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Diets of the Common Screech Owl ( Otus asio ) and Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) from the Great Basin, Malheur County, southeastern Oregon, were studied. Although there was considerable overlap in the diets of these owls, there were differences related to habitat use.  相似文献   

We examined diets of Western Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia hypugaea ) based on contents of pellets and large prey remains collected year-round at burrows in each of the 3 regions in south central Nevada (Mojave Desert, Great Basin Desert, and Transition region). The most common prey items, based on percent frequency of occurrence, were crickets and grasshoppers, beetles, rodents, sun spiders, and scorpions. The most common vertebrate prey was kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys spp.). True bugs (Hemiptera), scorpions, and western harvest mice ( Reithrodontomys megalotis ) occurred most frequently in pellets from the Great Basin Desert region. Kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys spp.) and pocket mice (Perognathinae) were the most important vertebrate prey items in the Transition and Mojave Desert regions, respectively. Frequency of occurrence of any invertebrate prey was high (>80%) in samples year-round but dropped in winter samples, with scorpions and sun spiders exhibiting the steepest declines. Frequency of occurrence of any vertebrate prey peaked in spring samples, was intermediate for winter and summer samples, and was lowest in fall samples. With the possible exception of selecting for western harvest mice in the Great Basin Desert region, Western Burrowing Owls in our study appeared to be opportunistic foragers with a generalist feeding strategy.  相似文献   

Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia ) were studied in a prairie dog town of southwestern South Dakota. Pellets regurgitated by Burrowing Owls contained a wide variety of prey remains. Insects, spiders, small mammals, and vegetation were the most frequent items identified in the pellets. Mammals were consumed most frequently during spring and early summer. Insects were consumed in large numbers during the entire period of this study, but they became more frequent in owl pellets during late summer and fall in association with a decline of mammal remains. Some prey items observed around owl nest sites were not found in the pellets examined. Possible secondary poisoning of some prey of Burrowing Owls has not produced any change in owl food habits, based on other studies reported in the literature.      相似文献   

Understanding long-term patterns of burrow occupancy for the Western Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia hypugaea ) is necessary for the conservation of this species, especially in arid, desert ecosystems where burrow occupancy data are lacking. Monthly burrow monitoring was conducted over a 4-year period (1997–2001) in southern Nevada to determine burrow occupancy patterns of Burrowing Owls and to evaluate the effects of burrow type and desert region on burrow occupancy. Burrow occupancy occurred year-round and was most consistent in the Transition region and tended to be lowest in the Mojave Desert region. Peak burrow occupancy occurred during March through May, followed by a gradual decline in occupancy through the summer and fall until January and February, when occupancy was lowest. Occupancy was significantly higher at sites with both culvert and pipe burrows than at sites with earthen burrows in disturbed habitat or earthen burrows in natural habitat. Breeding-season occupancy was not significantly higher in wetter, cooler portions (e.g., Great Basin desert region) of the study area. Results suggest that occupancy is influenced by habitat features—such as suitable burrows in open areas with low vegetation—and climatic regime.  相似文献   

Little is known about the basic characteristics of the western harvester ant ( Pogonomyrmex owyheei ) in the absence of anthropogenic disturbances. We examined the role of P. owyheei as an agent of disturbance in an area of semiarid vegetation in central Oregon known as the Horse Ridge Research Natural Area (HRRNA) that has been largely free of livestock grazing and other significant anthropogenic influences for over 23 yr. We determined density and size characteristics of nest sites and estimate total area cleared by P. owyheei activities on HRRNA. From random sampling of twenty-five 0.04-ha plots we found a mean nest density/standard error of 1.6(± 0.16) nests/0.04 ha. Mean area cleared per nest site was 4.8 m 2 , which results in an estimated barren area of 46,080 m 2 on the 240-ha HRRNA. Comparing our findings to others on P. owyheei and P. occidentalis , we found nest density and mean cleared area to be in the middle range of reported observations under a variety of land-use influences. The literature suggests that moderate disturbance may increase nest site density, but little relationship exists between disturbance history and mean size of nest sites.  相似文献   

The flea Anomiopsyllus amphibolus is reported from southeastern Oregon, a range extension of about 475 km from the nearest reported localities in northwestern Utah.  相似文献   

A burrowing owl ( Athene cunicularia ) population nesting on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in southeastern Idaho utilized burrows excavated by badgers ( Taxidea taxus ) or natural cavities in lava flows as nesting sites. The size of the population was small (N = 13–14 pairs) in relation to the number of available nesting sites, suggesting that factors other than burrow availability limited this population. Rodents and Jerusalem crickets ( Stenopelmatus fuscus ) represented the primary prey utilized during the nesting season. This population demonstrated both a numerical (brood size) and functional (dietary) response to a decrease in the density of three species of rodents on the INEL during a drought in 1977.      相似文献   

Productivity and food habits of the Barn Owl ( Tyto alba ) utilizing nest boxes in Juab, Utah, and Salt Lake counties, Utah, During 1979-1984 were examined. Average clutch size was 5.8 eggs for the 6-yr period; mean number fledged was 3.9 young per successful nest. While severe weather during the 1981-82 winter did not result in significant decrease in productivity during the 1982 breeding season, it may have resulted in a significant overproduction of female young. Barn Owls in north central Utah fed almost exclusively on mammalian species, particularly Microtus spp. Difference in clutch size between areas and years may be a response to availability as well as abundance of prey.  相似文献   

Populations of breeding Swainson's Hawks ( Buteo swainsoni ), Red-tailed Hawks ( B. jamaicensis ), and Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ) present in 1999 were compared with populations present between 1975 and 1982 at a 129-km 2 site in north central Oregon. Populations of Red-tailed Hawks and Golden Eagles remained unchanged, but the number of Swainson's Hawks pairs increased from 15 to 17. In 1999 Golden Eagles used nests occupied between 1975 and 1982, and 7 of 31 pairs of Red-tailed Hawks used nests occupied in earlier years. No Swainson's Hawks nested in trees occupied earlier. Few changes in territorial boundaries were detected.  相似文献   

Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) populations are declining in many portions of their range, and research and management efforts into stemming declines are underway. One tool with promise is the artificial burrow, which can supplement nesting opportunities and play a role in research, mitigation, translocation, and reintroduction studies. However, few studies directly assess important burrow and surrounding topographic features upon which owls choose sites and then construct and install artificial burrows accordingly. In this study we (1) measure physical, vegetative, and topographic characteristics of Burrowing Owl nest sites in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (SRBPNCA); (2) compare used and unused burrows to determine features important in nest-site selection; and (3) use this information to help guide current and future construction and placement of artificial burrows in the SRBPNCA. Owls nested in abandoned American badger ( Taxidea taxus ) burrows in areas with more than one burrow, close to roads and irrigated agricultural fields, and characterized by sparse and low vegetation dominated by nonnative plant species. Only one feature studied, tunnel entrance angle, corresponded with choice by owls; odds of burrow use decreased 17% with each 1° increase in slope of the tunnel entrance. Owls nesting near irrigated agricultural fields also had higher productivity. We discuss applications of our results to construction and placement of artificial burrows in the SRBPNCA and similar shrub-steppe environs in western North America.  相似文献   

We compared winter (December, January, and February) and early spring (March and April) bird communities among 4 successional stages that included grassland, shrubsteppe, juniper-shrubsteppe, and old-growth juniper woodland in central Oregon. Birds were surveyed monthly from December through April in 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 using the point count method to estimate relative abundance of birds (individuals ? transect –1 year –1 ). We used distance sampling to correct for potential bias in estimating abundance and density among successional stages. A total of 4513 birds (32 species) were detected. Relative abundance of total birds (all species combined) was similar in the juniper-shrubsteppe and old-growth woodland (48.7 and 48.9 individuals ? transect –1 , respectively) but 6 times greater than in the grassland and shrubsteppe (8.0 and 7.7 individuals ? transect –1 , respectively) during the 5-month period. Total density of birds was greater in old-growth juniper woodland and juniper-shrubsteppe than in grassland or shrubsteppe. However, median bird species richness in 1998/1999 was highest in grassland and lowest both in shrubsteppe and juniper-shrubsteppe, and in 1999/2000 it was highest in shrubsteppe and lowest in juniper-shrubsteppe and oldgrowth juniper woodland. American Robins and Townsend's Solitaires were the most abundant species in junipershrubsteppe and old-growth juniper woodland during the winter months. Sage Sparrows and Horned Larks were the most abundant species in shrubsteppe during winter, and Horned Larks were most abundant in grasslands during the early spring transition period prior to nesting. Our results indicate that a different suite of species use these successional stages during the nonbreeding season. If avifauna conservation is a part of long-term management goals, a broad range of successional stages should be maintained on the landscape to provide habitat for a variety of avian species throughout the year.  相似文献   

Two mature female longnose gar ( Lepisosteus osseus ) exhibiting severe hyperkyphotic spinal deformities were captured during the 2010 spring spawn at Lake Arrowhead, Clay County, Texas. Yet, despite their deformities and impaired motility, both longnose gar were in overall good condition. Hyperkyphosis in both longnose gar resulted from fused trunk vertebrae in the affected areas. Results of morphological examinations and computerized tomography (CT) scans showed no evidence of injury-induced responses and suggested a congenital or possibly environmentally induced aetiology for disruption of the normal vertebral segmentation process. Dos hembras adultas del pejelagarto narigudo ( Lepisosteus osseus ) con severas deformidades espinales hipercifóticas fueron capturadas durante la desovación primaveral del 2010 en Lake Arrowhead, condado de Clay, Texas. No obstante, a pesar de sus deformidades y limitada motilidad, ambos pejelagartos estaban en buenas condiciones generales. La hipercifosis en ambos pejelagartos narigudos resultó de la fusión de vértebras del tronco en las áreas afectadas. Las evaluaciones morfológicas y de tomografía computarizada (TC) no mostraron evidencia de respuestas inducidas por lesiones, y sugirieron una etiología congénita o posiblemente inducida por el ambiente para la interferencia del proceso normal de segmentación vertebral.  相似文献   

We examined winter nutritional quality of current-year bud and stem tissues from burned and unburned stands of Gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii Nutt.). Nutritional analyses were based on the amount of forage consumed by wintering mule deer. Deer use along the Utah Valley foothills averaged 6.25-10.7 cm of current-year growth. Of the tissues examined, post-fire bud tissue had the highest nutrient content, with a mean of 9.51% crude protein, 0.19% phosphorus, and 34.0% in vitro digestibility. Composite values (bud + stem) for unburned stands were slightly higher in crude protein and phosphorus and lower in digestibility than those reported in previous studies. Nutrient values from burned stands were significantly higher than those of unburned stands for all three measures. Tannin content of the burned-area regrowth was also higher. Overall forage value of Gambel oak to wintering mule deer is relatively low.  相似文献   

Food habits of Burrowing Owls ( Speotyto cunicularia ) were studied during the breeding seasons of 1990 and 1991 in central Colorado. Concurrent insect availability studies were conducted to determine selection for specific insect families. Analysis of 1445 castings indicated use of only one insect family, the carrion beetles (Silphidae), at a rate greater than expected based on availability in one year. Castings and prey remains showed different dietary components. Prey remains showed greater use of small mammals, moths, amphibians, and passerines, and castings indicated greater use of mice and beetles. Methodology in raptor food habits studies may therefore bias results.  相似文献   

The spotted bat ( Euderma maculatum ) has been virtually unknown in Oregon despite the existence of potential habitat in many areas of the state. In 2002 and 2003 we searched for spotted bats along the John Day, Deschutes, and Crooked Rivers and at a remote dry canyon southeast of the city of Bend in central Oregon. The species was documented through the use of mist-nets, a bat detector, and recognition of audible spotted bat calls. Spotted bats were found at 11 locations in 6 Oregon counties. Nightly activity patterns of spotted bats were unpredictable. Spotted bats were found in 78% of search areas but on only 48% of survey nights. We observed spotted bats foraging above fields and low upland slopes adjacent to rivers and creeks and along the rims of cliffs. Estimated flying heights of spotted bats ranged from 3 m to 50 m aboveground. The species was difficult to capture and was captured only after considerable experimentation with methods and materials. Three spotted bats were captured toward the end of the project in 2003 and accounted for only 0.5% of all bats captured during the study. Although we attached radio transmitters to 2 spotted bats, we found no roost locations. We believe additional spotted bat surveys in Oregon are warranted, especially in higher-elevation habitats, but recommend that to increase their effectiveness, surveys accommodate the unique foraging behavior of the species.  相似文献   

While a trend toward western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis spp. occidentalis ) super-dominance in big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) communities of the Pacific Northwest since the late 1800s has been well documented, establishment dates of western juniper in less disturbed environments have not. In this paper we document the establishment history of western juniper on 2 minimally disturbed research natural areas that have substantial differences in their physical characteristics. On each site we randomly established twenty 0.05-ha plots to obtain per hectare counts of mature and juvenile western juniper and to obtain a sample of 100 trees closest to the plot center. These trees were then dated using standard dendrochronological techniques. The lower-elevation, more xeric site has an establishment history that suggests it is an emerging western juniper woodland, with the majority of trees sampled establishing since 1978. The higher-elevation site is an older, well-established woodland with a more even temporal distribution of trees. These results suggest that suitable establishment sites may switch from canopy dependence in emerging woodlands to open sites in mature woodlands and that neither domestic livestock grazing nor active fire suppression is a required mechanism for establishment.  相似文献   

Cores obtained in 1978 from Diamond Pond, Diamond Craters, Harney County, Oregon, as part of the Steens Mountain Prehistory Project, provide a record of vegetation change on the sagebrush/shadscale ecotone and of local and perhaps regional water tables. Pollen, macrofossils, sediments, and charcoal from these radiocarbon-dated cores were analyzed. Varying abundance of juniper, grass, sagebrush, and greasewood pollen, and of aquatic to littoral plant macrofossils reflects changing regional effective moisture and local water table since 6000 B. P. Eleven dates spanning 5200 radiocarbon years and four regionally correlated volcanic ashes establish the dating of seven periods of different moisture regimes: 1. Greasewood and saltbush pollen dominance before 5400 B. P. indicates shadscale desert. Rapid accumulation of alternating silts and medium sands lacking aquatic plant macrofossils and pollen reflects periods of ephemeral ponds with water table 17 m below the present level and considerable erosion of maar slopes. 2. Increasing sagebrush pollen from 5400 to 4000 B. P. indicates sagebrush expansion into shadscale desert. Scirpus, Rumex, Ceratophyllum, and Polygonum persicaria macrofossils and finely laminated clayey silts evidence perennial pond. 3. From 4000 to 2000 B. P. abundant juniper and grass pollen reflects extensive juniper grasslands (juniper seeds from trees growing nearby fell into the pond during this period). Rising charcoal values indicate greater importance of fire. Deepest late-Holocene pond ca 3700 B. P. corresponds with postulated intensive human occupation of northern Great Basin marsh and lake locales. 4. Between 2000 and 1400 B. P. increased sagebrush pollen mirrors reduced effective moisture and reexpanding sagebrush steppe. More abundant Scirpus and Rumex macrofossils evidence shallow pond. 5. From 1400 to 900 B. P. more numerous grass pollen indicates returning greater effective moisture resulting in deeper water with abundant Potamogeton . 6. About 500 B. P. increased greasewood and saltbush pollen evidences drought. Ruppia seeds and pollen and the mollusk Musculium indicate shallow, brackish water. 7. Abundant juniper and grass pollen reflects moister conditions between 300 and 150 B. P. Numerous Ceratophyllum fruits indicate deeper, freshened water. Since the mid- 1800s man and changing climate have encouraged sagebrush reexpansion. Increased Scirpus macrofossils indicate shallower water.  相似文献   

Seasonal movements, roost-site fidelity, and foraging activity patterns are largely unknown for western populations of Townsend's big-eared bat ( Plecotus townsendii ). We used miniature radiotelemetry units to track springtime movements of six bats inhabiting forested lava flows in central Oregon, and found that bats moved up to 24 km from hibernacula to foraging areas. Individual bats returned to the same foraging area on successive nights but shifted to different areas in presumed response to changes in insect availability. Both sexes apparently use a series of interim roost sites between emergence from hibernation and the time females enter into maternity colonies, with little individual fidelity to these sites. In regions characterized by extensive lava-flow topography, suitable daytime roosts are numerous and dispersed over a large area, allowing bats to move relatively great distances to locate foraging ranges. Hence, the actual area of concern for effective management of individual populations can be considerably larger than indicated solely by locations of hibernacula and maternity caves of this declining species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2041-2062
The thalassinidean ghost shrimps Trypaea australiensis and Biffarius arenosus are dominant burrowing macroinvertebrates of soft‐sediment habitats in Western Port, Victoria, Australia. Burrow structure has been described for both species but little is known about how the burrows change over time. This study used resin casting to investigate temporal variation by making burrow casts each month over a 12‐month period. It was found that the overall burrow morphology of both T. australiensis and B. arenosus was consistent over time, but in the warmer months (summer and spring), both species constructed burrows that were deeper and of greater volume than burrows constructed in winter and autumn. Possible reasons for this variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Vegetative and atmospheric parameters were evaluated at 16 different nest sites of ring-necked pheasants in Utah County, Utah, to determine which parameters are influential in the nest site selection process. These data indicate that total vegetative ground cover, high amounts of cover immediately surrounding the nest cavity, and drying power of the air are the parameters most influential in nest site selection.  相似文献   

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