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Effects of rangefire on soil algae in sagebrush steppe in the Lower Columbia Basin were studied. Dynamics of recovery of the soil algal community in the first two years following the fire were also documented. The study site was on the Arid Lands Ecology Reserve managed by Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Fire decreased the numbers of algae by more than an order of magnitude. Species composition in burned plots was similar to that in unburned plots, although some cyanophyte algae, particularly Nostoc commune , were decimated by the fire. Algal recovery took place in the winter months of the second year. Ninety taxa of algae were identified during the course of the study, over half of which were chlorophytes. Seasonal changes in the algal flora were also noted.  相似文献   

Population estimates of fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes in desert soil were determined with respect to soil depth and distance from shrubs. In general the highest numbers of microbes were found at the shrub base; the lowest numbers were found in the interspaces. While the total number of organisms usually declined in deeper soil, the relative importance of the actinomycetes increased. These population trends are attributed to substrate availability and utilization and interspecific interactions. As the soils became drier and warmer the total number of microorganisms decreased. Mold populations remained at about the same level during the study. While the numbers of both bacteria and actinomycetes declined, the relative importance of the actinomycetes increased.     相似文献   

Desert plants can influence the pattern of resources in soil resulting in small-scale enriched zones. Although conceptually simple, the shape, size, and orientation of these "resource islands" are difficult to study in detail using conventional sampling regimes. To demonstrate and alternative approach, we sampled soil under and around individual Artemisia tridentata (sagebrush), a dominant shrub of cool desert environments, and analyzed the samples with univariate statistics and geostatistics. Univariate statistics revealed that soil variables like total inorganic-N, soluble-C, and microbial biomass-C were distributed with highest mean values within about 25 cm of the plant axis and significantly lower mean values at distances beyond 60 cm. However, such simple analyses restricted our view of resource islands to identically sized, symmetrical accumulations of soil resources under each plant. Geostatistics provided additional information about spatial characteristics of soil variables. Variography revealed that samples separated by a distance of less than about 70 cm were correlated spatially. Over 75% of the sample variance was attributable to spatial variability. We modeled these spatial relationships and used kriging to predict values for unsampled locations. Resulting maps indicated that magnitude, size, and spatial distribution of soil resource islands vary between individual plants and for different soil properties. Maps, together with cross-variography, further indicate that resource islands under A. tridentata are not always distinguishable from the surrounding soil by sharp transition boundaries and may be asymmetrically distributed around the plant axis.  相似文献   

A population outbreak of Wahweap milkvetch ( A. lentiginosus var. wahweapensis Welsh) occurred in the Henry Mountains area of southeastern Utah in 1985 and 1986, causing extensive locoweed poisoning in cattle grazing these winter ranges. Weather conditions supporting this population outbreak included above average precipitation in the fall of 1984 and 1985, which presumably allowed germination of seed lying dormant in the soil. Above average spring precipitation in the subsequent year supported the population growth. Part of the population died in the summer of 1985, and nearly all plants died in the summer of 1986. Historically, population outbreaks occurred every six to eight years: 1949, 1957, 1965, 1973, 1979, and 1985-1986. Correlation with weather records indicated that population outbreaks occurred in years of high spring and total annual precipitation. Wahweap milkvetch seed lying dormant in the soil ranged from 940 to 4,346 seed/m 2 where old stands occurred, and 20 to 40 seed/m 2 where old plants were not evident. Sufficient seed remains in the soil to cause future population outbreaks.  相似文献   

Species richness in Madrean mixed-grass prairies dominated by native or exotic species in southeastern Arizona was characterized at the community and point scales using ten 1-m 2 quadrats nested within each of eight 1000-m 2 plots. In the 1000-m 2 plots average richness was significantly higher in oak savanna (OS, 121.0 species) than in exotic grassland on mesa tops (EMT, 52.0 species), whereas native grassland on mesa slopes (NMS, 92.5 species) and native grassland on mesa tops (NMT, 77.0 species) did not differ significantly in richness from OS or EMT. When richness was partitioned by life form, EMT was notably poorer than other community types in species of perennial grasses, perennial herbs, and summer annuals. In the 1-m 2 quadrats, OS (21.2 species), NMS (20.9 species), and NMT (20.7 species) were significantly richer than EMT (5.9 species). Cover in 1-m 2 plots was significantly higher in EMT than in NMT, NMS, or OS. Species richness at the point scale showed a unimodal relation to canopy cover, with cover accounting for 30% of the variation in number of species in 1-m2 quadrats. Competitive exclusion and allelopathy have perhaps limited species richness at the point scale in exotic grassland. There was no evidence of a species-pool effect between point and community scales, but such an effect between community and landscape scales was supported. Madrean mixed-grass prairies are landscapes with high species richness in comparison to other grassland types in North America, providing a large pool of potential colonizing species at the community scale. Beta-diversity (between communities) within the landscape of the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch was consequently high despite a relative lack of habitat diversity.  相似文献   

The influence of seed harvester ant ( Pogonomyrmex rugosus ) colonies on soil properties and soil surface and moisture characteristics was investigated through comparison of adjacent, nonnest (reference, 4 m beyond ant colony) areas in Las Vegas, Nevada. Effects of ant colonies on both terrace and slope sites were investigated. Soil moisture content and soil bulk density in a creosote bush ( Larrea tridentata )--dominated shrubland were significantly lower, while soil temperature, soil organic matter, and percent pore space were significantly higher in soils with ant nests relative to adjacent reference soils. Soil pH and texture did not differ significantly between nest and reference soils. Among soil surface characteristics, percent bare soil and rock (gravel, cobble, and boulder) cover were not significantly different between nest and reference soils. In evaluating soil moisture characteristics, soils with ant nests had a significantly higher water infiltrability and greater depth of water penetration, but a significantly lower area of water spread (surface-water runoff) at both terrace and slope sites. Between the 2 geomorphic surfaces, water infiltrability and depth of water penetration were significantly greater at the terrace than at the slope. Water-borne soil movement (fluvial erosion) was significantly greater at the slope than terrace but did not differ significantly between nest and reference soils. The presence of active P. rugosus colonies in the L. tridentata -dominated shrubland altered certain soil properties and appeared to have a protective influence on the soil by fostering more infiltration and less runoff of surface water in southern Nevada.  相似文献   

Triglochin maritima L. (arrow grass), an herbaceous perennial in the family Juncaginacea, is widely distributed in inland and coastal salt marshes of North America. Triglochin maritima seeds from a population growing in a salt marsh at Faust, Utah, were germinated at 4 temperature regimes (12-h night/12-h day, 5-15° C, 10-20° C, and 15-25° C) and 5 salinities (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 mol m -3 NaCl) to determine optimal conditions for germination and level of salt tolerance. Ungerminated seeds were returned to distilled water after 20 d to determine whether seeds could recover from salinity treatments. Maximum germination occurred in distilled water, and increases in NaCl concentration progressively inhibited seed germination. No seeds germinated at concentrations higher than 400 mol m -3 NaCl. A temperature regime of low night (5° C) and high day (25° C) temperature yielded maximum germination; all other temperature regimes significantly inhibited seed germination relative to this optimum. Recovery of germination was highest at 5-25° C and lowest at 5-15° C. Recovery of seed germination when seeds were transferred to distilled water from salt solutions was highest at 5-25° C (72%) for seeds exposed to the 500 mol m -3 NaCl pretreatment and significantly reduced at other temperature regimes. The recovery germination response indicates a synergistic inhibitory interaction effect on germination when seeds were exposed to high salinities at suboptimal thermoperiods.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of natural and artificial perch sites on Western Mourning Dove ( Zenaida macroura marginella ) nest density in shrubby habitat. Nest density in shrubs was strongly correlated with the density of natural perch sites. This relationship occurred in 2 vegetation types with differing shrub composition. The correlation was stronger in areas with a homogenous shrub layer. Nest density was also higher in plots with artificial perch sites than in adjacent control plots. Nest density increased between years in plots where artificial perch sites were constructed but remained the same in adjacent control plots. Knowledge of perch-site effects has practical management applications in areas where doves nest in shrubby habitat. The possibility exists that perch sites could be managed for nest density in these habitats.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1571-1610
The oribatid mite family Eremaeidae is represented in Mongolia by eight species in three genera. Three new species, Eueremaeus tenuisensillatus sp. nov., Eu. crassisetosus sp. nov. and Eu. laticostulatus sp. nov., collected from cool temperate forests, dry steppe and semi-desert habitats in central and southern Mongolia, are described on the basis of adults. Five known species, Eremaeus hepaticus C. L. Koch, Eu. oblongus (C. L. Koch), Eu. granulatus (Mihel?i?), Proteremaeus mongolicus (Golosova) and P. punctulatus Bayartogtokh are redescribed; the first three of these are recorded for the first time from Mongolia. Taxonomic status of Eu. granulatus (Mihel?i?) and Eu. silvestris (Forsslund) is discussed, and the latter is considered a junior synonym of the former species. The following new combinations are proposed: Eueremaeus brevifer (Mahunka), Eueremaeus fossulatus (Kunst) and Eueremaeus roissi (Piffl). A key to Mongolian species of Eremaeidae is given. Data on distribution and diversity of Eremaeidae of the world are discussed.  相似文献   

Limber pine ( Pinus flexilis James) seeds are usually wingless but occasionally have short, stubby wings. To determine the effectiveness of these wings in slowing seed descent, rates of fall were determined before and after wing removal. A similar experiment was conducted with seeds of Himalayan blue pine ( P. griffithii McClelland), a white pine with typically long seed wings. The short wings of limber pine seeds were found to influence rate of seed fall far less than the wings of Himalayan blue pine. This is consistent with evidence suggesting that limber pine seeds are not effectively dispersed by wind but are dependent for dispersal on Clark's Nutcracker ( Nucifraga columbiana ).     相似文献   

Although polyploidy can alter host plants in important ways (e.g., size, phenology, resource use, and ecological range), little is known about the effects of polyploidy-associated changes on plant-insect interactions. The presence of Campiglossa footeorum Novak (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its effect on its host plant Arnica cordifolia Hook. (Asteraceae) were monitored throughout Colorado, where triploids and tetraploids of the host plant occur. Campiglossa footeorum is more abundant in sites with more tetraploids and attacks tetraploids more than triploids. Polyploidy could be an important force shaping the current evolutionary trajectory of the plants and insects in this system. Campiglossa footeorum is intimately linked to A. cordifolia , and polyploidy should be included in any assessment of the insect’s population dynamics.  相似文献   

Soil crust communities in semiarid and arid lands around the world have received increasing attention in the past two decades. A symposium on their ecology was presented at the annual meeting of the American Bryological and Lichenological Society held in 1991 in San Antonio, Texas. An introduction to the topic and an overview of the papers appearing in the proceedings volume are given in this prologue.  相似文献   

Seeds of three species of dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. Ex Engelm., A. cyanocarpum Coulter & Nelson, and A. vaginatum subsp. cryptopodum (Engelm.) Hawksw. & Wiens, were exposed to smoke from burning forest fuels. Premeasured amounts of coniferous needles and branch wood were burned in a small incinerator with smoke passing through a closed chamber containing the seeds. Following three different smoke treatments and one high-temperature treatment, tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of these treatments on seed germination. Germination was inhibited for all species when the seeds were exposed to smoke for 60 minutes or longer. Seeds of A. americanum were unaffected by exposures to smoke from drier fuels. The percentage of germinating seeds of A. cyanocarpum and A. vaginatum showed little effect from exposures of up to 30 minutes.  相似文献   

The seed beetles, Acanthoscelides quadridentatus and Acanthoscelides winderi are here recorded for the first time feeding on seeds of Mimosa setosa var. paludosa in the Brazilian Cerrado. Our main aims were to describe the temporal distribution, seed damage, and notes on the natural history of these two species on their host plant. We hypothesised that: (a) healthy seeds from infested fruits would have worse germination rate than healthy seeds from noninfested fruits, and (b) females of seed beetles would lay more eggs on large fruits. We made field observations and an experimental field study with the presence of seed beetles versus their exclusion on plants. Results revealed that seed beetles are synchronised with fruiting, with a temporal partitioning in occurrence. Attacked seeds did not germinate, whereas healthy seeds from infested fruits had worse germination rate than healthy seeds from noninfested fruits. Females of seed beetles laid more eggs on large fruits. These results suggest that seed beetles avoid competition through a temporal partitioning curcial for their coexistence, and select large fruits to oviposit as these fruits probably provide more food resource for their offspring. Furthermore, plants might perceive seed beetles’ damage and then reduce resource allocation on infested fruits.  相似文献   

Sage-grouse ( Centrocercus spp.) were abundant in all of Utah's 29 counties at the time of European settlement wherever sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) occurred. Greater Sage-Grouse ( C. urophasianus ) inhabited areas north and west of the Colorado River, and Gunnison Sage-Grouse ( C. minimus ) occupied suitable habitat south and east of the Colorado River. The largest Greater Sage-Grouse populations in Utah are currently restricted to suitable habitats in Box Elder, Garfield, Rich, Uintah, and Wayne Counties. A remnant breeding population of Gunnison Sage-Grouse occurs in eastern San Juan County. We stratified Greater Sage-Grouse populations (1971-2000) by counties where the 1996 to 2000 moving average for estimated spring breeding populations was > 500 (GT500) or < 500 (LT500). Males per lek declined in all populations from 1971 to 2000; however, there were consistently more males observed on GT500 than on LT500 leks. Juveniles per adult hen (including yearling hens) Greater Sage-Grouse in the 1973-2000 fall harvest in Box Elder, Rich, and Wayne Counties did not differ from 2.25, a ratio suggesting sustainable or increasing sage-grouse populations. Declines are attributed to loss, fragmentation, and degradation of sagebrush habitat. Sage-grouse conservation ultimately depends on management and enhancement of remaining sagebrush rangelands in Utah.  相似文献   

Due to an error in printing quality of an earlier article, the distribution maps for the night snake ( Hypsiglena torquata ) and the tiger salamander ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) in Idaho are reprinted. &nbsp;&nbsp;  相似文献   

Vegetation and soil differences with respect to slope position were studied on foothill knolls in the Uinta Basin of Utah. Plant communities on windswept ridges (top of slope) exhibited several unique characteristics when compared to the other slope communities. These communities at the top and base of slopes were sufficiently different in respect to plant life form composition, plant cover, wind-adapted growth forms, and percent exposed rock that they should be considered separate community types. Mineral concentrations in plant tissue and soil samples declined downslope in some cases and increased in others. Diversity decreased downslope as shrubs became dominant over grasses and forbs. Management of these communities should require special consideration due to the changes in the community structure with slope position.  相似文献   

Environmental and isolation variables relating to abundance of breeding amphibians, species richness and community structure at different spatial scales were examined in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, Evros, Greece. Logistic regression and a generalized linear model were used to relate several habitat characteristics to species occurrence and species richness. The community structure responses to breeding-pond features were examined at four spatial scales using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The richest communities live in low-altitude ponds, with stony or clay bottoms, high solar exposure and abundant submerged and floating vegetation. The CCA models were significant (p < 0.005) and revealed the influence of altitude, percentage of field and broadleaf forest coverage, and number of water bodies on amphibian species assemblages at all four spatial scales. There is a specific need for holistic management of amphibians that will consider habitat connectivity, particularly between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, at a larger, more interconnected scale.  相似文献   

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