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We report the first observations of the black-tailed jackrabbit ( Lepus californicus ) on Cerralvo Island, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Evidence suggests a self-sustaining population. Analysis of available records indicates no previous record of Lepus on the island. Introduction of the jackrabbit to the island appears to have occurred between 1960 and 1991.  相似文献   

Home range use and activity patterns of black-tailed jackrabbits ( Lepus californicus ) in northern Utah were studied using telemetry. Home range sizes ranged from 2 to 3 km 2 and did not differ between sexes or among seasons. Jackrabbits were inactive during daylight, became active at dusk, and remained active throughout the night. Animals often traversed their home ranges in a few hours. During the breeding season, males were more active than females. Jackrabbits were most active during well-lit nights, and high winds decreased jackrabbit activity.  相似文献   

Ring-billed ( Larus delawarensis ) and California Gulls ( L. californicus ) have been implicated in depredations on migrating salmon smolt in the Columbia River. As part of a gull management program conducted in 1995 and 1996, we collected L. delawarensis (n = 120) and L. californicus (n = 45) near Priest Rapids Dam, Washington, and analyzed stomach contents to determine food habits and thus the importance of fish in gull diets. Percent volume measurements and index of relative importance rankings suggested a greater reliance on fish by L. californicus than by L. delawarensis . Peak percent consumption of fish by both species occurred in May, coinciding with peak salmon outmigration through Priest Rapids Dam; and for both species number of fish consumed by gulls was higher below Priest Rapids Dam. Gulls collected prior to, and after, peak smolt migration indicated low importance rankings for fish in both L. delawarensis and L. californicus diets. However, the importance ranking of fish in gull diets changed over time and was higher for both species as the smolt migration peaked in May.  相似文献   

We documented date and duration of each breeding phase, breeding rate, nursing behavior, parental care, and leveret survival of the Tehuantepec jackrabbit ( Lepus flavigularis ), a critically endangered lagomorph. Between June 2006 and May 2008, we observed 60 adult radio-collared jackrabbits in Oaxaca, México. Tehuantepec jackrabbits exhibit breeding behaviors 250 days out of the year, with a high-intensity period during the rainy season (May–October). Females give birth to 2 leverets 32 days after copulation. Directly after birth, leverets are put into “beds” or “nests,” which are depressions in the ground covered by prairie grass ( Jouvea pilosa ). Females return to nurse and groom the leverets once per day until the leverets are weaned (12 days after birth). The breeding season and parental care behaviors of Tehuantepec jackrabbits are similar to those of other jackrabbits. Females produced an average of 2 litters per breeding season. The breeding rate for the Tehuantepec jackrabbit (4 leverets per breeding female per breeding season) is lower than the average of other species in the genus Lepus. The survival rate of Tehuantepec jackrabbit leverets (50% at day 19) is higher than that of other leporids. Predation by domestic dogs ( Canis familiaris ) is the main cause of mortality. Understanding reproductive behavior is critical for captive breeding, reintro duction, and conservation efforts for endangered leporids such as the Tehuantepec jackrabbit. Documentamos la fecha y la duración de cada fase de la reproducción, la tasa reproductiva, el amamantamiento, el cuidado parental y los instintos de supervivencia de los lebratos de la liebre de Tehuantepec ( Lepus flavigularis ), un lagomorfo en peligro crítico de extinción. Entre junio de 2006 y mayo de 2008 observamos 60 liebres adultas con collares radiotransmisores en Oaxaca, Mexico. Las liebres de Tehuantepec se reproducen 250 días del año, con un período de alta intensidad durante la estación lluviosa (de mayo a octubre). Las hembras paren 2 lebratos 32 días después de la cópula; colocan a los lebratos en “camas”, o huecos en el suelo cubiertos del pasto Jouvea pilosa, justo después de nacer. Las hembras regresan para amamantar y limpiar a los lebratos una vez cada tarde hasta destetarlos 12 días después de nacer. La temporada de reproducción y el cuidado parental de la liebre de Tehuantepec son parecidos a los de otras liebres. En promedio, las hembras producen 2 crías cada temporada de reproducción. La tasa de reproducción de la liebre de Tehuantepec (4 lebratos por hembra reproductora por temporada de reproducción) está por debajo del promedio de otras especies del género Lepus. La tasa de supervivencia de los lebratos de la liebre de Tehuantepec (50% al día 19) es superior a la que se ha documentado para otros lepóridos, siendo la principal causa de mortalidad la depredación por los perros domésticos ( Canis familiaris ). Es crucial entender el comportamiento reproductor para la crianza en cautiverio, la reintroducción y para los esfuerzos de conservación de lepóridos que están en peligro de extinción tal como occure con la liebre de Tehuantepec.  相似文献   

Seasonal wildlife observations were made along transects on 2 pastures conservatively grazed (36% use of perennial grasses) and 2 pastures moderately grazed (47% use of perennial grasses) in south central New Mexico in non-drought (1997) and drought years (1998). Experimental pastures were similar in soils, terrain, spacing of watering points, and brush cover. Average ecological condition score for the conservatively grazed pastures was 60% compared with 64% for moderately grazed pastures. Throughout the study total standing vegetation understory herbage levels were higher ( P P > 0.05) between conservatively and moderately grazed pastures. Black-tailed jackrabbit ( Lepus californicus ) sightings were higher ( P Antilocapra americana ), scaled quail ( Callipepla squamata ), mourning doves ( Zenaida macroura ), and desert cottontails ( Sylvilagus auduboni ) showed no differences ( P > 0.05) between conservatively and moderately grazed pastures. Dry conditions in 1998 depressed total wildlife sightings by > 50% compared to 1997. Both songbird and gamebird (particularly mourning dove) sightings were severely reduced in the dry compared to wet year ( P < 0.05). Our results are consistent with Nelson et al. (1997) that livestock grazing at intermediate levels had no effect on most Chihuahuan Desert upland wildlife species, and that drought years severely depress wildlife sightings.  相似文献   

The cyclical phenomenon of soft and hard formation of feces in desert black - tailed jackrabbits ( Lepus californicus deserticola, Mearns) was investigated. Sixty - nine blacktails were shot between 0525 hours and 1508 hours over a 4 - day period. The average age was 314 days for all black - tails. The large intestine was removed and linear measurements taken. Overall length of the large intestine averaged 163.3 cm; mean length of the colon was 51.5 cm and average length of the rectum was 111.8 cm. Moisture content for soft and hard pellets averaged 79.5 percent and 74.1 percent, respectively. Protein content of soft and hard pellets averaged 45.8 percent and 14.3 percent, respectively. The black - tails began the transition from hard to soft pellets as early as 0414 hours, and nearly all had completed the reverse transition by 1508 hours. Female black - tails began both early morning and afternoon transitions significantly later than the males. Reasons for the apparent sexual partitioning are proposed.  相似文献   

Rabbit abundance patterns in the North American Southwest are poorly known, particularly relative to the potentially important influences of rainfall and plant production. We conducted a 10-year study on the comparative densities of black-tailed jackrabbits ( Lepus californicus ) and desert cottontail rabbits ( Sylvilagus audubonii ) in relation to annual rainfall and plant production in both black grama ( Bouteloua eriopoda ) grassland and creosotebush ( Larrea tridentata ) shrubland habitats in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. We found that both species of rabbits were more abundant in black grama grassland than in creosotebush shrubland and that plant production was positively correlated with rainfall at both habitats. However, rabbit densities were not positively correlated with rainfall or plant production in either habitat. In fact, both species of rabbits exhibited gradual, multiyear changes in abundance rather than the patterns of high annual variation observed in desert rodent communities. Our findings of no significant relationship between plant production and rabbit densities indicate that rabbit abundance in the northern Chihuahuan Desert may not be strongly regulated by short-term, bottom-up effects of annual variation in plant production. Long-term trends indicate that other factors such as disease or predation may be equally or more important. We suggest that future research evaluate both top-down and bottom-up influences to elucidate the temporal dynamics of Chihuahuan Desert rabbit abundance. Se conoce poco sobre los patrones de abundancia de conejos des&eacute;rticos en el suroeste de Norte America, particularmente en relaci&oacute;n con las influencias potencialmente importantes de la precipitaci&oacute;n y la producci&oacute;n de plantas. Llevamos a cabo una investigaci&oacute;n de diez a&ntilde;os sobre la densidad relativa de la liebre de California ( Lepus californicus ) y el conejo cola de algod&oacute;n ( Sylvilagus audubonii ) en los h&aacute;bitats tanto de pradera de grama negra ( Bouteloua eriopoda ) como de matorral de gobernadora ( Larrea tridentata ) en el norte del Desierto Chihuahuense, en relaci&oacute;n con la precipitaci&oacute;n y la producci&oacute;n anuales. Encontramos que ambas especies de conejo fueron m&aacute;s abundantes en la pradera de grama negra que en el matorral de gobernadora, y que la producci&oacute;n de plantas estuvo correlacionada positivamente con la precipitaci&oacute;n en ambos h&aacute;bitats. Sin embargo, las densidades de conejos no estuvieron correlacionadas positivamente con la precipitaci&oacute;n o con la producci&oacute;n de plantas en ninguno de los dos h&aacute;bitats. De hecho, en cuanto a la fluctuaci&oacute;n de su abundancia, las dos especies de conejo exhibieron tendencias graduales a lo largo de varios a&ntilde;os, en comparaci&oacute;n con los patrones de gran variaci&oacute;n anual que se han observado en comunidades de roedores des&eacute;rticos. La falta de una relaci&oacute;n significativa entre la producci&oacute;n de plantas y la abundancia de conejos, indica que la abundancia de conejos en el norte del Desierto Chihuahuense no est&aacute; fuertemente regulada por los efectos ascendentes a corto plazo de la variaci&oacute;n anual en la producci&oacute;n de plantas. Los cambios reflejados en las tendencias a largo plazo indican que otros factores como las enfermedades o la depredaci&oacute;n pueden ser de igual o mayor importancia, y sugerimos que investigaciones futuras deber&aacute;n evaluar tanto las influencias ascendentes como las descendentes para entender las din&aacute;micas temporales en la abundancia de conejos del Desierto Chihuahuense.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):2185-2198
A recent discussion of the evolution of the amniotic egg (Laurin and Reisz, 1997) was criticized by Wilkinson and Nussbaum (1998), and these criticisms provoked a rebuttal (Laurin et al., 2000). Here we show that the objections raised by Laurin et al. (2000) do not substantiate the conclusions of Laurin and Reisz (1997). Wealso discuss additional evidence on the ancestral ontogeny of caecilians from the literature. This evidence is inconsistent with the view that extended embryo retention is the ancestral condition for caecilians and that it is a parsimonious interpretation of the condition of the ancestral amniote as argued by Laurin and Reisz (1997) and by Laurin et al. (2000). The available data are more consistent with the traditional hypothesis that the amniotic egg originated as an adaptation of eggs to the terrestrial environment. We also discuss problems in the definition of ontogenetic characters reflecting variation with respect to extended embryo retention, and we present new observations on the early development of the caecilian Gegeneophis ramaswamii Taylor.  相似文献   

We observed a breeding Bald Eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ) pair nesting in a short-grass prairie and agricultural community on the southern Great Plains of the Texas Panhandle in 2004 and 2005. The nesting eagles produced 1 fledgling in 2004 and 2 fledglings in 2005. Our assessment of landcover types within a 5-km radius of the nest indicated that grasslands accounted for most of the area (90%), followed by agricultural lands (8%). Black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) colonies occupied 2.5% of the area, and single human residences with associated structures (i.e., barns) occupied 2.5 ha in surface area was 51 km from the nest. An analysis of regurgitated castings collected near the nest revealed a mammalian-dominated, breeding-season diet with black-tailed prairie dogs occurring in 80.9% of the castings. Other identified prey included cottontails ( Sylvilagus spp., 15.9%), black-tailed jackrabbits ( Lepus californicus , 3.2%), pronghorn ( Antilocapra americana , 3.2%), and plains pocket gopher ( Geomys bursarius , 1.6%). Bird remains were also present in 34.9% of the castings. This is the first reported successful nesting of Bald Eagles in the panhandle region of Texas since 1916; the nest is particularly unique because of its distance from any substantial body of water.  相似文献   

Large areas of western rangeland are presently dominated by alien annual weeds such as Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass). These communities resist succession to perennial communities primarily because the annuals are competitively superior to establishing perennial seedlings and they promote fires that favor weeds over perennials. Succession may be further slowed, however, by low rates of seed dispersal into annual grasslands. We investigated the role of lagomorphs ( Sylvilagus nuttalli , Nuttall's cottontail; S. audubonii , desert cottontail; and Lepus californicus , black-tailed jackrabbit) in seed dispersal across an ecotone: 50 m into woodland, border, and 20 m, 50 m, and 100 m into grassland. We searched pellets for juniper seeds visually and for any other species through germination from crushed pellets after cold, moist stratification. Pellets were not even distributed across transects, but there was no trend with respect to position of transect. Juniperus osteosperma (Utah juniper) was the most abundant seed. Both the number of juniper seeds and the proportion of pellets with juniper seeds decreased steadily from a high in woodland to absence at 100 m into grassland. Only 2 dicot seedlings emerged from pellets, 1 Salsola pestifer and 1 unknown that died prior to identification. Consequently, there was little seed movement into grassland; 72% of all seeds were collected from either woodland or border transects. Lagomorphs apparently do not effectively replenish the native perennial seed pool of cheatgrass-dominated disturbances at Dugway.  相似文献   

We examined stomach contents of 426 Clethrionomys , 217 C. californicus from western Oregon and 209 C. gapperi from widely scattered areas across North America. Clethrionomys californicus consumed fungi of 28 genera. Clethrionomys gapperi from the Rocky Mountains westward consumed fungi of 23 genera, whereas C. gapperi east of the Rocky Mountains consumed fungi of 7 genera. This study supports the conclusions of an earlier study, limited to Oregon and Washington, that food habits of C. californicus and C. gapperi are more closely related to habitat than to species or subspecies of vole.  相似文献   

We examined stomach contents of 426 Clethrionomys , 217 C. californicus from western Oregon and 209 C. gapperi from widely scattered areas across North America. Clethrionomys californicus consumed fungi of 28 genera. Clethrionomys gapperi from the Rocky Mountains westward consumed fungi of 23 genera, whereas C. gapperi east of the Rocky Mountains consumed fungi of 7 genera. This study supports the conclusions of an earlier study, limited to Oregon and Washington, that food habits of C. californicus and C. gapperi are more closely related to habitat than to species or subspecies of vole.  相似文献   

From 1996 to 2004, we studied population dynamics of a rodent assemblage in semiarid habitats in Lassen County, California. Abundances of rodents appeared affected by fluctuations in precipitation from a high in 1996 to average and slightly below-average levels in subsequent years; perhaps reflecting this, assemblage composition also changed dramatically during the study period. California kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys californicus ) declined from abundant to extremely rare, abundances of deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ) fluctuated greatly during the study period, and, perhaps most notably, populations of dusky-footed woodrats ( Neotoma fuscipes ) appeared to decline to local extinction, possibly allowing for the subsequent colonization of desert woodrats ( N. lepida ). These changes appeared to represent natural variation in numbers and composition in an ecologically dynamic ecotonal region in response to multiyear changes in precipitation.  相似文献   

Pityopus californicus is a rare mycoheterotrophic herb that occurs in coniferous and mixed forests of western North America. Previous authors have speculated that Pityopus californicus is not a true species but is a recurring hybrid. The reputed parental candidates of P. californicus include the closely related Pleuricospora fimbriolata , Hemitomes congestum , and Monotropa hypopithys . However, a phylogenetic analysis of large ribosomal subunit (26S) rRNA gene sequences suggests that Pityopus californicus is sister to Monotropa hypopithys and not a recurring hybrid.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1435-1441
Chromosome numbers and cyanogenesis were studied in 22 French populations of Lotus corniculatus/L. alpinus from the South-west Alps. L. corniculatus with 2n = 24 and L. alpinus with 2n = 12 proved to be polymorphic for cyanogenesis. The highest frequencies of HCN + individuals were generally found upon carbonate, in open vegetation and at high altitude. However, populations studied from various substrata in the upper valley of the Var consistently comprised fewer cyanogenic plants than the colonies occurring further to the south. The authors suggest that this distribution pattern might be influenced by the occurrence of ancestral populations of L. alpinus at Mount Ventoux and the Mountain of Lure.  相似文献   

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The stomach contents were examined from 324 western Washington bobcats ( Felis rufus ) and 123 from eastern Washington taken by hunters from 1976 through 1980, for major prey items as well as sex- and age-related differences in diet. Western Washington bobcats ate primarily mountain beavers ( Aplodontia rufa ) (42% occurrence) and snowshoe hares ( Lepus americanus ) (26%). Within that population females ate larger quantities of smaller prey such as douglas squirrels ( Tamiasciurus douglasi ) and lesser amounts of deer ( Odocoileus sp.) than males. Bobcat diets in eastern Washington were more diverse; main foods consisted of lagomorphs ( Sylvilagus nuttallii, Lepus sp.) (20%), red squirrels ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ) (15%), deer (11%), and voles ( Microtus sp.) (11%). Age-related differences were most prevalent in this population, with adults consuming larger quantities of deer and larger prey than did kittens.  相似文献   

Widespread karyotypic sampling in the lizard Sceloporus graciosus Baird & Girard has confirmed previous reports of chromosomal monotypy. Most individuals throughout the range have a diploid karyotype of 2N = 30 consisting of 12 biarmed macrochromosomes and 18 microchromosomes. A single female karyotyped from the vicinity of Riverside, California, was unmistakably triploid, showing 3N = 45 with 18 macrochromosomes and 27 microchromosomes. This female appeared phenotypically normal but appeared reproductively incompetent. A male from Zion National Park, Utah, showed an extra bivalent in some diakinesis arrays, which apparently represents a supernumerary chromosome.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1461-1465
Chromosome numbers for 108 species of the genus Lotus (Leguminosae) are now known. This represents an increase of 32 new species which have been reported since a chromosome atlas for Lotus was published in 1965. At this rate, with just over one chromosome number being reported for a new species per year, it will require almost a century for the chromosome numbers to be determined for all of the species in the genus. A review of the cytogenetic features which have been observed in the genus through karyotype analyses, chromosome banding, Feulgen cytophotometry, anther culture, HCN reaction and interspecific hybridization is presented. These include cytomixis and B chromosomes (both found in hybrids of diploid species in the L. corniculatus group when L. alpinus was one of the parents), desynapsis, binucleate cell formation, polytene chromosomes in suspensor cells and trisomics in L. pedunculatus. There has been a reduction of HCN content in the species with evolutionary development which is correlated with basic chromosome number and geographic distribution. Classical karyotype analyses may not be a suitable method to investigate the parentage of L. corniculatus because of the chromosomal repatterning which has occurred during the evolutionary development of the closely related diploid species.  相似文献   

We studied the foraging biology of recently fledged California Gulls ( Larus californicus ) at Mono Lake during August-September 1991. We made behavioral observations to collect information on the relative proportions of different prey types in the diet of these birds and took plankton tows to determine the relative abundance of each prey in the water column. These data show that alkali flies ( Ephydra hians ) were the primary constituent of the diet and that they were eaten at a much higher rate than one would expect based on their abundance. We also determined the number of feeding attempts and successful captures made during each behavioral observation. From these, we calculated the bird's feeding efficiencies on emergent adult alkali flies and on all other prey types combined. We found that foraging efficiencies on emergent flies were very high and significantly greater than those obtained on other prey types. These results suggest that flies were actively sought in preference to the alternative prey type, brine shrimp ( Artemia monica ), presumably because they are easier to capture and of greater nutritional value.  相似文献   

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