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0 IntroductionPayrriodminaetiics hoenteer oofc ythcleics m .os tC oambupnoduanndts a cnodn tbaeisntin kgno twhnepyridine ring are widely distributedin nature,principally asenzymes and alkaloids . Pyridine enzymes have been foundintissues of all plants and ani mals examined thus far ,andare derivedfromeither nicotinic acid or Vitamin B6[1].Pyr-idine derivatives are also the building block of many phar-maceuticals with a wide range of functionalities that includeantitubercular compounds ,antivi…  相似文献   

The compression behavior of Ni77P23 amorphous alloy is investigated at room temperature in a diamond-anvil cell instrument using insitu high pressure energy dispersive X-ray diffraction with a syn- chrotron radiation source. The equation of state is determined by fitting the experimental data accord- ing to Birch-Murnaghan equation: -ΔV/V0=0.08606P-3.2×10-4P2 5.7×10-6P3. It is found that the structure of Ni77P23 amorphous alloy is stable under pressures up to 30.5 GPa.  相似文献   

A set of molecule parameters, namely, N, N′, p, q, n, were used to express the structures of alkanes. A correlative model was established between certain physical-chemical properties and molecular parameters of alkanes by regression method. Eight physical-chemical properties, such as evaporation heat (△vHm^20), density(D^20 ), capacity (C^20), surface tension (δ^20), boiling point (Tb), critical temperature(Tc), critical pressure(Pc) and critical volume(Vc), of fifty-six C3-C16 alkanes were calculated directly from the model in this paper. The calculated values are in good accordance with the literature ones reported for alkanes, and the correlation coefficients (R) equal or exceed 0.99 . The research results indicate that the principle of the method is simple and clear, the method is practical, the correlativity is excellent, and the predicted data are credible.  相似文献   

We discussed the Dirichlet problem of semilinear elliptic equationin (Pβ,α)D;-β△u=uε+εu,u>0,in Ω u=0, on(e),Ω where Ω(∪)RN(N≥4) is smooth and bounded domain,P=N+2/N-2,β,ε>0. We have proved that there exist positive ε0 and ε1 , such that when 0≤ε≤ε0,β>√ε1,(P0,1)has a single-peaked solution uβ, furthermore, |▽μβ|-0in the sense of measure as ε→0 and β→0.  相似文献   

The effect of icariin on the bone resorption activity of rabbit osteoclasts is assessed in vitro. Osteoclasts were isolated from Japanese white rabbits and cultured on plates with a sterilized bone slice in each well. After treatment with icariin at various concentrations, the bone resorption activity of osteoclasts was evaluated by examining pit areas, superoxide anion (·O2-) generation, size and number of actin rings and intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2 ]i. As revealed by these data, icariin elicited continuous decline of [Ca2 ]i, making actin ring constricted and ·O2- generation decreased. These events resulted in smaller and fewer pits which indicate suppressed bone resorption activity of rabbit osteoclasts by icariin.  相似文献   

This paper considers a special class of operator self-similar processes Markov processes {X(t), t≥0} with independent self-similar components, that is, X ( t ) =(X^1(t),…,X^d(t)), where {X^i(t),t≥0}, i=1,2,…,d are d independent real valued self-similar Markov processes. By means of Brel-Cantelli lemma, we give two results about asymptotic property as t→∞ of sample paths for two special classes of Markov processes with independent self-similar components.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionThbiep ycroidmipnlee)xru ctahteinoinu mof(Ⅱ r)u t(he Rniuu(mbip,y m)3ai2n +ly) atrnids- t(r2is -,(21’ -,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(Ⅱ) (Ru(phen)32 +) ,is a kindof sensitive analytical reagent for electrogenerated chemilumi-nescence(ECL) and chemiluminescence(CL) ,on which a par-ticular review has been presented[1]. The earliest publicationon the synthesis of Ru(bipy)32 +appeared in 1936[2], andduringthefollowing30 years ,theinvestigations relatedtothissubstance were only in…  相似文献   

0 IntroductionInrecentyears,studiesonBinghamfluid ,suchasElec trorheologicalfluid ,areactivelypursued[1 6] .Rheologicaltechniqueshavebeenplayinganimportantroleinsyntheticchem istry .Therheologicalphasereactionmethodisthe processofpreparingcompoundsormaterialsfromasolid liquidrheologicalmixture.Thatis,thesolidreactantsarefullymixedinapropermolarratio ,andmadeupbyaproperamountofwaterorothersolventstoaBinghambodyinwhichthesolidparticlesandliquidsubstanceareuniformlydistributed ,sothattheprodu…  相似文献   

By using LKB-2277 Bioactivity Monitoring System, the heat effect changes in the process of inhibitory action of clarithromycin and erythromycin onEscherichia coli at 37°C were determined. Quantitative analysis showed that relationship between antibiotic concentrationc and rate contantk ofEscherichia coli growth, and half inhibitory ratio concentration IC50: clarithromycin:k=0. 030 03–1. 1736×10−3 c, 8. 45 mg ·L−1; erythromycin:k=0.031 08–8.4657×10−4 c, 14. 45 mg·L−1. As a result of the microcalorimetry experiments, it not only indicated that antibacterial activity of clarithromycin was stronger than that of erythromycin, but also reported the changeable features of thermodynamics of the bacterial cell in biological, biochemical and metabolic process under different drug action. Foundation item: Supported by Natinal Natural Science Fundation of China (29973030), Natural Science Fundation of Hubei Province (98J052) and Post-doctoral Science Fundation of China Biography, SHEN Xue-song (1956-), Associate professor Research direction: biothermochemistry.  相似文献   

Flavonols are plant pigments that are ubiquitous in nature. Morin and other related plant flavonols have come into recent prominence because of their usefulness as anticancer, anti-tumor, anti-AIDS, and other important therapeutic activities of significant potency and low systemic toxicity. The heat of combustion of morin (molecular formula, C15H10O7·H2O) in oxygen was measured by a rotating-bomb type combustion calorimeter, the standard molar enthalpy of combustion of morin at T = 298.15 K was determined to be Δc H m (C15H10O7·H2O, s) = −(5 937.99 ± 2.99) kJ · mol−1. The derived standard molar enthalpy of the formation of morin in solid powder state at T = 298.15 K, Δf H m (C15H10O7·H2O, s), was −(1 682.12 ± 3.58) kJ · mol−1, which provide an accurate data of the stability of morin to the pharmacy and pharmacology. Biography: HOU Hanna(1956–), female, Visiting researcher, Associate professor of Hubei University of Education, research direction: thermochemistry.  相似文献   

Native arsenic together with comb quartz and stibnite is found in the Baogutu gold deposit, western Junggar (Xinjiang), NW China. It is anhedral with various grain size (<0.001 to 2 mm), and contains 98 wt% to 98.7 wt% As. Micro-granular electrum, the main auriferous mineral in the Baogutu gold deposit, is commonly enclosed in or closely accompanied by native arsenic. Three ore-forming paragenetic stages could be identified. Native arsenic mainly formed at stage II which is also the major stage for gold deposition. Mineral assemblage formed at this stage is native arsenic-stibnite-electrum-arseno- pyrite-miargyrite-freibergite-pyrrhotite-pyrite. Based on native arsenic and its coexisting minerals, the temperature (230 to 170℃), oxygen fugacity (logfO2 = −42―−56.5) and sulfur fugacity (logf S2 = −13.3― −16.6) of stage II are estimated. From stage I to stage II, the temperature, sulfur fugacity and S2− con-centration of hydrothermal fluid decrease obviously, whereas the As concentration increases. Coexis-tence with native arsenic of electrum and its contents of 0.5 wt%―1.3 wt% As suggest that As is im-portant to transport Au when S2− concentration decrease in hydrothermal fluid. Crystallization of native arsenic induced the deposition of electrum and consequently the formation of the Baogutu gold deposit.  相似文献   

We study the spaces Hp, Sp, Kp, ∑p and ,p of martingales with measure du=ψdυ,where ψ is a function with Clifford algebra values and satisfies bp+-condition. We proved they are equivalent and isomorphic to the corresponding spaces of martingales with real measure dυ, respectively(1≤p<∞). In the end,we give a martingale f such that f=(fn) ∞∈1K∞ but f=(E(ψ| n)fn)n≥ ∈1K∞.  相似文献   

The thermokinetic reduced extent equations of reversible inhibitions for Michaiels-Menten enzymatic reaction were deduced, and then the criteria for distinguishing inhibition type was given and the methods for calculating kinetic parameters,K M,K i andv m were suggested. This theory was applied to inverstigate the inhibited thermokinetics of laccase-catalyzed oxidation ofo-dihydroxybenzene bym-dihydroxybenzene. The experimental results show the inhibition belongs to reversible competitive type,K M=6.224×10−3 mol·L−1,K i=2.363×10−2 mol·L−1. Xiong Ya: born Sep. 1961, Ph. D. graduate student. Curent research interest is in biothermochemistry research Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of the type △nf f^p=0 in quaternionie Heisenberg group, where △n is the quaternionic Heisenberg Laplacian. It is proved that, un der suitable conditions on p and f. the only solution of △nf f^P=0 is f=0.  相似文献   

Holub proved that any bounded linear operator T or -T defined on Banach space L 1(μ) satisfies Daugavet equation1+‖T‖=Max{‖I+T‖, ‖I-T‖}.Holub's theorem is generalized to the nonlinear case: any nonlinear Lipschitz operator f defined on Banach space l 1 satisfies1+L(f)=Max{L(I+f), L(I-f)},where L(f) is the Lipschitz constant of f. The generalized Holub theorem has important applications in characterizing the invertibility of nonlinear operator.  相似文献   

The limit behavior of Julia set J(fd,c) for polynomials fd,c(z) = zd + c is considered. That { J( fd,c) } d≥2 converges to the unit circle S1 in Hausdorff metric for some fixed parameter c is proved and some examples showing { J( fd,C) } d≥2 has no limit are given.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionTherehasbeenincreasingconcernabouttheenvironmentaleffectsofoestrogensandxenoestrogens[1 ] .17α ethynylestradiol(EE2 ) (Fig .1)isasyntheticestrogenicsteroidthathastherapeuticuses (e.g .Oralcontraception) .Syntheticestrogensaregenerallymorestableinwaterthannaturalestrogensandhavegreaterpotency.Theyaredifficulttobeabsolutelyremovedfromwastewatersbyprimaryandsecondarytreatment.Thedegradationchemistryofthiscom poundhasnotbeenextensivelystudied .Therearefewpublishedarticlesstudying…  相似文献   

Suppose that P=(p\-1, p\-2, ..., p\-M)\% is a probability vector with p\-i>0 and Y={1, 2, ..., M}. Let (Y, 2\+Y, μ) be a probability space with μ(i)=p\-i, i=1, 2, ..., M, and (∑\-M, B, m)= Π \+∞\-0(Y, 2\+U, μ). It is shown that for any a \%(0≤a ≤1) \%, there exists a set U∈B such that m(U)=a and the Julia set associated with U is equal to the Julia set associated with ∑\-M\%. Moreover repelling fixed points with respect to U are dense in the Julia set associated with U.  相似文献   

We consider the Poisson integral u = P*μ on the half-space R+^N+1 ( N 〉 1 ) (or on the unit ball of the complex plane) of some singular measureμ. If μ is an s-measure (0 〈 s 〈 N), then some sharp estimates of the integration of the harmonic function u near the boundary are given. In particular, we show that fpr p〉1,∫R^Nu^p(x,y)dx- y^-τ (y〉0,τ =(N-s)(p-1) ) (Given for p〉1, RN f 〉 0 and g 〉 0, " f-g " will mean that there exist constants C1 and C2, such that C1f ≤ g ≤ CEf ).  相似文献   

Gelsolin is an important cytoskeletal protein of platelets and studies have shown a close relationship between gelsolin and cardiovascular disease.However,the role of gelsolin in the development of coronary heart disease(CHD) is unclear.In this study,we record the distribution of gelsolin in human platelets and plasma and its association with different types of CHD.This study included 114 cases,with 33 stable angina pectoris(SAP) cases,81 acute coronary syndrome(ACS) cases—composed of 39 unstable angina pectoris(UAP) and 42 acute myocardial infarction(AMI) cases,and 31 healthy control participants.Gelsolin concentration in platelet rich plasma(PRP) and platelet poor plasma(PPP),actin filament(F-actin) and Gc-globulin of PPP were determined by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay(ELISA).The fluorescence intensity of CD62p and cytoplasmic calcium([Ca2+] i) in human platelets measured by flow cytometry.We also used turbidimetry to detect the platelet aggregation rate(PAR).We analyzed the correlation between platelet gelsolin concentration and CD62p or plasma F-actin levels among each different patient group.Compared with the control group,the gelsolin level in PRP of UAP and AMI groups increased significantly(P<0.01),while the gelsolin level in PPP of all the three patient groups decreased markedly(P<0.01),and the CD62p,PAR,[Ca2+] i of platelets,F-actin and Gc-globulin of the UAP and AMI groups increased significantly(P<0.01).Compared with the SAP group,the gelsolin level in PRP,the PAR,[Ca2+] i of platelets and CD62p of other two groups increased significantly(P<0.01),F-actin of the AMI group increased markedly(P<0.01).Platelet cytoskeleton protein dynamics vary among the different types of CHD.Platelet gelsolin levels are markedly increased and accompanied by increased platelet activity,F-actin and [Ca2+] i of ACS patients,while gelsolin levels in PPP are markedly lower.Abnormally increased platelet gelsolin levels show high positive correlation with the level of platelet activity.Therefore,platelet gelsolin might be a novel molecular marker and/or a new potential therapeutic target of anti-platelet therapy of ACS.  相似文献   

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