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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(1-2):117-129
The breeding biology and male territorial behaviour of the large-headed leaf-frog (Phyllomedusa megacephala) were studied in three temporary altitudinal streams located in the Cerrado biome of southeastern Brazil, during three consecutive years (2007–2009). Phyllomedusa megacephala showed significant sexual dimorphism, with females being bigger and heavier than males. Acoustic and physical interactions between males defending or not defending territories including amplectant and non-amplectant males, patrolling behaviour by males without established territories, and triple amplexus were observed. Neither males nor females were observed using visual cues when searching for mates. We found that males that were present at breeding sites in previous years bred more successfully and maintained territory better.  相似文献   

The mating (male courtship, amplexus and oviposition) and male territorial behaviours of Phyllomedusa ayeaye are described from a high-altitude site in the state of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. Information related to male breeding success and territoriality, as well as egg clutch parameters, is provided, together with qualitative information regarding tadpole phenology and juvenile recruitment. In addition, estimations of sexual dimorphism and numbers of marked individuals are available through capture-mark-recapture sampling. Females bred with males within spatially clustered oviposition sites (broadleaf plants). In some cases, the amplectant couple actively searched for the oviposition site. Males defended territories from other males, employing both acoustic and physical interactions. Some males successfully maintained their calling sites over successive nights, and others seemed to switch among nearby sites during successive nights and tried to disrupt ongoing ovipositions. No significant relationship was found between physical attributes (snout vent length or body mass) of males with breeding success. Also, no influence of the number of nights a male was active in chorus and its breeding success was detected. Therefore, it is proposed that the mating system in P. ayeaye may be opportunistic. Additional information related to reproduction (egg clutch parameters and breeding behaviours) is also discussed for other species of the Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis group and compared with the results of the present study.  相似文献   

Insects of many groups form mating aggregations on hilltops. Males of some hilltopping species behave like certain classic lekking vertebrates, notably in their defense of territories that are devoid of resources useful to females but which are visited by females solely for mating. But even within a sample of 11 hilltopping insects found in the same habitat in central Arizona, there is considerable diversity with respect to resources transferred to mates by males, the degree to which males are aggregated and territorial, and the extent to which females can choose freely among hilltopping males. Thus ‘hilltopping’ is not a single mating system type; although some species conform closely to the traditional definition of a lek, others are very different. The ecological basis for the diversity in the behaviour of male hilltopping insects appears linked to differences in population density, which affect the costs of territoriality, and differences in the nature of female choice, which are little understood as yet.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1823-1834
Territoriality is common among amphibians with a prolonged breeding season and can be expressed through the defence of territories with vocalizations and aggressive interactions. The present study aims to describe the territorial behaviour of male Phyllomedusa nordestina, test whether the physical characteristics of males influence the results of disputes, and describe the vocalizations of the species. The study was conducted at temporary and permanent ponds located in the Ecological Reserve Michelin, Igrapiúna, Bahia, Brazil. Male P. nordestina defended territories and showed aggressive behaviour, consisting of vocal disputes, chasing and physical fighting. Winners were not bigger, heavier, or in better condition than the losers. The victory may be associated with the vocalization activity. Three types of vocalizations were recorded: the advertisement call, composed of one or two multipulsed notes, and two types of territorial calls. We also report on male patrolling behaviour and habitat use.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(22):2035-2045
Observations on the courtship behaviour, mating behaviour and mating success of a leaf‐frog, Phyllomedusa rohdei, population were conducted in a temporary flooded site of the Atlantic Forest, south‐eastern Brazil. We did not find any influence of size and body weight on male mating success across three scales: seasonal, nightly chorus and local groups (males found within 1?m of a mated pair). In addition, no evidence was found that female Phyllomedusa rohdei exhibit overt mate choice. The formation of mated pairs in P. rohdei occurred because males moved toward the females, rather than reverse. The only variable that was significantly related to male mating success was the number of nights of participation in chorus activity. Besides calling tactics, males showed active searching behaviour. There was no evidence of size‐ and mass‐assortative mating, and a high percentage of fertilization at all size and mass ratios of males and females was observed. Clutches in this species are produced in the same manner found in others members of Phyllomedusa; a purse‐like nest is made over water by folding a leaf around the egg mass (embryos and fluid‐filled capsules). Finally, we supply a list of several studies that examined the relationship between size or mass ratios of males and females in amplexus and its influence on fertilization rate, and show that size‐assortative mating in anurans is inconsistent (present in some species but not in other).  相似文献   

Brewer's Sparrows ( Spizella breweri ) have two song types--a ""short"" song that has 1 to 3 trill types and a ""long"" song that has 5 to 10 or more trill types. I describe the short song and examine patterns of individual and geographic song variation from 15 sites on the Snake River Plain in southern Idaho. Territorial males sang the short song regularly during the breeding season. Two-trill song types comprised 72.9% of all song types, with 3-trill types (18.8%) and 1-trill types (8.2%) less frequent. Over 90% of the males sang their song type(s) essentially without variation. Many trill types appeared most often in only 1 of 3 possible song positions, i.e., 1st, 2nd, or 3rd trill. Trill types that occurred in different song positions differed in syllables per second, trill and syllable duration, and frequency variables. First trill types were more variable than 2nd or 3rd trill types. There was no evidence that birds at sites closer together shared more trill types or pairs of trill types than those farther apart. There was no tendency for territorial neighbors to sing similar song types. Brewer's Sparrows' small territories, dense populations, and apparently high rate of annual turnover may mediate against the evolution of song sharing or vocal dialects.  相似文献   

Mating system variation in anuran amphibians of the Arizona - Sonoran Desert was reviewed. Male density and breeding period duration were negatively correlated in seven bufonids and pelobatids. Variation in male mating behavior and ability of females to freely select their mates unhindered by active - searching males also was related directly to male density. These observations support hypotheses relating ecological factors to mating system organization. It is suggested that male calling behavior, and anuran lek mating systems in general, may be significantly influenced by predation on vocalizing males.        相似文献   

Males of the eastern cicada killer wasp, Sphecius speciosus, occupy territories in which they may hover or where they may perch either in trees near one or more emergence holes or on the ground at these spots from which females may emerge. Large males are more likely to hold and defend these territories at a site in northern Virginia. When resident males were captured, held and weighed, the males that replaced them, which were also captured, held and weighed, had significantly lower body weights on average than the residents.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2757-2763
The diet of males of five syntopic hylid species from the Araucaria plateau of Rio Grande do Sul was studied by stomach flushing. Because the duration of their breeding seasons was rather different, the levels of food intake at the respective breeding sites were analysed. We found a positive correlation between the length of the male calling period and the ingestion of prey. The longer the species‐specific reproductive activity of the males, the more individuals fed during that time. The results are discussed under congruence aspects of feeding and mating microhabitats in these tree frogs. In addition, differences in niche breadth may influence the temporal and spatial partitioning between the species studied and result in quantitative as well as qualitative patterns of prey consumption, thereby ensuring a maximum of fitness gain.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1439-1452
We studied the breeding activities of Bokermannohyla nanuzae at an Atlantic Forest site in southeastern Brazil from August 2010 to April 2012. We described courtship behaviour, acoustic parameters of calls, egg clutch features and the egg-laying site, and characterized the reproductive mode. We recorded calling males and gravid females almost year-round, except for a few months in the dry season. We observed the interaction of five male–female pairs that exhibited stereotyped behavioural sequences including visual and tactile signals. We identified three different types of calls that we considered as the advertisement call and two types of courtship calls. Egg clutches were placed in rocky crevices with water or in streamside puddles, among rocks, that would be likely to be flooded as stream water level raises, which characterizes a reproductive mode different from the one previously recognized for this species. The breeding biology of B. nanuzae is complex, with elaborate courtship behaviour and signalling.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2961-2967
Explosive breeding is a common reproductive strategy, especially in anurans. In some cases of explosive breeding in anurans, intense aggressive interactions occur among males attempting to gain access to females, and for terrestrial species that mate in water, females may die by drowning during long mating struggles. Such occurrences are obviously detrimental to females, and may also cause a decrease in the reproductive success of males through depletion of energy without obtaining access to a live female. However, the males of the small Amazonian frog Rhinella proboscidea can promote the ejection of oocytes from the abdominal cavities of dead females and fertilize them. This behaviour can minimize losses to both partners during explosive reproduction events. The existence of such a “functional necrophile strategy” shows that there may be possible selection in favour of stronger and more persistent males in explosive breeders.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1155-1163
The spawning behaviour and sexual dimorphism of the little known North American cyprinid fish, Notropis leedsi, is described based on observations made in laboratory aquaria. Notropis leedsi is a crevice spawning species, a trait characteristic of members of the subgenus Cyprinella. Males establish breeding territories through ‘mock battles’ and defend them by chasing away intruding males or, at times, through threat displays or ‘mock battles’. Although wild-caught males are significantly larger than females, sexual dimorphism is more pronounced in the colour pattern and fin size, especially the dorsal and anal fins.

The modes of spawning behaviour in the genus Notropis are reviewed. The relationship between the promiscuous mating system (polybrachygamy), the crevice spawning mode, and sexual dimorphism in N. leedsi are discussed in relation to current notions regarding sexual selection.  相似文献   

I assessed movements of North American porcupines ( Erethizon dorsatum ) in the Great Basin of northwestern Nevada in relation to reproductive activities during the late summer and fall periods of 1991 and 1992. Porcupines exhibit a mate-defense polygynous mating system and I hypothesized that (1) competitively dominant males would have larger home ranges than both subordinate males and adult females, and (2) variation in home range size among adult male porcupines would be positively correlated with reproductive success. Results indicated that dominant male porcupines ranged over larger areas (average 95% minimum convex polygon home range = 20.7 ha) than subordinate males (average 95% MCP home range = 2.9 ha) and adult females (average 95% MCP home range = 8.2 ha). Analyses of movements in relation to body size and energetic requirements revealed that home ranges of dominant male porcupines were larger than predicted based on body size (approximately 10.2 ha). Breeding period home ranges of dominant male porcupines encompassed portions of the home ranges of 3 to 10 adult females, and indices of reproductive success based on observations of mate-guarding behaviors suggested a strong positive relationship between home range sizes of male porcupines and mating success. Together these data suggested that larger home ranges among dominant males were related to increased mating opportunities and not increased metabolic requirements associated with larger male body sizes. In the study area, however, female porcupines congregated around small, patchily distributed riparian areas, and dominant males with relatively small home ranges encompassing riparian areas may have gained mating access to multiple females. Finally, analyses of overlap among core home ranges (60% MCP) of adult male and adult female porcupines suggested that both sexes maintained relatively exclusive core home range areas, with males exhibiting significantly less range overlap with other males (  ̄x = 9.4%) than females with other females (  ̄x = 27.1%). It is possible that the small, patchily distributed riparian areas in this desertlike area were such a limited resource that females were unable to maintain exclusive use of their home range areas.  相似文献   

Advertisement call variation and male mating success was investigated in a population of the Arizona tree frog, Hyla wrightorum , from central Arizona. Dominant frequency of advertisement calls was significantly correlated (negatively) with male snout-vent length. Males found mating were not significantly larger than nonmating males, nor was there a significant correlation between sizes of males and females found in amplexus. These results are discussed in relation to Renaud's (1977) work with H. wrightorum and in light of recent work with anurans in general.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1141-1151
We provide detailed information on breeding sites, release call, satellite behaviour, courtship, and embryonic and larval development of Odontophrynus cordobae. Field observations were carried out during two breeding seasons (2004–2005 and 2008–2009). Clutches were raised in captivity (artificial ponds) to analyse the development of embryos and tadpoles. Breeding sites were represented by streams and their backwaters, as well as temporary and permanent ponds of varying sizes. Operational sex ratio was male-biased varying between 0.154 and 0.25. Acoustic activity started about 8–10 pm and ended between 2 and 4 am the next day. Distance among calling males was approximately three metres. Male satellite behaviour was observed. Amplexus attempts among males were common. Release calls were structurally similar although shorter than advertisement calls. Courtship and formation of amplexus were documented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1101-1107
Leucocytozoon infection was studied in a breeding population of sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus in the British Midlands. Almost all transmission was apparently ‘vertical’ from adults to young, at the nest site. Parasites largely disappeared from the blood between October and April, reappearing in a ‘spring relapse’ during the nesting season. Infected birds remained infected for life; there was no evidence of reduced longevity in infected birds once they had dispersed from their natal nest site. There was no assortative mating between infected or uninfected males and females. It is postulated that the concentration of birds at the nest site allows transmission by a non-specific vector breeding in the same vicinity. At other times of year the birds are more regularly dispersed and transmission in unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(30):2809-2814
Males of the wasp Palmodes praestans engage in non‐territorial patrolling behaviour within a scramble competition mating system, showing great fidelity to their wide‐ranging patrolling routes without attempting to monopolize the areas covered. Scramble competition appears adaptive given that mating opportunities are not spatially aggregated in this species, whose females build isolated, single‐celled nests. Because of the female distribution pattern, a male's reproductive success in P. praestans probably depends upon the ability to find highly scattered, unmated females. The females of some close relatives of this sphecid wasp form fairly dense nesting aggregations. As mating system theory predicts, the males of some (but not all) of these species focus their searching at these concentrated nesting/emergence sites where potential mates are clustered spatially.  相似文献   

The Lined Seedeater (Sporophila lineola) is a migratory species that inhabits a variety of open habitats in South America. We studied the breeding biology and territorial behaviour of a colour-banded population of the species in the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Campus Florestal (1–19,8808ºS, –44,4136ºW), during two breeding seasons (2014/2015 and 2015/2016), which spans from December to April. We monitored 74 nests of this species. The nest is a low cup supported between a fork. Nests are mainly built with grass stems and rootlets, with spider-web used to hold the material together and to bind the nest to its supporting plant. Females are solely responsible for nest building and incubation, which is synchronic, and also for feeding nestlings to a large extent. Males are responsible for defending the territory, which corresponds to a small portion of the home range restricted to the nest environs, and also feed the nestlings. Mean clutch size is two eggs (78% of nests monitored), with clutches of three (20.3%) and four (1.7%) eggs also observed. Eggs are whitish, covered with dark brown blotches and spots to a variable extent. Mean incubation period, considered as the period between the onset of incubation and hatching of the first egg, is 11 days. Nestling period, considered as the period between hatching of the first egg and fledging of the last young, is 10 days. During the first breeding season, the simple percentage of successful nests was 34.1%, while the Mayfield success was 29.8%, with slightly higher values observed during the second breeding season, with 39.4% and 35.7%, respectively. We recorded, for the first time, three cases of polygamy in the species. We also recorded breeding site fidelity for the first time in the species, with males returning to the same territory owned in a previous breeding season.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(32):3029-3037
The present study describes the reproductive biology of Scinax fuscomarginatus in a remnant of Cerrado in south‐eastern Brazil. Observations were made between September 2002 and March 2004 at Estação Ecológica de Itirapina, State of São Paulo, south‐eastern Brazil. Breeding activities occurred in lentic and temporary bodies of water during the rainy season. Scinax fuscomarginatus exhibited a prolonged breeding pattern and a lek mating system. Males were smaller than females and defended individual calling areas through acoustic and physical interactions. Resident males consistently won encounters, but did not differ in size or mass from intruder males. Satellite behaviour was observed, but no female or amplected pair interception was registered. Scinax fuscomarginatus exhibited low operational sex ratios and the general reproductive mode in which eggs are laid in the water and tadpoles are aquatic. Amplexus was axillary and the eggs were deposited at the bottom of temporary ponds. Details on oocytes, egg masses, and eggs are included.  相似文献   

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