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The known Mountain Plover population breeding on the Myton Bench, Duchesne County, Utah, is small, composed roughly of 30 adults and young after each breeding season. Currently, its location is peripheral to the species main range. This shrub-steppe breeding habitat differs from the shortgrass prairie habitat with which this bird is historically associated. Between 1996 and 1998 we made observations at nesting sites located consistently in 2 concentrated areas surrounded by large tracts of similar habitat. Activity may be focused in these specific areas because of breeding-site fidelity; this behavior is common among most shorebirds and has been documented for the Mountain Plover in Colorado. Also, Mountain Plovers are social and tend to choose nest sites near others. Most nests in Utah were located within close proximity of mounds of white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leucurus ), and all were situated near roadways or oil well pads. Mountain Plovers were often observed with broods on these bare areas at night. We conclude that Mountain Plovers on the Myton Bench are distributed in clumped breeding colonies within large areas of apparently favorable habitat.  相似文献   

The known Mountain Plover population breeding on the Myton Bench, Duchesne County, Utah, is small, composed roughly of 30 adults and young after each breeding season. Currently, its location is peripheral to the species main range. This shrub-steppe breeding habitat differs from the shortgrass prairie habitat with which this bird is historically associated. Between 1996 and 1998 we made observations at nesting sites located consistently in 2 concentrated areas surrounded by large tracts of similar habitat. Activity may be focused in these specific areas because of breeding-site fidelity; this behavior is common among most shorebirds and has been documented for the Mountain Plover in Colorado. Also, Mountain Plovers are social and tend to choose nest sites near others. Most nests in Utah were located within close proximity of mounds of white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leucurus ), and all were situated near roadways or oil well pads. Mountain Plovers were often observed with broods on these bare areas at night. We conclude that Mountain Plovers on the Myton Bench are distributed in clumped breeding colonies within large areas of apparently favorable habitat.  相似文献   

Temporal stability of morphometric measurements is desirable when using avian morphology as a predictor of geographic origin. Therefore, to assess their temporal stability, we examined changes in morphology of Yellowheaded Blackbirds ( Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus ) from central North Dakota during summer. Measurements differed among age classes and between sexes. As expected, due to growth and maturation, measurements on hatching-year birds increased over summer. Measurements of adult plumage fluctuated with prebasic molt and exhibited age-specific discontinuities. Body mass of adult birds increased over summer, whereas both culmen length and skull length decreased. Only body length and length of internal skeletal elements were temporally stable in adult Yellow-headed Blackbirds.  相似文献   

From April to July 2008, we surveyed for breeding plovers at 32 sites in the semiarid highlands of Jalisco, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas, and San Luis Potosí, in the Central Mexican High Plateau. We documented evidence or presumption of breeding Snowy Plovers ( Charadrius alexandrinus ) at 3 sites, Killdeer ( C. vociferus ) at 15 sites, and Mountain Plovers ( C. montanus ) at 1 site. Our surveys showed that the region is important breeding ground for only the Killdeer. We documented an apparent breeding range extension of the Mountain Plover to slightly more than 200 km south of its previously known breeding range.  相似文献   

To aid the conservation and management of Mountain Plovers ( Charadrius montanus ), we developed a spatially explicit model of breeding habitat for the shrub-steppe of western Wyoming. Points of Mountain Plover presence and absence were determined by field surveys conducted May through June 1999. At each point we measured topographic slope and a cover type suitability index related to vegetation height and density. Logistic regression revealed a strong negative relationship between presence and slope, and a weaker and positive relationship between presence and cover index. A multiple logistic regression model using slope and cover index to predict presence successfully classified 87% of the points in an independent data set covering much of western Wyoming. The spatial expression of this model will help managers target future surveys and identify currently unsuitable habitat that could be improved via vegetation management. Patches of suitable breeding habitat of the Mountain Plover in western Wyoming are probably functions of poor soil, low precipitation, and wind scour, and thus are likely rather persistent in space and time. Combined with the relatively large proportion of publicly owned land here, this may make conservation and recovery of the Mountain Plover easier in western Wyoming than in the more dynamic and privately controlled Great Plains.  相似文献   

Although previous research has considered habitat associations and breeding biology of Mountain Plovers in Wyoming at discrete sites, no study has considered these attributes at a statewide scale. We located 55 Mountain Plover nests in 6 counties across Wyoming during 2002 and 2003. Nests occurred in 2 general habitat types: grassland and desert-shrub. Mean estimated hatch date was 26 June ( n = 31) in 2002 and 21 June ( n = 24) in 2003. Mean hatch date was not related to latitude or elevation. Hatch success of nests was inferred in 2003 by the presence of eggshell fragments in the nest scrape. Eggs in 14 of 22 (64%) known-fate nests hatched. All grassland sites and 90% of desert sites were host to ungulate grazers, although prairie dogs were absent at 64% of nest sites. Nest plots had less grass coverage and reduced grass height compared with random plots. More than 50% of nests occurred on elevated plateaus. The Mountain Plover's tendency to nest on arid, elevated plateaus further substantiates claims that the bird is also a disturbed- prairie species.  相似文献   

The sex ratio of a population is an important demographic parameter, but compared with breeding populations, the sex ratios of avian winter populations have received relatively little attention. The orange-flanked bush-robin (Tarsiger cyanurus) is a migratory species whose plumage is sexually dimorphic with delayed plumage maturation wherein first-year males show female-like plumage. We investigated the sex ratio of an orange-flanked bush-robin population wintering in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve located in central China. The results show that most (> 85%) orange-flanked bush-robins of this population have female-like plumage, implying that the population sex ratio might be female-biased. However, genetic analysis revealed that most (c. 70%) individuals with female-like plumage were males, resulting in a significantly male-biased population sex ratio. Among the individuals with female-like plumage, the males were found to have significantly longer wings and tails than females, but the accuracy of a discriminant analysis employing the two morphological traits to sex them was low. The results suggest that a genetic method is a more appropriate way to sex those orange-flanked bush-robins with female-like plumage and more importantly, one needs to be cautious when using the morphology of individuals to infer the sex ratio of a population for species like orange-flanked bush-robins.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):2369-2382
Two horseshoe crab species, namely Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, have been identified from Hong Kong. This paper describes the morphological characteristics of the two species and the morphometrics employed to help distinguish them. Comparisons were also made between adults from local waters and those from other Asian geographic regions. Intra-specific variations were also investigated by comparing morphological data obtained for local T. tridentatus juveniles and individuals of comparable sizes from Fujian Province, China. Morphological differences between the species and sexes and significantly different morphometric ratios were identified for the two horseshoe crab species. Intra-specific variations in morphometric characteristics were also demonstrated between juveniles from local beaches and those from Fujian.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2095-2115
A comparative morphometric study was performed on two species of shrimps, Macrobrachium macrobrachion (Herklots, 1851) and Macrobrachium vollenhovenii (Herklots, 1857). In total, 714 specimens (563 males and 151 females) originating from four rivers in Ivory Coast were analysed. The morphometry was carried out on 33 measurements; seven meristic and four morphological characters and ratios were calculated from the measurements. Data were analysed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistics. Meristic and morphological characters did not allow separation of distinct species. However, metric variables and ratios clearly discriminated the two species. The characters (merus/palm, carpus/palm, palm width/palm length, carpus width/carpus length, palm width) related to the form and the size of second pereiopods could be used for the discrimination of both species. This study, by allowing accurate identification of these species, will facilitate future research.  相似文献   


Pseudoscorpiones is a mesodiverse order of Arachnida, with more than 3600 described species in the world. Species delimitation is sometimes difficult due to the high variability of some characters, difficulty in finding informative and useful characters for species differentiation and the subjectivity of individual specialists. The aim of this work is to explore and to evaluate the role of morphometric characters in species delimitation within the genus Apolpium (Olpiidae). Measurements of 17 structures of 57 individuals were taken and their length/width ratios calculated. Cluster analyses, principal components analyses, discriminant function analyses and non-metric multidimensional scaling were carried out. The results showed low resolution for the number of species currently recognised in the genus. These results highlight the importance of looking for other morphological characters, and also for a more rigorous assessment of previously used characters for defining species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):521-552
Species of the genus Amphilius are small benthic catfishes that occur throughout tropical Africa and are abundant in the mountain streams of the Fouta Djalon region in Guinea, West Africa. During a 2003 expedition to the area, numerous amphiliid catfish were collected and initial observations revealed a large amount of morphological variation across the sampled basins. These specimens were subjected to a geometric morphometric analysis and standard morphometric analysis. Cytochrome b gene sequences were also obtained and compared among populations. These analyses resulted in the discovery of multiple cryptic taxa within two recognized species, Amphilius platychir and Amphilius rheophilus. The discovery of these taxa is compared with other recent discoveries from the area.  相似文献   


As part of the effort to study Passalus Fabricius, 1792, we are redescribing and re-illustrating the species of the genus described by Walter Douglas Hincks deposited the Museum of the University of Manchester. Applying characters not yet described for these species as well as morphometric measures we hope to support future taxonomic and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(20):1759-1778
The species from northern Vietnam described as Rana fansipani Bourret, is shown to be a synonym of the species from northern Thailand described as Rana aenea Smith, . The male secondary sex characters of this species are described in detail for the first time. Combined with a few other characters, they allow this species to be distinguished from the closely related Rana unculuanus Liu, Hu and Yang, 1960 from southern China. Both species should be placed in a subgenus Chaparana (Chaparana), a member of the tribe Paini of the subfamily Dicroglossinae of the Ranidae. In this study, we propose a new statistical method for testing homogeneity of small samples: this consists of considering the values obtained for each specimen and for each regression factor score as morphometric characteristics of this specimen within the frame of this analysis; these values, or some of them, can be used to compare subgroups of specimens by non‐parametric tests such as the Mann–Whitney U test.  相似文献   

Geographic and nongeographic variation in morphology was examined in Thomomys townsendii . A univariate analysis of external and cranial characters from a large population sample (66 adults; fusion of cranial sutures used as aging criteria) was used to assess variation among three adult age classes and between sexes. Only minor variation is apparent among age classes; however, sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Univariate and multivariate techniques were used to analyze external and cranial measurements and pelage characters for adults throughout the species range. These analyses show little to support the seven subspecific designations recognized by Davis (1937). The general pattern is one of homogeneity throughout the range of Thomomys townsendii . With the possible exception of T. t. nevadensis samples, current subspecies are not defined as morphological units. In fact, differentiation is found among populations within some subspecies. The most apparent pattern seen in these analyses is the divergence between the Humboldt River (including Honey Lake Valley samples) and Snake River systems. These results will be considered with those of a companion paper on the genetic variation in this species to more adequately assess the patterns of differentiation in Thomomys townsendii .  相似文献   

Geographic and nongeographic variation in morphology was examined in Thomomys townsendii . A univariate analysis of external and cranial characters from a large population sample (66 adults; fusion of cranial sutures used as aging criteria) was used to assess variation among three adult age classes and between sexes. Only minor variation is apparent among age classes; however, sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Univariate and multivariate techniques were used to analyze external and cranial measurements and pelage characters for adults throughout the species range. These analyses show little to support the seven subspecific designations recognized by Davis (1937). The general pattern is one of homogeneity throughout the range of Thomomys townsendii . With the possible exception of T. t. nevadensis samples, current subspecies are not defined as morphological units. In fact, differentiation is found among populations within some subspecies. The most apparent pattern seen in these analyses is the divergence between the Humboldt River (including Honey Lake Valley samples) and Snake River systems. These results will be considered with those of a companion paper on the genetic variation in this species to more adequately assess the patterns of differentiation in Thomomys townsendii .  相似文献   

The ecology of West African arid savannah snakes is still poorly known, especially in regard to the fossorial species. Here, field data on distribution, morphometrics, habitat use and diet are reported for the sand boa Eryx muelleri (Erycidae) from three different countries, i.e. Burkina Faso, Togo and Nigeria. This snake was observed in 21 distinct localities, and a total of 39 individuals was recorded. The species is likely fairly common and locally abundant. Mean body length of snakes was similar among countries and between sexes, but males had proportionately longer tails than females. Body length was significantly positively correlated with both tail length and head length. Adult sex ratio was close to parity. Most of the specimens were found in well-vegetated spots with low percentage of bare soil. There were apparently both ontogenetic and intersexual dietary variations: (1) a single analysed juvenile fed upon a small-sized lizard, whereas adults fed considerably upon young rodents; and (2) females fed exclusively upon young rodents and males upon both lizards and young rodents. In conservation terms, the species is actively exported from Togo for the pet trade, and additional individuals may also be illegally collected in other countries.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):1347-1358
The relative growth of body parts, such as abdomen, uropod, scaphocerite, telson, rostrum, and the third pereiopod of males and females of the giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Risso, 1827) was studied in samples from the Greek Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean) in 1999–2000. These were related to carapace length, sex and size of individuals. A length–weight relationship was also obtained. In general, a negative allometry of swimming appendages (uropod, scaphocerite), abdomen (related to metabolic processes), and length of the third pereiopod (involved in walking ability) was observed in both sexes. Growth of the telson was positively allometric in females and negatively allometric in males. Asynchronous growth of the male rostrum was also noted. Appendages were proportionally longer in juveniles than in adults of both sexes. A strong negative allometry between length–weight for both sexes was shown, and females were heavier than males in all sampled months.  相似文献   

The indotyphlid caecilian amphibian Idiocranium russeli Parker, 1936 is the only nominal species in its genus. Apart from two additional, largely overlooked locality records that we consider to be of an undescribed species, I. russeli is known with certainty from only a single collection of c.50 specimens from a single locality in 1933. We report new material from fieldwork in 2012 carried out in the vicinity of the type locality. Digging surveys at 34 sites for a total of >2000 person minutes found 50 I. russeli at 15 of these sites, extending the known range of the species by more than 40 km south and from an elevation of c.670 m to 104–820 m. The species probably occurs in nearby Nigeria and in some protected areas, is tolerant of some human disturbance, and is likely to move from Data Deficient to Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Males have relatively longer and wider heads than females. Total length measured for preserved specimens is less than for freshly anaesthetized specimens, by up to 14.1%. Previously, preserved I. russeli were reported as having a maximum length of 114 mm, but the new sample includes specimens with total lengths of 145 mm in preservation and 167 mm when fresh. The sex of the smallest independent specimens (total length 62 mm in preservation) could be determined from examination of the gonads, hatchlings are c.30 mm, and I. russeli is confirmed as one of the smallest known caecilian species.  相似文献   

Some morphometric relationships and biometric aspects were studied in the hermit crab Loxopagurus loxochelis (Moreira, 1901) with the purpose of describing its relative growth and finding the size where sexual maturity is reached. Specimens were collected monthly from September 1995 to August 1997 in the Ubatuba region using double-rig trawl nets. A total of 1084 specimens (625 males and 459 females) was analysed. In this species, sexual dimorphism is particularly evident in chela dimensions. Differences between males and females were found in the left propodus length versus cephalothoracic shield length (CSL) and wet weight (WW) versus CSL relationships. Males showed a high positive allometry in chela growth, while females were close to isometry/negative allometry. The size at which a clear differentiation occurred in the growth of the propodus length and in the increase in weight of males and females was between 4.5 and 6.0mm CSL, suggesting that size at which sexual maturity is reached.  相似文献   

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