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利用祁连山区17个气象站1952-2007年温度和降水资料,分析了其变化特征.运用趋势线拟合及相关性分析方法,得出如下结论:(1)所有气象站的年均温和夏季均温都呈上升趋势,而年降水和夏季降水大部分是上升趋势,有少量减小.并得出年均温和夏季均温上升趋势最大的气象站,年降水和夏季降水上升趋势最大气象站,以及年降水和夏季降水下降趋势的气象站.(2)年降水与夏季降水及年均温与夏季均温都有很好的相关性,降水的相关性要好于温度的相关性.并得出相关性较好的气象站,指出气象站降水和温度的一些特点.(3)2000年以来,各气象站的年均温和年降水量变化趋势均表现出一定的差异性,并初步分析了成因.  相似文献   

“东亚历史气候重建国际研讨会”在京召开   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步研讨东亚、特别是中国历史气候重建与历史气候模拟问题,推动中国历史气候研究进一步与国际接轨,让国际研究同行充分认识中国在国际历史气候研究中的重要性与独特性,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所葛全胜研究员,会同美国国家科学研究顾问、PAGES科学指导委员会前主席、麻萨诸塞大学地学系主任、著名气候学家Raymond S.Bradley教授,美国纽约州立大学大气科学研究中心Wei-Chyung Wang教授共同发起并组织了“东亚历史气候重建国际研讨会”(2002年10月14~16日,北京外国专家大厦).  相似文献   

祁连山地区高分辨率气温降水量分布模型   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
充分利用气温、降水量空间统计分析的结果,通过在模型中引入坡度(SL)、坡向(SD)变量,对祁连山中东部地区气温、降水量空间变化模式进行尺度下移,得到了该地区具有多尺度特性的高空间分辨率气温、降水量的分析模型:T=a+bH—kT cos SD sin SL,P=(a+b ln H+C ln y)(1+kp sin SL);进而计算了该地区7月份和年平均气温的分布式模型和年降水量分布式模型,得到了相应的栅格地图.验证结果表明这两个模型可以与山地冰川和森林分布区的气候分析资料很好地匹配.根据年降水量栅格地图的统计分析,将本区域内的最大降水高度带确定在4500m.  相似文献   

利用耦合了CLM4(Community Land Model)的CAM5.1(Community Atmosphere Model)模式研究了中国东部地区城市范围扩展对东亚春季气候的可能影响.结果表明城市化改变了地面能量平衡,表现为地面净辐射通量和感热通量增加,地面潜热通量减小,造成近地面温度、日最高气温和最低气温升高,气温日较差增大,且近地面增温的幅度与城市比例密切相关,但对城市范围扩展的响应具有一定程度的不确定性.城市范围扩展所引起的近地面热力强迫可以影响到东亚地区低层大气环流,但由于近地面对不同程度城市范围扩展的热力响应具有非线性变化,导致东亚春季低空环流的变化也具有一定的不确定性,但其总体上会减弱长江中下游以南地区的西南气流.因此,中国东部地区的城市范围扩展会使得长江以北地区春季降水量偏少而长江以南地区降水量偏多,造成东亚春季雨带南移.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖正改变着全球水汽,进而深刻影响人类的生存与发展.祁连山是中国西部重要的生态安全屏障和生物多样性保护区域,也是地质灾害的多发区.因此,为了明确祁连山地区气温的时空变化特征,针对祁连山及其周边地区21个气象站点的1960-2019年的气温数据,利用Anusplin气温插值法对祁连山区域的气温进行插值,并借助滑动...  相似文献   

目的研究秦岭东部地区树轮对气候因子的响应,为该区域森林资源管理及抚育更新提供数据,并为气候重建提供参考。  相似文献   

以洪湖为例,分析了江汉湖群湖泊对气温、降水的影响,还分析了围湖造田对湖区降水的影响.  相似文献   

王亚军 《科技信息》2006,(5):387-388
春季降水是祁连山树木生长的主要限制因子。本文利用树木年轮资料重建了祁连山东、中段春季降水,对比了东、中段春季降水的变化特点,发现东段树木年轮主要反映短周期的降水变化,中段反映较长周期的降水变化;东段280年以来大部分时间比近50年湿润,即近50年东段的春季降水有所减少,中段230年以来大部分时间比近40年干旱,但相比于20世纪40年代的多雨,近十多年来中段春季降水正处于减少阶段;祁连山中段春季降水从湿润到干旱过程比较缓慢,即逐渐变干,而从干旱到湿润经历时间短,变湿相对迅速,东段呈现相反的变化趋势。祁连山东、中段春季降水的不同特点可能和不同的降水系统影响有关,树种的不同可能也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

陕甘宁及内蒙古西部地区春季降水的气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用陕西、甘肃、宁夏和内蒙古西部地区64个测站1961~2000年春季降水量的资料,采用EOF、REOF、小波分析和突变分析等方法,对陕甘宁及内蒙古西部地区春季降水的空间分布特征和时间演变规律进行了诊断分析研究.结果表明:陕甘宁及内蒙古西部地区春季降水的空间分布既有整体一致的特性,也存在东部和西部、南部和北部相反变化的差异,可将陕甘宁及内蒙古西部地区划分为三个主要的降水异常区域:陕南秦岭区、甘蒙西部区和河套区.各异常区代表站资料反映出近40a来陕甘宁及内蒙古西部地区春季降水呈减少趋势,但未发生突变现象,并且存在着14a,8a和2~6a的周期变化.  相似文献   

Age and genesis of the Shagou River terraces in eastern Qilian Mountains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fluvial terrace sequence in eastern Qilian Mountains is a record of periodic uplift events of the Tibetan Plateau. Based on paleomagnetic dating, thermolumines-cence dating, radio carbon dating and loess-paleosol sequence on terraces, we preliminarily determine the ages of five major terraces of the Shagou River, northern side of the Qilian Mountains. The ages of five terraces were about 830, 418, 250,140 and 10 ka, respectively. Analysis on characteristics of terraces show that five major terraces were mainly tectonic genesis. Therefore, five major terraces recorded five strong rising events in the Qilian Mountains during the past 830 ka. The ages of those rising events are about the same as those terraces formation. Sub-terraces, constituting a main terrace, were perhaps mainly formed by climatic changes.  相似文献   

The climate of the past 1000 years is an important context for evaluating the recent climate warming. However, there are few 1000-year-long climate reconstructions with annual resolution in the Qinghal-Tibet Plateau. In this paper, a dendroclimatic analysis was conducted for the radial growth of Qilian juniper from the upper forest limit in Wulan, Qinghai Province. The results of correlation analysis between the tree-ring widths and the climate variables indicate that the growth of junipers at the upper forest limit is mainly limited by low temperatures of September, November and February of the pregrowth season, and July of the current growth season. There is no significant correlation between the tree-ring widths and precipitation. A mean temperature from the previous year's September to the current year's April was reconstructed for the Wulan area since A.D. 1000. The reconstruction can explain 40.8% of the instrumental variance in the calibration period (1856-2002). The reconstruction shows that the 20th century is the warmest 100 years, and the 1990s is the warmest decade during the past 1000 years, while the coldest 100 years and decade occur at 1600-1699 and 1642-1651, respectively. The variations are verified well by the temperature reconstruction of the middle Qilian Mountain (QL) and the total organic carbon (TOC) in the Qinghai Lake sediments. The comparison of our reconstruction with the annual temperature reconstruction of extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere suggests that the climate of Wulan during the Medieval Warm Period is of obvious regional specialty, but there was a good response to the climate of hemispheric scales during the recent 400 years.  相似文献   

This paper presents the stable isotope data of the snow pack and summer precipitation collected at the July 1 Glacier, Qilian Mountains in northwest China and analyses their relationships with meteorologi- cal factors. On an event scale, there is no temperature effect on the δ 18O values in the summer pre- cipitation, whereas the amount effect is shown to be clear. By tracing the moisture transport history and comparing the precipitation with its isotopic composition, it is shown that this amount effect not only reflects the change in moisture trajectory, which is related to the monsoon activities, but is also associated with the cooling degree of vapor in the cloud, the evaporation of falling raindrops and the isotopic exchange between the falling drops and the atmospheric vapor. As very little precipitation occurs in winter, the snow pack profile mainly represents the precipitation in the other three seasons. There are low precipitation δ 18O ratios in summer and high ratios in spring and autumn. The Meteoric Water Line (MLW) for the summer precipitation is δ D = 7.6 δ 18O 13.3, which is similar to that at Delingha, located in the south rim of the Qilian Mountains. The MWL for the snow pack is δ D = 10.4 δ 18O 41.4, showing a large slope and intercept. The deuterium excess (d) of the snow pack is positively correlated with δ 18O, indicating that both d and δ 18O decrease from spring to summer and increase from early autumn to early spring. This then results in the high slope and intercept of the MWL. Sea- sonal fluctuations of d in the snow pack indicate the change of moisture source and trajectory. During spring and autumn, the moisture originates from continental recycling or rapid evaporation over rela- tively warm water bodies like Black, Caspian and Aral Seas when the dry westerly air masses pass over them, hence very high d values in precipitation are formed. During summer, the monsoon is responsi- ble for the low d values. This indicates that the monsoon can reach the western part of the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

TheNorthQilianMountainsattheboundarybe-tweenGansuandQinghaiProvincesareafamousCaledo-nianplatesuturezoneinthenorthwesternChina.Thissuturezoneis80to100kmwideandextendsintheNWdirectionparalleltotheNorthQaidamUHPbeltinthesouth[1,2].Itconsistspredominantlyofophiolite,island-arccomplexandhigh-presuremetamorphicrocks[38],andshowstypicalfeaturesofPacific-type[9](orB-type)sub-ductionzone.Spatially,thehigh-pressurerockscanbesubdividedintohigh-gradeblueschistbeltandlow-gradeblueschistbelt[5,6].Th…  相似文献   

祁连山东段冲积扇的发育时代及其成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
第四纪期间祁连山东段山麓地带广泛发育了多级冲积扇,它们是研究区域构造抬升与气候变化最为直接的载体.本文主要通过ESR,IRSL以及14C等绝对测年手段对该区冲积扇的形成年代进行研究,结果表明祁连山东段北麓最高级冲积扇形成于0.85 MaBP,而毛毛山南麓的最高级冲积扇形成于0.43 MaBP.随后各地又相继发育了0.25,0.16,0.06,0.01 MaBP等多级冲洪积台地.根据主要冲积扇的形成年代及其与区域构造气候事件的对比,认为它们是构造运动与气候变化共同作用的产物.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the early phase of fluid inclusions which occur in residual olivines in harzburgite from the Yushigou ophiolitic mantle peridotite, the North Qilian Mountains. Components of these inclusions, analyzed by micro laser Raman spectroscopy, are dominantly CH, (70%–95%) with minor H2, N2, H2S, CO2,C2H4, C2H6, and C3H6 but there are no H2O,CO and SO2. The highly CH4-rich fluid was probably derived from an ancient deep mantle. This discovery plays an important role in all-round understanding of the fluid property of the upper mantle, especially the ancient oceanic upper mantle.  相似文献   

西藏盐井地区地下热水水化学特征差异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对西藏盐井地区地质环境条件调查基础上,通过深入研究盐井盐泉、曲孜卡泉的地球化学特征,基本查清了两类泉水的形成和其补、径、排模式之间的差异.西藏盐井乡盐泉以深层卤水形式赋存于上三叠统波里拉组-夺盖拉组(T3b-T3d),出露于芒康-盐井复式向斜次级背斜被澜沧江切割处,其元素离子系数具大气溶滤水特征;而其北面的曲孜卡泉出露处属于竹卡-起塘牛场断裂通过区,泉中稀碱金属含量异于盐井盐泉,且F-偏高,其形成具有花岗岩的元素特征.这些差异表明二者的补、径、排系统彼此独立,使其表现出的地球化学特征有如此明显差异.  相似文献   

北祁连东段西、南华山中酸性侵入岩地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北祁连东段西、南华山中酸性侵入岩以花岗岩和花岗闪长岩为主,SiO2质量分数在66.23%~77.13%之间,具有钙碱系列的岩石组合特征和地球化学特征.微量元素Pb、Sr和La明显富集,Cs、Nb、Ti等元素呈现不同程度亏损,显示混合源岩浆的特征.∑REE的质量分数为(100.80~121.03)×10-6,低于世界酸性岩平均值.稀土配分模式呈右倾型,δEu=0.31~0.33,有负Eu异常,与北秦岭加里东期岛弧型花岗岩地球化学特征相似.中酸性岩体总体表现为壳幔混合型岩浆结晶分异的产物,反映北祁连地区中奥陶世末处于具沟-弧-盆体系的俯冲背景.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨祁连山排露沟小流域鲜黄小檗灌丛穿透雨特征及其影响因素,为定量评价祁连山鲜黄小檗灌丛的生态水文效应提供数据支撑。【方法】基于灌丛种群特征调查,选取3处代表性的鲜黄小檗灌丛,沿冠层枝条辐散方向选取观测断面,在每个断面上布置承雨器,对穿透雨和冠层结构指标进行测定,分析穿透雨与降雨量和冠层结构特征的关系。【结果】①试验期间,单株鲜黄小檗的平均穿透雨率为55.1%。部分观测点的穿透雨率大于100%,这主要是由于降雨在冠层的作用下发生了聚集效应。②穿透雨量与降雨量之间呈线性关系(P<0.01),穿透雨率与降雨量之间呈对数函数关系(P<0.05)。③受冠层水平结构影响,平均穿透雨率从距基部10 cm处的25.93%单调递增至距基部90 cm处的74.45%; 其中,距基部50~70 cm之间增加值最大,占总增加值的41.19%。随着冠层厚度的增大,平均穿透雨率呈减小的趋势。叶面积指数在一定程度上影响穿透雨的空间分布,且降雨量越小影响程度越明显。【结论】在降雨性质相同的情况下,冠层结构特征是影响灌丛冠下穿透雨空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

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