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A total of 28 Swainson's Hawk ( Buteo swainsoni ) and 30 Red-tailed Hawk ( B. jamaicensis ) nests were found in Cache Valley, Utah, during the summers of 1992 and 1993. All nests were in trees, but only Red-tailed Hawks nested in dead trees (30%). In the intensive study area, nesting densities were 0.10 nests/km 2 for Swainson's Hawk and 0.08 nests/km 2 for Red-tailed Hawk. Nearest-neighbor nest distances were significantly shorter among Swainson's Hawks (1.74 km) than among Red-tailed Hawks (2.83 km). Congeneric nearest-neighbor distances were significantly shorter than conspecific distances for Red-tailed Hawks (1.59 vs 2.83 km) but not for Swainson's Hawks (1.52 vs. 1.74). GIS analysis of habitat types was made for 2-km radii around nest sites. Cropland was the dominant land cover type at nest sites of both species and no significant difference was found between species. Swainson's Hawk nest sites contained significantly more pasture, whereas Red-tailed Hawk nest sites contained significantly more juniper, maple, and sagebrush. Only Red-tailed Hawk nests ( n = 8; 27%) were found on the periphery of the valley at the base of foothills of the Cache Mountains. This preference resulted in a significantly higher elevation for Red-tailed Hawk nest sites. Swainson's Hawk nests occurred only on the valley floor on level terrain. Distance to the nearest paved road and building was very similar for both species, implying that little difference exists in tolerance levels for human activities. Overall, multivariate niche overlap for habitat was high (0.89), indicating a lack of habitat partitioning between these 2 Buteos in Cache Valley.  相似文献   

Food habits and nest site features of the Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ), Prairie Falcon ( Falco mexicanus ), Red-tailed Hawk ( Buteo jamaicensis ), and Ferruginous Hawk ( B. regalis ) were studied near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, during 1981 and 1982. Foods consisted primarily of leporids and sciurids. The Wyoming ground squirrel ( Spemiophilus richardsonii ) dominated the diet of Prairie Falcons, while Golden Eagles preyed on leporids more than did the other raptors. Diet overlap ranged from 59 to 99% between the species. Mean height of Golden Eagle nests was greater than nest height of other species. Most raptor nests (78%) were not visible from other active nests and were in view of roads. Prairie Falcons were the most specialized and Ferruginous Hawks the most versatile raptor species in terms of food habits and use of nest sites.  相似文献   

We surveyed 7 species of predatory birds weekly during a 12-month period (December 1992 through November 1993) in the east Mojave Desert, California. The Common Raven ( Corvus corax ) was the most frequently observed species with an average of 6.9 sightings per 100 km. Turkey Vultures ( Cathartes aura ), Red-tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis ), Loggerhead Shrikes ( Lanius ludovicianus ), American Kestrels ( Falco sparverius ), Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ), and Prairie Falcons ( Falco mexicanus ) were seen in decreasing order of frequency of observation through the study period. Ravens, Red-tailed Hawks, Loggerhead Shrikes, American Kestrels, and Prairie Falcons were seen throughout the year. Turkey Vultures were not present during winter months, while Golden Eagles were seen only during November and December. Turkey Vultures, Red-tailed Hawks, and ravens were most numerous on agricultural lands, while Loggerhead Shrikes were most common at urban areas. Raven numbers increased with increasing number of linear rights-of-way parallel to the survey route. Perching was the most common behavior type, although Turkey Vultures and ravens were often observed soaring, flying, or standing on the ground near highways. Transmission powerline towers and telephone poles were used as perch sites disproportionately to availability.  相似文献   

A premigratory flock of Swainson's Hawks numbering at least 213 individuals was observed during July and August of 1984. Aerial feeding on grasshoppers was noted and kleptoparasitism was recorded between the Swainson's Hawk and the American Kestrel.  相似文献   

Winter populations of raptors and scavengers were surveyed along 175 km of rural roads in Moffat County, northwestern Colorado. The survey began in 1988 and is currently continuing. Over the 7 yr of the survey reported here, we found Golden Eagles in high abundance ( ̄ x = 5.8 km/eagle) compared to most studies in similar habitat. Bald Eagles were less abundant, but increasing compared to 20 yr earlier. American Rough-legged Hawks were in low abundance, probably due to the predominance of sagebrush habitat along the route. Northern Ravens were seen in low numbers in 4 yr. American Crows were seen in 2 yr. Black-billed Magpies were nearly as abundant ( ̄ x = 6.5 km/magpie) as Golden Eagles and often scavenged with them. Magpie and Golden Eagle numbers were significantly correlated over the years of study. We conclude that northwestern Colorado is a significant overwintering area for Golden Eagles.  相似文献   

The past and present use of the Uinta National Forest by birds of prey was determined from historical records and surveys conducted during 1973, 1974, and 1975. Data describing the history, present status, and physical characteristics of each nest site were collected, along with the type and intensivity of human activity within a half - mile radius of the nest. In addition, limited data on fall migration of raptors along the Wasatch Front and the food habits of Golden Eagles are presented. Management guidelines, based on the results of this study, are proposed.  相似文献   

During the summers of 1985-1991, bird census were conducted along 13 permanent routes located at the 2315-km 2 Idaho National Engineering and Environmental laboratory (INEEL Sturnella neglecta ), Brewer's Sparrows ( Spizella breweri ), Sage Sparrows ( Amphispiza belli ), Horned larks ( Eremophila alpestris ), and Sage Thrashers ( Oreoscoptes montanus ) comprised 72% of all individuals. Almost half of all species were represented by fewer than 10 individuals. Bird density was significantly greater along facility complex routes. Moreover, because of human-constructed wetlands and structures of various types, facility complex routes had significantly more bird species per unit area, including more species of waterfowl and human associated species. Some year-to-year variation in bird density was related to weather. More individuals were recorded in cooler, wetter years, although such increases were reflected more along facility complex routes. Among sagebrush-obligate species, trend analysis suggest that both Brewer's Sparrows and Sage Sparrows increased significantly in abundance, which may be in contrast to regional trends for these species. Of 5 species of special concern observed, trend analysis could be performed for only 2: Ferruginous Hawks ( Buteo regalis ) and Loggerhead Shrikes ( Lanius ludovicianus ). Both species had more routes with negative regression coefficients and negative trend means, indicating that declines may have occurred, although the goodness-of-fit test for neither species was significant. These data from INEEL should be used for comparison with future studies at the site and other statues from throughout the Great Basin region.  相似文献   

Montane wetlands provide valuable habitat for nesting waterfowl and other waterbirds in the western United States, but relatively little information is available about the nesting ecology of their waterbird communities. We describe the general nesting ecology of breeding waterbirds at a large, shallow, montane wetland in southeastern Idaho during 1997-2000. Habitats include upland grasslands and intermittently to semipermanently flooded wetland habitats. We located a total of 1207 nests of 23 bird species: Eared Grebe ( Podiceps nigricollis ), Canada Goose ( Branta canadensis ), Mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ), Gadwall ( A. strepera ), American Wigeon ( A. americana ), Green-winged Teal ( A. crecca ), Blue-winged Teal ( A. discors ), Cinnamon Teal ( A. cyanoptera ), Northern Shoveler ( A. clypeata ), Northern Pintail ( A. acuta ), Redhead ( Aythya americana ), Canvasback ( A. valisineria ), Lesser Scaup ( A. affinis ), Ruddy Duck ( Oxyura jamaicensis ), Northern Harrier ( Circus cyaneus ), American Coot ( Fulica americana ), Virginia Rail ( Rallus limicola ), Greater Sandhill Crane ( Grus canadensis tabida ), American Avocet ( Recurvirostra americana ), Long-billed Curlew ( Numenius americanus ), Wilson's Snipe ( Gallinago delicata ), Wilson's Phalarope ( Phalaropus tricolor ), and Short-eared Owl ( Asio flammeus ). Most nests were initiated in May-early June and were terminated (hatched or destroyed) by the 3rd week of June. Mean daily survival rate (DSR) for Canada Goose nests was 0.954 ± 0.005 ( s  ̄x ; n = 127 nests), equivalent to Mayfield nest success of 21%. Mean DSR for dabbling duck nests over all 4 years was 0.938 ± 0.006 ( n = 41), equivalent to Mayfield nest success of 11%. For all other species where we found > 10 nests each year (Eared Grebe, Redhead, Canvasback, Coot, Sandhill Crane, American Avocet, and Wilson's Snipe), > 50% of nests found hatched at least 1 young. Success rates for geese, cranes, and ducks were lower than reported for Grays Lake during 1949-1951 and lower than most other wetlands in the region.  相似文献   

Several species of raptors winter at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) including the Bald Eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ), Ferruginous Hawk ( Buteo regalis ), Red-tailed Hawk ( Buteo jamaicensis ), and Rough-legged Hawk ( Buteo lagopus ). Raptors were monitored each winter from 1988-89 to 1996-97 using a standardized road survey. Black-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) form a major component of the prey base for wintering raptors on the Refuge, with 1850 ha of active prairie dog towns mapped in 1988. Prairie dog town areas and population data were determined by mapping active towns and conducting visual counts on study plots to determine population density on an annual basis from 1988 to 1996. Large-scale plague epizootics were documented on the Refuge in 1988-89 and 1994-95, reducing prairie dog towns by 95% and 99%, respectively. A significant relationship was found in the numeric response of Ferruginous Hawks to changes in prairie dog town area ( r 2 = 0.96, P r 2 = 0.97, P r 2 = 0.07, P = 0.486). This contrasted sharply with the responses to prairie dog town area found for Red-tailed ( r 2 = 0.11, P = 0.377) and Roughlegged Hawks ( r 2 = 0.04, P = 0.612).  相似文献   

We compared vegetation structure used by 14 bird species during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons to determine what habitat features best accounted for habitat division and community organization in Utah juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) woodlands of southwestern Wyoming. Habitat use was quantified by measuring 24 habitat variables in 461 bird-centered quadrats, each 0.04 ha in size. Using discriminant function analysis, we differentiated between habitat used by 14 bird species along 3 habitat dimensions: (1) variation in shrub cover, overstory juniper cover, mature tree density, understory height, and decadent tree density; (2) a gradient composed of elevation and forb cover; and (3) variation in grass cover, tree height, seedling/sapling cover, and bare ground/rock cover. Of 14 species considered, 9 exhibited substantial habitat partitioning: Mourning Dove ( Zenaida macroura ), Bewick's Wren ( Thryomanes bewickii ), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ( Polioptila caerulea ), Mountain Bluebird ( Sialia currucoides ), Plumbeous Vireo ( Vireo plumbeus ), Green-tailed Towhee ( Pipilo chlorurus ), Brewer's Sparrow ( Spizella breweri ), Dark-eyed Junco ( Junco hyemalis ), and Cassin's Finch ( Carpodacus cassinii ). Our results indicate juniper bird communities of southwestern Wyoming are organized along a 3-dimensional habitat gradient composed of woodland maturity, elevation, and juniper recruitment. Because juniper birds partition habitat along successional and altitudinal gradients, indiscriminate woodland clearing as well as continued fire suppression will alter species composition. Restoration efforts should ensure that all successional stages of juniper woodland are present on the landscape.  相似文献   

I surveyed 34 meadows in California and Oregon to count Lincoln's Sparrows ( Melospiza lincolnii alticola ) and to identify habitat features that might influence their local, insular occurrence. Lincoln's Sparrows were most common in wet meadows with little damage by grazing. Singing males were concentrated in flooded or boggy areas near meadow edges, where pines ( Pinus sp.) provided elevated perches for singing and vigilance. Patches of willows ( Salix sp.) were often present nearby. Numbers of male Lincoln's Sparrows were strongly and negatively correlated with abundance of sympatric Song Sparrows ( M. melodia fisherella ). Lincoln's Sparrows breeding in montane meadows are potentially vulnerable to local extirpation because of their insular distribution, low population density, and fluctuating habitat conditions. Heavy damage from livestock grazing drastically increases the probability of local extirpation.  相似文献   

Habitat use and food selection data were collected for deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), montane voles ( Microtus montanus ), Ord's kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys ordii ), and Townsend's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus townsendii ) near a sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata )/crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ) interface in southeastem Idaho. Significantly more captures occurred in the native sagebrush habitat than in areas planted in crested wheatgrass or in disturbed sites. Crested wheatgrass, a prolific seed producer, still accounted for over 30% of the total captures. Montane voles and Townsend's ground squirrels (during periods of aboveground activity) used the crested wheatgrass habitat throughout the summer, while deer mice and, Ord's kangaroo rats exhibited heavy use after seed set.  相似文献   

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} A nesting population of Ferruginous Hawks ( Buteo regalis ) at the eastern edge of the Great Basin in west - central Utah was studied for three nesting seasons, 1972 – 1974, during which time a significant decline in jackrabbit numbers occurred. The total number of hawks and nesting pairs varied throughout the study. In 1972, 16 pairs occupied territories and only 1 pair failed to nest. By 1974, however, only 5 pairs and 2 single birds occupied territories. The number of young fledged ranged from 31 in 1972 to 3 in 1974. The nesting phenology of the Ferruginous Hawk and the reproductive period of black - tailed jackrabbits are clearly correlated. Of the jackrabbit remains collected from hawk nests, 90 percent were from rabbits younger than 13 weeks. The decline in hawk numbers is thought to be directly correlated with a drop in the jackrabbit population.     相似文献   

Observing survival and how individuals allocate time can provide insight into a species' ability to tolerate environmental constraints. We studied the Willow Flycatcher ( Empidonax trallii ) in the Sierra Nevada to determine if there were behavioral differences between pairs that successfully produced offspring and those that did not. This information will advance understanding of why these birds are declining in the Sierra Nevada and contribute to recommendations that may help to conserve them. We studied birds in 13 meadows in 2000 and 2001 using continuous focal-animal observations. Of the 43 territories we observed, 11 were occupied by males who never paired with a female, leaving 32 pairs for analysis. Of the 32 pairs, 13 were successful at breeding on their 1st attempt, and 9 pairs failed at their initial try but were successful on their 2nd breeding attempt. Throughout the breeding season, Willow Flycatchers spent 77%-78% of the day loafing during territory establishment and nest building, and loafing reached a low of 49% of the time budget during the nestling stage. Unsuccessful pairs spent on average 34% more time perching than their successful counterparts, while successful pairs spent on average 48% more of their time on the nest than unsuccessful pairs. Willow Flycatchers doubled the time spent foraging during the nestling phase because they had to meet the daily intake requirements for their young and themselves. Our results suggest that birds that spent more time on the nest and less time vocalizing had a significantly higher probability of successfully producing young because they were able to protect nests from predators, nest parasites, and inclement weather.  相似文献   

Henry Rogers Durkee collected 74 egg sets of 27 avian species in 1870 at Gilmer, Uinta County, in southwestern Wyoming. Despite the paucity of documented breeding evidence from this region during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, his material at the Smithsonian Institution was generally overlooked and has never been critically examined. Durkee's egg sets included 5 species (Sandhill Crane, Grus candensis ; Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Stelgidoteryx serripennis ; Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum ; Fox Sparrow, Passerella iliaca ; Cassin's Finch, Carpodacus cassinii ) whose breeding distribution was then poorly known, 25 to more than 70 years before nests and eggs were otherwise documented in Wyoming. Durkee also collected complete egg sets of Lark Bunting ( Calamospiza melanocorys ) over 70 years before breeding was confirmed at other peripheral locations in Wyoming. In addition, Durkee's incomplete egg sets of Grasshopper Sparrow were the 1st western subspecies ( A. s. perpallidus ); his complete egg set and nest of the Fox Sparrow collected at Gilmer constituted the 2nd locality for the species or species group ( P. i. schistacea ). Although the number of egg sets Durkee collected is modest, he made a meaningful contribution to the early history of avifaunal exploration in Wyoming.  相似文献   

To date, 17 species of Laridae have been reported in Wyoming. Six of these species have know breeding populations in the state: the Ring-billed Gull ( Larus delawarensis ), California Gull ( Larus californicus ), Herring Gull ( Larus argentatus ), Caspian Tern ( Sterna caspia ), Forster's Tern ( Sterna forsteri ), and Black Tern ( Chlidonias niger ). Of these species, the California Gull is the most abundant and widespread. In 1984 approximately 7300 nests existed in Wyoming at six breeding locations consisting of 10 different colonies. In contrast, only small breeding populations have been discovered for the remaining five species. The Herring Gull is the most recent addition among Laridae know to nest in Wyoming. Likewise, two Ring-billed Bull colonies were recently found after not having been documented as breeding in the state for over 50 years. Although some nesting colonies are threatened by habitat loss and human disturbance, most seem secure at present. Limited nesting and foraging habitat precludes establishment of large breeding populations of most Laridae in the state.  相似文献   

Burrow diameters of five small mammal species, Townsend's ground squirrel ( Spermophilus townsendii ), Wyoming ground squirrel ( S. elegans ), Ord's kangaroo rat ( Dipodomys ordii ), montane vole ( Microtus montanus ), and deer mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), were examined. Burrow cross sections were noncircular for all species with horizontal diameters 1.2-1.6 times wider than vertical diameters. Montane vole and deer mouse burrows were the smallest diameter, burrows of Wyoming and Townsend's ground squirrels were the largest, and kangaroo rat burrows were intermediate. Soil bulk density and texture significantly affected burrow diameters of montane voles and deer mice but not the other three species.  相似文献   

Several amphibian species historically inhabited sparsely distributed wetlands in the Mojave Desert of western North America, habitats that have been dramatically altered or eliminated as a result of human activities. The population status and distributional changes of amphibians were investigated over a 20,000-km 2 area in the eastern Mojave Desert in 2 ways. For upland sites (i.e., sites outside of major valleys and river floodplains), where wetland habitat is almost exclusively springs, encounter surveys were conducted at 128 sites in 1997-1999, and results were compared to historical (pre-1970) locality records. For lowland sites (i.e., sites within major valleys and river floodplains), locality records and field surveys in 1995-2004 were reviewed to detect changes in distribution over time. Amphibians were found at 79% of upland sites. By far the most common species was the red-spotted toad ( Bufo punctatus , 73% of sites), followed by the Pacific chorus frog ( Pseudacris regilla ), Woodhouse's toad ( B. woodhousii ), relict leopard frog ( Rana onca ), and the introduced American bullfrog ( R. catesbeiana ). Taxa observed or collected in the lowlands since 1990 were Woodhouse's toad, Pacific chorus frog, American bullfrog, and the introduced tiger salamander ( Ambystoma tigrinum ). Four taxa (Vegas Valley leopard frog [ Rana sp.], Arizona toad [ B. microscaphus ], Great Plains toad [ B. cognatus ], and Great Basin spadefoot [ Spea intermontana ]) had historical records but no evidence of occurrence in the study area within the past 5 decades. The amphibian fauna of the study area has changed dramatically in the past century, primarily at lowland sites where habitat loss and modification have been extreme. Striking changes are the nearly complete replacement of native leopard frogs (i.e., Vegas Valley and relict leopard frogs) with the introduced bullfrog, and the complete replacement of the Arizona toad in Las Vegas Valley with Woodhouse's toad or hybrids with predominantly Woodhouse's traits. In contrast, the distributions of 2 species characteristic of upland springs, red-spotted toad and Pacific chorus frog, appear to have changed little from their historical distributions, despite habitat modification at many sites.  相似文献   

Although previous research has considered habitat associations and breeding biology of Mountain Plovers in Wyoming at discrete sites, no study has considered these attributes at a statewide scale. We located 55 Mountain Plover nests in 6 counties across Wyoming during 2002 and 2003. Nests occurred in 2 general habitat types: grassland and desert-shrub. Mean estimated hatch date was 26 June ( n = 31) in 2002 and 21 June ( n = 24) in 2003. Mean hatch date was not related to latitude or elevation. Hatch success of nests was inferred in 2003 by the presence of eggshell fragments in the nest scrape. Eggs in 14 of 22 (64%) known-fate nests hatched. All grassland sites and 90% of desert sites were host to ungulate grazers, although prairie dogs were absent at 64% of nest sites. Nest plots had less grass coverage and reduced grass height compared with random plots. More than 50% of nests occurred on elevated plateaus. The Mountain Plover's tendency to nest on arid, elevated plateaus further substantiates claims that the bird is also a disturbed- prairie species.  相似文献   

Southwestern Idaho desert shrub-bunchgrass rangeland is being invaded by fire-prone exotic annuals that permanently dominate the landscape following wildfires. This study was undertaken to describe diets of Townsend's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus townsendii idahoensis ) at four study sites with varying degrees of exotic annual invasion to determine if the squirrels could utilize high proportions of exotic annuals in their diets. Townsend's ground squirrels were collected in March and May of 1987 and 1988, and stomach contents were analyzed using a microhistological technique. Grasses comprised 37-87% of Townsend's ground squirrel diets at the four sites. Native species, especially Sandberg's bluegrass ( Poa secunda ), winterfat ( Ceratoides lanata ), big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) and six-weeks fescue ( Vulpia octoflora ) constituted 7-96% (x = 47.2%) of the diet, whereas exotic species, especially cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ), tumbleweed ( Salsola iberica ), and tansymustards ( Descurainia spp.) made up 4-68% (x = 48.0%) of the diet. At each site 2-4 species comprised >90% of the diet. There was no apparent correlation between the importance values of exotic species at a site and their importance in Townsend's ground squirrel diets.  相似文献   

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