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刘洪莲 《科技信息》2009,(15):210-210,211
New Criticism is an approach to literature which was developed by a group of American critics, most of whom taught at southern universities during the years following the First World War. The New Critics wanted to avoid impressionistic criticism, which risked being shallow and arbitrary, and social/historical approaches which might easily be subsumed by other disciplines. Thus, they attempted to systematize the study of literature, to develop an approach which was centered on the rigorous study of the text itself. They were given their name by John Crowe Ransom, who describes the new American formalists in The New Criticism (1941).  相似文献   

袁芳  孟静 《科技信息》2009,(15):187-187,190
William Fanlkner is one of the greatest modern American writers and the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1949. His skillful use of "Stream of Consciousness" and smart creation of the whole Yoknapatawpha County stories make him an enduring monument in American Literature. "A Rose for Emily", though short it is, is undoubtedly one of the most sparkling strokes on the monument. "A Rose for Emily" was first published on "Forum" in April, 1930; however, it can still arouse great aesthetie sympathy and inspirations today. In this novel, Miss Emily, the heroine, is depicted as a noble heiress of the Old South, a protector as well as a victim of stale southern traditions. She cut herself off society, muted voices, repressed feelings, and twisted her own heart all throughout the life in a gloomy, musky house. Miss Emily herself is a tragedy. We see her rosy youth faded, bit by bit, in that house. In this paper, analysis from stylistic perspective may give us some light in how and why the rose faded.  相似文献   

Peishaoyan 《科技信息》2009,(32):I0164-I0164,I0166
The short story "A Rose for Emily" draws a vivid picture of the southern descendents. It attracts readers' attention successfiully and makes us immersed in the whole story. And the ingenious usage of symbolism is a distinctive feature, which makes the story filled with pro- found implications. This paper intends to make a brief analysis the symbolic significance ofth erose in the short story.  相似文献   

贾真真 《科技信息》2009,(18):127-128
This essay analyzes the famous French writer's novel Candide from the perspective of gender roles. It introduces some literary terms related to gender, and explains my understanding of the gender roles some characters have played from the aspects of wars and masculinity, Candide and masculinity, female characters and femininity, and Candide related to feminism.  相似文献   

谭佳 《科技信息》2012,(30):183+182-183,182
This paper puts forward the significance of the creation of Hester.Hester is a trapped angel,her gradually transformation process is a tragedy that she changes from a tradition resistor to a defender,and does not receive true love.This role enlightens us readers as to reflections on women’s status and on social transformation.At last,it gives a conclusion that Hester’s tragedy is sympathetic.It is not only the tragedy of Hester but also the tragedy of that era.  相似文献   

黄欣 《科技信息》2010,(7):213-214
Compared masterpiece of the Latin American Literature--One Hundred Years of Solitude with traditional Chinese significant novel--Ba Ba Ba written by Han Shaogong,the author suggested the notion of time in One Hundred Years of Solitude and Ba Ba Ba consists of two levels of narrative:static time and dynamic time. They provide readers with different perspectives in evaluating the thematic issues of the novels.  相似文献   

作为荒诞派戏剧的代表作之一,塞缪尔·贝克特的<等待戈多>被赋予了多种解读可能.本文拟从人类正是在痛苦的等待过程中寻求生命的确证及意义这一命题出发,给作品以新的解读方式--探索作为个体的人,面对信仰的危机及社会的荒诞,如何清醒却又坚韧地活下去.  相似文献   

塞缪尔&#183;贝克特的《等待戈多》是荒诞派戏剧的经典,其创作主题、创作风格及创作手段完全不同于传统的戏剧形式。《等待戈多》的对自体现了西方人信仰破灭后的尴尬处境及其对被拯救的渴望。  相似文献   

塞缪尔—贝克特的荒诞剧《等待戈多》为我们引入了两个重要的哲学概念:存在主义和荒诞主义。并依托这两个概念而反映人类在寻找生存意义过程中难以排解的迷茫与绝望的意义。  相似文献   

贝克特的剧作《等待戈多》自问世以来,一直是人们心目中热议的话题。戈多究竟是谁,至今众说纷纭,有人说是上帝,有人说是类上帝,有人说是波卓,更多人认为该剧的重点不在“戈多”,而在“等待”。但“等待”的意蕴可以是不确定而多元的,在探索的过程中体味探索的过程或许才是人们最终追求的。  相似文献   

语言在传统文学创作中与权威的解释相一致。但在荒诞派作品中情形发生了很大的转变,其语言失去了表情达意交流思想的功能,只成为一种能证明发声体存在的声音。这种失去审美性的“贬值了“的语言,它所展现的情景,在形而上的层面上却具有一种深刻性,一种悲剧意识的深刻和使人通过震撼而达到振奋的深刻。这正是荒诞派艺术对语言功能荒诞化处理所取得的非荒诞化效果,也可称其为对语言功能异化处理的非异化效果。  相似文献   

灭幼脲对桑天牛成虫的生物活性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用经 5 0 0mg/kg的灭幼脲处理的构树枝条饲养桑天牛成虫后进行交错配对实验 :处理雄虫 (T♂ )×处理雌虫 (T♀ )、对照雄虫 (U♂ )×处理雌虫 (T♀ )、处理雄虫 (T♂ )×对照雌虫(U♀ )、对照雄虫 (U♂ )×对照雌虫 (T♀ ) ,并对各处理组的成虫寿命、产卵量、子代卵孵化率、孵化历期进行测定。结果表明 ,灭幼脲处理桑天牛后成虫寿命比对照成虫缩短 6~ 7d ;处理各组产卵量下降 ,其中T♂×T♀组比对照组降低 2 8.71 % ;T♂×T♀及U♂×T♀两组子代卵的孵化率分别比对照组下降 61 .0 3%和 61 .5 2 % ;灭幼脲处理后子代卵的孵化历期都比对照组子代卵延长 ,分别为 1 2 .38,1 1 .93及 1 1 .64d ,而对照为 1 1 .1 8d  相似文献   

《等待戈多》采用荒诞的手法探讨了存在这一问题,追问存在就像等待戈多一样,永远没有明确的答案。本论文运用海德格尔的存在即无的理论,从此戏剧的舞台设计、人物动作以及语言对话三方面论证贝克特创作的哲学基础与海德格尔思想的相通之处。  相似文献   

桑天牛幼虫消化系统由消化道和消化腺组成.其中消化道是从头部的口开始,纵贯虫体中央,终于腹部末端的管状器官.按其位置和功能区分为三个部分:前肠,主要有贮存食物的机能;中肠,在此进行大部分消化作用;后肠,主要作为排出食物残渣的管道.  相似文献   

以桑天牛Apriona germari(Hope)为研究对象,选取桑天牛幼虫神经节,成虫神经节、唾腺、精巢、卵巢、卵胚胎组织进行染色体制备。结果表明制备染色体的最佳试验材料为2、3日龄胚胎组织。不同日龄胚胎组织的核酸含量随日龄的增加而增大,3、6、9日龄均出现峰值,3日龄时cRNA/cDNA值比6、9日龄时大。胚胎发育期间首次核酸峰值出现时期与染色体研究最佳材料的选取时间一致,胚胎cRNA/cDNA的值可作为染色体制备材料选择的指标。  相似文献   

在室内进行桑天牛成虫饲养,并对其取食、交配、产卵、刻槽等行为进行了观察研究。结果表明:桑天牛成虫在同一构树枝上取食时有部位选择行为,其先试探选择2~5个部位,选定后连续取食;雌虫的日取食量明显大于雄虫;成虫求偶交配行为分为求偶、抱对、交配、拆对等阶段;雌成虫刻槽产卵是一个完整的过程,可明显区分为位置选择、咬槽、产卵、封槽4个阶段。成虫取食高峰期为6:00—8:00,次高峰期为12:00—14:00,上午取食量占日取食量的一半以上;求偶时间可达78~148 s,平均约119.56 s;每次交配的持续时间为312~605 s,平均约445.62 s;雌成虫咬刻槽的时间为15~25 min,每产1粒卵的时间为3~5 min;桑天牛成虫在1 d内产卵最多的时间段是20:00—22:00,约占日产卵量的1/3;产卵量随着时间的推移逐渐减少;雌成虫交配后可持续产卵1个月以上。  相似文献   

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