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The evolution of sales forecasting management: a 20‐year longitudinal study of forecasting practices
TERESA M. MCCARTHY DONNA F. DAVIS SUSAN L. GOLICIC JOHN T. MENTZER 《Journal of forecasting》2006,25(5):303-324
This paper presents results of a survey designed to discover how sales forecasting management practices have changed over the past 20 years as compared to findings reported by Mentzer and Cox (1984) and Mentzer and Kahn (1995). An up‐to‐date overview of empirical studies on forecasting practice is also presented. A web‐based survey of forecasting executives was employed to explore trends in forecasting management, familiarity, satisfaction, usage, and accuracy among companies in a variety of industries. Results revealed decreased familiarity with forecasting techniques, and decreased levels of forecast accuracy. Implications for managers and suggestions for future research are presented. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This study uses Bayesian vector autoregressive models to examine the usefulness of survey data on households' buying attitudes for homes in predicting sales of homes. We find a negligible deterioration in the accuracy of forecasts of home sales when buying attitudes are dropped from a model that includes the price of homes, the mortgage rate, real personal disposable income, and die unemployment rate. This suggests that buying attitudes do not add much to the information contained in these variables. We also find that forecasts from the model that includes both buying attitudes and the aforementioned variables are similar to those generated from a model that excludes the survey data but contains the other variables. Additionally, the variance decompositions suggest that the gain from including the survey data in the model that already contains other economic variables is small. 相似文献
A ten-year retrospective study of Mentzer and Cox (1984) was undertaken to answer the question 'Have sales forecasting practices changed over the past ten years?' A mail survey of 207 forecasting executives was employed to investigate this important question. Findings revealed both discrepancies and similarities between today's sales forecasting practices and those of ten years ago. One particular finding indicated greater reliance on and satisfaction with quantitative forecasting techniques today versus ten years ago. Another indicated that forecasting accuracy has not improved over the past ten years, even though the familiarity and usage of various sophisticated sales forecasting techniques have increased. Future research and managerial implications are discussed based on these and other findings. 相似文献
The paper summarizes results of a mail survey of the use of formal forecasting techniques in British manufacturing companies. It appraises the state of awareness of particular techniques and the extent to which they are used in various functional applications. The extent to which the forecasts generated by the techniques influence company action is assessed; and the reasons for the non-use of particular techniques examined. The paper concludes that although an increasing number of companies appreciate the importance of forecasting, the methods used are predominantly naïve and few companies are taking steps to improve the situation through using alternative techniques or through computerizing established techniques. 相似文献
The contribution of product and industry knowledge to the accuracy of sales forecasting was investigated by examining the company forecasts of a leading manufacturer and marketer of consumable products. The company forecasts of 18 products produced by a meeting of marketing, sales, and production personnel were compared with those generated by the same company personnel when denied specific product knowledge and with the forecasts of selected judgemental and statistical time series methods. Results indicated that product knowledge contributed significantly to forecast accuracy and that the forecast accuracy of company personnel who possessed industry forecasting knowledge (but not product knowledge) was not significantly different from the time series based methods. Furthermore, the company forecasts were more accurate than averages of the judgemental and statistical time series forecasts. These results point to the importance of specific product information to forecast accuracy and accordingly call into question the continuing strong emphasis on improving extrapolation techniques without consideration of the inclusion of non-time series knowledge. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of a study to determine whether new forecasting technologies might be of use to electric utilities for sales forecasting up to 3 years into the future. The methods considered included ordinary least squares on dynamic structural models, autocorrelated error models, adaptive variance and adaptive parameter models. Overall, the more adaptive models performed best, but most of the methods proved vastly superior to simple least squares models which do not take dynamics into account. 相似文献
This paper develops a New‐Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (NKDSGE) model for forecasting the growth rate of output, inflation, and the nominal short‐term interest rate (91 days Treasury Bill rate) for the South African economy. The model is estimated via maximum likelihood technique for quarterly data over the period of 1970:1–2000:4. Based on a recursive estimation using the Kalman filter algorithm, out‐of‐sample forecasts from the NKDSGE model are compared with forecasts generated from the classical and Bayesian variants of vector autoregression (VAR) models for the period 2001:1–2006:4. The results indicate that in terms of out‐of‐sample forecasting, the NKDSGE model outperforms both the classical and Bayesian VARs for inflation, but not for output growth and nominal short‐term interest rate. However, differences in RMSEs are not significant across the models. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Human judgments have become quite important in revenue forecasting processes. This paper centres on human judgments in New York state sales and use tax by examining the actual practices of information integration. Based on the social judgment theory (i.e., the lens model), a judgment analysis exercise was designed and administered to a person from each agency (the Division of the Budget, Assembly Ways and Means Committee Majority and Minority, and the Senate Finance Committee) to understand how information integration is processed among different agencies. The results of the judgment analysis exercise indicated that revenue forecasters put different weight on cues. And, in terms of relative and subjective weights, the cues were used differently, although they were presented with the same information. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper we adopt a principal components analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of the term structure and employ autoregressive (AR) models to forecast principal components which, in turn, are used to forecast swap rates. Arguing in favour of structural variation, we propose data‐driven, adaptive model selection strategies based on the PCA/AR model. To evaluate ex ante forecasting performance for particular rates, distinct forecast features, such as mean squared errors, directional accuracy and directional forecast value, are considered. It turns out that, relative to benchmark models, the adaptive approach offers additional forecast accuracy in terms of directional accuracy and directional forecast value. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
F. Javier Trívez 《Journal of forecasting》1995,14(6):543-550
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of not treating Level Shift and Temporary Change outliers on the point forecasts and prediction intervals from ARIMA models. One of the principal conclusions is that the outliers of the type discussed here considerably increase the inaccuracy of point forecasts, although the latter depends not only on the time of occurrence of the outliers from the forecast origin but also on the type of ARIMA processes under consideration. However, regardless of the time of occurrence and of the type of ARIMA processes considered, Level Shifts and Temporary Changes significantly affect the width of the prediction intervals. 相似文献
Shiu‐Sheng Chen 《Journal of forecasting》2005,24(6):453-464
This paper studies in‐sample and out‐of‐sample tests for Granger causality using Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that the out‐of‐sample tests may be more powerful than the in‐sample tests when discrete structural breaks appear in time series data. Further, an empirical example investigating Taiwan's investment–saving relationship shows that Taiwan's domestic savings may be helpful in predicting domestic investments. It further illustrates that a possible Granger causal relationship is detected by out‐of‐sample tests while the in‐sample test fails to reject the null of non‐causality. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper argues in favour of a closer link between the decision and the forecast evaluation problems. Although the idea of using decision theory for forecast evaluation appears early in the dynamic stochastic programming literature, and has continued to be used with meteorological forecasts, it is hardly mentioned in standard academic texts on economic forecasting. Some of the main issues involved are illustrated in the context of a two‐state, two‐action decision problem as well as in a more general setting. Relationships between statistical and economic methods of forecast evaluation are discussed and links between the Kuipers score used as a measure of forecast accuracy in the meteorology literature and the market timing tests used in finance are established. An empirical application to the problem of stock market predictability is also provided, and the conditions under which such predictability could be explained in the presence of transaction costs are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In recent years there has been a considerable development in modelling non‐linearities and asymmetries in economic and financial variables. The aim of the current paper is to compare the forecasting performance of different models for the returns of three of the most traded exchange rates in terms of the US dollar, namely the French franc (FF/$), the German mark (DM/$) and the Japanese yen (Y/$). The relative performance of non‐linear models of the SETAR, STAR and GARCH types is contrasted with their linear counterparts. The results show that if attention is restricted to mean square forecast errors, the performance of the models, when distinguishable, tends to favour the linear models. The forecast performance of the models is evaluated also conditional on the regime at the forecast origin and on density forecasts. This analysis produces more evidence of forecasting gains from non‐linear models. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper compares the forecast performance of vector‐autoregression‐type (VAR) demand systems with and without imposing the homogeneity restriction in the cointegration space. US meat consumption (beef, poultry and pork) data are studied. One up to four‐steps‐ahead forecasts are generated from both the theoretically restricted and unrestricted models. A modified Diebold–Mariano test of the equality of mean squared forecast errors (MSFE) and a forecast encompassing test are applied in forecast evaluation. Our findings suggest that the imposition of the homogeneity restriction tends to improve the forecast accuracy when the restriction is not rejected. The evidence is mixed when the restriction is rejected. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Levent Bulut 《Journal of forecasting》2018,37(3):303-315
In this paper, we use Google Trends data for exchange rate forecasting in the context of a broad literature review that ties the exchange rate movements with macroeconomic fundamentals. The sample covers 11 OECD countries’ exchange rates for the period from January 2004 to June 2014. In out‐of‐sample forecasting of monthly returns on exchange rates, our findings indicate that the Google Trends search query data do a better job than the structural models in predicting the true direction of changes in nominal exchange rates. We also observed that Google Trends‐based forecasts are better at picking up the direction of the changes in the monthly nominal exchange rates after the Great Recession era (2008–2009). Based on the Clark and West inference procedure of equal predictive accuracy testing, we found that the relative performance of Google Trends‐based exchange rate predictions against the null of a random walk model is no worse than the purchasing power parity model. On the other hand, although the monetary model fundamentals could beat the random walk null only in one out of 11 currency pairs, with Google Trends predictors we found evidence of better performance for five currency pairs. We believe that these findings necessitate further research in this area to investigate the extravalue one can get from Google search query data. 相似文献
The importance of time‐varying volatility and country interactions in forecasting economic activity

Steven Trypsteen 《Journal of forecasting》2017,36(6):615-628
This paper examines the relative importance of allowing for time‐varying volatility and country interactions in a forecast model of economic activity. Allowing for these issues is done by augmenting autoregressive models of growth with cross‐country weighted averages of growth and the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity framework. The forecasts are evaluated using statistical criteria through point and density forecasts, and an economic criterion based on forecasting recessions. The results show that, compared to an autoregressive model, both components improve forecast ability in terms of point and density forecasts, especially one‐period‐ahead forecasts, but that the forecast ability is not stable over time. The random walk model, however, still dominates in terms of forecasting recessions. 相似文献
The delayed release of the National Account data for GDP is an impediment to the early understanding of the economic situation. In the short run, this information gap may be at least partially eliminated by bridge models (BM) which exploit the information content of timely updated monthly indicators. In this paper we examine the forecasting ability of BM for GDP growth in the G7 countries and compare their performance to that of univariate and multivariate statistical benchmark models. We run four alternative one‐quarter‐ahead forecasting experiments to assess BM performance in situations as close as possible to the actual forecasting activity. BM are estimated for GDP both for single countries (USA, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy and Canada), and area‐wide (G7, European Union, and Euro area). BM forecasting ability is always superior to that of benchmark models, provided that at least some monthly indicator data are available over the forecasting horizon. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Janchung Wang 《Journal of forecasting》2009,28(4):277-292
This study attempts to apply the general equilibrium model of stock index futures with both stochastic market volatility and stochastic interest rates to the TAIFEX and the SGX Taiwan stock index futures data, and compares the predictive power of the cost of carry and the general equilibrium models. This study also represents the first attempt to investigate which of the five volatility estimators can enhance the forecasting performance of the general equilibrium model. Additionally, the impact of the up‐tick rule and other various explanatory factors on mispricing is also tested using a regression framework. Overall, the general equilibrium model outperforms the cost of carry model in forecasting prices of the TAIFEX and the SGX futures. This finding indicates that in the higher volatility of the Taiwan stock market incorporating stochastic market volatility into the pricing model helps in predicting the prices of these two futures. Furthermore, the comparison results of different volatility estimators support the conclusion that the power EWMA and the GARCH(1,1) estimators can enhance the forecasting performance of the general equilibrium model compared to the other estimators. Additionally, the relaxation of the up‐tick rule helps reduce the degree of mispricing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper uses the dynamic factor model framework, which accommodates a large cross‐section of macroeconomic time series, for forecasting regional house price inflation. In this study, we forecast house price inflation for five metropolitan areas of South Africa using principal components obtained from 282 quarterly macroeconomic time series in the period 1980:1 to 2006:4. The results, based on the root mean square errors of one to four quarters ahead out‐of‐sample forecasts over the period 2001:1 to 2006:4 indicate that, in the majority of the cases, the Dynamic Factor Model statistically outperforms the vector autoregressive models, using both the classical and the Bayesian treatments. We also consider spatial and non‐spatial specifications. Our results indicate that macroeconomic fundamentals in forecasting house price inflation are important. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with time-series forecasting based on the linear regression model in the presence of AR(1) disturbances. The standard approach is to estimate the AR(1) parameter, ρ, and then construct forecasts assuming the estimated value is the true value. We introduce a new approach which can be viewed as a weighted average of predictions assuming different values of ρ. The weights are proportional to the marginal likelihood of ρ. A Monte Carlo experiment was conducted to compare the new method with five more conventional predictors. Its results suggest that the new approach has a distinct edge over existing procedures. 相似文献