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A spotted bat ( Euderma maculatum ) was picked up at the headquarters of Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge, Moffat County, Colorado, on 29 August 1981.  相似文献   

Nine new records of vascular plants indigenous to western North America, six new records of adventive taxa, and six significant range extensions are reported for the flora of Colorado.  相似文献   

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We described 15 Ruffed Grouse ( Bonasa umbellus ) drumming logs and adjacent habitat within Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Drumming logs and adjacent habitat differed from 30 random non-drumming sites. Drumming logs had fewer limbs (8; P = 0.003) and a smaller percentage of bark remaining (12%; P = 0.0001). These logs were in advanced stages of decay but were still firm to the touch. Additionally, drumming logs were found close to clearings but in areas with increased amounts of undergrowth and mature trees. Adjacent habitat analysis (0.04-ha circular plot centered on logs) indicated drumming locations had significantly greater average canopy height, more vegetative cover consisting of conifer and total canopy cover, and more vertical foliage between 0.3 m and 3.0 m in height. Adjacent habitat was in advanced stages of maturity as indicated by significant numbers of both large-diameter logs and largediameter lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta ) and quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) snags. Tree species dominating the canopy and subcanopy were large-diameter Engelmann spruce ( Picea engelmannii ), lodgepole pine, and quaking aspen. Subalpine fir ( Abies lasiocarpa ) and quaking aspen saplings were more numerous at used sites. Ruffed Grouse drummed in coniferous areas within close proximity of quaking aspen.  相似文献   

Monotropa hypopithys L., rarely collected in Colorado, was taken five times during 1984. Coupled with previous collections, it is now known from 10 Colorado counties. The cool, moist August of 1984 may have contributed to its apparent ubiquity.  相似文献   

Described as a new breeding species is Clark's Grebe in Colorado and Nevada.  相似文献   

First occurrences of the Glaucous-winged Gull ( Larus glaucescens ), and hybrids between it and the Western ( L. occidentalis ) and Herring Gull ( L. argentatus ), in Utah are documented. Sightings of 14 individuals over two winters (1984-86) may represent an inland expansion of the winter range of this species.  相似文献   

Four species of Dipogon are recorded from Colorado for the first time. These are hurdi Evans, pulchripennis (Cresson), graenicheri Banks, and brevis (Cresson). All are inhabitants of wooded areas and are believed to nest in cavities in trees. Notes are presented on habitat and prey of these 4 species and of the recently described species kiowa Evans.  相似文献   

Hatching chronology of Blue Grouse ( Dendragapus obscurus ) in northeastern Oregon was determined from 431 immatures examined from 1981 to 1985. Young hatched from 1 May through 8 July; median hatching dates for the five years ranged from 27 May to 5 June. Peak hatching in Oregon occurred from one to four weeks earlier than in most portions of the range of Blue Grouse but were similar to north central Washington and Idaho. Variations in hatching dates possibly were related to rainfall.    相似文献   

Habitat use by Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus hens with broods was examined at Jackass Creek and Hart Mountain, Oregon, from 1989 through 1991. Sage Grouse hens initially selected low sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) cover types during early brood-rearing, big sagebrush cover types later in the brood-rearing period, and ultimately concentrated use in and near lakebeds and meadows. Areas used by Sage Grouse broods typically had greater forb frequency than did random sites. Hens at Jackass Creek selected sites with forb cover similar to that generally available at Hart Mountain, but home ranges were larger at Jackass Creek because of lower availability of suitable brood-rearing habitat. Differences in habitat use by broods on the two areas were reflected in dietary differences; at Hart Mountain, chicks primarily ate forbs and insects, whereas at Jackass Creek most of the diet was sagebrush. Larger home ranges, differences in diets, and differences in availability of forb-rich habitats possibly were related to differences in abundance and productivity between areas.  相似文献   

We examined Blue Grouse ( Dendragapus obscurus ) nesting characteristics in northeastern Oregon to identify relationships between hen age and nesting parameters and to ascertain habitat charactersicts related to successful nests. Adult and yearling hens exhibited no differences in clutch size, percentage of eggs hatched, nesting success, or hatch dates. Among nests located under logs, 100% ( n =10) hatched ≥ 1 egg, whereas 58% ( n = 10) of 17 nests not under logs hatched ≥ 1 egg.  相似文献   

We studied summer habitat use by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) in western Idaho during 1983-85. Vegetative and topographic measurements were recorded at 716 locations of 15 radio-tagged grouse and at 180 random sites within the major vegetation/cover types in the study area. The mean size of summer home ranges was 1.87 ± 1.14 km 2 . Of eight cover types identified in the study area, individual grouse used the big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata ) cover type more than or in proportion to availability, the low sagebrush ( A. arbuscula ) in proportion to availability, and avoided the shrubby eriogonum ( Eriogonum spp.) type. Characteristics of the big sagebrush cover type that Sharp-tailed Grouse preferred include moderate vegetative cover, high plant species diversity, and high structural diversity. Grouse used areas of dense cover (i.e., mountain shrub and riparian cover types) primarily for escape cover. Compared with random sites, grouse selected areas with (1) greater horizontal and vertical cover, (2) greater canopy coverage of forbs typically decreased by livestock grazing, (3) greater density and canopy coverage of arrowleaf balsamroot ( Balsamorhiza sagittata ), and (4) greater canopy coverage of bluebunch wheatgrass ( Agropyron spicatum ) in the big sagebrush cover type in 1984 and the low sagebrush cover type in 1985. The importance of the native perennials arrowleaf balsamroot and bluebunch wheatgrass became apparent during a drought year when many exotic annuals dried up and provided no cover. Overall, grouse selected vegetative communities that were least modified by livestock grazing.  相似文献   

We measured predation on 120 artificial Sage Grouse ( Centrarcus urophasianus ) nests in montane sagebrush grassland in northern Utah. We examined nests in areas that had been chained and seeded 25 years previously (treated areas) and in areas that were untreated. Predation rates of artificial nests were higher in areas of untreated sagebrush, even though these areas had greater sagebrush cover, taller shrubs, and greater horizontal plant cover. These results differ from those previously hypothesized for treated sagebrush habitat and may reflect a greater abundance of other potential prey species, especially lagomorphs, in untreated areas that attracted greater densities of predators. In addition, over 80% of nests were depredated by mammals, which hunt using olfaction and are less likely than avian predators to be affected by nest cover. We conclude that, after treated sagebrush has recovered to some degree, predation rates of Sage Grouse nests may be lower in treated sagebrush. Consequently, factors other than nest predation (e.g., winter food, thermal cover, insects, perennial forb abundance) may be more important reasons for preserving mature sagebrush stands for Sage Grouse.  相似文献   

Ruffed Grouse ( Bonasa umbellus ) population densities are lower in the Intermountain West than elsewhere in the species' range. Throughout much of its range, the Ruffed Grouse is closely associated with quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ), in part because aspen buds are an important winter food. Because population fluctuations of Ruffed Grouse have been associated with changes in aspen abundance or chemical composition, we studied winter foraging of the species in the Intermountain West where it has received little attention. Aspen buds were the most prominent forage in the bird's diet, although in contrast to other Ruffed Grouse food habits studies, reproductive buds were not eaten more than vegetative buds, and buds of other deciduous plants were also important (>20% of the diet). Excretion of high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen suggests that grouse in northern Utah are ingesting higher levels of secondary plant compounds than reported elsewhere. Our results show aspen is important in the winter ecology of Ruffed Grouse in northern Utah and suggest that continued loss of aspen may impact grouse populations.  相似文献   

Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus Phasianellus columnianus ) and Sage Grouse ( Centro-cercus urophasianus ) leks were compared in an area of sympatry in south central Wyoming. Sharp-tailed Grouse leks had more (P < .05 shrub cover, taller shrubs, more forb, grass, and shrub species, and less visibility than did Sage Grouse leks. Reduction in shrub cover or the diversity of herbaceous species could potentially have greater influence on the use of lek sites by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse than by Sage Grouse in areas of sympatry in Wyoming.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2339-2350

Myiasis of amphibians is one example of parasitoidism in which the body of these vertebrates is infested by fly larvae. Only four families of Diptera have species reported as myiasigenous of amphibians: Chloropidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae. The latter is the only family for which cases of myiasis have been reported for the Neotropics, with observations from Nicaragua to Argentina. As part of a project to evaluate the conservation status of amphibian species in Mexico, five cases of myiasis were recorded in three frog species belonging to the families Hylidae, Ranidae and Craugastoridae. This study presents the first records of myiasis by a sarcophagid in Mexico, expands the geographical distribution of Lepidodexia (Notochaeta) bufonivora, reports new amphibian hosts for this parasitoid fly, and provides new details of both sarcophagid larvae and females.  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation including area occupied, canopy cover, and maturity class of cottonwoods ( Populus spp.) within lower-elevation zones of the Colorado River and Rio Grande in Colorado were monitored over 25- and 27-year intervals, respectively, using photo-interpretative methods. Estimated loss of cottonwoods along the Colorado River was 2ha/km (-17.5%), and remaining stands had become more open and older. Cottonwoods along the Rio Grande increased 1.6 ha/km (9.3%) with minor canopy cover and maturity class changes. Area occupied by shrubs and river channel changed little along the Colorado River, but declined along the Rio Grande. Loss of hay meadow occurred along both rivers, whereas developed land increased along the Colorado River and farmland increased along the Rio Grande. Wildlife habitats along the Colorado deteriorated much more rapidly than those along the Rio Grande during monitored intervals.  相似文献   

Winter habitat use and food habits of Blue Grouse ( Dendragapus obscurus ) were studied in an isolated Utah desert mountain range that contained little typical Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) winter habitat. Habitat use was concentrated in the Douglas-fir and pinyon ( Pinus edulis )-juniper ( Juniperus spp. ) habitat. Douglas-fir and pinyon pine were the most consumed foods. Other foods that represented >15% of the composition of an individual fecal sample were limber pine ( Pinus flexilis ), mahogany ( Cercocarpus ledifoliu ), juniper, and an Anteunaria-Cirsium type. The breadth in winter diet indicates that Blue Grouse may successfully occupy other habitats when typical winter habitat is scarce.  相似文献   

Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) brood-habitat use was examined during 1992 and 1993 at the Yakima Training Center in Yakima and Kittitas counties, Washington. During the 2 yr we followed 30 broods, of which 12 persisted to 1 August ( ̄ x = approximately 1.5 chicks/brood). Food forb cover was greater at all brood locations than at random locations. Hens with broods in big sagebrush/bunchgrass habitat ( Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron spicatum ) selected for greater food forb cover, total forb cover, and lower shrub heights; broods in altered big sagebrush/bunchgrass habitats selected greater tall grass cover and vertical cover height; broods in grassland showed no preference for any measured vegetation characteristics. During the early rearing period (post-hatching-6 wk) each year, broods selected sagebrush/bunchgrass. Broods in 1993 made greater use of grasslands than in 1992 and selected grassland during the late brood-rearing period (7-12 wk). Broods selected for sagebrush/bunchgrass during the midday, but 52% of brood locations in the afternoon were in grassland. Tall grass cover was greater at morning (0500-1000 h) and afternoon (1501-2000 h) brood locations than at midday (1001-1500 h) and random locations. Midday brood locations had greater shrub cover and height than morning and afternoon locations. Selection of habitat components was similar to the results of other studies, but habitat conditions coupled with a possible lack of alternate brood-rearing cover types resulted in low survival of chicks.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven fish of three genera were taken from the Colorado River in west central Colorado and examined for external parasites. No external parasites were found on Ictalurus. Seven percent of the Hybognathus and 100 percent of the Catastomus were infected with a Hirudinean of the species Helobdella stagnalis. &nbsp;&nbsp;  相似文献   

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