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Native fishes in Aravaipa Creek, Arizona, cropped foods proportional to abundance of those foods within the system. Ephemeropteran nymphs and adults comprised the major prey of 5 of 7 fishes ( Gila robusta, Meda fulgida, Rhinichthys osculus, Tiaroga cobitis, and Catostomus insignis ). The omnivorous Agosia chrysogaster ate almost as many nymphal mayflies as did the carnivores. Pantosteus clarki was herbivorous, taking animals only when they were abundant. When ephemeropterans decreased in abundance, a shift by some fish species occurred to other locally or seasonally abundant items. Other fishes continued to feed upon the same foods throughout the year. Abundance of invertebrates in Aravaipa Creek, coupled with marked spatial partitioning of habitat by fishes present, seemingly precluded severe interspecific interactions for food.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of reptiles were studied in three vegetation types on the Santa Rita Experimental Range, Arizona. Total reptile sightings were greatest in undisturbed mesquite and mesquite with irregularly shaped clearings. No zebra-tailed lizards ( Callisaurus draconoides ) or desert spiny lizards ( Sceloporus magister ) were seen, and significantly fewer western whiptails ( Cnemidophorus tigris ) were in the mesquite-free area. Only the Sonora spotted whiptail ( Cnemidophorus sonorae ) was significantly more abundant in the mesquite-free area than in the undisturbed mesquite. In an effort to increase grass production for cattle in mesquite grasslands, it is preferable to clear irregularly shaped areas rather than to attempt total mesquite removal, if reptiles are to be considered.  相似文献   

We compared bat use by mist-netting at 4 different types of wildlife water developments in southwestern Arizona during summer 2000 and 2001. Scaling our results by netting effort, we caught bats more frequently and observed higher species diversity at tinajas (modified natural rock pools) with larger open-water area compared with ""guzzler"" type water developments that had less open water and more obstacles to bat flight. We caught the fewest bats at guzzlers with buried concrete vault drinkers, which impede bat access and have the smallest areas of open water. Water development designs that minimize evaporative water loss by reducing the amount of open water apparently reduce use by bats in this area.  相似文献   

We surveyed historic collecting localities in south central Arizona during July, August, and September 1993-94 to determine the presence of 3 little-known Sonoran Desert anurans, Bufo retiformis, Gastrophryne olivacea, and Pternohyla fodiens . All 3 species were present at most historic localities visited under appropriate conditions (following rainfall in July and August). Pternohyla fodiens was restricted to San Simon Wash and associated tributaries in south central Pima County. Gastrophryne olivacea ranged from Vekol Valley in extreme southern Maricopa County south to the Mexican border, and southeast near Tucson and Nogales in Pima and Santa Cruz counties. Bufo retiformis occurred over the widest area, from southern Rainbow Valley in Maricopa County southwest to the vicinity of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, and southeast to the vicinity of Tucson and Sasabe in Pima County.  相似文献   

Habitat use by Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus hens with broods was examined at Jackass Creek and Hart Mountain, Oregon, from 1989 through 1991. Sage Grouse hens initially selected low sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) cover types during early brood-rearing, big sagebrush cover types later in the brood-rearing period, and ultimately concentrated use in and near lakebeds and meadows. Areas used by Sage Grouse broods typically had greater forb frequency than did random sites. Hens at Jackass Creek selected sites with forb cover similar to that generally available at Hart Mountain, but home ranges were larger at Jackass Creek because of lower availability of suitable brood-rearing habitat. Differences in habitat use by broods on the two areas were reflected in dietary differences; at Hart Mountain, chicks primarily ate forbs and insects, whereas at Jackass Creek most of the diet was sagebrush. Larger home ranges, differences in diets, and differences in availability of forb-rich habitats possibly were related to differences in abundance and productivity between areas.  相似文献   

Populations of Greater Sage-Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) have been declining throughout their range since the 1960s. Productivity, which includes production and survival of young, is often cited as a factor in these declines. We monitored radio-equipped Greater Sage-Grouse at 3 sites in western Wyoming to assess early brood-rearing habitat use (through 14 days post-hatch) and productivity. Logistic and linear regression analyses with Akaike's Information Criterion were used to evaluate early brooding habitat use and to examine relationships between productivity and vegetation, insect size and abundance, and weather parameters. Females with broods were found in areas with greater sagebrush canopy and grass cover, and fewer invertebrates compared to random areas. The number of juveniles per female (estimated from wing barrel collections during fall harvest) was positively related to the abundance of medium-length Hymenoptera and grass cover, and the proportion of females with confirmed chicks 14 days post-hatch was positively related to abundance of medium-length Coleoptera and total herbaceous cover. Although the specific parameters varied slightly, Greater Sage-Grouse productivity in Wyoming appeared to be associated with a combination of insect and herbaceous cover elements. Managing for abundant and diverse insect communities within dense protective sagebrush stands should help ensure high-quality early brood-rearing habitat and increased Greater Sage-Grouse productivity.  相似文献   

We examined radio-marked Chukar ( Alectoris chukar ) habitat use and selection in west central Idaho during spring and summer of 1995 and 1996. Use of habitats also was compared with abundance and distribution of yellow starthistle ( Centaurea solstitialis ), an exotic species that is increasingly abundant in Chukar habitats. During summer Chukars used areas of southeast aspect 12% less ( P = 0.002) and areas of northwest aspect 11% more ( P = 0.008) than in spring. Chukars also used areas that averaged 9% steeper slopes ( P P = 0.054) in summer than in spring. Shrub cover types were used 22% more ( P P P P P < 0.05) than expected, implicating the detrimental effects of this exotic plant on habitat use of Chukars.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):481-494
Old-growth mountain forests in the Pyrenees have natural gap dynamics, a well-developed shrub layer and a large amount of dead wood. Small mammal communities in two types of old-growth forests, silver fir and mountain pine, were studied in July and September in 2006 and 2007. Four species were trapped: bank vole (Myodes glareolus), wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) and common shrew (Sorex araneus). Bank voles and wood mice were most commonly trapped (78% of all captures). There were no differences in community composition in the two forest types, although the bank vole was more often captured in the silver fir than in the mountain pine forest. Mammals were more frequently captured at trap stations with high shrub cover, high tree regeneration cover and low herbaceous cover. Our results show that forest structure and, to a lesser extent, forest type determine small mammal community structure, and specifically fine-scale occurrence patterns, in these old-growth forests.  相似文献   

We compared vegetation structure used by 14 bird species during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons to determine what habitat features best accounted for habitat division and community organization in Utah juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) woodlands of southwestern Wyoming. Habitat use was quantified by measuring 24 habitat variables in 461 bird-centered quadrats, each 0.04 ha in size. Using discriminant function analysis, we differentiated between habitat used by 14 bird species along 3 habitat dimensions: (1) variation in shrub cover, overstory juniper cover, mature tree density, understory height, and decadent tree density; (2) a gradient composed of elevation and forb cover; and (3) variation in grass cover, tree height, seedling/sapling cover, and bare ground/rock cover. Of 14 species considered, 9 exhibited substantial habitat partitioning: Mourning Dove ( Zenaida macroura ), Bewick's Wren ( Thryomanes bewickii ), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ( Polioptila caerulea ), Mountain Bluebird ( Sialia currucoides ), Plumbeous Vireo ( Vireo plumbeus ), Green-tailed Towhee ( Pipilo chlorurus ), Brewer's Sparrow ( Spizella breweri ), Dark-eyed Junco ( Junco hyemalis ), and Cassin's Finch ( Carpodacus cassinii ). Our results indicate juniper bird communities of southwestern Wyoming are organized along a 3-dimensional habitat gradient composed of woodland maturity, elevation, and juniper recruitment. Because juniper birds partition habitat along successional and altitudinal gradients, indiscriminate woodland clearing as well as continued fire suppression will alter species composition. Restoration efforts should ensure that all successional stages of juniper woodland are present on the landscape.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1447-1450
The neotropical riodinid butterfly Sarota gyas is shown to utilize non-nitrogen fixing epiphylls as larval hostplants. The host substrate where the epiphylls grow appears unimportant to oviposition by adults or feeding by larvae. The larva of S. gyas is described and the use of long setae as a defense by amymecophilous riodinids is discussed.  相似文献   

Wild turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo ) brood-rearing sites have been described for portions of their range, but brood-rearing habitat use and characteristics of brood-rearing sites used by Rio Grande Wild Turkeys ( M. g. intermedia ) in the Pacific Northwest were unknown. We described cover types at 362 brood-rearing sites and measured habitat characteristics at 64 of these sites used by a recently established Rio Grande Wild Turkey population in southwestern Oregon during May-September 1989 and 1990. Hens with broods used 9 of 10 available cover types. Meadows, mixed hardwood/conifer woodlands, and savannas were used more often than expected (47% of observations, P ≤ 0.05). Broods used mature mixed conifer and dense sapling/pole mixed conifer cover types less than expected and did not use brush-fields. Many brood-rearing sites were characterized by a parklike appearance. Understory vegetation averaged P ≤ 0.05). We suggest that land managers maintain mixed hardwood/conifer woodland and savanna cover types adjacent to meadows on south slopes to provide brood-rearing habitat for Rio Grande Wild Turkeys in southwestern Oregon.  相似文献   

We studied summer habitat use by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) in western Idaho during 1983-85. Vegetative and topographic measurements were recorded at 716 locations of 15 radio-tagged grouse and at 180 random sites within the major vegetation/cover types in the study area. The mean size of summer home ranges was 1.87 ± 1.14 km 2 . Of eight cover types identified in the study area, individual grouse used the big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata ) cover type more than or in proportion to availability, the low sagebrush ( A. arbuscula ) in proportion to availability, and avoided the shrubby eriogonum ( Eriogonum spp.) type. Characteristics of the big sagebrush cover type that Sharp-tailed Grouse preferred include moderate vegetative cover, high plant species diversity, and high structural diversity. Grouse used areas of dense cover (i.e., mountain shrub and riparian cover types) primarily for escape cover. Compared with random sites, grouse selected areas with (1) greater horizontal and vertical cover, (2) greater canopy coverage of forbs typically decreased by livestock grazing, (3) greater density and canopy coverage of arrowleaf balsamroot ( Balsamorhiza sagittata ), and (4) greater canopy coverage of bluebunch wheatgrass ( Agropyron spicatum ) in the big sagebrush cover type in 1984 and the low sagebrush cover type in 1985. The importance of the native perennials arrowleaf balsamroot and bluebunch wheatgrass became apparent during a drought year when many exotic annuals dried up and provided no cover. Overall, grouse selected vegetative communities that were least modified by livestock grazing.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2765-2774
Habitat specialization is recorded as one of the central factors that make species vulnerable to extinction. Among snakes, there is considerable variation in this trait, as some species are specialists and others are generalists in habitat use. We have quantified habitat specialization in the snakes of the southern Iberian Peninsula, and compared it with their abundance and IUCN categories. All data were combined for a principal components analysis that discriminated two main groups: three generalist species that live in all types of habitat, and five specialist species that ranged from rather scarce to extremely rare and are found only in unaltered habitats. The three generalist snakes are not threatened and their IUCN category is Least Concern. Three out of the five specialist species are categorized as Near Threatened, Vulnerable, and Endangered at regional or national levels. The other two species are currently considered Not Threatened and we discuss whether they are incorrectly classified. The conservation status of snakes is difficult to evaluate because of their secretive habits and low population densities. We suggest that quantifying habitat specialization may be a useful tool for assessing the conservation status of secretive organisms such as snakes.  相似文献   

Cover types and vegetative characteristics (e.g., grasses, forbs, shrubs) used by female Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) during summer were compared with available habitat on two study areas in southeastern Oregon. Broodless hens, which constituted 114 of the 125 (91%) radio-marked hens studied, selected big ( Artemisia tridentata ) subspp.) and low sagebrush ( A. arbuscular ) cover types at both study areas. At Hart Mountain, broodless hens did not select specific vegetative characteristics within cover types. However, at Jackass Creek, forb cover was greater ( P = .004) at broodless hen sites than at random locations. Differences in habitat use by broodless hens between study areas were associated with differences in forb availability. Broodless hens used a greater diversity of cover types than hens with broods. Broodless hens gathered in flocks and remained separate from but near hens with broods during early summer. By early July broodless hens moved to meadows while hens with broods remained in upland habitats.  相似文献   

We translocated 196 Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus into Sawtooth Valley, Idaho, during March-April 1986-87 to augment a small resident population. Forty-four grouse equipped with radio transmitters were monitored through spring and summer. Nest sites ( n = 6) had greater ( P = .032) horizontal cover than did independent random plots ( n = 7). During summer, grouse used sites ( n = 50) with taller live and dead shrub heights, greater shrub canopy cover, and more ground litter ( P n = 50) 50-300 m from use sites. Distance to edge and mountain sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata vaseyana ) density best separated use sites from independent random plots in logistic regression analysis and correctly classified 64% of the use sites and 78% of the independent random plots. Sage Grouse used sties that had narrower frequency distributions for many variables than did independent plots ( P < .04), suggesting selection for uniform habitat.  相似文献   

The pudu (Pudu puda) is a small, endemic deer, and the only native ungulate found in Chilean and Argentinean temperate forests. Its ecology, including its double role as an herbivore and as a prey, is poorly known. Therefore, it is pressing to gain a better understanding of the pudu given that its habitat is being transformed rapidly by anthropogenic causes. On a coastal mountain range in south-central Chile, we conducted a habitat use study and examined the activity patterns of the pudu using camera traps. The study area was a large native forest patch, surrounded by commercial plantations which would not constitute a habitat for this deer. Using a sampling effort of 7559 camera days, we found that this deer was largely nocturnal with little activity during daytime. The pudu selected Araucaria forests, and avoided Nothofagus forests. These behaviours suggest that the pudu traded off habitat use patterns and activity time to avoid predation, mainly by puma which is the top predator in the rich local community of carnivores occurring in the latter habitat.  相似文献   

Twelve wild adult Colorado pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), captured in the tailwaters of Taylor Draw Dam on the White River, Colorado, were implanted with radio transmitters and their movement patterns monitored from 1992 to 1994. The spawning migration of these fish was extensive. In 1993, the only full year of the study, the fish migrated an average of 658 km from the White River to spawning sites in the Yampa or Green rivers and back to the White River. Eight of these fish were translocated in the river upstream of the dam in April 1993. These fish and the 4 others below the dam remained in the river until May 1993. All 12 had migrated down the White River to spawning sites in the Green and Yampa rivers by July 1993. The fish that were located above the dam successfully passed over the dam during their downstream migration. Seven fish migrated upstream toward the Yampa River Canyon spawning site and 5 migrated downstream toward the Green River Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. Five of 7 Yampa River fish were found at the spawning site. The other 2 were found 5-8 km downstream of the site. One of 5 Green River fish was found at the spawning site, the other 4 between 16 and 62 km upstream of the site. All fish migrated back to the White River by August 1993 and were found near the dam by October 1993. Two fish were recaptured and translocated above the dam in September 1993. Five fish were located below the dam and 2 above the dam in April 1994. By July 1994 seven of the same fish that had migrated toward the Yampa River in 1993 were found at the Yampa Canyon spawning site. At the same time, 3 of 5 fish that migrated toward the Green River in 1993 were found at the Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. This included 2 fish that had been found upstream of the site in 1993. The 12 fish traveled an average of 6 km d -1 (range: 4-10 km d -1 ) during the migration period from May through October 1993. Generally, fish moved faster to the spawning site than back from the site to the White River. These fish moved very little within their home ranges in the White River. Six fish tagged in 1992 moved only 0.1-2.3 km in the tailwater reach below Taylor Draw Dam from September 1992 through April 1993. All fish, after their spawning runs, had moved up to or near the dam by October 1993. These fish were not tracked again until April 1994. Their movement patterns in April 1994 were similar to those observed in April 1993. The greatest amount of fish movement in the White River was displayed by the 8 fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam in April 1993 and the 2 placed in Kenney Reservoir in September 1993. They moved 1.1-40.6 km in the river before and after their spawning migration in spring and autumn 1993. These spawning migrations suggest that adult Colorado pikeminnow in the White River were recruited from both Green and Yampa river spawning populations and were presumably imprinted to these respective spawning sites. Those fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam established home ranges in habitats previously occupied by Colorado pikeminnow before the dam was completed. They remained there until they migrated downstream during the spawning period. Although we did not study fish passage, our study demonstrates that adult Colorado pikeminnow will use habitat if access is provided. Translocation of wild adult fish into historic but unoccupied habitats may be a valuable recovery option.  相似文献   

In this study I describe the distribution and habitat associations of yellow-bellied marmots ( Marmota flaviventris ) in the Great Basin, compare my findings with those of E.R. Hall during his 1929-1936 survey and later surveys, and discuss potential reasons for changes in marmot distribution over time. I found 62 marmot burrow sites in 18 mountain ranges, mostly in rocky meadows situated on well-drained slopes between 2100 m and 3000 m elevation. Marmots were generally found near burrows dug within talus slopes, talus-like rock piles, or clusters of massive boulders. Oceanspray ( Holodiscus discolor ) was the shrub most commonly associated with occupied rock formations. Marmots were most abundant in the Ruby/East Humboldt Range and were common in the Desatoya, Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, Cherry Creek, Schell Creek, Deep Creek, and Stansbury Ranges. Marmots appeared to be uncommon in the Monitor Range and rare in the Clan Alpine, Roberts, and Snake Ranges. I was unable to find marmots in the Diamond, Egan, Spruce-Pequop, White Pine, and Oquirrh Ranges, although I located old, weathered marmot scats in all but the latter 2 ranges. Other evidence confirms that marmots do actually occur in the Oquirrh Range, but extensive searches of the White Pine Range, including some of the same rock formations where E.R. Hall collected marmots, revealed no sign of marmots. My distribution data suggest that marmots may have gone extinct in some Great Basin mountain ranges during the last century. These disappearances may represent a natural extinction-recolonization dynamic, but a more alarming possibility is a recent die-off linked to climate change, which is predicted to force montane vegetation zones further upslope, shrinking the habitat of associated faunas. However, marmots in this study were observed as low as 1550 m elevation, indicating an altitudinal flexibility that may allow this species to survive climatic change better than more specialized boreal species such as pikas ( Ochotona princeps ) and water shrews ( Sorex palustris ).  相似文献   

Seventeen subadult, hatchery-reared razorback suckers ( Xyrauchen texanus ; (  ̄x = 456 mm total length) were implanted with sonic transmitters and tracked for 23 months in the lower 89.6 km of the San Juan River (San Juan arm of Lake Powell, Utah). Fish were released at 2 sites, and 9 made extensive up- and downstream movements (  ̄x = 47.8 km; contact was lost with 4, and 4 others presumably died or lost their transmitters). The San Juan arm is primarily inundated canyon; however, most fish contacts occurred in shallow coves and shoreline with thick stands of flooded salt cedar in the upper inflow area. Eight fish frequented the Piute Farms river/lake mixing zone, and at least 4 moved upstream into the San Juan River. Seven fish were found in 2 aggregations in spring (3 fish in Neskahi Bay in 1996 and 4 fish just downstream of Piute Farms in 1997), and these may have been associated with spawning activity. Continued presence of razorback suckers in the Piute Farms area and lower San Juan River suggests the San Juan inflow to Lake Powell could be used as an alternate stocking site for reintroduction efforts.  相似文献   

We described 15 Ruffed Grouse ( Bonasa umbellus ) drumming logs and adjacent habitat within Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Drumming logs and adjacent habitat differed from 30 random non-drumming sites. Drumming logs had fewer limbs (8; P = 0.003) and a smaller percentage of bark remaining (12%; P = 0.0001). These logs were in advanced stages of decay but were still firm to the touch. Additionally, drumming logs were found close to clearings but in areas with increased amounts of undergrowth and mature trees. Adjacent habitat analysis (0.04-ha circular plot centered on logs) indicated drumming locations had significantly greater average canopy height, more vegetative cover consisting of conifer and total canopy cover, and more vertical foliage between 0.3 m and 3.0 m in height. Adjacent habitat was in advanced stages of maturity as indicated by significant numbers of both large-diameter logs and largediameter lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta ) and quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) snags. Tree species dominating the canopy and subcanopy were large-diameter Engelmann spruce ( Picea engelmannii ), lodgepole pine, and quaking aspen. Subalpine fir ( Abies lasiocarpa ) and quaking aspen saplings were more numerous at used sites. Ruffed Grouse drummed in coniferous areas within close proximity of quaking aspen.  相似文献   

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