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In response to continued low population numbers of Northern Pintail ( Anas acuta ) in North America and to increase knowledge of the geographic variation in pintail survival rates, we estimated 126-day (27 October–2 March) survival for male and female pintails wintering in the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, during 2001–2002 (SY1) and 2002–2003 (SY2). Sixty-nine adult male and female pintails were marked with radio-transmitters and tracked throughout the study period. Weekly relocation data in relation to study year, sex, time (week), body condition at capture, and hunting seasons were modeled using the known-fate procedure in Program MARK. Year, sex, time, and body condition covariates did not improve model performance in estimating survival, so we used the most parsimonious model to produce an overall winter survival estimate of 0.597 ± 0.077 (95% C.I. = 0.442–0.735). Weekly survival estimates did not differ between hunting and nonhunting seasons. Male and female point estimates did not differ (χ 1 2 = 0.209, P = 0.65). Our adult female survival estimate of 0.639 ± 0.117 (95% C.I. = 0.396–0.827) was 5.5%–28.6% lower than published estimates for adult female pintails in 5 other geographic regions. No winter survival estimates for males in other geographic regions were available for direct comparison with our study. Although relatively small sample sizes may have contributed to the lack of statistical differences in weekly survival between years, sexes, and hunting seasons, as well as to the lack of influence of body condition, relatively abundant water and food resources and absence of hunting in a refuge setting contributed to consistent survival probabilities. Because our low survival estimates, relative to other geographic regions, cannot be attributed to hunting, we postulate that natural causes of mortality play a larger role in pintail survival in our study region than in other wintering regions.  相似文献   

Mature flathead chubs ( Hybopsis gracilis ) were present in mid - July and mid - August collections from the Musselshell River, Montana. The estimated numbers of mature eggs present in eight females were 360–753 per female. The smallest mature female and male collected were 113 and 123 mm in total length, respectively. The male to female sex ratio in collections was about 1:1. Only small differences were detected among the length – weight relationships of males and females and samples taken from various seasons and localities in Montana. Observations on size groups, fish associates, and habitat characteristics of flathead chubs are presented.      相似文献   

An adult male and an adult female black bear ( Ursus americanus ) were found in the same den in the Carson Range of the Sierra Nevada in Nevada. Co-occupancy of dens is very rare, and such behavior has never been previously reported for adult bears of opposite sex.  相似文献   

The pelagic penaeid shrimp Funchalia taaningi Burkenroad, 1940 is redescribed based on specimens collected mainly in the central Pacific Ocean. The petasma of the male is illustrated for the first time. The distribution of the species is extended into the eastern Indian Ocean based on a female collected in 1964 during the International Indian Ocean Expedition. Two males of Funchalia villosa (Bouvier, 1905), also collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition, are recorded from the eastern Indian Ocean, extending the known distribution of this species.  相似文献   

Some American marten population characteristics (numbers, density, body weights, sex and age ratios, natality, mortality-survivorship, immigration-emigration, home ranges) were studied at four sites in the southern part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Teton County, Wyoming, in 1975-1979. Ninety-eight different martens were examined. Males (n = 25) weighed 1,111 g (± 110 SD, range 875-1,235), whereas females (n = 17) averaged 743 g (± 83 SD, range 600-900). Live-trapping showed sex ratios of 1.5M:1.0F, whereas carcasses showed 3.0M:1.0F. Of 27males that were aged, 12 (44%) were less than 1 year old and 2 were 9-10 years old. Of 10 females, 6 were less than 1 year old and 1 was 12-13 years old. The mean length of time a male was present on the major study area was 144 days (± 266 SD, range 1-1,364), and for females it was 145 days (± 45 SD, range 1-560). Home ranges for six males averaged 3.2 km 2 (± 20 SD, range 0.7-5.8) on the main study area. Some management implications are given.  相似文献   

Collections, observations and experiments were used to investigate the behavioural ecology of gall thrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. Data are presented on aspects of gall morphology, male and female morphology, behaviour, life cycles, and sex ratios for six gall-forming species, five species of inquilines (invaders that do not form galls), and one genus that uses secretions to glue phyllodes (modified petioles) together. During gall foundation on phyllodes of Acacia pendula, females of Kladothrips rugosus Froggatt fight other females to the death, males fight other males to the death, and one female or one adult of each sex remains alive within the gall to breed. In addition to the live adults, half of newly found galls contained dead bodies of from one to 13 males and females, which were apparently killed in fights. In Oncothrips tepperi Karny, which forms galls on Acacia oswaldii, single females found new galls, and females engage in lethal fighting during the period from gall initiation until closure. First-generation broods of Oncothrips tepperi comprise winged males and winged females with a sex ratio of about 1:6 female biased. Each gall also contains several wing-reduced adults with larger forelegs than winged adults, which probably either fight among themselves or defend their siblings from gall invaders. Adults of Oncothrips tepperi breed in the galls for two or more generations, whereas in all of the other species studied on Acacia only one generation occurs in a gall. Females of the inquiline Koptothrips flavicornis invade young, first-generation galls of Oncothrips tepperi, kill the foundling female, and produce their own offspring. Single females of Oncothrips antennatus (Moulton) form galls on Acacia aneura, and apparently do not fight. Winged females of Oncothrips antennatus have smaller forelegs, relative to their body size, than do winged females of Oncothrips tepperi. In Onychothrips arotrum Mound and Onychothrips tepperi (Uzel), single females from galls on Acacia aneura. In each species, females engage in lethal fighting during gall initiation. The sex ratio of Onychothrips arotrum broods is about 1:18 female biased. The inquiline Csirothrips watsoni Mound invades galls of Onychothrips arotrum, apparently after most or all of the offspring have left, and breeds inside. Females of this inquiline will kill live Onychothrips arotrum inside the galls, and they apparently plug gall entrances with cast O. arotrum exuviae. Iotatubothrips crozieri Mound and Crespi is involved in the formation of large, woody galls on stems of Casuarina, perhaps in association with a microorganism. They breed in these galls for many generations. Galls contain several to thousands of individuals, and the adult sex ratio is about 1:4 female biased. Adults of the inquilines Thaumatothrips froggatti and Phallothrips houstoni Mound and Crespi invade these galls, kill the Iotatubothrips adults, and breed therein. The Iotatubothrips occasionally attempt, ineffectually, to fight off the invaders, and they apparently make partitions within the gall to protect themselves from takeover. Adults of Lichanothrips spp. glue phyllodes of Acacia harpophylla together using eggs and patches of secretion, and they breed in the resultant narrow space. Xanothrips xantes Mound breed in these spaces after the Lichanothrips have left. Fighting in Kladothrips rugosus, Oncothrips tepperi and Onychothrips tepperi involves two adults rearing up head to head, sparring with their enlarged, armed forelegs raised, and attempting to grasp and hold their opponent with their forelegs and drive their sharply pointed fore-tarsal teeth into their opponent's body. Females of Onychothrips arotrum also grasp, stab and kill with their forelegs, but they have not been observed to rear up head to head. Three of the inquiline species, Csirothrips watsoni, Thaumatothrips froggatti and Phallothrips houstoni, kill the original gall inhabitants by extending their forelegs directly in front of their bodies, tilting their heads back, remaining in this position for variable periods of time, and sharply pulling their armed fore tibiae towards the fore femora when their victim is near. Inquilinism in gall thrips may have evolved from lethal intraspecific fighting. Certain aspects of behaviour and morphology in Australian gall thrips, such as high prevalence of lethal fighting, gall ‘plugging’ in Csirothrips watsoni, attempted gall defence and apparent formation of partitions in Iotatubothrips crozieri, and the presence of wing-reduced adults in Oncothrips tepperi, indicate that these species exhibit some of the most complex behaviour thus far discovered in Thysanoptera.  相似文献   

The green June beetle (Cotinis nitida) was observed in northern Virginia for a second and third flight season. The study yielded some results that were consistent with earlier findings, namely that mate-locating beetles were vulnerable to attack by avian predators and matings occurred primarily early in the flight season. Novel findings included the following: (1) blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata) were the major predators, not common grackles (Quiscalus quiscala), (2) some jays appeared to selectively prey on female beetles, (3) competition for mates among male beetles could be so intense that some males attempted to copulate with already mated (unreceptive) females, and (4) the sex ratio of the beetle population feeding on wild blackberries remained near equality late in the flight season despite the fact that the sex ratio of the population of beetles at the emergence site became highly female-biased over time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1971-1988
We investigated abundance variations and life history traits (body size, sex ratio, length–weight relationships and condition factor) of two species of annual fish (Austrolebias minuano Costa and Cheffe and Cynopoecilus fulgens Costa) in temporary ponds of southern Brazil. Six samples were taken from small temporary ponds during three annual seasons over 2 years (2008–2009). A total of 104 individuals of A. minuano and 433 individuals of C. fulgens were collected. The abundance of both species tended to decrease from autumn to spring in the 2 years. The overall sex ratio of A. minuano and C. fulgens were 1.0 male to 1.8 females and 1 male to 1.04 females, respectively. Juveniles of both species occurred only in autumn over the two years and no adult was observed during this season. While the length–weight relationship of A. minuano indicated hyperallometric growth, the relationship of C. fulgens indicated values close to isometric growth.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1249-1261
In this study, the population dynamics and sex ratios of 12 species of beetles of the tribe Onciderini (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) were investigated from 2002 to 2006 in an Atlantic rain forest of south-eastern Brazil located at the Biological Reserve of the Serra do Japi. The period of activity of adult beetles ranged from October to May, with slight differences among the species. From June to September, adults were not found and we considered them absent. Our findings showed that adults of these beetles were strongly seasonal, and abundances were correlated with climatic factors that occurred up to two months in advance. Sex ratios were skewed to females in most of the species. The factors determining the population dynamic and sex ratios of these insects are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of livestock grazing on a common herbivore in semiarid grasslands of the Southwest: the rainbow grasshopper, Dactylotum variegatum . Population attributes and key environmental variables were compared between sites on active cattle ranches and sites on a 3160-ha ungrazed sanctuary. Although density of D. variegatum nymphs did not differ significantly between grazed and ungrazed sites, adult density was significantly lower on grazed sites, and sex ratios differed between grazed and ungrazed sites over time. Grazed sites had higher percentages of bare ground and fewer Baccharis pteronioides , a common shrub. However, only bare ground was highly correlated with adult D. variegatum density; lower adult densities were associated with more bare ground. At a smaller scale, D. variegatum tended to be more abundant in areas with B. pteronioides on grazed sites and less abundant in areas on ungrazed sites. This study suggests that cattle grazing influences ecological variables important in determining density, sex ratio, and spatial distribution of D. variegatum at both large and small spatial scales.  相似文献   


The locomotory activity of adult Zonocerus variegatus (L.) was investigated in an insectary, using an aktograph apparatus. Under natural light, temperature, and humidity conditions, male and female adults were markedly active during the daytime but showed very little activity during the early hours of the night. The males were found to be more active than the females. Individuals of the same sex showed slightly different patterns of activity. There was some correlation between increased activity and a period of bright sunshine accompanied by increased temperature. Starvation for 24 hours before and for 48 hours during experiments affected the normal locomotory activity of the grasshopper.  相似文献   

Semiweekly mark and recapture livetrapping was conducted July-October 1985 to determine the effectiveness of wheat treated with inomethacin, a prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, to control the productivity of a wild population of montane voles ( Microtus montanus ) in southeastern Idaho. Before treatment, control (C) and experimental (E) groups, each on ca 0.3 ha, were statistically equal in population size ( ̄X ± SD; C = 50 ± 21, E = 45 ± 14), adult female: male ratio (C = 1:0.8, E = 1:0.7), juvenile:adult ratio (C =0.16:1, E = 0.13:1), number of juveniles per 100 females ( ̄X ± SD; C = 27 ± 8, E = 21 ± 18), and percentage of pregnant females ( ̄X ± SD; C = 44 ± 10, E = 46 ± 17). After the 15-week experiment all population categories were unchanged for the control group and significantly (P ≤ .05) lower for the experimental group, which ended with a final population of ( ̄X ± SD) 17 ± 6, with 7 ± 21 juveniles per 100 females and an 11 ± 14% pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(38):3359-3367
The population dynamics and reproduction of Calcinus gaimardii were studied at Inhaca Island, southern Mozambique. Crabs were sampled monthly from January to December 2003 in order to assess abundance, size distribution, sex ratio, reproduction and juvenile recruitment. Calcinus gaimardii is sexually dimorphic in relation to size, with males reaching larger size than females. Sex ratios were female‐biased during most months of the study period. Females were more abundant in the intermediate size classes while males outnumbered females in the largest ones. Reproduction took place year‐round with peaks of breeding activity between August and October. Likewise, juvenile recruitment was continuous for both sexes with high intensity in winter (May and June). Egg number increased with female size.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of Cophosaurus texanus and Callisaurus draconoides were periodically sampled from March 1973 through April 1974 at Burro Creek, Mohave County, Arizona. Callisaurus were also sampled at Rock Valley, Nye County, Nevada. Sex ratios were skewed in favor of males in the adult Cophosaurus but were equal in both adult populations of Callisaurus. Both species became sexually mature as yearlings. Mean clutch sizes were 3.55 (±0.83) for Cophosaurus, and 4.25 (±1.08) and 5.07 (±1.33) for Callisaurus at Burro Creek and Rock Valley respectively. Evidence of multiple clutches was exhibited by both species. Egg weight/body weight ratios for both species and clutch weight/body weight ratios for Cophosaurus were notably smaller than previously reported. At Burro Creek both species were highly insectivorus, with orthopterans comprising the largest food group of each. Niche overlap for food was high at the ordinal level, but at the familial level it is apparent that Callisaurus probably fed in the more xeric areas of the riparian habitat. No differences were found in the temperature responses of these two lizards. However, minor temporal separations and substantial spatial partitioning were observed. Callisaurus preferred sandy open areas, while Cophosaurus preferred the presence of some rocks and boulders.  相似文献   

As a parallel study of a survey of fleas of trapped small mammals in montane southern Utah, we removed 77 adult fleas from 12 of 13 nests of voles ( Microtus longicaudus, M. montanus and M. richardsoni ) collected from montane meadows in the Abajo and La Sal Mountains, the Markagunt Plateau and Pine Valley Mountains, and the Uinta Mountains, May 1991-July 2002. Six species and subspecies of fleas parasitic on Microtus spp. were found, 1-3 species in each nest. Three specimens of the ubiquitous deer mouse ( Peromyscus spp.) flea Aetheca wagneri (Baker) were also found. We collected the following 7 taxa from the locations indicated: Catallagia decipiens Rothschild in 5 nests: Abajo and Pine Valley Mountains and Markagunt Plateau; Hystrichopsylla dippiei truncata Holland in 2 nests: La Sal and Uinta Mountains; H. occidentalis sylvaticus Campos & Stark in 5 nests: Pine Valley Mountains; Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) in 1 nest: Markagunt Plateau; A. wagneri in 2 nests: Abajo and Pine Valley Mountains; Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) in 5 nests: Abajo and Uinta Mountains and Markagunt Plateau; Malaraeus telchinus (Rothschild) in 2 nests: Abajo and Pine Valley Mountains. One preserved larva was identified as Hystrichopsylla prob. occidentalis sylvaticus , and 2 dead larvae, the only specimens found in nest 13, were identified as probably the same. Kane County is a new record for C. decipiens and P. selenis ; Kane and Summit Counties are new for M. abantis . Nest surveys can generally supplement rather than replace trapped-host surveys. Their main value is in population studies. They are also a source of larvae for morphology and taxonomy research.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproduction and embryology of Walker Lake Lahontan tui chub, Gila bicolor , were investigated during the spring–summer period of 1976, 1977, and 1981. Tui chub were found to spawn in littoral regions of the lake beginning in late May or early June. Early in the season male chub substantially outnumbered females over the spawning grounds, with a normal 1:1 sex ratio gradually approached as the season progressed. The developmental period between fertilization to hatch-out was shortened by increases in water temperature. Selected stages of embryonic development are described from egg fertilization through post-hatch.  相似文献   

A five - year study of Belding ground squirrels was conducted at high altitude in the Sierra Nevada. Body weight and body length varied seasonally depending upon the fat depletion - deposition cycle, age, and sex. Adult males tended to be heavier and longer than adult females, particularly in the last half of the active season. A similar pattern was present in yearlings. Yearling squirrels were often distinguishable from adults on the basis of body size. Mean body weights were greater in adults throughout the season, and mean body lengths were greater in adults through the first half of the season. Adults also had larger internal organs than yearlings at the beginning of the season. In liver and heart this difference was sustained. Sex ratios in adults and in yearlings were 1:1 but there was considerable spatial and temporal asymmetry in distribution of the sexes. Males tended to live in areas peripheral to lush meadows occupied by females and young.    相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25):2319-2329
This study aimed to determine the population structure of juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus, one of two species of horseshoe crabs found in Palawan, at Aventura Beach, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Surveys to assess the population in terms of size, density, size‐frequency, age structure, sex ratio and distribution were conducted from June to October 2002. The habitat was mapped and physical/chemical parameters taken to further describe it. The position of population members was plotted on the map. Individuals were measured, marked, sexed and released. Prosoma width was measured for living individuals and exuviae. Postembryonic stages were identified based on histograms with different interval size. The normal distribution of the animals per instar stage was tested with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. After the 5‐month survey a total of 125 juveniles was recorded and 40% of them were recaptured. Population size was estimated to be 150 individuals. Seven postembryonic stages were identified based on their prosoma width. Male: female ratio was 1:1.8 and the age of the first five postembryonic stages ranged from 5.4 months to 17.6 months. The population density was 1.47 individuals per?100?m2. The majority of the animals of all postembryonic stages were found between 0 and 50?m from the mean high tide level. Further studies on the population structure of T. tridentatus with regards to the adult population are seen as a necessity.  相似文献   

Sex ratios for tui chubs ( Gila bicolor ), obtained from a sample of 3,384 fish, deviated significantly from the expected 1:1 ratio (chi - square, P 0.05). Spawning occurred from June to August, with estimated fecundities ranging from 6,110 to 68,933 ova. Females spawned after attaining a maximum (average) gonadal somatic index (GSI ― percent gonad weight/total body weight) of 9.1 percent and between surface water temperatures of 15.5 to 22.2 C. Males reached sexual maturity at age two, with most females maturing at age three. Consistent increases in fecundity were apparent with increasing length, weight, and age. Linear regressions between fork length and fecundity and weight and fecundity were highly significant (P  相似文献   

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