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Campbell DB  Campbell BA  Carter LM  Margot JL  Stacy NJ 《Nature》2006,443(7113):835-837
Shackleton crater at the Moon's south pole has been suggested as a possible site of concentrated deposits of water ice, on the basis of modelling of bi-static radar polarization properties and interpretations of earlier Earth-based radar images. This suggestion, and parallel assumptions about other topographic cold traps, is a significant element in planning for future lunar landings. Hydrogen enhancements have been identified in the polar regions, but these data do not identify the host species or its local distribution. The earlier Earth-based radar data lack the resolution and coverage for detailed studies of the relationship between radar scattering properties, cold traps in permanently shadowed areas, and local terrain features such as the walls and ejecta of small craters. Here we present new 20-m resolution, 13-cm-wavelength radar images that show no evidence for concentrated deposits of water ice in Shackleton crater or elsewhere at the south pole. The polarization properties normally associated with reflections from icy surfaces in the Solar System were found at all the observed latitudes and are strongly correlated with the rock-strewn walls and ejecta of young craters, including the inner wall of Shackleton. There is no correlation between the polarization properties and the degree of solar illumination. If the hydrogen enhancement observed by the Lunar Prospector orbiter indicates the presence of water ice, then our data are consistent with the ice being present only as disseminated grains in the lunar regolith.  相似文献   

Images returned by the spacecraft Clementine have been used to produce a quantitative illumination map of the north pole of the Moon, revealing the percentage of time that points on the surface are illuminated during the lunar day. We have used this map to identify areas that are constantly illuminated during a lunar day in summer and which may therefore be in permanent sunlight. All are located on the northern rim of Peary crater, close to the north pole. Permanently sunlit areas represent prime locations for lunar outpost sites as they have abundant solar energy, are relatively benign thermally (when compared with equatorial regions), and are close to permanently shadowed regions that may contain water ice.  相似文献   

目前,月面太阳能依然是人类进行月面探测的最主要能量来源之一.因此,对月面光照情况的研究不仅为月球的形成演化研究提供重要科学信息,同时也对月球探测有着重要的工程和国防意义.本文利用LRO(Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)获得最新的高精度((1/1 024)°)的月面地形数据,创新性地提出了一个基于多线程编程技术的计算算法,实现了并行计算.分辨率和计算效率都较之前的结果有了很大提高,在较短的时间内生成了月球两极地区最低太阳高度角数据库,为今后的月球两极区域高精度和时间长跨度的光照条件分析提供了数据支持.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于总体最小二乘法求解多项式的亚像素边缘检测方法.实验证明其效果要好于最小二乘法,但是该方法容易陷入局部最优解.基于此,利用模拟退火算法的优点来求取该多项式,从而求得月坑边缘.  相似文献   

基于月貌图像的撞击坑的检测需要采用合理的特征选择和机器学习策略,我们提出了一种基于区域局部灰度和梯度分布特征与机器学习方法相结合的撞击坑检测方法.这种方法将Haar特征与AdaBoost结合,使候选撞击坑区域的定位更加快捷,采用局部区域的塔式梯度方向直方图(PHOG)与高效的支持向量机学习算法相结合的方法用来精确地对撞击坑候选区域进行分类.考虑到Haar特征数的繁多而采用AdaBoost作为特征提取和分类方法,并由于PHOG特征的每一项都对分类起作用,将撞击坑区域统一预处理为不含阴阳面的各向梯度向量基本一致的圆形模糊边界,使圆形撞击坑的正样本特征具备更多的稳定性.文中还讨论了几种特征和分类方法的机理和集成,以及参数调整对撞击坑检测的效率分析.  相似文献   

The nature of the martian south polar cap has remained enigmatic since the first spacecraft observations. In particular, the presence of a perennial carbon dioxide ice cap, the formation of a vast area of black 'slab ice' known as the Cryptic region and the asymmetric springtime retreat of the cap have eluded explanation. Here we present observations and climate modelling that indicate the south pole of Mars is characterized by two distinct regional climates that are the result of dynamical forcing by the largest southern impact basins, Argyre and Hellas. The style of surface frost deposition is controlled by these regional climates. In the cold and stormy conditions that exist poleward of 60 degrees S and extend 180 degrees in longitude west from the Mountains of Mitchel (approximately 30 degrees W), surface frost accumulation is dominated by precipitation. In the opposite hemisphere, the polar atmosphere is relatively warm and clear and frost accumulation is dominated by direct vapour deposition. It is the differences in these deposition styles that determine the cap albedo.  相似文献   

Gusev crater was selected as the landing site for the Spirit rover because of the possibility that it once held a lake. Thus one of the rover's tasks was to search for evidence of lake sediments. However, the plains at the landing site were found to be covered by a regolith composed of olivine-rich basaltic rock and windblown 'global' dust. The analyses of three rock interiors exposed by the rock abrasion tool showed that they are similar to one another, consistent with having originated from a common lava flow. Here we report the investigation of soils, rock coatings and rock interiors by the Spirit rover from sol (martian day) 1 to sol 156, from its landing site to the base of the Columbia hills. The physical and chemical characteristics of the materials analysed provide evidence for limited but unequivocal interaction between water and the volcanic rocks of the Gusev plains. This evidence includes the softness of rock interiors that contain anomalously high concentrations of sulphur, chlorine and bromine relative to terrestrial basalts and martian meteorites; sulphur, chlorine and ferric iron enrichments in multilayer coatings on the light-toned rock Mazatzal; high bromine concentration in filled vugs and veins within the plains basalts; positive correlations between magnesium, sulphur and other salt components in trench soils; and decoupling of sulphur, chlorine and bromine concentrations in trench soils compared to Gusev surface soils, indicating chemical mobility and separation.  相似文献   

为研究间断界面动力学特性对挥发性污染物在间断界面上传质的作用,在 VOF 方法基础上,建立了忽略化学反应的挥发性污染物三维瞬态水气耦合迁移模型;在模型求解过程中,考虑水气大密度差的作用,提出全量限定离散格式。结果表明:乙醇溶液传质的数值计算结果与试验结果吻合较好;初始能量越高的水流,遇到障碍物后间断程度越高;间断程度的提高促进了挥发性污染物界面传质过程;高频水波带动空气中污染物迁移,空间上污染物浓度的波动频率随间断程度的增高而增高。  相似文献   

细长受压杆的分岔特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Lagrange描述法建立了受压细长杆因弯曲引起的轴向位移与横向位移之间的关系,并建立了由偏微分方程组描述的非线性动力学模型.通过对偏微分方程组的简化,得到了仅含三次非线性项的非线性动力学模型,并利用谱截断方法对此模型进行降阶.利用Lyapunov第一近似理论讨论了降阶模型的分岔特性.研究表明,受压细长杆在弯曲过程中Lagrange坐标的不变性为研究其动力学行为带来极大的便利,压杆的稳定性分析宜采用Lagrange描述法;当忽略杆由压缩引起轴向位移时,由弯曲引起的轴向位移与横向位移之间不存在耦合作用;当轴向压力小于某个值时,压杆只有直线一种平衡状态,且为稳定的;当大于这一值时,直线平衡状态失去稳定性而分支出两个稳定的非直线平衡状态,因而发生叉形分岔.  相似文献   

Rauch EM  Bar-Yam Y 《Nature》2004,431(7007):449-452
Global efforts to conserve species have been strongly influenced by the heterogeneous distribution of species diversity across the Earth. This is manifest in conservation efforts focused on diversity hotspots. The conservation of genetic diversity within an individual species is an important factor in its survival in the face of environmental changes and disease. Here we show that diversity within species is also distributed unevenly. Using simple genealogical models, we show that genetic distinctiveness has a scale-free power law distribution. This property implies that a disproportionate fraction of the diversity is concentrated in small sub-populations, even when the population is well-mixed. Small groups are of such importance to overall population diversity that even without extrinsic perturbations, there are large fluctuations in diversity owing to extinctions of these small groups. We also show that diversity can be geographically non-uniform--potentially including sharp boundaries between distantly related organisms--without extrinsic causes such as barriers to gene flow or past migration events. We obtained these results by studying the fundamental scaling properties of genealogical trees. Our theoretical results agree with field data from global samples of Pseudomonas bacteria. Contrary to previous studies, our results imply that diversity loss owing to severe extinction events is high, and focusing conservation efforts on highly distinctive groups can save much of the diversity.  相似文献   

古人膜拜天体自然,并演绎了不少神话传说,对月亮的崇拜也是如此。古代月神话与月崇拜大致包括三个方面的内容:古人月神观念产生的原因,认为月神观念的产生和发展,与早期农牧业生产和农牧业社会是分不开的;中国古代神话中的几种月神形象:月母常羲,月神西王母,嫦娥奔月等;月神话的寓意。  相似文献   

动脉分岔血管内注射药液的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建立三维人体主动脉及其分支的物理模型的基础上,数值模拟了在脉动边界条件下由主动脉向分支动脉灌注药液的血液流动和药液传质,获得了连续注射药液时血流的动力学参数分布和药液在心动周期内周期性分布的变化,与体外模型实验结果符合较好。  相似文献   

Price LC  Schoell M 《Nature》1995,378(6555):368-371
It is widely accepted that natural gas is formed from thermal decomposition of both oil in reservoirs and, to a lesser extent, the organic matter in shales from which the oil was derived. But laboratory pyrolysis experiments on shales do not reproduce the methane-rich composition typical of most gas reservoirs, leading to suggestions that other mechanisms, such as transition-metal catalysis, may be important. The discrepancy might, however, instead arise because gas (and oil) deposits have migrated from their source rocks, so that the reservoir composition might not be representative of the composition in the source rocks where the hydrocarbons were generated. To address this question, we have analysed gas samples coproduced with oils directly from a source rock (the Bakken shales, North Dakota, USA) where the local geology has prevented significant hydrocarbon migration. The methane contents of these Bakken-shale gases are much lower than that of conventional gas reservoirs, but are consistent with that from pyrolysis experiments on these shales. Thus, because these Bakken gases form with (rather than from) oils, we argue that compositional differences between gases from source rocks and conventional gas deposits result from fractionation processes occurring after hydrocarbon expulsion from the source rock.  相似文献   

应用有限元仿真技术,以我国南海使用的深水半潜式海洋钻井平台为原型建立模型,进行极限工况下波浪参数搜索工作.依据ABS(American Bureau of Shipping)和DNV(Det Norske Veritas)规范,应用随机性设计波法搜索并确定深水半潜式平台两浮体之间分离力最大工况、纵向剪切力最大工况、绕横轴扭矩最大工况以及总纵垂向弯矩最大工况共四种极限工况下的波浪参数,并通过所得波浪参数计算平台表面载荷分布.  相似文献   

Carporzen L  Gilder SA  Hart RJ 《Nature》2005,435(7039):198-201
Magnetic surveys of the martian surface have revealed significantly lower magnetic field intensities over the gigantic impact craters Hellas and Argyre than over surrounding regions. The reduced fields are commonly attributed to pressure demagnetization caused by shock waves generated during meteorite impact, in the absence of a significant ambient magnetic field. Lower than average magnetic field intensities are also observed above the Vredefort meteorite crater in South Africa, yet here we show that the rocks in this crater possess much higher magnetic intensities than equivalent lithologies found elsewhere on Earth. We find that palaeomagnetic directions of these strongly magnetized rocks are randomly oriented, with vector directions changing over centimetre length scales. Moreover, the magnetite grains contributing to the magnetic remanence crystallized during impact, which directly relates the randomization and intensification to the impact event. The strong and randomly oriented magnetization vectors effectively cancel out when summed over the whole crater. Seen from high altitudes, as for martian craters, the magnetic field appears much lower than that of neighbouring terranes, implying that magnetic anomalies of meteorite craters cannot be used as evidence for the absence of the planet's internally generated magnetic field at the time of impact.  相似文献   

对分段杆件的纵向振动问题进行了研究,求出了固有值、固有函数及固有频率,研究了分段界面两侧杆截面声阻抗对杆件振动特性的影响.  相似文献   

对分段杆件的纵向振动问题进行了研究,求出了固有值、固有函数及固有频率,研究了分段界面两侧杆截面声阻抗对杆件振动特性的影响.  相似文献   

Helium-3 (3He) implanted by solar wind in the lunar regolith is a valuable resource because of its potential as a fusion fuel. On the basis of the Apollo regolith samples, a linear relationship between 3He abundance and solar wind flux, optical maturity and TiO2 content has been presented. China successfully launched its first lunar exploration satellite Chang-E 1 (CE-1) on October 24, 2007. A multi-channeled microwave radiometer was aboard the satellite with the purpose of measuring microwave thermal emission from the lunar surface layer. From the multi-channel brightness temperature (Tb) observed by CE-1, the global distribution of the regolith thickness was inverted from the multi-channel Tb, and was used to evaluate the total amount of 3He per unit area in the lunar regolith. The global inventory of 3He was estimated as being 6.6×108 kg; 3.7×108 kg for the lunar nearside and 2.9×108 kg for the lunar farside.  相似文献   

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