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FORSYTH WG  HAYWARD AC  ROBERTS JB 《Nature》1958,182(4638):800-801

Solution of mineral phosphates by soil bacteria   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
SPERBER JI 《Nature》1957,180(4593):994-995

Detection and classification of atmospheric methane oxidizing bacteria in soil   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Bull ID  Parekh NR  Hall GH  Ineson P  Evershed RP 《Nature》2000,405(6783):175-178
Well-drained non-agricultural soils mediate the oxidation of methane directly from the atmosphere, contributing 5 to 10% towards the global methane sink. Studies of methane oxidation kinetics in soil infer the activity of two methanotrophic populations: one that is only active at high methane concentrations (low affinity) and another that tolerates atmospheric levels of methane (high affinity). The activity of the latter has not been demonstrated by cultured laboratory strains of methanotrophs, leaving the microbiology of methane oxidation at atmospheric concentrations unclear. Here we describe a new pulse-chase experiment using long-term enrichment with 12CH4 followed by short-term exposure to 13CH4 to isotopically label methanotrophs in a soil from a temperate forest. Analysis of labelled phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) provided unambiguous evidence of methane assimilation at true atmospheric concentrations (1.8-3.6 p.p.m.v.). High proportions of 13C-labelled C18 fatty acids and the co-occurrence of a labelled, branched C17 fatty acid indicated that a new methanotroph, similar at the PLFA level to known type II methanotrophs, was the predominant soil micro-organism responsible for atmospheric methane oxidation.  相似文献   

含油土壤中生物破乳菌的分离纯化及筛选研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以大庆油田长期受石油污染的土壤为生物破乳菌筛选来源,经菌种的定向培养及分离纯化得到了菌种的单菌落,配置含水40%稳定时间大于100h的W/O型模拟乳状液,对含油土壤培养法培养得到的9种菌进行模拟乳状液破乳实验,筛选得到了破乳率大于85%的两种生物破乳菌。  相似文献   

Flooding in wetland rice fields soon after transplanting results in displacement of soil air (including O2). Thus any dissolved O2 in the pore water is consumed out by microbial respiration in a short period. Supply of O2 to the flooded rice soil is by diffusion of O2 through the standing floodwater and consumption at the soil-water interface, and by exudation of O2 by rice roots and subsequent diffusion of O2 into the rhizosphere. The greater potential consumption of O2 compared to the renewal rate results in the development of distinct soil layers: oxidized soil layers under soil-water interface and in the rhizosphere, and reduced soil layers or reduced bulk soil. Nitrification in oxidized soils and denitrification in reduced soils have been known. Currently, denitrification in oxidized soils, even in standing floodwater, has also been identified. In this article, we present a modified nitrification and denitrification occurring mechanism in flooded rice soil.  相似文献   

Flooding in wetland rice fields soon after transplanting results in displacement of soil air (including O2). Thus any dissolved O2 in the pore water is consumed out by microbial respiration in a short period. Supply of O2 to the flooded rice soil is by diffusion of O2 through the standing floodwater and consumption at the soil-water interface, and by exudation of O2 by rice roots and subsequent diffusion of O2 into the rhizosphere. The greater potential consumption of O2 compared to the renewal rate results in the development of distinct soil layers: oxidized soil layers under soil-water interface and in the rhizosphere, and reduced soil layers or reduced bulk soil. Nitrification in oxidized soils and denitrification in reduced soils have been known. Currently, denitrification in oxidized soils, even in standing floodwater, has also been identified. In this article, we present a modified nitrification and denitrification occurring mechanism in flooded rice soil.  相似文献   

从华中某油田石油污染土壤中分离筛选出了3株高效石油降解菌S-4、S-5和S-7,在30℃,200 r/min恒温摇床上震荡培养14 d后,石油烃降解率分别为41.60%、40.59%和43.53%。经16S r DNA基因序列鉴定,S-4、S-5和S-7分别属于肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和Kosakonia属。通过实验表明,菌株的最适降解pH为7,最佳氮源为硝酸铵(NH4NO3),最佳氮、磷比为5:1,在添加营养元素的条件下,经过48 d的降解,S-4、S-5和S-7菌株对土壤中石油烃总降解率分别为74.24%、71.66%和80.29%。  相似文献   

不同功能菌剂对连作烟叶农艺性状和根际土壤细菌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用5组不同功能发酵菌剂N(固氮),P(解磷),K(解钾),C(解纤维素)及H(4种菌剂按体积为1∶1∶1∶1混合液)分别浇灌盆栽烟草,观察记录各处理烟叶农艺性状及根际土壤细菌情况.结果表明5种供试菌剂均能促进烟叶生长,其中C(解纤维素)菌剂处理的烟株农艺性状最好,叶色比对照绿,株高13.4 cm、茎粗2.73 cm及中部单叶面积180.77 cm2均显著高于对照的10.8,1.97 cm和82.42 cm2;混合菌剂H效果次之,仅茎粗2.67 cm显著高于对照.从土壤根际细菌看,固氮菌定植情况最好.后期成为土壤优势菌,占细菌91%,其次是解纤维素菌,其他定植较差;添加解纤维素菌剂的烟株根际土壤的固氮、解磷、解钾菌生长比较均衡.5种菌剂对根际土壤假单胞菌的影响不同,假单胞菌比例为固氮菌处理74%>解钾菌处理61%>解磷菌处理58%>对照46%>混合菌剂处理45%>解纤维素菌处理29%.解钾菌和解磷菌能促进其它微生物的生长.  相似文献   

16S rDNA-RFLP方法分析抑菌土中的细菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采集了从云南省16个县烟草主栽区的土壤样品129份.通过测定土壤抑制线虫生防菌Pochonia chlamydosporia孢子萌发率的大小将土样聚为抑菌率极显著差异的5个类群(P >0.01).为研究抑菌土中的细菌种群,构建了强抑菌土样的细菌16S rRNA基因文库;利用限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)对随机克隆进行筛选;测定代表克隆的16S rDNA序列;对强抑菌土中的细菌种群进行了系统发育分析,并表明Proteobacteria和Acidobacteria的细菌是强抑菌土中的主要细菌类群.  相似文献   

为揭示大孔隙残积土的水分迁移机理,以原状、重塑花岗岩残积土为研究对象,基于核磁共振分析入渗试验、吸湿试验及干湿循环试验过程中土样基质域和大孔隙域的水分迁移规律。结果表明:入渗试验中,初始状态下原状和重塑土试样中水分主要分布在基质孔隙,随着入渗持续,大孔隙中T2曲线信号幅值逐渐增大且随着时间增加增速变快;吸湿试验中,由于基质吸力的存在,水分主要进入基质孔隙中,且土壤初始含水率与基质吸力呈反相关关系;干湿循环试验中,干湿循环后土壤中出现微小裂缝和孔隙,随着循环次数增加,裂隙逐渐贯通形成大孔隙,部分基质域中的水分进入大孔隙中。  相似文献   

通过研究物种存活概率和局域多度间的关系, 对微生物群落动态是否符合中性假说进行检验. 使用野外采集的土壤进行土壤微宇宙实验,微宇宙经受了稀释扰动,剔除一些非常稀有的物种. 微宇宙经过恢复培养后, 用454高通量焦磷酸测序方法分别对土壤细菌16SrRNA 基因和真菌18SrRNA 基因进行测序, 检测多度≥1的物种, 从而探究细菌和真菌物种组成相对于源土壤发生的变化. 结果发现: 恢复生长过程中细菌和真菌物种丰富度都显著降低(>50%); 受到扰动的微宇宙恢复生长以后, 土壤细菌和真菌物种存活概率与其在源土壤中的初始相对多度之间呈正相关, 这个结果符合中性假说的预测,即最初多度较高的物种平均灭绝概率较低.   相似文献   

【目的】研究不同品种兔眼蓝莓(Vaccinium ashei Reade,简称RB)对phoD(碱性磷酸酶基因)相关土壤解磷细菌群落组成的影响,阐明解磷细菌对土壤磷素的转化以及植物生长的意义。【方法】通过对12个兔眼蓝莓品种根际土壤中phoD进行高通量测序,分析phoD基因相关土壤解磷细菌群落的多样性及组成,解析根际解磷细菌与蓝莓品种以及土壤理化性质之间的相互作用关系。【结果】在12个兔眼蓝莓品种中,蓝莓‘森土里昂’(‘Centurion’, RB4)品种具有最高的群落多样性;蓝莓根际phoD基因相关土壤解磷细菌群落核心细菌群由α-变形菌纲根瘤菌目、红螺菌目、β-变形菌纲伯克氏菌目、γ-变形菌纲黄单胞菌目、海洋螺菌目、假单胞菌目和放线菌门链霉菌目组成;蓝莓根际phoD基因相关土壤解磷细菌群落可以分为RBⅠ、RBⅡ两组,其中RBⅠ组的α-变形菌纲细菌相对丰度显著高于RBⅡ组;土壤总磷(TP)和phoD基因相关土壤解磷细菌群落组成是速效磷(AP)的主要影响因素。【结论】蓝莓不同品种和土壤性质对根际phoD基因相关解磷细菌群落丰度有显著影响,而群落多样性则与对照无显著差异,这可为进一步阐明酸性土壤条件下植物和根际解磷细菌之间的共生关系提供有效的数据支持。  相似文献   

R S Young  P H Deal  O Whitefield 《Nature》1967,216(5113):355-356

城市附加磁场与土体结构强度的磁效应机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从分析城市附加磁场的六种表现形式着手,进行了初步模拟试验,揭示了土体结构强度与城市附加磁场密切相关.提出了土体结构强度磁效应的观点,即城市附加磁场通过几何磁效应、电荷磁效应和磁化学效应以及土体磁敏性元素共同作用来实现对土体性状的影响,改变土的细观结构和结构强度.  相似文献   

为探讨蚯蚓粪与根际促生菌配施对土壤生物活性与物理性质的影响,本课题组在上海市松江区辰山植物园木樨园内布置原位修复实验,设置了单独施用根际促生菌(AS)、单独施用蚯蚓粪(AW)、根际促生菌配施蚯蚓粪(SW)、不施用根际促生菌与蚯蚓粪(CK)4个处理组,分析了不同处理下10~25 cm表层土中土壤生物酶活性和土壤微生物的动...  相似文献   

物种间区域分布与局域多度之间的正相关关系是宏生态学的经典模式之一,即局域高密度的物种地理分布范围广,而局域低密度的物种地理分布范围较窄.这种模式在不同的大型生物类群中得到了广泛的证实.但是微生物群落的相关研究还比较薄弱,并且已有工作主要集中在水体环境中.本文以内蒙古草地土壤细菌为研究对象,在3个不同的空间尺度上采集土壤样品,探讨土壤细菌区域分布与局域多度之间的关系.结果表明,在不同的地理尺度上,土壤细菌区域分布与局域多度之间均呈现显著的正相关关系,二者之间的相关性随分类阶元的降低而有所减弱.该结果暗示细菌群落中常见种和稀有种的多样性维持机制可能存在差异,生态位和中性过程可能同时在起作用.  相似文献   

Denitrification is a dissimilatory biological process of denitrifying bacteria where oxidized nitrogen com- pounds (NO3? and NO2?) are used as alternative electron acceptors and fixed nitrogen is transferred into the at- mosphere in form of N2, finally. I…  相似文献   

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