed significantly ( P P 2 ha -1 . Spatial distribution of trees in relation to the river also differed among sites. Mean distance from the river ranged from 50 to 353 m and differed significantly ( P P. fremontii populations may be influenced by differences in water availability across a site; trees farthest from water sources may experience greater water stress and, therefore, growth limitation. Increasing BA cover with increasing tree size indicated no real thinning of mature trees within a population. Recruitment and establishment of cottonwood seedlings and saplings was evident only at sites with newly formed floodplains. For these 5 populations tree size appeared to be affected by environmental factors.  相似文献   

In vitro digestibility was determined for 13 accessions of Kochia prostrata. Vegetative samples were collected in February and April. No significant differences in digestibility were detected due to month sampled or among accessions. The mean in vitro digestibility of the 13 accessions was 32.2% of dry matter digested. The accessional range was from 20.2 to 38.0% of dry matter digested.  相似文献   

Horned Larks ( Eremophila alpestris L.), sampled during the first 2 weeks of alkali bee ( Nomia melanderi Cockerell) emergence at bee nesting sites in 2 alfalfa seed-growing regions in central Nevada, ate significantly more male than female alkali bees. Exploitation rates suggest that individual Horned Larks consume 10 to 200 alkali bees per day and feed an additional 300 to 1000 bees per day to nestlings nestlings.  相似文献   

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