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Although previous research has considered habitat associations and breeding biology of Mountain Plovers in Wyoming at discrete sites, no study has considered these attributes at a statewide scale. We located 55 Mountain Plover nests in 6 counties across Wyoming during 2002 and 2003. Nests occurred in 2 general habitat types: grassland and desert-shrub. Mean estimated hatch date was 26 June ( n = 31) in 2002 and 21 June ( n = 24) in 2003. Mean hatch date was not related to latitude or elevation. Hatch success of nests was inferred in 2003 by the presence of eggshell fragments in the nest scrape. Eggs in 14 of 22 (64%) known-fate nests hatched. All grassland sites and 90% of desert sites were host to ungulate grazers, although prairie dogs were absent at 64% of nest sites. Nest plots had less grass coverage and reduced grass height compared with random plots. More than 50% of nests occurred on elevated plateaus. The Mountain Plover's tendency to nest on arid, elevated plateaus further substantiates claims that the bird is also a disturbed- prairie species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(28):2661-2669
The importance of introduced rats as damaging factors on island biotas is globally recognized. The predation of artificial avian nests by Ship rats (Rattus rattus) in fragmented laurel forests in Tenerife (Canary Islands) was explored. The influence of road edge, patch type, and position (ground versus tree) on nest survival in two forest remnants differing in conservation degree, were assessed using failure‐time analysis. Overall, nest predation was greater in the preserved than in the disturbed remnant. Nest predation also differed among and within patches, variation being greater within the disturbed remnant. The probability of nest failure was higher at the interior than along the road edge in both remnants, but the road edge effect on nest predation was more intense in the disturbed remnant. Predation pressure was higher in patches of mature, closed canopy or dense understorey with stump sprouting. Ground nests were predated at higher rates than tree nests at any location. These results contrast with other nest predation studies in fragmented landscapes where forest edges rather than the interior are more frequently used by predators. Predatory activity by rats seems negatively affected by forest disturbance and road edge effect. Overall, artificial nest predation patterns by rats confirm a potential predation risk for the avifauna of the Canarian laurel forest. This should be considered in implementing conservation management programmes.  相似文献   

Deciduous riparian ecosystems in the western United States provide habitat for a higher density of breeding birds than reported for any other avian habitat type and provide habitat for more breeding bird species than adjacent uplands. On the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, riparian ecosystems make up Molothrus ater )—an obligate brood parasite that forages on bare ground and feedlots but typically commutes to distinct shrubland or woodland habitats for breeding. We examined nest survival, brood parasitism, breeding phenology, and causes of nest failure for birds at North Lake and Rock Creek: 2 high-elevation (>2500 m) riparian breeding habitats adjacent to recreational development and within cowbird commuting distance to additional potential foraging sites. Nest survival tended to be higher for host species at Rock Creek than for those at North Lake, but parasitism rates were not significantly different between plots. Of 21 open-cup nesting species, 12 were parasitized. We found the highest rate of parasitism (92%) for Warbling Vireos ( Vireo gilvus ) at North Lake, and parasitism contributed to lower total nest survival there (14%). For nearly all species, parasitized nests were less successful and produced fewer young than nonparasitized nests. However, predation was the leading cause of complete nest failure across all species and contributed to the lowest total nest survival estimates for Western Wood-Pewees ( Contopus sordidulus, 11%) and Dusky Flycatchers ( Empidonax oberholseri, 15%) at North Lake and for Dark-eyed Juncos ( Junco hyemalis, 15%) at Rock Creek. Nest survival was relatively high for Western Wood-Pewees (41%) at Rock Creek and for Yellow Warblers ( Dendroica petechia, 47%) at North Lake. We noted whether the arrival of pack animals at pack-station corrals contributed to variation in cowbird numbers at corrals or in parasitism rates at the 2 sites. Cowbirds occupied corrals before and after pack-stock arrival, and most host clutches were completed prior to pack-stock arrival at nearby corrals, suggesting that the presence of pack animals did not directly affect cowbird host species.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of natural and artificial perch sites on Western Mourning Dove ( Zenaida macroura marginella ) nest density in shrubby habitat. Nest density in shrubs was strongly correlated with the density of natural perch sites. This relationship occurred in 2 vegetation types with differing shrub composition. The correlation was stronger in areas with a homogenous shrub layer. Nest density was also higher in plots with artificial perch sites than in adjacent control plots. Nest density increased between years in plots where artificial perch sites were constructed but remained the same in adjacent control plots. Knowledge of perch-site effects has practical management applications in areas where doves nest in shrubby habitat. The possibility exists that perch sites could be managed for nest density in these habitats.  相似文献   

From 1999 through 2001 we located and monitored Western Tanager ( Piranga ludoviciana ) nests in public open-space properties in Boulder County, Colorado. Fifty-four of 58 nests were located in ponderosa pine and the remainder in Douglas-fir. Nests were generally placed near the midpoint of branches in areas of high canopy cover (> 50%) in the middle section of nest trees. Nest height varied as a function of nest tree height, and nests were oriented randomly in relation to trunks of nest trees. Tanager nesting success varied annually, with estimates using the Mayfield method ranging from 11.3% in 2000 to 75.3% in 2001. At least 8 nests were predated, and predation was the primary cause of nest failure. Parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) occurred in 7 of 17 (41%) nests found during egg-laying or incubation. Clutch size averaged 3.8 in 10 unparasitized nests, but only 2.4 in 8 parasitized nests. Brood parasitism dramatically reduced the number of tanager fledglings produced per nest.  相似文献   

Nest sites selected by Sage Thrashers ( Oreoscoptes montanus ) in southeastern Idaho were characterized and compared with available habitat. Microhabitats within 5 m of nests had taller and more aggregated shrubs and less bare ground than the study area in general. Big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis ) plants used for nesting were taller than average ,available shrubs, had greater foliage density, were more often living, and more frequently had branches and foliage within 30 cm of the ground. Nest placement was specific with respect to relative nest height and distance from the top and perimeter of the support shrub. Sage Thrashers disproportionately used easterly exposures and underused westerly exposures for their nests.  相似文献   

We analyzed attributes from 23 nests (10 renests) and 46 brood locations of radio-marked Chukars ( Alectoris chukar ) in the lower Salmon River canyon of west central Idaho in 1995 and 1996. Nesting effort was 100%, apparent nest success was 45%, and estimated time from destruction or abandonment of a nest to initiation of laying a subsequent nest averaged 13 ± 5 days s x . Average clutch size for 1st nests (14.5 ± 1.0) was greater ( P = 0.017) than renests (10.4 ± 1.1). Cover types used by nesting Chukars included grass/forb (48% of nests), rock (43%), and shrub (9%), whereas the most common structure used for nests was rock outcrop (57%). Chukars did not use yellow starthistle ( Centaurea solstitialis ) habitats differently from what was expected ( P = 0.08) for nesting, but birds with broods selected areas with less starthistle ( P < 0.001). Chukar broods, which averaged 12.0 ± 1.1 chicks, used shrub and grass/forb cover types approximately equally (43% and 47% of locations, respectively) but rock habitats infrequently (11%).  相似文献   

We measured predation on 120 artificial Sage Grouse ( Centrarcus urophasianus ) nests in montane sagebrush grassland in northern Utah. We examined nests in areas that had been chained and seeded 25 years previously (treated areas) and in areas that were untreated. Predation rates of artificial nests were higher in areas of untreated sagebrush, even though these areas had greater sagebrush cover, taller shrubs, and greater horizontal plant cover. These results differ from those previously hypothesized for treated sagebrush habitat and may reflect a greater abundance of other potential prey species, especially lagomorphs, in untreated areas that attracted greater densities of predators. In addition, over 80% of nests were depredated by mammals, which hunt using olfaction and are less likely than avian predators to be affected by nest cover. We conclude that, after treated sagebrush has recovered to some degree, predation rates of Sage Grouse nests may be lower in treated sagebrush. Consequently, factors other than nest predation (e.g., winter food, thermal cover, insects, perennial forb abundance) may be more important reasons for preserving mature sagebrush stands for Sage Grouse.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1421-1430
The chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, is one of a large number of birds from many families that use silk in the construction of their nests. Thirty-eight chaffinch nests collected from around the UK were examined to determine the nature and role of silk in nest construction. A regular survey of web, retreat and cocoon silk availability was made at a study site close to Glasgow, Scotland, over a 12 month period. The only spider web silk found in the nests was of the type produced by cribellate spiders. The majority of silk in nests, however, was spider cocoons, but there was no correlation between the amount of cocoon and web silk used. Nests with more lichen decoration contained more silk, and cocoon silk was particularly associated with the attachment of lichen. Nest construction at the study site took place from late April to mid-May. When nest building began, the availability of suitable web silk had doubled from its winter (lowest) level; however, its abundance continued to rise sharply until the end of May. The possible influence of silk availability on the timing of chaffinch nesting is discussed.  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa and Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii forests in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada, are adjacent to grasslands. Forest ingrowth and tree encroachment, mainly due to fire suppression, represent threats to both forest and ranching industries in the region. The use of prescribed burning for ecological restoration is being practiced, but the associated ecosystem effects of restoration treatments have been little studied in the region. We used a randomized complete block design in a prescribed burning experiment. Tree survival and the responses of understory vegetation to burning were monitored for 3 years. The transect method along with crown projection areas (onto the ground) were used in comparisons between areas inside and outside of the burned area. Fire was effective in eliminating small ponderosa pine (dbh Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis was observed in grassland sites, while reduction in rabbitbrush Chrysothamnus nauseosus in the forest was observed. Data trends indicate that 3 years after burning, total biomass and forb biomass increased in grasslands, but graminoid biomass in forests was reduced and total understory biomass was not affected by burning. Burning also reduced the shrub component in these ecosystems. While aboveground biomass production may be enhanced by burning in grasslands, the impact of burning on forest understory was minimal and burning may result in reduction of graminoids. Therefore, burning can be used to control tree encroachment and forest ingrowth in this region. Management plans must incorporate topography, species diversity, and tree survival to target areas that are most susceptible to tree encroachment and to achieve desired results. Extended monitoring is necessary to determine the long-term effects of burning on species diversity in and productivity of these ecosystems.  相似文献   

A total of 28 Swainson's Hawk ( Buteo swainsoni ) and 30 Red-tailed Hawk ( B. jamaicensis ) nests were found in Cache Valley, Utah, during the summers of 1992 and 1993. All nests were in trees, but only Red-tailed Hawks nested in dead trees (30%). In the intensive study area, nesting densities were 0.10 nests/km 2 for Swainson's Hawk and 0.08 nests/km 2 for Red-tailed Hawk. Nearest-neighbor nest distances were significantly shorter among Swainson's Hawks (1.74 km) than among Red-tailed Hawks (2.83 km). Congeneric nearest-neighbor distances were significantly shorter than conspecific distances for Red-tailed Hawks (1.59 vs 2.83 km) but not for Swainson's Hawks (1.52 vs. 1.74). GIS analysis of habitat types was made for 2-km radii around nest sites. Cropland was the dominant land cover type at nest sites of both species and no significant difference was found between species. Swainson's Hawk nest sites contained significantly more pasture, whereas Red-tailed Hawk nest sites contained significantly more juniper, maple, and sagebrush. Only Red-tailed Hawk nests ( n = 8; 27%) were found on the periphery of the valley at the base of foothills of the Cache Mountains. This preference resulted in a significantly higher elevation for Red-tailed Hawk nest sites. Swainson's Hawk nests occurred only on the valley floor on level terrain. Distance to the nearest paved road and building was very similar for both species, implying that little difference exists in tolerance levels for human activities. Overall, multivariate niche overlap for habitat was high (0.89), indicating a lack of habitat partitioning between these 2 Buteos in Cache Valley.  相似文献   

Cipo Canastero (Asthenes luizae) is a bird endemic to Brazilian mountaintops, inhabiting rock outcrop habitats of the campos rupestres in the southern Espinhaço Range. Available data about Cipo Canastero’s breeding biology are scarce, incomplete or inconsistent. All nests found to date were built in the plant Vellozia nivea. Based on 84 nests found from 2009 to 2017 in four sites at Serra do Cipó, we described in detail their nesting habits focusing on three groups of characters: nest architecture, composition, and placement. Also, we described nest building. Our major new findings on the nesting habits of A. luizae were: three nest layers distinguishable, inner lining covering the entire nest interior, tunnels and tubes are absent, and the nest sites are not restricted to V. nivea. We recorded a wide range of nest sites, from ground, grasses and rupicolous bromeliads to shrubs and trees, including at least 30 supporting-plant species. Nest supports varied among study sites. Nest building lasted 22 days (one nest) and was done by both members of the pair. Our data can be useful for species conservation and contribute to the knowledge of the natural history of the genus Asthenes.  相似文献   

Avian species with expansive ranges or those that occupy more than one vegetative association may vary in aspects of their life histories across their ranges. The distribution of Dusky Flycatchers encompasses a variety of vegetative associations, including riparian communities. However, much of the literature on this species details studies conducted in upland areas. Our objectives were to describe the breeding ecology and fecundity of Dusky Flycatchers nesting in montane meadows of the central Sierra Nevada, California. We monitored 36 territories and located 37 Dusky Flycatcher nests in 8 meadows. Average clutch size was 3.9 eggs. Egg laying, incubation, and nestling stages were 4, 15.4, and 16.4 days, respectively. Eighteen nests successfully fledged young, with an average of 3.3 fledglings per successful nest. Nest success was 43% and nest predation was the leading cause of nest failure. Estimated annual fecundity was 1.62 fledglings per pair; however, because all renesting attempts were not located, this should be viewed as the minimum annual fecundity. Dusky Flycatchers we monitored may have had higher fecundity than those nesting in upland areas because riparian areas often have higher arthropod abundances. While the importance of riparian conservation to riparian-obligate bird species is obvious, our study indicates that these areas also may be of value to Dusky Flycatchers that breed in riparian areas and upland areas.  相似文献   

The Campo Miner is a threatened grassland passerine endemic to the South American Cerrado, whose life history is almost unknown. In this paper, we studied during three breeding seasons (2014 to 2016) the breeding biology of a colour banded population of the species found in the Upper Rio Grande Grasslands, south-eastern Brazil. We found 98 nests, 81 of which became active and were monitored. The Campo Miner breeds in frequently burnt-and-grazed natural grasslands, successfully nesting in highly disturbed sites, such as dirt banks along roads and even in mine pits. The species is socially monogamous and both parents build the nest, which is a cavity/with-tunnel/simple/platform type. The nest chamber is lined with a platform made of grass fragments, charcoal, hairs, and mammal faeces. The most common clutch size is three eggs (n = 66), with some nests containing one (n = 1), two (n = 12) or four eggs (n = 2). The egg is white and pyriform and the incubation, performed by both parents, lasts 17.5 days. Mean nestling period is 15.5 days, with both parents feeding the young. Breeding season lasted for about 125 days (August to December) and multiple breeding attempts in a single season were common, with a maximum of three attempts recorded. All species of Scleruridae built their nests inside cavities dug in the soil with an access tunnel to it, where they lay a small clutch (usually 2–3 white eggs), but no other species in the family has been studied in detail to date. Further studies are required to understand why a species apparently tolerant to anthropogenic impacts such as G. poeciloptera can be so rare, patchily distributed and threatened throughout its range.  相似文献   

The Yellow Warbler ( Dendroica petechia ) is considered a riparian specialist in much of western North America, but in California it also breeds in a second habitat type: montane chaparral of the Sierra Nevada and southern Cascades. We monitored Yellow Warbler nests in montane chaparral and assessed their poorly known nesting ecology in this habitat. We also conducted point counts in upland habitat throughout the region. We determined habitat associations for Yellow Warblers based on nest site and point-count vegetation data; nests were predominantly in bush chinquapin ( Chrysolepis sempervirens ) and greenleaf manzanita ( Arctostaphylos patula ), and point-count abundance was most strongly associated with high overall shrub cover. The importance of montane chaparral for a number of shrub-dependent Sierran birds is well documented, yet the chaparral is threatened by various practices including fire suppression, closed-canopy-focused forest management, and understory fuels-reduction treatments. Although Yellow Warblers are far more abundant in wet mountain meadow riparian habitat in the region, we recommend that management of montane chaparral habitat consider this species and the requirements of other shrub-nesting birds.  相似文献   

Montane wetlands provide valuable habitat for nesting waterfowl and other waterbirds in the western United States, but relatively little information is available about the nesting ecology of their waterbird communities. We describe the general nesting ecology of breeding waterbirds at a large, shallow, montane wetland in southeastern Idaho during 1997-2000. Habitats include upland grasslands and intermittently to semipermanently flooded wetland habitats. We located a total of 1207 nests of 23 bird species: Eared Grebe ( Podiceps nigricollis ), Canada Goose ( Branta canadensis ), Mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ), Gadwall ( A. strepera ), American Wigeon ( A. americana ), Green-winged Teal ( A. crecca ), Blue-winged Teal ( A. discors ), Cinnamon Teal ( A. cyanoptera ), Northern Shoveler ( A. clypeata ), Northern Pintail ( A. acuta ), Redhead ( Aythya americana ), Canvasback ( A. valisineria ), Lesser Scaup ( A. affinis ), Ruddy Duck ( Oxyura jamaicensis ), Northern Harrier ( Circus cyaneus ), American Coot ( Fulica americana ), Virginia Rail ( Rallus limicola ), Greater Sandhill Crane ( Grus canadensis tabida ), American Avocet ( Recurvirostra americana ), Long-billed Curlew ( Numenius americanus ), Wilson's Snipe ( Gallinago delicata ), Wilson's Phalarope ( Phalaropus tricolor ), and Short-eared Owl ( Asio flammeus ). Most nests were initiated in May-early June and were terminated (hatched or destroyed) by the 3rd week of June. Mean daily survival rate (DSR) for Canada Goose nests was 0.954 ± 0.005 ( s  ̄x ; n = 127 nests), equivalent to Mayfield nest success of 21%. Mean DSR for dabbling duck nests over all 4 years was 0.938 ± 0.006 ( n = 41), equivalent to Mayfield nest success of 11%. For all other species where we found > 10 nests each year (Eared Grebe, Redhead, Canvasback, Coot, Sandhill Crane, American Avocet, and Wilson's Snipe), > 50% of nests found hatched at least 1 young. Success rates for geese, cranes, and ducks were lower than reported for Grays Lake during 1949-1951 and lower than most other wetlands in the region.  相似文献   

This study provides a detailed account of the foraging behaviour of the ponerine ant Ectatomma opaciventre in a ‘cerrado’ savannah in south-east Brazil. Our observations suggest that this species has an exclusively diurnal foraging pattern. Feeding habits included both predation and scavenging, with termite workers and leaf-cutting ants as the most important food items. Contrary to all other Ectatomma species studied to date, no liquid food such as hemipteran honeydew or plant nectar was collected. Foragers showed clear individual foraging area fidelity.Workers of E. opaciventre employed a typical individual foraging strategy, i.e. there was no co-operation between foragers in the search for or retrieval of food, neither by tandem running nor by trail laying. Nest density was considerably lower than in other Ectatomma (0.015 nests per m2). The observed mean distance to the nearest neighbouring nest was 5.85 m, with a significant tendency toward over-dispersion. Nests were more frequently found in specific microhabitats, which may suggest active choice of nesting site by founding queens.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Crax globulosa is virtually unknown, this knowledge comprised of only a few anecdotal notes. We found nine nests of Crax globulosa in the middle section of the Juruá River, western Brazilian Amazon, during the dry season. Nests averaged 22.5 m from water and 13.3 m above the ground. We observed two nest types: five made of twigs, leaves and vines, and four within a bromeliad. All nests contained two eggs, but six (67%) were subsequently predated. A female tagged with a transmitter nested twice during the same breeding season. A chick was monitored together with its parents for > 10 months. In addition to hunting and habitat loss, nest predation could be another threat to this endangered species.  相似文献   

As a parallel study of a survey of fleas of trapped small mammals in montane southern Utah, we removed 77 adult fleas from 12 of 13 nests of voles ( Microtus longicaudus, M. montanus and M. richardsoni ) collected from montane meadows in the Abajo and La Sal Mountains, the Markagunt Plateau and Pine Valley Mountains, and the Uinta Mountains, May 1991-July 2002. Six species and subspecies of fleas parasitic on Microtus spp. were found, 1-3 species in each nest. Three specimens of the ubiquitous deer mouse ( Peromyscus spp.) flea Aetheca wagneri (Baker) were also found. We collected the following 7 taxa from the locations indicated: Catallagia decipiens Rothschild in 5 nests: Abajo and Pine Valley Mountains and Markagunt Plateau; Hystrichopsylla dippiei truncata Holland in 2 nests: La Sal and Uinta Mountains; H. occidentalis sylvaticus Campos & Stark in 5 nests: Pine Valley Mountains; Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) in 1 nest: Markagunt Plateau; A. wagneri in 2 nests: Abajo and Pine Valley Mountains; Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) in 5 nests: Abajo and Uinta Mountains and Markagunt Plateau; Malaraeus telchinus (Rothschild) in 2 nests: Abajo and Pine Valley Mountains. One preserved larva was identified as Hystrichopsylla prob. occidentalis sylvaticus , and 2 dead larvae, the only specimens found in nest 13, were identified as probably the same. Kane County is a new record for C. decipiens and P. selenis ; Kane and Summit Counties are new for M. abantis . Nest surveys can generally supplement rather than replace trapped-host surveys. Their main value is in population studies. They are also a source of larvae for morphology and taxonomy research.  相似文献   

The Yellow - headed Blackbird ( Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus ) nests in marshes and is dependent on emergent vegetation for nest sites. Fluctuating water levels from year to year cause an increase or decrease in the amount of emergent vegetation and affect the time required for the vegetation to become suitable for nesting. &nbsp; Nests built in marshes are very susceptible to wind, rainfall, vegetation growth, and predation. Many nests are abandoned before being used and the mortality of eggs and young is high. The reproductive strategy of the Yellow - headed Blackbird has been selected for flexibility and opportunism to compensate for the unpredictability of the marsh situation.  相似文献   

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