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The objectives of this study were to (1) examine distribution and habitat use of leatherside chub ( Gila copei ) in a creek with high densities of predatory brown trout ( Salmo trutta ), and (2) compare study results with published accounts of leatherside chub habitat use in streams with few or no brown trout. A 14-km section of Diamond Fork Creek, Utah, was point-shocked to determine macrohabitat (main channel and lateral habitat) and microhabitat (current, depth, substrate, and cover) use of leatherside chug. At the macrohabitat level, leatherside chub were most common in lower reaches of Diamond Fork Creek where the channel was braided and lateral habitats (cutoff pools and backwaters) were abundant. Only a single leatherside chub was found in the main channel of Diamond Fork. Investigations in other systems lacking brown trout indicated that leatherside chub occupy main channel habitats. At the microhabitat level, we found significant positive associations between presence of leatherside chub and both habitat depth and silt. In addition, we found a significant negative association between presence of leatherside chub and number of brown trout. Our results suggest predation by brown trout may limit leatherside chub to lateral habitats that could provide refugia against predation. The introduction of brown trout to systems with little lateral habitat could have serious effects on persistence of resident leatherside chub populations.  相似文献   

We evaluated distribution, habitat use, spawning, and species associations of the endangered humpback chub ( Gila cypha ) in the Yampa and Green rivers, Dinosaur National Monument, from 1986 to 1989. Adult and juvenile humpback chub were captured in high-gradient reaches of Yampa and Whirlpool canyons where they were rare ( n = 133, G. robusta ) were widely distributed in eddies, pools, runs, and riffles. Humpback chub ( n = 39) and roundtail chub ( n = 242) in reproductive condition were sympatric in eddy habitats during the 5-6 week period following highest spring runoff. River temperatures at this time averaged about 20 C. Nonnative channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) were abundant in eddies yielding humpback and roundtail chubs, suggesting a potential for negative interactions between the native and introduced fishes.  相似文献   

Understanding the upstream and downstream effect of impoundments on stream fish assemblages is important in managing fish populations and predicting the effects of future human activities on stream ecosystems. We used information collected over a 41-year period (1960-2001) to assess changes in fish assemblage structure resulting from impoundment of the Laramie River by Grayrocks Reservoir. Prior to impoundment (i.e., 1960-1979), fish assemblages were dominated by native catostomids and cyprinids. After impoundment several exotic species (e.g., smallmouth bass [ Micropterus dolomieu ], walleye [ Sander vitreus ; formerly Stizostedion vitreum ], yellow perch [ Perca flavescens ], brown trout [ Salmo trutta ]) were sampled from reaches upstream and downstream of the reservoir. Suckermouth minnows ( Phenacobius mirabilis ) were apparently extirpated, and hornyhead chubs ( Nocomis biguttatus ) and common shiners ( Luxilus cornutus ) became rare upstream of Grayrocks Reservoir. The lower Laramie River downstream from Grayrocks Reservoir near its mouth retains habitat characteristics similar to those prior to impoundment (e.g., shallow, braided channel morphology) and is the only downstream area where several sensitive species persist, including suckermouth minnows, hornyhead chubs, and bigmouth shiners ( Notropis dorsalis ). Grayrocks Reservoir serves as a source of exotic piscivores to both upstream and downstream reaches and has altered downstream habitat characteristics. These impacts have had a substantial influence on native fish assemblages. Our results suggest that upstream and downstream effects of impoundment on fish assemblage structure are similar and that downstream reaches which retain habitat characteristics similar to pre-impoundment conditions may serve as areas of refuge for native species.  相似文献   

We studied spawning ecology of cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki ) in streams that originate as springs along the Salt River, a Snake River tributary in western Wyoming. We assessed (1) relative numbers of upstream-migrant and resident adults present during the spawning period in spring streams, (2) influence of habitat modification on use of spring streams for spawning, and (3) habitat features used for spawning in spring streams. Four spring streams were studied, 2 with substantial modification to enhance trout habitat and 2 with little or no modification. Modifications consisted primarily of constructing alternating pools and gravel-cobble riffles. Only a small portion of adult fish in spring streams during the spawning period had migrated upstream from the Salt River between March and the middle of June. Larger numbers of adult fish and more redds were observed in the 2 modified streams compared with the 2 streams with little or no modification. Most spawning occurred on constructed riffles with small gravel and over a narrow range of depths and velocities. Cutthroat trout, rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and their hybrids were observed in 1 stream with habitat modifications, indicating that measures to halt invasion by rainbow trout, as well as habitat improvement, are needed to preserve this native trout within the Salt River valley.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight sites along the Wasatch Front, north central Utah, representing the range of urban land use intensity for wadeable streams of the area, were sampled in September 2000. Fish communities were assessed by single-pass electrofishing, and physical habitat and water-quality characteristics were measured. On average, nonnative species comprised 54% of species richness and 53% of relative abundance, although only Salmo trutta and Pimephales promelas were very abundant at any 1 site. Salmo trutta and Catostomus platyrhynchus , a native species, were the most widely distributed and abundant species captured. Analysis of fish communities using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) revealed a community gradient from sites dominated by Salmo trutta and Cottus species ( C. bairdi , C. beldingi ) to sites dominated by Catostomus platyrhynchus . Sites dominated by C. platyrhynchus were smaller in size and had less habitat cover, smaller average substrate size, higher concentrations of dissolved constituents, and higher water temperature than sites dominated by S. trutta . Sites dominated by C. platyrhynchus were located in more intensely urbanized watersheds at lower elevations. Stream size and associated instream habitat availability appear to limit S. trutta distribution and abundance, while native species appear more tolerant of decreased water quality and increased water temperatures in more urbanized streams. Most of the study sites are affected by development of water infrastructure for human water use (e.g., dams and diversions), and this infrastructure may play a role in dispersal of species.  相似文献   

Brook Trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ), native to eastern North America, have invaded many montane cold-water systems of western North America, and these invasions are implicated in the decline of native cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki ). If fisheries biologists are to be effective in managing brook trout invasions, demographic models that predict invasion success will need to incorporate life history variation in different environments. We tested whether brook trout populations invading streams at 2 different elevations varied in life history characteristics that influence population dynamics and potential invasion success. In the high-elevation stream (3195 m), water temperatures were colder and brook trout apparently grew more slowly (i.e., had shorter lengths-at-age), became sexually mature 2 years later, and had life spans 2 to 3 times longer than those in the mid-elevation stream (2683 m). This flexibility in life history may allow brook trout to maximize their chance of establishment and invasion success among elevations. We propose that in mid-elevation streams fast growth and early maturity maximize fitness and can lead to rapid establishment and high population growth rates. In high-elevation streams, slow growth, later maturity, and a long reproductive life span may allow brook trout to successfully establish populations in these marginal habitats where recruitment is often poor.  相似文献   

To determine the potential effect of habitat disturbance, Great Horned Owl ( Bubo virginianus ) diets were quantified in disturbed and undisturbed habitats over a 2-year period at Dugway Proving Ground in the Great Basin Desert of Tooele County, Utah. Invertebrates were the most abundant prey by count, whereas mammals constituted the majority of diet by biomass. Species richness in the diet did not differ between habitats or among seasons after correcting for the number of pellets in each sample. However, the number of vertebrate species was greater than the number of invertebrate species in the diet, and this ratio differed between disturbed and undisturbed habitats. Invertebrate species made up a greater proportion of total species richness in the diet in the undisturbed than the disturbed habitat. Nineteen species occurred in the diet in only 1 of the 2 habitat types (7 unique species in disturbed habitat, 12 unique species in undisturbed), but all such species were rare and contributed little both by count and biomass to the overall diet. Of the 20 most important species found in owl diets in both habitats (based on percent biomass), none were more common in 1 habitat than the other after correcting for multiple tests. Although there were minor differences in the diet between disturbed and undisturbed habitats, habitat alteration and degradation of native vegetation on Dugway Proving Ground did not affect the major components of the diet of Great Horned Owls.  相似文献   

The highly invasive New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum , may compete with and displace native North American macroinvertebrates in freshwater systems wherever it becomes established. Densities and spatial distributions of 3 snail species including P. antipodarum and the threatened Taylorconcha serpenticola were compared among 3 adjacent habitat types (run, edge, and vegetation) in Banbury Springs, a tributary of the Snake River, near Hagerman, Idaho, USA. In all 3 habitats P. antipodarum was the most abundant snail species. All 3 species densities were highly variable within habitats, suggesting a nonrandom distribution pattern. Densities of P. antipodarum were significantly greatest in the vegetation habitat type, while densities of T. serpenticola were similar among habitats. Smallersized P. antipodarum were less abundant in the run habitat with its associated higher water velocities, and their densities were negatively correlated with velocity. Densities of P. antipodarum also were negatively correlated with distance from the highly infested, man-made Morgan Lake, while T. serpenticola densities were positively correlated with distance from Morgan Lake. Potamopyrgus antipodarum is a potential competitor with native aquatic species, although its colonization into some freshwater habitats may be limited.  相似文献   

We summarized historic and recent fish distributions in South Dakota and analyzed fish faunal similarity at 2 spatial scales (geomorphic province and river drainage) for both historic (native) and recent (post-1990) faunas. We quantified zoogeographic patterns between geomorphic provinces and among neighboring river drainages for historic and recent faunas. We also quantified faunal change (species losses and additions) between provinces and among drainages. Ninety-seven fishes were native to South Dakota, but 111 fishes were present in recent collections because 8 native species were missing, and 22 nonnatives were present. There was high β diversity among historic and recent river drainage fish faunas, but there was between 22% and 56% faunal change between periods. Recent faunas were homogenized compared to historic faunas at both provincial and river drainage spatial scales. Patterns of nonnative species establishment were geographically distinct from patterns of native species loss. Most nonnative species additions were in cold-water or human-made habitats of the Great Plains. Most native species declines stemmed from warm water streams of the Central Lowlands and Missouri River valley. Conservation of rare and declining native species and containment of nonnatives are both necessary to preserve historical patterns of fish biodiversity in South Dakota.  相似文献   

Redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri in the Columbia River Basin of western North America occupy desert and montane streams with variable habitat conditions. In general, desert streams are lower in gradient and elevation, contain less large substrate and more silt substrate, are less shaded by overhead vegetation, and have higher summer water temperature than montane streams. Consequently, we assessed whether the relationships between biotic and abiotic factors and the occurrence and abundance of redband trout in southwestern Idaho differed between desert and montane streams (<25 m mean width). Increased occurrence of redband trout in desert streams was most strongly related to increased stream shading and decreased amounts of silt substrate, followed by increased amounts of cobble/boulder substrate and absence of piscivorous fish (i.e., smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui and northern pikeminnow Ptychocheilus oregonensis ). In montane streams, increased occurrence of redband trout was most strongly related to decreased site elevation and increases in cobble/boulder substrate, followed by decreases in stream gradient and width. Furthermore, occurrence of redband trout decreased in desert streams at mean summer (June–August) water temperature (Temp smr ) >16 °C, whereas for montane streams, occurrence increased at Temp smr >9 °C. Redband trout density in desert streams was most strongly related to higher stream order (i.e., headwater streams), increased stream shading, and increased amounts of cobble/boulder substrate. In montane streams, redband trout density was not well explained by any stream conditions, but stream shading had the strongest positive relationship with density. Redband trout density was negatively related to Temp smr in desert streams, but the relationship was weak for montane streams. That environmental conditions related to the occurrence and abundance of redband trout differ between desert and montane streams is important for fisheries managers who manage these disparate populations occurring in such close proximity to each other.  相似文献   

Populations of leatherside chub ( Gila copei ), a little-known species native to the eastern Great Basin, have declined and their distribution has become fragmented. To determine habitat requirements and possible factors responsible for population decline, we quantified macrohabitats and microhabitats occupied by leatherside chub. Macrohabitat was surveyed at 59 sites in the Sevier River drainage of south central Utah, and microhabitats occupied by leatherside chub were measured at 3 locations spanning the species latitudinal range. Characteristics of points in the stream where leatherside chub occurred were compared to points where they did not occur. Abundance of brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) and elevation were weakly negatively correlated with leatherside chub distribution on a macrohabitat scale. Microhabitats occupied by leatherside chub were characterized by low water velocities (2.5-45 cm sec -1 ), intermediate water depths (25-65 cm), and low percent composition of sand-silt or gravel substrates. This study suggests that the presence of introduced brown trout may have led to the decline of leatherside chub.  相似文献   

Changes in global climate may exacerbate other anthropogenic stressors, accelerating the decline in distribution and abundance of rare species throughout the world. We examined the potential effects of a warming climate on the greenback cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki stomias ), a resident salmonid that inhabits headwater streams of the central Rocky Mountains. Greenbacks are outcompeted at lower elevations by nonnative species of trout and currently are restricted to upper-elevation habitats where barriers to upstream migration by nonnatives are or have been established. We used likelihood-based techniques and information theoretics to select models predicting stream temperature changes for 10 streams where greenback cutthroat trout have been translocated. These models showed high variability among responses by different streams, indicating the usefulness of a stream-specific approach. We used these models to project changes in stream temperatures based on 2° C and 4° C warming of average air temperatures. In these warming scenarios, spawning is predicted to begin from 2 to 3.3 weeks earlier than would be expected under baseline conditions. Of the 10 streams used in this assessment, 5 currently have less than a 50% chance of translocation success. Warming increased the probability of translocation success in these 5 streams by 11.2% and 21.8% in the 2 scenarios, respectively. Assuming barriers to upstream migration by nonnative competitors maintain their integrity, we conclude that an overall habitat improvement results because greenbacks have been restricted through competition with nonnatives to suboptimal habitats, which are generally too cold to be highly productive.  相似文献   

Forty - five percent of 306 brown trout from 16 Montana streams were infected with one or more of the nematodes Cystidicoloides salvelini, Bulbodacnitis globosa, Rhabdochona sp., and Eustrongylides sp. The relationships between incidence and intensity of nematode infections and age and sexual maturity of the host fish were studied. Generally, sexually mature female brown trout had a higher rate of infection and had more nematodes per infected fish than immature female brown trout. Higher incidence and intensity of infection in sexually mature fish was attributed to more aggressive feeding behavior leading to more exposure to the intermediate hosts (mayflies) of the nematode parasites.      相似文献   

There has been a resurgence in applying bioassessment techniques for evaluating and monitoring the biological integrity of stream ecosystms. In all cases biological metrics have been refined to account for regional variation in aquatic habitats and fauna. This study evaluated environmental and macroinvertebrate properties for wadable streams in 3 major ecoregions of Idaho: Northern Basin and Range, Snake River Plain, and Northern Rocky Mountain. These 3 ecoregions constitute > 80% of the land area in Idaho. Reference streams were delineated from test streams in each ecoregion using standard habitat assessment protocols. (Plafkin et al. 1989). Multiple discriminant analysis effectively determined habitat (quantified measures) and macroinvertebrate differences between reference and test streams within ecoregions, although the results suggested that quantifiable habitat measures (e.g., water chemistry and nutrients) and biotic measures based on taxonomic groups (e.g., % Elmidae) improved the discriminatory power of evaluation procedures. Our results support the contention of a multi-metric approach for assessing differences among streams within an ecoregion. Lastly, individual metrics differed in their importance for evaluating stream condition among ecoregions, further emphasizing the importance of regionally stratifying metric selection or scoring procedures.  相似文献   

Populations of reptiles were examined in grazed and ungrazed habitats dominated by sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) or by crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cirstatum ) on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) Site in southeastern Idaho. The sagebrush lizard ( Sceloporus graciosus ) and the short-horned lizard ( Phrynosoma douglassi ) were the only species of reptiles encountered in sufficient numbers to permit statistical analysis. Both of these species preferred sagebrush habitats to areas dominated by crested wheatgrass. The sagebrush lizard was most abundant in the native, ungrazed, sagebrush habitat, and the short-horned lizard was most plentiful in the sheep-grazed area dominated by big sagebrush.  相似文献   

We compared the maximum scotopic visual sensitivity of 4 species of trout from twilight (mesotopic) to fully dark-adapted vision. Scotopic vision is the minimum number of photons to which a fully dark-adapted animal will show a behavioral response. A comparison of visual sensitivity under controlled laboratory conditions showed that brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) and brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) had maximum scotopic thresholds (1.1 × 10 –4 μmol ? m –2 s –1 , ~0.005 lux) 2 times lower than rainbow trout ( Oncorhyncus mykiss ) and Snake River cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri ), which did not differ from each other (2.1 × 10 –4 μmol ? m –2 s –1 , ~0.01 lux). A literature review tended to corroborate these results in that brown trout and brook trout were reported to be more active during the night and at twilight than cutthroat trout and rainbow trout. We also measured light intensity within open versus shaded reaches during the day, dusk, and night in 3 Rocky Mountain streams. The scotopic sensitivity of brown trout and brook trout was sufficient to allow foraging during all twilight periods and under average nighttime light intensities in open and shaded reaches, whereas the scotopic sensitivity of rainbow trout and cutthroat trout may restrict their foraging to relatively bright nocturnal conditions (twilight or a moonlit night). Native cutthroat trout restoration efforts may have greater success in open versus shaded stream reaches in the Rocky Mountains and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Wood River sculpin Cottus leiopomus is endemic to the Wood River Basin in central Idaho and is a nongame species of concern because of its limited distribution. However, status and genetic population structure, 2 factors often central to the conservation and management of species of concern, have not been assessed for this species. We used backpack electrofishers to survey streams that were small enough (i.e., a priori to contain, possibly contain, or not contain the sculpin, respectively. Native redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri were present at 21 study sites, including 18 of the 20 sites that contained Wood River sculpin. Sixty-one study sites (60%) were dry or had too little water to contain any fish. We estimated that a minimum of 1.36 million Wood River sculpin (≥20 mm total length) currently reside in the basin. The presence of Wood River sculpin was positively associated with stream width:depth ratio and percent cobble/boulder substrate and negatively associated with stream gradient. Mitochondrial DNA haplotype differences were observed between and within the 3 major river subbasins supporting sculpin, with the most striking differences observed between populations in the Camas Creek subbasin and the other 2 subbasins, among which no haplotypes were shared, suggesting relatively long-term isolation. Our results suggest that the Wood River sculpin remains relatively widespread and abundant within its endemic range, despite obvious changes in historical stream connectivity caused by irrigation diversions and other chronic habitat alterations.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted during 1997 and 1998 documenting the distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus ) in Escalante River tributaries. This documented occurrence of native trout in the Escalante River drainage of southern Utah represents an expansion of the known historic range of this subspecies as reported before the 1990s. We found 5 populations of native trout ranging in biomass from 3.0 to 104.2 kg ha -1 and occupying 13.2 km of stream of 130 km of estimated historic habitat. Current distribution and abundance of Colorado River cutthroat trout were compared to early introductions of nonnative trout stocked for sport fishing purposes. Native cutthroat trout have been displaced by nonnative cutthroat trout ( O. c. bouveri ), rainbow trout ( O. mykiss ), brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ), and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) except where they were isolated by physical or biological barriers. Displacement may have been more extensive except for the remoteness of the drainage and relatively recent introductions of nonnative trout. These conditions limited the overall amount of the drainage stocked, numbers of nonnative trout stocked, and time over which stocking occurred. Discoveries of native trout populations within the Escalante River drainage have allowed expanded conservation of this subspecies by adding new populations to what was known to exist and by increasing the known natural range of this fish.  相似文献   

We sampled streams in the Upper Clear Creek Watershed in northwestern California in fall 2004 and fall 2005 to document assemblages of aquatic vertebrates and to provide resource managers with information on the importance of these assemblages in terms of regional biodiversity. We used single-pass backpack electrofishing to sample 15 sites in fall 2004 and the same 15 sites plus 4 new sites in fall 2005. We captured 10 fish taxa and 2 species of larval amphibians. Seven of the fish taxa were native species. Of the exotic species, only brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) occurred at more than 1 site. Ordinations by nonmetric multidimensional scaling indicated a gradient from sites with rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), Pacific giant salamander ( Dicamptodon tenebrosus ), and tailed frog ( Ascaphus truei ) to sites dominated by riffle sculpin ( Cottus gulosus ), California roach ( Hesperoleucas symmetricus ), and Sacramento sucker ( Catostomus occidentalis ). The gradient in species composition was associated with changes in elevation, gradient, discharge, and substrate. The Upper Clear Creek Watershed represents a unique area of overlap between the North Coast California amphibian fauna and the Central Valley fish fauna with a notable paucity of exotic fishes and amphibians. Preservation of the integrity of native aquatic assemblages is an important goal for aquatic resource management in the region; our results provide a critcial baseline to gauge future management actions.  相似文献   

The fluctuating characteristics (numbers, biomass, condition, and young-adult ratios) of the Lahontan (Humboldt) cutthroat trout population in Chimney Creek, Nevada, are discussed in relationship to the unpredictable and unstable habitat in which the population occurs. One possible means of adapting to environmental capriciousness, staggered spawning, occurred during 1982, and clues as to the cause of this unusual event are sought by examining the runoff hydrographs of a nearby watershed for 1981 through 1984. The management values of the environmental tolerance of these native trout with respect to restoring viable trout fisheries in degraded Great Basin streams are also considered.  相似文献   

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