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大连市区大气中PAHs来源、分布及随季节变化分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
多环芳烃PAHs是公认危害性最大的大气污染物,研究其在城市大气中的分布、季节变化及对其来源的识别判定可为PAHs污染防治提供科学依据。以大连市为例,分析了PAHs在市区大气中的分布,揭示了不同季节的浓度变化规律,对大气中的PAHs的来源进行了判别。结果表明,大连市区大气中的PAHs主要分布在交通繁华区和工业区;冬季浓度明显高于夏季;冬季污染主要来源于燃煤取暖,夏季为机动车尾气和燃煤的混合。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of global stratosphere-troposphere mass exchange   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By Wei formula in pressure coordinate, the stratosphere-troposphere mass exchange (STME) is diagnosed globally for 44 years from 1958 to 2001 using the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis datasets. Regions of mass flux into the stratosphere are found over Indonesia, bay of Bangladesh and the mid-west coast of South Africa. Compensating mass outflow from the stratosphere appears mainly over mid-latitudes near large-scale troughs. Upward and downward transport of mass at the middle and high latitudes accompany with each other. Mass flux into troposphere is stronger in autumn and winter than in spring and summer. Strong downward mass flux into the troposphere occurs in eastern Asia the whole year with nearly stable sites. Although the area of eastern Asia accounts for only 5.6% of that of the northern hemisphere (NH), its net mass exchange reaches 15.83% of that of the NH, which means that research on STME of eastern Asia is greatly important to that of the NH and even the global areas. Air across the tropopause enters more from stratosphere to troposphere than that from troposphere to stratosphere, which is possibly related with systematic bias of the assimilated datasets and with persistent rise of the tropopause height. Contributions of the mass exchange and the mass flux exchange in the NH and southern hemisphere (SH) on their latitudes increase from equator to pole, with larger contributions in the NH. Mass exchange and mass flux exchange per areas at high latitudes are larger than that at low latitudes, which means greater mass exchange efficiency at high latitudes.  相似文献   

By Wei formula in pressure coordinate, the stratosphere-troposphere mass exchange (STME) is diagnosed globally for 44 years from 1958 to 2001 using the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis datasets. Regions of mass flux into the stratosphere are found over Indonesia, bay of Bangladesh and the mid-west coast of South Africa. Compensating mass outflow from the stratosphere appears mainly over mid-latitudes near large-scale troughs. Upward and downward transport of mass at the middle and high latitudes accompany with each other. Mass flux into troposphere is stronger in autumn and winter than in spring and summer. Strong downward mass flux into the troposphere occurs in eastern Asia the whole year with nearly stable sites. Although the area of eastern Asia accounts for only 5.6% of that of the northern hemisphere (NH), its net mass exchange reaches 15.83% of that of the NH, which means that research on STME of eastern Asia is greatly important to that of the NH and even the global areas. Air across the tropopause enters more from stratosphere to troposphere than that from troposphere to stratosphere, which is possibly related with systematic bias of the assimilated datasets and with persistent rise of the tropopause height. Contributions of the mass exchange and the mass flux exchange in the NH and southern hemisphere (SH) on their latitudes increase from equator to pole, with larger contributions in the NH. Mass exchange and mass flux exchange per areas at high latitudes are larger than that at low latitudes, which means greater mass exchange efficiency at high latitudes.  相似文献   

 采用季节划分和季节突变的概念、理论及方法,对44a(1958~2001年)的大气臭氧资料及对流层顶气压场资料进行了计算,并分析了对流层顶大气臭氧的季节变化.结果发现对流层顶大气臭氧的季节变化在全球大部分区域中的突变性都比较明显,表明对流层顶大气臭氧的季节变化受到上对流层和下平流层中多种因素的影响.通过分析还发现,利用曾庆存所定义的参数RW(t)及有关的一些概念和方法确能很好地反映对流层顶大气臭氧的季节变化.  相似文献   

The features of Gregory cumulus parameterization scheme, which is used in British Weather Office, are researched and then this scheme is developed and improved according to the characteristics of area precipitation over China. Firstly, the influence of the large-scale convergence in lower tropopause upon cumulus convection is directly taken into account in a “bulk“ cloud model. The organized entrainment and detrainment is considered in the model. Secondly, the initial mass flux is revised. Thirdly, the effects of subcooling water upon saturation vapour pressure are considered. Eventually, the drown-draft air is regulated. For several years, the numerical forecast of seasonal precipitation in China has been carried out by using the modified Gregory scheme. The result shows that the model with improved Gregory scheme well simulates the precipitation over China and the prediction result is good.  相似文献   

跨临界有机朗肯循环性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取24种有机工质对利用低品位余热的有机朗肯循环系统性能进行理论分析,研究发现:当膨胀机入口工质为饱和状态时,最大净功出现在T1/TC≈0.98~0.99处,且临界温度高的工质作功能力明显优于临界温度低的工质。对于超临界ORC循环,只耀P1不太低,提高T1有利于增大净功、热效率及效率。超临界ORC的作功能力并非总是优于饱和或过热ORC。所有工质状态从亚临界饱和转变为超临界状态时,净功、热效率、效率及质量流量的变化都是不连续的。  相似文献   

提出了一个两自由度非线性模型来描述鼓式制动器的低频制动振动,然后应用中心流形理论对系统进行简化,通过计算约化后系统的PB规范形,判断出在Ho一分岔点附近当μ>0时存在极限环振动.应用这种方法,通过大量的计算得出了随着制动器底板等效刚度的增大,扭转振动的振幅越来越小,以及在两个自由度方向上振幅随参数的变化趋势相反等规律.  相似文献   

Variations in global atmospheric oscillations during the last millennium are simulated using the climate system model FGOALS_gl. The model was driven by reconstructions of both natural forcing (solar variability and volcanic aerosol) and anthropogenic forcing (greenhouse gases and sulfate aerosol). The model results are compared against proxy reconstruction data. The reconstructed North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) was out of phase with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in the last millennium. During the ...  相似文献   

 为有效降低车载方舱手术室的颗粒物质量浓度,提高室内空气洁净度,通过对某车载方舱手术室颗粒物扩散分布规律的仿真分析,以工作平面颗粒物质量浓度最小为目标,以工作平面平均风速为约束条件,建立优化模型,采用序列响应面法对送风速度和送风角度参数进行了优化求解研究。结果表明,手术室的回风口在长边壁面对称布置时,能有效促进室内空气的流动,有利于颗粒物质量浓度的降低;在顶部送风、两长边壁面下侧回风的非单向流手术室内,颗粒物质量浓度主要受气流的影响,主导颗粒物扩散的方向为下风向时,主流区的颗粒物质量浓度较小,医护人员周边及壁面的颗粒物质量浓度较大;优化后的送风速度和送风角度使手术室的颗粒物质量浓度降低78.19%,室内空气质量达到洁净标准。该优化方法可为野外环境下的洁净手术室通风系统设计提供依据。  相似文献   

The concentration of atmospheric CO2 in Beijing increased rapidly at a mean growth rate of 3.7%@a?1 from 1993 to 1995. After displaying a peak of (409.7±25.9) ?mol@mol?1 in 1995, it decreased slowly. Both the almost stable anthropogenic CO2 source and increasing biotic CO2 sink contribute to the drop of CO2 concentration from 1995 to 2000. The seasonal variation of CO2 concentration exhibits a clear cycle with a maximum in winter, averaging (426.8±20.6) ?mol@mol?1, and a minimum in summer, averaging (369.1±6.1) ?mol@mol?1. The seasonal variation of CO2 concentration is mainly controlled by phenology. The mean diurnal variation of atmospheric CO2 concentration for a year in Beijing is highly clear: daily maximum CO2 concentration usually occurs at night, but daily minimum CO2 concentration does in the daytime, with a mean diurnal difference more than 34.7 ?mol@mol?1. It has been revealed that the interannual variations of atmospheric CO2 concentration in winter and autumn regulated the interannual trend of atmospheric CO2, whereas the interannual variation of CO2 concentration in summer affected the general tendency of atmospheric CO2 in a less degree.  相似文献   

喷水室处理空调新风传质理论的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究喷水室去除空气中有害气体的传质机理.通过质量传递原理,从宏观和微观的立场推导了喷水室处理空调新风的简单应用公式,得出了喷水室化学去除率与相关设计参数的关系,并提出了衡量喷水室好坏的标准即相对经济效益因子等结论.  相似文献   

季节性冰冻地区路面结构内部排水系统浅论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国季节性冰冻地区高等级公路的建设情况和降水渗入路面结构后产生的水害问题,指出了对季节性冰冻地区路面结构内部排水系统进行研究的重要性。介绍了路面结构内部排水系统的结构形式,提出沥青处治碎石透水性材料可作为集水沟的填料和透水基层材料。  相似文献   

通过对旋转雷诺数R,喷射雷诺数Rej,喷嘴宽度和圆筒直径比B/d,喷射距离与喷嘴宽度之比L/B等影响旋转圆筒表面传质特性参数的实验研究,发现:在空气喷射作用下,由旋转产生的第一临界点消失,只存在第二临界点;平均舍伍德数Sh与Rej,B/d和L/B之间的关联式为Sh=0.515Re^2/3(B/d)^0.3(L/B)^0.1;空气喷射对圆筒表面传质的强化作用大于旋转的作用.  相似文献   

纵裂池偏密征在外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血中的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:提高对纵裂池偏密征的认识,评价该征对外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血(TSAH)首次CT确诊的价值。方法:回顾性分析TSAH300例CT资料中有纵裂池偏密征者136例的CT表现;分甲乙两组医生对疑诊或漏诊TSAH的43例行盲法复阅CT片,并统计学处理其测试结果。结果:TSAH以纵裂池少量积血最多见(212例);纵裂池偏密征136例,其中出现前纵裂池偏密征109例次,后纵裂池偏密征52例次,以前者更多见;疑诊或漏诊TSAH的43例复阅CT结果:甲组医生确诊TSAH19例,疑漏诊24例;乙组确诊TSAH34例,疑漏诊9例;两组比较有统计学意义(χ2=11 06,P<0 005)。本组136例均有其它颅脑内损伤,首次CT发现病变154个,迟发病变57个,其中首发病变111个和迟发病变51个均在纵裂池偏密征同一侧发病。结论:纵裂池偏密征是CT诊断外伤性蛛网膜下腔少量积血的一个可靠征象,是否认识此征象,直接影响TSAH的首次CT确诊率;纵裂池偏密征也是迟发性外伤性颅脑内病变的早期征象之一。  相似文献   

热膜式空气质量流量传感器的动态响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用理论分析和试验的方法,研究了热膜式空气质量流量传感器的静态响应和动态响应特性。通过对传感器单元在非稳定气流情况下存在的热滞后现象的分析,推导出恒流和恒温测量法的时间常数表达式,并对影响时间常数的各种因素和测量补偿方法进行了讨论。结果表明,恒温法的时间常数比恒流法小2g(R,-1)倍;恒温法的动态响应取决于反馈效率,如果使反馈过程迅速有效,便可实现对热滞后的瞬时补偿;恒温法热膜式空气质量流量计不易污染,测量精度较高,动态响应好,使用方便。  相似文献   

质量概念的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了质量概念形成与发展的历史,阐明了几种不同质量概念的物理涵义,介绍了对质量概念争论的一些观点.  相似文献   

研究了一类具功能性反应的两种群捕食-被捕食模型,运用微分方程稳定性理论和Poincare-Bendixon环域定理,探讨了这个系统的平衡点的性态以及极限环的存在性.  相似文献   

本文从理论上计算及分析了带有延时反馈回路的Bragg型声光双稳系统的双稳特性及非稳特性。由系统的动力学方程、稳态方程出发,给出了出现双稳态的参数范围。计算并绘出了非稳区域边界,分析了非稳振荡波形变化规律及其模结构。  相似文献   

贵阳市二氧化硫浓度变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2012年贵阳市大气中的S02为研究对象,选择合适的大气采样点,通过对各采样点二氧化硫浓度的分析,研究发现贵阳市SO2污染浓度随时间变化呈现明显的规律,采暖期SO2浓度为非采暖期的2.2倍,说明二氧化硫的污染受到燃煤使用的影响;空间分布特征明显,白云区的SO2浓度是观山湖区的2.3倍,说明观山湖区二氧化硫浓度受到了白云区工矿企业的较大影响.这些研究为贵阳市大气污染的预防提供理论依据.  相似文献   

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