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Winter populations of raptors and scavengers were surveyed along 175 km of rural roads in Moffat County, northwestern Colorado. The survey began in 1988 and is currently continuing. Over the 7 yr of the survey reported here, we found Golden Eagles in high abundance ( ̄ x = 5.8 km/eagle) compared to most studies in similar habitat. Bald Eagles were less abundant, but increasing compared to 20 yr earlier. American Rough-legged Hawks were in low abundance, probably due to the predominance of sagebrush habitat along the route. Northern Ravens were seen in low numbers in 4 yr. American Crows were seen in 2 yr. Black-billed Magpies were nearly as abundant ( ̄ x = 6.5 km/magpie) as Golden Eagles and often scavenged with them. Magpie and Golden Eagle numbers were significantly correlated over the years of study. We conclude that northwestern Colorado is a significant overwintering area for Golden Eagles.  相似文献   

Food habits and nest site features of the Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ), Prairie Falcon ( Falco mexicanus ), Red-tailed Hawk ( Buteo jamaicensis ), and Ferruginous Hawk ( B. regalis ) were studied near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, during 1981 and 1982. Foods consisted primarily of leporids and sciurids. The Wyoming ground squirrel ( Spemiophilus richardsonii ) dominated the diet of Prairie Falcons, while Golden Eagles preyed on leporids more than did the other raptors. Diet overlap ranged from 59 to 99% between the species. Mean height of Golden Eagle nests was greater than nest height of other species. Most raptor nests (78%) were not visible from other active nests and were in view of roads. Prairie Falcons were the most specialized and Ferruginous Hawks the most versatile raptor species in terms of food habits and use of nest sites.  相似文献   

We surveyed 7 species of predatory birds weekly during a 12-month period (December 1992 through November 1993) in the east Mojave Desert, California. The Common Raven ( Corvus corax ) was the most frequently observed species with an average of 6.9 sightings per 100 km. Turkey Vultures ( Cathartes aura ), Red-tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis ), Loggerhead Shrikes ( Lanius ludovicianus ), American Kestrels ( Falco sparverius ), Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ), and Prairie Falcons ( Falco mexicanus ) were seen in decreasing order of frequency of observation through the study period. Ravens, Red-tailed Hawks, Loggerhead Shrikes, American Kestrels, and Prairie Falcons were seen throughout the year. Turkey Vultures were not present during winter months, while Golden Eagles were seen only during November and December. Turkey Vultures, Red-tailed Hawks, and ravens were most numerous on agricultural lands, while Loggerhead Shrikes were most common at urban areas. Raven numbers increased with increasing number of linear rights-of-way parallel to the survey route. Perching was the most common behavior type, although Turkey Vultures and ravens were often observed soaring, flying, or standing on the ground near highways. Transmission powerline towers and telephone poles were used as perch sites disproportionately to availability.  相似文献   

Populations of breeding Swainson's Hawks ( Buteo swainsoni ), Red-tailed Hawks ( B. jamaicensis ), and Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ) present in 1999 were compared with populations present between 1975 and 1982 at a 129-km 2 site in north central Oregon. Populations of Red-tailed Hawks and Golden Eagles remained unchanged, but the number of Swainson's Hawks pairs increased from 15 to 17. In 1999 Golden Eagles used nests occupied between 1975 and 1982, and 7 of 31 pairs of Red-tailed Hawks used nests occupied in earlier years. No Swainson's Hawks nested in trees occupied earlier. Few changes in territorial boundaries were detected.  相似文献   

Because the relatively recent colonization of portions of Yellowstone National Park by introduced mountain goats ( Oreamnos americanus ) from public game lands in Montana raises important policy and management questions for the park, it is necessary to understand the prehistoric and early historical record of mountain goats in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. We reviewed previous paleontological, archeological, and historical studies of goat presence and examined a large body of historical material for evidence of goats. Native mountain goat range most closely approached the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to the west, but no modern authority claims goats were resident in the ecosystem in recent centuries. Historical accounts of goat presence in the region prior to 1882 (and thus prior to any known introduction of goats by Euro-Americans) are limited to one possible sighting by unreliable observers and a few casual mentions of goat presence by people of limited or unknown familiarity with the ecosystem. Other early observers in the region specifically stated that goats were not native. Between 1882 and 1926 other observers and residents agreed that mountain goats were not native to the park, or to the larger area around it. It is impossible to prove absolutely that there were no goats in the ecosystem prior to modern introductions, but historical evidence demonstrates that if present, such goats must have been exceedingly rare and uncharacteristically unsightable. National Park Service policy relating to exotic species developed gradually after the creation of Yellowstone National Park in 1872, moving from a general receptivity to introduction of at least some favored nonnative species to a general prohibition on all such introductions. Current policy, while disapproving of all nonnative species, seems to reserve special efforts at removal of nonnatives for those species that pose the greatest threat to native species and ecosystems. Current policy is not helpful in defining the minimum amount of evidence needed to prove a species was present or absent, or whether or not an introduced nonnative species is causing sufficient harm to justify its removal.  相似文献   

Yellowstone National Park supports a small population ( Antilocapra americana ). Some individuals migrate during summer to areas characterized by reduced visibility, mixed habitat types, and a diverse predator community. Across areas selected by migratory and nonmigratory pronghorn, we documented cause-specific mortality of adults and fawns and assessed relative risk of predation by various predators. Coyotes ( Canis latrans ) accounted for 56% of adult predation and up to 79% of fawn predation. Cougars ( Puma concolor ) and wolves ( Canis lupus ) accounted for additional predation of adults, while cougars, black bears ( Ursus americanus ), and Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ) were documented killing fawns on rare occasions. Our results suggest that even when pronghorn are in the presence of multiple predator species, coyote predation on adults and fawns may predominate for populations inhabiting shrubsteppe habitat. However, the risk of predation by sympatric predators, particularly cougars, may be high for female pronghorn selecting mixed cover types during migration or for birthing purposes. While the direct effect of wolves on overall mortality was low, wolves may indirectly influence survival rates of adult females and fawns by altering the behavior and space use of sympatric predators, particularly coyotes.  相似文献   

Golden Eagle population ecology was studied from 1982 to 1992 in eastern Utah where over 47% of 233 territories monitored during the study period were active. Golden Eagle use of four habitat types was compared. Talus territories were used less often than expected; valley, aspen-conifer, and pinyon-juniper territories were used as expected. Number of young produced per territory averaged 0.612 and was correlated with rabbit abundance. Observations on the impacts of coal mining at two locations are discussed.  相似文献   

In most populations of mountain goats ( Oreamnos americanus ), mineral lick use is an essential part of the ecology of the species. In many areas, the distribution and use of licks in the landscape is poorly known, rendering planning for resource development difficult. We examined lick use by 28 GPS radio-collared mountain goats in 2 study areas in southeastern British Columbia during 2004–2005. Viewing collar-location movements on digital orthophotos, we assumed goat use of 6 previously known and 10 suspected mineral licks. Field visits verified that 9 of the 10 suspected sites were mineral licks. Thirteen of the 15 licks used by collared goats were within forests with commercial harvesting potential. All but 3 of the licks were ≤600 m from the closest logging block, and 5 licks were <100 m away. Number of annual visits to licks by individual goats ranged from 0 to 9. Goats often moved considerable distances (up to 17.3 km) to visit licks. Most visits by males occurred between early May and late June (median 9 June), and most visits by females occurred between early June and mid-July (median 21 June). Mean time spent at licks on each visit was 1.5 days for females and 1.6 days for males. Most of the licks were characterized by numerous cavities dug under trees (which we term “lick trees”). Using GPS collars, we were able to collect data on lower-elevation mineral licks not previously known to researchers.  相似文献   

The past and present use of the Uinta National Forest by birds of prey was determined from historical records and surveys conducted during 1973, 1974, and 1975. Data describing the history, present status, and physical characteristics of each nest site were collected, along with the type and intensivity of human activity within a half - mile radius of the nest. In addition, limited data on fall migration of raptors along the Wasatch Front and the food habits of Golden Eagles are presented. Management guidelines, based on the results of this study, are proposed.  相似文献   

Curlleaf mountain-mahogany is a widely distributed shrubby tree of western North America. Well-developed stands are most often found on warm, dry, rocky ridges and slopes at high elevations on mostly southern exposures. It can, however, be found onall exposures. The species appears to be indifferent to substrate with soils which are invariably shallow and of low fertility. However, the nitrogen-fixing root nodules help overcome soil deficiencies. This highly palatable species is preferred by mountain sheep, mountain goats, deer, and elk. Its nutritive value (about 12% protein) and digestibility ratings (around 50%) in the winter are high when compared with most other associated winter browse species. Early research with curlleaf mountain-mahogany basically dealt with two major management problems: (1) how to increase available forage production on old, even-aged stands too tall for big game to browse, and (2) how to increase reproduction in these same communities. Selective dozer thinning, sometimes in conjunction with the seeding of fast-growing plants, appears to be a promising management technique providing browse until the younger curlleaf becomes established.  相似文献   

Leon Bly Tunnel, which connects Eagle Lake to Willow Creek, was investigated to see if the water issuing from the tunnel was lake water or spring water and to check reports of its being inhabited by fish. We found that the water was similar to that of highly alkaline Eagle Lake, despite a block placed in the tunnel in 1986. Five species of fish were found in the tunnel, the same species inhabiting both Willow Creek and Eagle Lake, although the creek was much warmer and less alkaline than the lake. The fish originated from the creek. Fish in the tunnel were either not feeding or were consuming snails ( Vorticifex sp.), the principal invertebrate present. The largest fish (35 cm SL) captured were rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ).  相似文献   

Seasonal wildlife observations were made along transects on 2 pastures conservatively grazed (36% use of perennial grasses) and 2 pastures moderately grazed (47% use of perennial grasses) in south central New Mexico in non-drought (1997) and drought years (1998). Experimental pastures were similar in soils, terrain, spacing of watering points, and brush cover. Average ecological condition score for the conservatively grazed pastures was 60% compared with 64% for moderately grazed pastures. Throughout the study total standing vegetation understory herbage levels were higher ( P P > 0.05) between conservatively and moderately grazed pastures. Black-tailed jackrabbit ( Lepus californicus ) sightings were higher ( P Antilocapra americana ), scaled quail ( Callipepla squamata ), mourning doves ( Zenaida macroura ), and desert cottontails ( Sylvilagus auduboni ) showed no differences ( P > 0.05) between conservatively and moderately grazed pastures. Dry conditions in 1998 depressed total wildlife sightings by > 50% compared to 1997. Both songbird and gamebird (particularly mourning dove) sightings were severely reduced in the dry compared to wet year ( P < 0.05). Our results are consistent with Nelson et al. (1997) that livestock grazing at intermediate levels had no effect on most Chihuahuan Desert upland wildlife species, and that drought years severely depress wildlife sightings.  相似文献   

We observed a breeding Bald Eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ) pair nesting in a short-grass prairie and agricultural community on the southern Great Plains of the Texas Panhandle in 2004 and 2005. The nesting eagles produced 1 fledgling in 2004 and 2 fledglings in 2005. Our assessment of landcover types within a 5-km radius of the nest indicated that grasslands accounted for most of the area (90%), followed by agricultural lands (8%). Black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) colonies occupied 2.5% of the area, and single human residences with associated structures (i.e., barns) occupied 2.5 ha in surface area was 51 km from the nest. An analysis of regurgitated castings collected near the nest revealed a mammalian-dominated, breeding-season diet with black-tailed prairie dogs occurring in 80.9% of the castings. Other identified prey included cottontails ( Sylvilagus spp., 15.9%), black-tailed jackrabbits ( Lepus californicus , 3.2%), pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana , 3.2%), and plains pocket gopher ( Geomys bursarius , 1.6%). Bird remains were also present in 34.9% of the castings. This is the first reported successful nesting of Bald Eagles in the panhandle region of Texas since 1916; the nest is particularly unique because of its distance from any substantial body of water.  相似文献   

Studies of Great Basin faunas can provide information for landscape-level adaptive management by federal agencies and shed light on potential effects of climate change in continental interior landscapes. To provide such information, we characterized the butterfly fauna of the Toquima Range, a mountain range in the heart of the Great Basin with topography typical of the region. We also compared the butterfly fauna of the Toquima Range to that of the adjacent Toiyabe Range, which is more topographically complex and species rich but less representative of the Great Basin on the whole. We explicitly addressed the effects of area and water availability on butterfly species richness. Butterfly species presence data were compiled for 14 canons and 1 peak in the Toquima Range. Data from 11 canyons that we inventoried systematically were amenable to statistical analysis. Eighty butterfly species (59 residents) have been recorded from the Toquima Range since 1935. By comparison, 99 species have been recorded from the Toiyabe Range. Mean canyon-level butterfly species richness was significantly lower in the Toquima Range than in the Toiyabe Range. This difference cannot be explained by differences in canyon size between mountain ranges. Within the Toquima Range water availability seems to have a dominant effect on butterfly species richness. Between mountain ranges species richness is influenced by interactions among areas, moisture, and topography. These data should assist managers in developing guidelines for conservation planning in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

Seven fish species were found in the Bitter Creek drainage of southwest Wyoming, but only speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ), flannelmouth sucker ( Catostomus latipinnis ), and mountain sucker ( Catostomus platyrhynchus ) were indigenous. No relationships were found between fish standing stocks and habitat features, but species richness was related to elevation and stream width. No fish were found above an elevation of 2192 m. Only the most downstream study read had more than three species present. Two indigenous species, speckled dace and mountain sucker, and a nonnative species, fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), were predominant fishes in the drainage. These three species withstand intermittent stream flows that are common in the drainage.  相似文献   

Maternal care of neonates has been documented in relatively few species of lizards representing four families. This study documents the occurrence of maternal care of neonates in the prairie skink, Eumeces septentrionalis . Observations made herein indicate that individual variation in maternal behavior existis in this species.  相似文献   

We examined faunal affinities of the Raft River Mountains using stoneflies (Plecoptera) as indicators. This island-like mountain range is isolated from other major mountain ranges in the Intermountain West by low-elevation, arid regions. Thirty-seven species were recorded from collections from 19 sites in the Raft River Mountains. Cluster analysis demonstrated the Raft River Mountain stonefly assemblage to be most similar to faunas of the Sawtooth and Wasatch mountains, and quite different from that of the Sierra Nevada. An analysis of the distribution patterns of each species, on a family-by-family basis, showed that the Raft River Mountains fauna consists mostly of species widespread in western North America. Most families were represented by at least 1 species whose distribution supports faunal affinities with regions to the north and west. Logistic regression of 6 long-distance dispersal factors against stonefly presence-absence data did not support long-distance dispersal as a viable means of colonization for the Raft River Mountains. This suggest that stonefly distribution patterns may be attributed to expansion and subsequent vicariance of suitable stonefly habitats during Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):691-698
Anti-herbivory animal mimicry by plants has been paid scant attention, and as a result additional types are expected to be recognized. Lycium chinense plants growing in Japan have dark axils, and many leaf-eating beetles leave faeces on host plants or use their faeces as defence. The dark axils of Lycium chinense mimic poisonous faeces or faeces-covered larvae of the leaf beetle Lema decempunctata, which may result in reduced herbivory by mammalian and insect herbivores. Field work in the very different flora of Israel revealed that the same morphology/colouration exists in various wild plant species, both monocotyledons and dicotyledons. We therefore propose a new type of beetle and beetle faeces defensive plant mimicry, and suggest that this type of putative defensive mimicry against mammalian and insect herbivores is probably a widespread but overlooked phenomenon. Moreover, such mimicry may also attract visually oriented enemies that can attack various invertebrate herbivores that occupy these plants.  相似文献   

Mountain goat ( Oreamnos americanus ) and bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) ranges overlap substantially in northwestern United States and southwestern Canada. Resource overlap in food and habitat parameters is assumed, but the degree of overlap has not been estimated. Data from published separate and comparative studies on food and habitat use were used to calculate indices of resource overlap for goats and sheep. Indices of overlap for general forage classes (grasses, forbs, browse) were > 0.90 in summer and winter for data based on pooled data from separate studies and in summer for data for comparative studies. In winter for comparative studies this overlap was 0.64. For studies where forage species were identified, estimates of resource overlap from separate studies were ~ 0.8 but were < 0.5 for comparative studies. Indices of overlap for habitat variables were also low (< 0.7) for comparative studies. It was concluded that possible overlap in food and habitat use by goats and sheep could be extensive; but in sympatric populations resource overlap may be reduced substantially.  相似文献   

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} A total of 87 avian species were recorded on islands of Great Salt Lake by Behle, with 17 observed on Gunnison and Cub islands. This paper presents sightings and salvaged carcasses recorded on Gunnison and Cub islands, 1972 &ndash; 1974. Of the 112 species observed, 95 are first records for Gunnison and Cub islands and 49 are first records on or near any island of Great Salt Lake. Over 90 percent of species observed on the islands were transients.  相似文献   

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