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Combustion characteristics of premixed diethyl ether-air mixtures were studied at different equivalence ratios and elevated initial pressures using schlieren photography and spherically propagating flame. Laminar burning velocities, Markstein number and critical radii at onset of cellular structure were obtained. The results show that an increase in initial pressure leads to a decrease in the unstretched laminar burning velocities. Laminar burning velocities give their peak values at the equivalence ratio o...  相似文献   

加压粉煤气力输送试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建立加压粉体气力输送试验系统并进行加压粉煤气力输送试验,重点考察了表征气速、输送背压和粉体流量对管道压损的影响。结果表明:不同输送背压和粉煤流量下,粉煤加速压降、垂直到水平弯管、水平到垂直弯管和水平弯管压损与粉体流量Gs和表征气速Ug的乘积呈近似线性关系,其中水平到垂直弯管压损随GsUg变化最大;水平、垂直和倾斜管段附加压损随着表征气速的增加而逐渐减小,粉煤流量比输送背压对附加压损影响更大;附合压损系数是Re、Fr和气固比μ的函数,通过拟合得到的附加压损公式和总压损公式的预测值也与试验值吻合均良好。  相似文献   

The structure of aqueous electrolyte solution has been widely studied by means of X-ray and neutron diffraction, from which the information of ion-ion, ion-water, and water-water interactions can be revealed. Almost all of the studies are limited to aqueous solutions of monoatomic ions though they have involved some investigations under extreme conditions, such as the supercooled and the supercritical.  相似文献   

利用大分子单体技术通过自由基溶液聚合合成了不同组成的接枝共聚物聚(甲基丙烯酸-g-N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)(P(MAA-g-NIPAM)),通过UV透光率的测定和荧光探针技术对接枝共聚物在稀水溶液中的相行为进行了研究.结果表明,接枝共聚物P(MAA-g-NIPAM)具有温度和pH值的双重敏感性,不同组成的P(MAA-g-NIPAM)具有基本相同的低临界溶解温度(LCST).当溶液的pH<6时,随着pH值的降低P(MAA-g-NIPAM)的主链从较为松散的线团构象变为较为压缩的线团构象.  相似文献   

网纹甜瓜营养液深液流栽培管理与环境调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用营养液深液流栽培方式,以网纹甜瓜为研究对象,根据作物生长发育不同时期对于温度、湿度、光照强度和营养液组分的不同要求,采用自主研制的温室环境测控系统,调节并控制网纹甜瓜生长的小气候环境和根际环境.一茬网纹甜瓜营养液深液流栽培实验证明,自主研制的营养液自动循环系统和基于CAN总线的温室环境测控系统能够完成预期的环境调控任务,作物生长快、产品无污染、品质优.  相似文献   

不同时间高温后混凝土性能的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
针对建筑物火灾的增多,对经历不同高温时间后建筑结构的鉴定日趋重要,通过大量试验,模拟火灾现场,对两种强度等级的混凝土材料在不同温度条伴下(23、100、300、500、700℃)。采用不同加热时间后(1、2、3h),测量其抗压强度及弹性模量的变化,分析了混凝土随加热时间及加热温度改变的性能机理和一般规律,为火灾后建筑物的鉴定、补救提供参考。  相似文献   

The high temperature properties of AISI 304 stainless steel were studied. Basic data about the employed experimental equipment, testing procedures, and specimen geometry were given. The experimental setup was used to obtain stress-strain diagrams from tensile tests at room temperature as well as several elevated temperatures. Furthermore, the specimens were subjected to short-time creep tests at various temperatures. Stress levels for creep testing were established as a percentage of yield stress. The results indicate that at lowered temperatures and lower stress levels, AISI 304 stainless steel can be used as a sufficiently creep resistant material.  相似文献   

Coal samples from Qinshui Basin, Shanxi, China are experimentally deformed at temperatures and confining pressures of 200 - 500℃and 200 - 500 Mpa, strain rate of 0.5×10-5/s and total strain of 10%. The vitrinite reflectance of the coal samples varies from 3.04 to 1.79. It is shown that the strengths of the deformed samples change obviously with coeval increasing temperatures and pressures (T/P). At the experimental range of T/P, the effects of increasing temperature predominate over that of increasing pressure. Microstructural analysis indicates a brittle to ductile transition under experimental T/P conditions from 200 to 300℃, and 200 to 300Mpa. Brittle deformation microstruc-tures include macroscopic fracture zones and penetrative fracture associations. Elongation, undulose or irregular extinction, deformation lamellae and dynamic recrystallization of grains are the main ductile deformation microstructures. The variation of deformation mechanisms of the experimentally deformed coal samples is related to both the components of coals and T/P conditions. At low T/P, fractures occur in both inertinite and vitrinite of the samples. At higher T/P, crystalline plastic deformations are observed in the inertinite only.  相似文献   

A new type of oceanic crust and its dynamical significance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conclusions There are two types of oceanic crust: the “Troodos type” with stratiform and thick oceanic crust, characterized by the development of sheeted dike swarms and thick cumulative rocks; and the “Shuanggou type” with thin oceanic crust composed of mafic plutonic and volcanic rocks, without sheeted dike swarms and ultramafic cumulates. The different types of oceanic crust represent the different dynamic processes under the mid-oceanic ridges, which relate with not only the spreading velocity of oceanic plate, but also the formation and volume of magmas under spread ridges. It is suggested that the spreading velocity of oceanic plate is most probably related with the rock assemblage, not the composition of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

论述了河北平原区地壳结构、深部断裂和重力异常的主要特征,并尝试根据其地壳结构和深部断裂特征做重力异常的解释,从而表明河北平原地壳结构、深部断裂及重力异常特征有着内在的联系。  相似文献   

针对环境温度对缓凝剂作用的影响,采用自动高效水化热测定仪及无电极电阻率测试仪,在线测试不同温度下,新拌水泥净浆的凝结时间、水化历程及电阻率变化.通过原子吸收及XRD进行机理分析,获得蔗糖类缓凝剂在环境温度下的适应性及其作用机制,为解决实际工程问题提供理论基础.试验结果表明,蔗糖凝结时间的临界值随着环境温度的升高而降低,但在一定掺量下,蔗糖在高温下缓凝效果比低温下强;对于一定掺量的蔗糖,高温更能延缓水化放热峰的出现及浆体结构的形成.  相似文献   

采用实验与分子动力学模拟(MD)结合的方法研究无机盐对部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)溶液黏度影响的规律及微观机制。结果表明:无机盐对溶液黏度影响较大,其中Ca Cl2和Mg Cl2对溶液降黏作用强于Na Cl,且当Ca Cl2和Mg Cl2浓度相同时Mg Cl2的降黏作用更加明显;当溶液中加入无机盐时,由于盐离子与聚合物中羧酸根基团的静电吸引,使其在聚合物周围形成阳离子层,从而减弱了聚合物分子链上羧酸根基团之间的排斥作用,导致分子链收缩,进而降低溶液的黏度;相比于Na+和Ca2+,Mg2+更易靠近HPAM分子链,对分子链构型及黏度的改变更加明显。  相似文献   

利用平面动力系统理论对非线性Kakutani-Kawahara方程ut+uux+buxxx -a(ut+uux)x=0(b>0,a≥0)的行波解作了定性分析,得到了其有界行波解存在的条件,给出了在色散占优的情况下该方程的有界行波解不仅具振荡性而且还具衰减性的结论.进一步根据相图中解轨线的演化关系,利用假设待定法求出了该方程衰减振荡解的近似解.最后,根据齐次化原理的思想建立了反映所求衰减振荡近似解和精确解间关系的积分方程,从而得到了所求衰减振荡近似解与精确解间的误差估计,其误差是以指数形式速降的无穷小量.  相似文献   

本文用微扰计算方法研究了具有次近邻相互作用的一维量子链,得到ξ与λ的线性关系;并对此模型进行了场论推导,应用共形场论结果给出ξ(λ)关系的理论解释,建立了模型的共形场论。  相似文献   

The properties and applications of CNT, one new carbon material, have been studied extensively since their discovery by Iijima of NEC Co. of Japan[1] and batch production[2]. They have exceptional mechanical proper-ties and unique electrical property, large aspect ratio and highly chemical stability. Thus far, they have widely po-tential applications in many fields. They can be used as reinforcing materials in composites[3—5], field emissions[6,7], hydrogen storage[8], nanoelectronic comp…  相似文献   

介绍了溴化锂水溶液池沸腾换热的实验装置,以及溴化锂水溶液在真空条件下的池沸腾换热性能。实验研究结果表明:压力对池沸腾换热有一定影响,且随溶液浓度不同而有所不同;浓度对池沸腾换热有明显影响,且随压力提高,影响增大;管束对池沸腾换热有增强效应,水平管束的沸腾换热系数明显高于单管的沸腾换热系数。  相似文献   

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