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The U-Pb isotope compositions of rutile, omphacite and garnet in the eclogite from the Jinheqiao area in the Southern Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic zone were analyzed. The consistent high precision U-Pb age (218 ± 1.2) Ma of rutile in eclogite from the Dabie Mountains was obtained by two ways of isochron and common Pb correction based on the composition of omphacite. This proves that the omphacite in eclogite has a U/Pb ratio (m = 2.8) low enough to be used for common Pb correction in the analyses of rutile. Under the rapid cooling condition (40℃/Ma) the closure temperature for U-Pb diffusion in rutile is about 470℃. Thus, this U-Pb age of rutile proves that 218 Ma should be the cooling age of eclogite at 470℃ instead of the peak metamorphic age.  相似文献   

Adakite[1] is an igneous rock generated by the partial melting of subducting ocean slab in an island arc setting. Meanwhile, residuals of the slab-melting are transformed to eclogite or garnet-amphibolite during a slab subduction process. This note reports the adakite-type grey gneisses discovered in the North Dabie Mountain. These adakitic rocks are characterized by high Al2O3 (14.97%-17.56%), Sr (545-941 μg/g), Sr/Y (44.71-218.98), La/Yb (16.70-97.50), and low Y (3.32-12.19?μg/g), Yb (0.31-1.34 μg/g), Sc (0.92-4.2 μg/g), as well as positive Sr anomaly but absent or positive Eu anomaly. They are different from the low aluminum grey gneisses with low Al2O3 (13.73%-14.38%), Sr (262-409μg/g), Sr/Y (6.46-15.97) and La/Yb (1.90-22.60), high Y(21.79- 36.24 μg/g), Yb (2.00-5.59 μg/g) , Sc (8.30%-12.70%), and negative Sr, Eu anomaly in the North Dabie Mountain. The adakite-type grey gneisses in the North Dabie Mountain were most probably formed by the partial melting of subducting ocean slab before the Indo-Chinese epoch. We suggest that the subducting of an ocean slab took place prior to the incorporation between the Yangtze and North China plates in the Indo-Chinese epoch, resulting in formation of adakite-type igneous rocks and some ultrahigh pressure eclogites related to the subducted ocean slab. Therefore, besides the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism of the Indo-Chinese epoch, some ultrahigh pressure ecoglits were most likely formed prior to the Indo-Chinese epoch in the Dabie Mountain. In addition, the adakite-type grey gneisses with arc origin occur in the North Dabie Mountain, inferring that the Yangtze plate subducted down below the North China plate and the main suture zone between the two plates was likely along the southern side to the North Dabie Mountain.  相似文献   

U-Pb zircon dating on two foliated garnet-bearing granite samples in the western Dabie ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic unit yields concordant ages of (234±4) Ma and (227±5) Ma, respectively. These ages, following the UHP peak metamorphism, represent the magma emplacement ages for the foliated garnet-bearing granites. This, for the first time, shows that there are the Triassic granites in the Dabie Mountains. The foliated garnet-bearing granites resemble A-type granite in geochemical characteristics, indicating that they were formed in extensional geodynamic setting. The magma formation reflects a reheating event in the Dabie orogenic belt and it enhances the transfer of tectonic regime from collision into extension and promotes the rapid exhumation into lower crust for the UHP metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions are the samples of metamorphic fluids trapped during the formation and/or later fractur-ing-resealing processes of metamorphic minerals. The composition and properties of fluid incluisons can reflect the physico-chemical conditions of the fluids during plate subduction and exhuamtion[1]. Ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks commonly experienced considerable decompression in the course of exhumation process. This has caused departure of the retrograde P-T path of the ro…  相似文献   

The knowledge that hydrostatic pressure is equal to the gravity value of the overlying rocks in studying a dynamic state of certain underground site is argued. It is suggested that the stress field T in the crust is a combination or superposition of total hydrostatic pressure P with differential stress σ , and the total hydrostatic pressure P at any point in the crust comprises two parts: one is spherical stress tensor PG caused by the gravity, and the other is spherical stress tensor Ps caused by tectonic stress; therefore P could not be attributed to the gravity of overlying rocks only. The results obtained by a finite-element simulation indicate that the tectono-original additional hydrostatic pressures Ps decrease gradually from the compressive zone (Pcs) to the shear zone (PSHs) and to the tensile zone (PTs), i. e. PCS>PSHs> PTs in the same depth. On the basis of the above-mentioned research, the method of measurement and calculation of metal logenetic depth corrected by Ps is established, i.e. first tectonic additional hydrostatic pressure Ps is removed from general hydrostatic pressure P to get PG, gravity additional pressure, then accordingly the depth data are measured and calculated. The plastic deformation of garnet in coesite-bearing eclogite, quartz eclogite and garnet amphibo-lite of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) complex in the Yingshan County in Dabie Mt. is studied by the transmission electron microscope (TEM). It is shown that the garnets have ductile deformation in the metamorphic condition of eclogite and amphibolite facies. Microstructures of the garnet vary greatly among coesite-bearing eclogite, quartz eclogite and garnet amphibolite. The tectonic principal stress in three-dimensional space and the tectonic additional hydrostatic pressure are reconstructed by differential stress and strain ratio (α) of garnet in minor coesite-bearing eclogite, then the gravity and thickness of overlying rocks are determined. The formation depth of ≥ 32.09-32.106 km of the coesite-bearing eclogite in Yingshan County in the Dabie UHPM zone is obtained from difference PG which comes from P minus Ps, Ps = (σ1 + σ2 + σ3) /3. The value of P is 2.8 GPa resulting from Qz-coes geobarmeter. This result is at all different from other researchers' conclusion that the formation depth of eclogite in Dabie UHPM zone is ≥100 km by the method of weight/ special weight (W/SW). The strong tectionic action makes a great contribution to the formation of e-clogite in the Dabie UHPM zone at so shallow depth of about 32 km, therefore it is thought that attention should be paid to the tectonc-original additional hydrostatic pressure in the study on UHPM zone.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra in the region of 3 000 to 4 000 cm−1 have been measured by an FTIR spectrometer on minerals in UHP eclogites from the Bixiling and Shuanghe areas, the Dabie Mountains. It is shown that omphacite is the most important hydrous mineral (100–200 μg/g) in UHP eclogites. Garnet and quartz contain virtually no H2O or OH. Accessory mineral rutile contains a significant amount of OH (>1 000 μg/g). Coesite gives no indication of the presence of OH but apparent H2O bands. The results have considerable implications for existing forms and contents of hydroxyl in the continental deep subduction zone, the eastern Dabie Mountains.  相似文献   

This note reports the SHRIMP U-Pb data of zircons from the Caledonian Xiongdian eclogite, western Dabie Mountains. Zircons from the rock occur mainly in garnet and other metamorphic minerals with sharp boundaries and exhibit textures growing under metamorphic conditions. Analyses of 7 grains give 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 335 to 424 Ma, showing a certain degree of radiogenic lead loss. This suggests a minimum age of (424±5) Ma for the metamorphic zircons, as well as the high-pressure metamorphic event. The outer peripheral zone of a zircon gives 206Pb/238U age of about 300 Ma. Combined with Sm-Nd, 40Ar-39Ar, U-Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ages, the peak metamorphism of the Xiongdian eclogite is documented between 424—480 Ma.  相似文献   

The exsolution lamellae of quartz and clinoen-statite are idenfied in diopside of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie Mountain by transmission electron microscopy, which is interpreted that the lamellae are originally exsolved from a former ultra-high-pressure clinopyroxene due to decreasing of pressure. Study of petrography shows that there is compositional zoning hi the diopside itself. It is implied that the garnet-pyroxenolite had undergone intensive high-temperature granulite fades and high-amphibolitic fades retrogressive metamorphism, while the peridotite (the garnet-pyroxenolite's host rock) emplaced the crust  相似文献   

Numerous eclogite-amphibolite blocks have been found along the Mayanling fault in the northern Dabie complex. Most of the eclogites are strongly retrograded and contain garnet, rutile and the amphibole-plagioclase symplectite. The occurrence of these eclogites may have something to do with the inverted movement of the Mayanling thrust fault.  相似文献   

Hualiangting whiteschist in the Dabie Shan ultrahigh-pressure eclogite complex is a specific Mg-Al- rich metamorphic rock. Its protolith was a felsic dyke, which suffered replacement by high-pressure fluids during eclogite-facies metamorphism. Based on fluid inclusion results in whiteschist, primary high-pressure fluids are CO2-bearing aqueous solutions. Those prove that there exists CO2-H2O fluid during the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. Pseudosecondary H2O inclusions were trapped during ultrahigh-pressure exhumation, whereas secondary H2O inclusions were related to the latest evolutionary stage of the ultrahigh-pressure exhumation.  相似文献   

大别山东缘郯庐断裂带早期韧性剪切带的形成温度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年龄的解释强烈依靠于构造热事件的发生温度和矿物的封闭温度,在缺少构造热事件的温度资料的情况下,很难对年龄数据做出正确合理的解释。文章利用白云母-绿泥石地质温度计,计算了大别山东缘郯庐早期左旋走滑韧性剪切带的形成温度,获得了350~450℃的温度区间,并且多数温度值位于430~450℃之间。该温度值大于40Ar/39Ar法中白云母的封闭温度,从而由主要以残斑形式存在的白云母获得的年龄值记录了郯庐断裂带的活动时间,190Ma左右的白云母年龄值为接近于韧性剪切带变形年龄的冷却年龄。并由此年龄和温度数据得出郯庐断裂带形成于大别造山带造山作用后期。该韧性剪切带形成温度明显低于所叠加的造山带高角闪岩相变质岩,也指示为造山后期走滑运动的结果。  相似文献   

年龄的解释强烈依靠于构造热事件的发生温度和矿物的封闭温度,在缺少构造热事件的温度资料的情况下,很难对年龄数据做出正确合理的解释.利用白云母-绿泥石地质温度计,计算了大别山东缘郯庐早期左旋走滑韧性剪切带的形成温度,获得了350~450℃的温度区间,并且多数温度值位于430~450℃之间.该温度值大于40Ar/39Ar法中自云母的封闭温度,从而由主要以残斑形式存在的白云母获得的年龄值记录了郯庐断裂带的活动时间,190 Ma左右的白云母年龄值为接近于韧性剪切带变形年龄的冷却年龄.并由此年龄和温度数据得出郯庐断裂带形成于大别造山带造山作用后期.该韧性剪切带形成温度明显低于所叠加的造山带高角闪岩相变质岩,也指示为造山后期走滑运动的结果.  相似文献   

Isotopic geochemical characteristics of helium in garnet and omphacite of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains are discussed. Concentrations of 3He and 4He in garnet and omphacite are 3.9×10 -14- 24.0×10 -14 and 0.48×10 -7-9.42×10 -7cm+3·g -1, respectively. Values of 3He/ 4He have a range of (1.19-4.63)×10 -7. Helium in the eclogite is derived from both mantle and crust. Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.  相似文献   

Isotopic geochemical characteristics of helium in garnet and omphacite of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains are discussed. Concentrations of3He and4He in garnet and omphacite are 3.9 × 10−14–24.0 × 10−14 and 0.48 × 10−7–9.42 × 10−7cm13.g−1, respectively. Values of3He/4He have a range of (1.19–4.63) × 10−7. Helium In the eclogite is derived from both mantle and crust. Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of coesite and diamond inclusions in eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu orogen, east-central China[1―3], this largest ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamor- phic terrane in the world has attracted extensive scientific interests. A number of hydrous minerals such as zoisite, phengite, magnesite and talc have been found in the UHP rocks, showing that fluids have played an important role in this type of extreme metamorphic evolution[4―8]. Sev-eral techniques have been applied to th…  相似文献   

Coesite inclusions, together with omphacite, jadeite, garnet and phengite inclusions, were identified in zircons separates from almost all gneissic core samples of pre-pilot drillhole CCSD-PP2 by the Laser Raman spectroscopy and the cathodoluminescence method. These data indicate that gneissic rocks consisting of paragneisses and orthogneisses ubiquitously experienced UHP metamorphism. This research may be of great significance for an in-depth study of the subduction-exhumation mechanism of the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt and selecting the drilling site for the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project.  相似文献   

研究大别山区葛根总黄酮(TPF)对CCl4诱导小鼠化学性肝损伤的保护作用及可能的作用机制。采用1次性腹腔注射(ip)0.1%CCl4花生油溶液(10ml/kg)建立小鼠化学性肝损伤模型。TPF连续灌胃(ig)14d后摘眼球取血,分离血清,测定血清中丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)活性;剖腹取肝,制备10%肝匀浆,测定肝组织中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)、干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)活性;进行肝组织病理切片,观察肝组织病理学变化。结果显示TPF能降低CCl4诱导的化学性肝损伤小鼠血清中ALT、AST和肝匀浆中MDA、IFI-γ、TNF-α的活性及增强肝匀浆中SOD的活力。其作用机制可能与抗氧化和降低肝组织中IFN-γ、TNF-α水平有关。  相似文献   

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