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A 5-year winter bald eagle survey was conducted along 22 km of the Snake River Canyon in northwestern Wyoming. Surveys were done on 94 days requiring 1,414 hrs and 1,888 km driving. In all, 220 (85 percent adults) bald eagles were seen. Seventy-seven percent of all eagles were perching, 15 percent were flying, 4 percent were feeding on road-killed mule deer, and 4 percent were flying low over water. Perching sites were identified as 32 percent cottonwoods, 30 percent spruce, 17 percent Douglas-fir, and 22 percent other. Eagles were somewhat clumped in distribution.  相似文献   

We studied spawning ecology of cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki ) in streams that originate as springs along the Salt River, a Snake River tributary in western Wyoming. We assessed (1) relative numbers of upstream-migrant and resident adults present during the spawning period in spring streams, (2) influence of habitat modification on use of spring streams for spawning, and (3) habitat features used for spawning in spring streams. Four spring streams were studied, 2 with substantial modification to enhance trout habitat and 2 with little or no modification. Modifications consisted primarily of constructing alternating pools and gravel-cobble riffles. Only a small portion of adult fish in spring streams during the spawning period had migrated upstream from the Salt River between March and the middle of June. Larger numbers of adult fish and more redds were observed in the 2 modified streams compared with the 2 streams with little or no modification. Most spawning occurred on constructed riffles with small gravel and over a narrow range of depths and velocities. Cutthroat trout, rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and their hybrids were observed in 1 stream with habitat modifications, indicating that measures to halt invasion by rainbow trout, as well as habitat improvement, are needed to preserve this native trout within the Salt River valley.  相似文献   

Examination of gastrointestinal tracts of native cyprinids from the Little Colorado River (LCR) in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1990-1994, revealed varying rates of prevalence and infrapopulation levels of Asian tapeworm ( Bothriocephalus acheilognathi ). Mean prevalence was 28% (range 0-78%) in humpback chub ( Gila cypha ) and 8% (range 0-46%) in speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ), with infrapopulations as high as 46 and 28, respectively. We also note Asian tapeworm infection of nonnatives common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), and plains killifish ( Fundulus zebrinus ) from the LCR. Reported pathogenic and chronic effects of this cestode to its definitive hosts add concern for the status of the Grand Canyon population of the federally endangered humpback chub. The rapidity which Asian tapeworm has spread to different drainages of the Colorado River Basin likely portends an eventual cosmopolitan basin distribution in lower elevations suitable to the parasite's thermophilic life history. Such biotic changes must be considered among the most serious threats to conservation and recovery of native fish populations.  相似文献   

Relict sites are geographically isolated areas that are undisturbed by direct and indirect human influences. These sites facilitate long-term ecological monitoring by providing a reference for gauging impacts occurring elsewhere. Knowledge gained through comparing vegetation change on matched relict and proximal disturbed areas can help partition the causes of change into natural and human-produced components. Fishtail Mesa in Grand Canyon National Park is a 439-ha relict site that is inaccessible to domestic livestock. Human visitation is infrequent and irregular, and fires have never been suppressed or managed. In 1958, U.S. Forest Service range scientists conducted a survey of Fishtail Mesa to gather reference data on vegetation, wildlife, and soils. Vegetation sampling was conducted using a method called the ";";elb.";"; We returned to Fishtail Mesa in May 1996 to perform a general vegetation and floristic survey, assess the extent of vegetation change after 38 years, and evaluate the suitability of the site as a location for long-term surveillance of ecological change. Fishtail Mesas vegetation consists primarily of a Pinus edulis (pinyon) and Juniperus osteosperma (Utah juniper) woodland with an Artemisia tridentata (sagebrush) understory, or tree-type (310.9 ha), and an Artemisia and Poa fendleriana (mutton grass) steppe, or shrub-type (127.5 ha). Since 1958 vegetation changes in both shrub- and tree-types have been limited to only a few species. In the shrub-type we detected slight increases from 1958 to 1996 in both Pinus and Juniperus , and reexamination of 1958 photo sites confirmed that Pinus and Juniperus are reoccupying the shrub-type. Artemisia cover declined from 1958 to 1996, whereas Poa increased from near trace amounts in 1958 to moderate cover in 1996. In the tree-type, Poa has increased from 1958 to 1996, while Artemisia , Juniperus , and Pinus showed no apparent change. Other species such as Ephedra torreyana (Torrey joint-fir), Opuntia polyacantha (prickly pear), and Gutierrezia sarothrae (snakeweed) have decreased. Vegetation analysis aided by TWINSPAN revealed that the shrub-type is defined more on the basis of absence of Pinus and Juniperus rather than any special association of differential species with a high preference for this type. We interpret the ";";invasion";"; of the shrub-type by Pinus and Juniperus as a ";";reoccupation.";"; Indirect ordination using DECORANA inferred 2 environmental gradients, a moisture gradient and perhaps a substrate texture gradient, that appeared to influence vegetation distribution on Fishtail Mesa. Fishtail Mesa is a valuable relict area for studying the effects of livestock grazing and prescribed fire. It should be designated a Federal Research Natural Area based on its vegetation communities, size, and protection afforded by its location in Grand Canyon National Park.  相似文献   

Five species of the coccidian genus Eimeria ( E. beecheyi [prevalence = 17.9%], E. callospermophili-morainensis [28.6%], E. larimerensis [16.1%], and E. bilamellata [3.6%]) were recovered from 56, 13-lined ground squirrels ( Spermophilus tridicemlineatus ) collected from two sites in eastern Wyoming. Two squirrels from one site were also passing an unidentified polysporocystic coccidian. Infected squirrels were found to harbor from one to three species simultaneously. Previously these same eimerian species were found infecting sympatric populations of Wyoming ground squirrels. ( Spermophilus elegans ) and white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leacurus ) at one of the sites; it is suggested that the exchange of these generalist parasite species among co-occurring sciurid hosts contributes to the consistent prevalence levels reported in Wyoming ground squirrels.  相似文献   

Biogeographic, flow regulation (water clarity and temperature), and temporal influences affect the composition of the chironomid midge assemblage in the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead. This assemblage is dominated by euryecious Nearctic and Holarctic orthocladine taxa (23 of 38 total species, total weighted relative abundance [WRA] = 0.972) and includes a minor Neotropical component. Chironomid species richness increases over distance downstream from the dam, and dominance shifts across 3 turbidity segments. Eleven species occur in the cold-stenothermic Clearwater (CW) segment between the dam and the 1st perennial tributary (the Paria River, 26 km from the dam). Chironomid diversity increases from 18 to 24 species in the variably turbid (VT) and usually turbid (UT) segments downstream, respectively. Total Cricotopus spp. WRA is negatively correlated with distance (turbidity), white total Chironominae WRA shows the opposite pattern. In contrast to chironomid diversity, species density decreases from 0.42 species/km in the CW segment to 0.19 and 0.08 species/km in the VT and UT segments, respectively. Seasonal dominance shifts slightly from orthocladine Eukiefferiella spp. in winter (WRA = 0.101) to Cricotopus spp. (WRA = 0.165) in summer. Total WRA is lowest in spring (0.191). The assemblage is depauperate compared with other western rivers and has changed over post-dam time.  相似文献   

We describe the chironomid midge fauna of the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead, Arizona. This depauperate fauna, consisting of 38 species, is dominated by euryecious Nearctic or Holarctic orthocladine taxa. In addition, a small Neotropical faunal component is represented by Polypedilum obelos Sublette & Sasa and Rheotanytarsus hamatus Sublette & Sasa. The following new synonyms are given: Protenthes riparius Malloch 1915 with Tanypus bellus Loew 1866 [= Procladius (Psilotanypus) bellus (Loew)]; Cricotopus olivetus Boesel 1983 with Cricotopus (Circotopus) annulator (Goetghebuer) 1927; Cricotopus edurus Sublette & Sublette 1971 with Orthocladius infuscatus Malloch 1915 [= Cricotopus (Cricotopus) infuscatus (Malloch)]. The following new species are described: Cricotopus (Cricotopus) blinni Sublette, Cricotopus (Cricotopus) hermanni Sublette, Metriocnemus stevensi Sublette, and Cladotanytarsus marki Sublette. We discuss the distribution and ecology of each chironomid species in this large, regulated, aridlands river.  相似文献   

Nineteen exclosures on sagebrush steppe and shadscale rangelands, varying in age from 18 to 38 years, were sampled for plant species richness, plant composition, indicators of soil erosion, ground cover, vegetative cover, and herb-low shrub layer screening cover. Features within the exclosures were compared with adjacent sites of the same size that were open to grazing by livestock and wildlife. Species richness typically was slightly greater inside exclosures than in adjacent grazed sites (median = 2 more species inside exclosures), but the difference was not significant ( P = 0.16). Similarity of plant community composition between exclosures and adjacent grazed sites ranged from 45% to 82%. Evidences of soil movement, soil pedestals, and soil flow patterns were all more pronounced outside exclosures than inside ( P ≤ 0.02), even though many sites were on flat to mild slopes (median slope = 12%). Meta-analysis of the 19 exclosure sites indicated that grazing exclusion resulted in less bare ground cover compared with adjacent grazed sites ( P ≤ 0.05). The effect of grazing exclusion on visible soil surface cryptogams was significant ( P ≤ 0.05), with generally greater cover inside exclosures. Cryptogam cover differences between grazed sites and exclosures tended to increase with the number of years of grazing exclusion ( r = 0.64, P = 0.046). Pseudoroegneria spicata , a principal livestock forage, averaged greater basal cover inside exclosures than outside on 4 of 10 sites where it occurred, although no exclosure sites had greater P. spicata cover on grazed sites. Meta-analysis of the 10 sites indicated that grazing exclusion resulted in greater P. spicata cover compared with adjacent grazed areas ( P ≤ 0.05). Poa secunda , a short-growing grass that initiates growth early in the spring and is not important livestock forage, averaged greater basal cover outside exclosures on 5 of 15 sites where it occurred. Meta-analysis of the 15 sites indicated a significant treatment effect ( P ≤ 0.05), with greater Poa secunda basal cover outside exclosures. Grazing exclusion resulted in greater screening cover in the herb-low shrub layer (0-0.5 m height; P ≤ 0.05). These results indicate that despite improved livestock grazing management over the past half century, livestock grazing still can limit the potential of native plant communities in sagebrush steppe ecosystems, and that the health of semiarid ecosystems can improve with livestock exclusion in the absence of other disturbances. A few exclosure sites were similar for the measured parameters, suggesting that these sites were ecologically stable and that exclusion of livestock grazing was not sufficient to move succession toward more pristine conditions, at least within the time periods studied. Managed disturbance such as fire or mechanical brush treatments may be necessary to restore herb productivity on these ecologically stable sites.  相似文献   

Helminth parasites of white - tailed jackrabbits, Lepus townsendi , were surveyed from southern Wyoming and northwestern Colorado. A total of eight helminth species were identified, including two species of adult cestodes, Mosgovoyia pectinata and M. varabilis ; three species of larval cestodes, Multiceps serialis , Taenia pisiformis , and Taenis sp. ; and three species of nematodes, Dermatoxys veliger , Passalurus ambiguus , and a filariid, Micipsella brevicauda . In addition, eggs of an unidentified species of Nematodirus were found in pooled fecal samples. The cysticercus larva of Taenia sp. is a species new to science and will be reported elsewhere. Mosgovoyia varabilis and Micipsella brevicauda are new records for the white - tailed jackrabbit.      相似文献   

The Truckee River in California and Nevada is subject to diverse water regimes and a corresponding variety of flow rates. Original riparian vegetation has been altered by these variable flow rates and by a variety of human uses resulting in loss of native riparian vegetation from its historic extent. We conducted bird surveys along the Truckee River during spring 193 to (1) determine relationships between birds and the present vegetation; (2) determine the importance of different vegetation types to sensitive bird species that have declined recently in the western United States due to competition from exotic plant species, cowbird ( Molothrus ater ) parasitism, reduction in nesting habitat, or other unidentified reasons; and (3) establish a monitoring program and collect baseline data for future comparisons. The most frequently detected bird species throughout the study was the Brown-headed Cowbird. The greatest number of bird species (98 of 116) was found in the native mixed willow ( Salix spp.) riparian scrub vegetation type. We recommend protecting the remaining native riparian vegetation types for bird habitat along the Truckee River.  相似文献   

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Twenty-five cutthroat trout ( Salmo clarki ) and eight longnose suckers ( Catostomus catostomus ) from Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, were collected and examined for parasites in 1985. Cutthroat trout had at least six different species of parasites that included both protozoans and helminths. The greatest number of parasite species on one fish was nine. Parasites added to the known list for cutthroat trout from Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, were: Myxosoma sp., Diphyllobothrium ditremum, Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, Diplostomum baeri, and Posthodiplostomum minimum. These data were compared with a previous survey (1971) and a checklist of parasites of cutthroat trout in North America. There are 17 species of parasites and two fungal species reported for cutthroat trout from Yellowstone Lake. Trichophrya catostomi, Diplostomum spathaceum, and Ligula sp. were observed in the small sample of longnose suckers.     相似文献   

Members of the algal class Phaeophyceae (brown algae) are almost entirely marine species. A few genera have been described from freshwater habitats, but their distribution and ecological requirements, especially in North America, are very poorly known. The 1st specimens of a freshwater species of brown algae from Oregon, Heribaudiella fluviatilis , were discovered in 3 localities of the McKenzie River, near McKenzie Bridge and Belknap Springs (44°22′N, 122°00′-15′W). This is the 4th extant population of this species known from the United States. The alga forms distinctive, macroscopic, dark brown patches on rocks in rapidly flowing water. In the McKenzie River it co-occurs, apparently year-round, with several other macrophytic algal species, including Prasiola Mexicana , Zygnema sp. (sterile), Nostoc parmelioides , N. vemlcossum , and Phormidium cf. autumnale . In cooler months the macroalgal species Ulothrix zonata and Hydrurus foetidus are also present with Heribaudiella . Photographs and ecological information are provided. We report a 380-km range extension south for the species, and thus far the most southerly population known from North America. This new record suggests that the alga may be more widespread than previously recognized and that other localities may be discovered with further study.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems are important components of landscapes, particularly because of their role in biodiversity. A first step in using a ""coarse-filter"" approach to riparian biodiversity conservation is to determine the kinds of riparian ecosystems. These ecosystems vary substantially in plant species composition along a single river reach, as well as between rivers, and yet the river-reach scale has received little attention. We sampled the vascular plant composition of 67 contiguous patches of riparian vegetation along the reach of the Animas River, in southwestern Colorado's San Juan Mountains, that is relatively undisturbed by human land uses. Using cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis, we identified eight riparian community types along the reach. Using a new technique, we combined overstory size-class data and understory cover data to identify community types. The eight community types, which are in part the products of past floods, are spatially arranged along the reach in relation to variation in valley morphology, tributary location, and geomorphic landforms. These eight community types do not necessarily represent successional stages of a single potential vegetation type. This study at the river-reach scale suggests that sampling and analysis, as well as conservation, may need to be turned to the scale of patchiness produced by flood disturbances in the riverine landscape, since vegetation varies significantly at this scale.  相似文献   

A general botanical inventory of a part of northwestern Moffat County, Colorado, resulted in the location of “ remnants ” of the presettlement vegetation spectrum that are largely unaltered by grazing, logging, or other recent human - related land uses. The 69 samples taken from these remnants were classified into 22 plant associations. Composition, structure, environmental location, geographical range, and response to disturbance are discussed for each association, and a photograph of each is presented. Seven of the 22 associations are apparently restricted to the study area. Restricted associations occur in the more extreme environments of the study area, such as on calcareous substrata or very xeric sites. More mesic sites along ephemeral creeks, on north - facing slopes, or on sandstones support plant associations that have much wider ranges, many of them extending across the northern Great Basin.     相似文献   

A checklist of the vascular flora of the alpine zone (treeless vegetation above 9500 feet or 2900 m) of the Teton Range is presented. For each of the 216 species, six attributes are listed: flower color and shape, pollination mode, life form, habitat preference, and whether each species is found in the Arctic. White and yellow flowered species are most common, and zoophilous species greatly predominate over anemophilous and apomictic species. Perennial/biennial herbs are the most common life form. Common habitats in the alpine zone include dry and wet meadows, bogs, debris accumulations, and cliffs and rock faces. Arctic species account for 25.9 percent of the flora. The 216 species are distributed among 111 genera and 36 families. The largest families, in order of size, are Asteraceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, and Scrophulariaceae.  相似文献   

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Previous work by Wells in the Laramie Basin suggested that a coniferous forest/woodland covered the basin floor in the recent past (until the latest Holocene). We have found no evidence for this woodland and suggest instead that these scattered woodlands along sandstone outcrops and their immediate margins are outliers of the montane forest of the Medicine Bow Mountains, existing in their apparently anomalous locations due to favorable microenvironments set up by the topography and substrate.  相似文献   

Skeletal remains of the extinct mountain goat Oreamnos harringtoni and Marmota (marmot), an extralimital species, were recovered from Marmot End Alcove along with remains of montane plants that included Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir), Picea (spruce), Pinus flexilis (limber pine), and Juniperus communis (common juniper). The alcove is located in Harris Wash, a semiarid tributary in an unstudied portion of the Escalante River Basin on the Colorado Plateau in southern Utah. A Marmota incisor tooth and montane plant needles returned late Pleistocene AMS dates ranging from 12,300 yr BP to 15,600 yr BP.  相似文献   

In spring and summer 1991 and 1992, we surveyed fishes of the White River system, Nye and White Pine Counties, Nevada, to determine the status of natives. There are 5 known native fishes to the White River: Lepidomeda albivallis (White River spinedace), Crenichthys baileyi albivallis (Preston White River springfish), Crenichthys baileyi thermophilus (Moorman White River springfish), Catostomus clarki intermedius (White River desert sucker), and Rhinichthys osculus ssp. (White River speckled dace). All 5 had declined in range. Lepidomeda albivallis had experienced the greatest decline, with less than 50 remaining, and these were restricted to a 70-m stream reach. Rhinichthys osculus spp. was most widespread, found in 18 spring systems. Cottus bairdi (mottled sculpin) was collected for the 1st time from the White River system, where it was probably native. Protective measures should be implemented to conserve all native White River fishes to include C. bairdi.  相似文献   

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