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A deep seismic sounding profile across the Tianshan Mountains   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The deep seismic sounding profile across the Tianshan Mountains revealed a two-layer crustal structure in the Tianshregion, namely the lower and upper crusts. Lateral variations of layer velocity and thickness are evidently shown. Low-velocity layers spread discontinuously at the bottom of the upper crust. The Moho depth is 47 km in the Kuytun area and 50 km in the Xayar area. In the Tianshan Mountains, the Moho becomes deeper with the maximum depth of 62 km around the boundary between the southern and northern Tianshan Mountains. The average velocity ranges from 6.1 to 6.3 km/s in the crust and 8.15 km/s at the top of the upper mantle. Two groups of reliable reflective seismic phases of the Moho (Pm1 and Pm2) are recognized on the shot record section of the Kuytun area. A staked and offset region, 20-30 km long, is displayed within a shot-geophone distance of 190-210 km in Pm1 and Pm2. Calculation shows that the Moho is offset by 10 km in the northern Tianshan region, 62 km deep in the south while 52 km deep in the north, and plunges northwards. In comparison with typical collisional orogenic belts, the structure of the Moho beneath the Tianshan Mountains presents a similar pattern. This can be used to explain the subduction of the Tarim plate towards the Tianshan Mountains. This intracontinental subduction is considered the dynamic mechanism of the Cenozoic uplifting of the Tianshan Mountains. The discovery of seismic phases Pm1 and Pm2 serves as the seismological evidence for the northward subduction of the Tarim plate.  相似文献   

The Tianshan Mountains are an important active structural belt in the interior of Eurasia. By integrated methods of surface geology survey and interpretation of seismic profiles, we distinguish fold scarps located at the south limb of the Kuqatawu anticline and the north limb of the Dongqiulitag anticline in the Kuqa rejuvenation foreland thrust belt, south piedmont of central segment of the Tianshan Mountains. Fold scarp is a newly found structural phenomenon. Because of the bend of thrust plane and the movement of hanging wall above the thrust plane, the original horizontal deposits of hanging wall and their surface become a monocline structure, resulting from the separating and migration of the active and fixed axial surfaces. Measuring the geometry of fold scarp and using the data of age of the deformed deposits, the crustal shortening rate resulting from the deeply seated subsurface thrust is calculated. The crustal shortening rate reflected by the fold scarp located at the north limb of the Dngqiulitag anticline is (1±0.1) mm/a. The fold scarps of the Dongqiulitag anticline and the Kuqatawu anticline identify that the deformation process of the crustal compressive structures in the Kuqa area extends into the Late Quaternary.  相似文献   

Based on the multiple-epoch Global Positioning System observations during a period from 1992 to 1999, we document directly a rapid crustal shortening of ~20 mm/a across the western Tianshan Mts. (76°E), in contrast to a 4 mm/a convergent rate across the eastern Tianshan Mts. (87°E)and the north-south convergence across the mountain belt descends laterally from west to east. The direction of current crustal movement inferred by GPS sites along the southern flank of the Tianshan Mts. is approximately perpendicular to the easterly-trending mountain belt, indicating that the Tarim Basin thrust almost rightly into the Tianshan Mts. The Tarim Basin accommodates nearly no or a minor, if any, crustal deformation and rotates clockwise, as a rigid body in a whole, at a rate of 0.64°/Ma around a Euler pole at 95.7°E, 40.3°N (Anxi, Gansu) with respect to the stable Siberia. The relative motion between the Kazakh platform and the Dzungarian Basin is quite apparent. The Dzungar should be regarded as an independent active block from the view of the Asia tectonic settings.  相似文献   

中天山冰达坂一带斜长花岗岩的地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过地质和地球化学特征的研究,认为中天山隆起带北缘冰达坂地区的斜长花岗岩具有明显的幔源性质,但由于富集轻稀土和选择性富集大用于亲石元素,故其形成环境与岛弧构造体制有关,是被俯冲组分(或上壳岩石)所改造了的地幔岩浆在浅成条件下演化的产物。  相似文献   

For better studying the relationship between the rifts and deep structure, a detailed P-wave velocity structure under eastern Tibet has been modeled using 4767 arrival times from 169 teleseismic events recorded by 51 portable stations. In horizontal slices through the model, a prominent low-velocity anomaly was detected under the rifts from the surface to a depth of ~250 km; this extends to a depth of ~400 km in the vertical slice. This low-velocity anomaly is interpreted as an upper mantle upwelling. The o...  相似文献   

利用接收函数方法研究大盈江断裂两侧S波速度结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 利用研究区(24.2°~25.2°N,97.5°~98.5°E)内大盈江断裂两侧5个流动数字地震台站记录到的宽频带远震P波波形数据进行接收函数反演,得到台站下方0~100km深度范围内地壳、上地幔S波速度细结构.结果表明:研究区内,以大盈江断裂为界,其西北侧Moho面深度约为38km;东南侧Moho面深度为40~42km.断裂两侧地壳、上地幔S波速度结构存在显著差异,东南侧台站下方地壳和上地幔均存在大范围低速区;西北侧台站下方地壳内存在低速层,而上地幔中无明显低速层.研究区内的S波速度结构存在明显的横向非均匀性.  相似文献   

次声台站环境背景噪声源特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气象要素是影响次声台站背景噪声建模的重要因素,为确定各气象要素对模型的具体影响,探明次声台站环境背景噪声的产生根源,采用研究均方根值、功率谱密度对比分析的方法对国际次声台站I34的次声数据和气象数据进行了处理和分析,分析了各气象要素产生台站环境背景噪声的原因。结果表明:风速、风向、温度和压强为影响次声台站环境背景噪声的主要因素,其中风速对背景噪声的影响程度最大。分析结果可为次声台站背景噪声建模提供理论依据。  相似文献   

In Tuoyun area of southwestern Tianshan, mantle and lower crust xenoliths are present in the volcanic rocks with ages of 101–123 Ma. Mantle xenoliths include mineral megacrysts such as kaersutite and pargasite, feldspar, biotite, and rare pyroxene and rock fragments such as perodotite, pyroxenite, amphibolite, and rare glimmerite. Lower crust xeno-liths are mainly banded and massive granulite. The volcanic rocks were produced by within-plate magmatism. Occurrence of hydrous and volatile mineral megacrysts, amphibolite, and some pyroxenite containing hydrous and volatile minerals indicates that mantle metasomatism was intense. Undoubtedly, this discovery is very important to understanding of the crust-mantle structure and geodynamic background in depth in southwestern Tianshan and geological correlation with adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Using accelerating mass spectrometry (AMS) dating method, a dating has been made on the primary calcium carbonate in tills and secondary calcium carbonate coating on till gravel and the roche moutonnee formed since the Last Glaciation at the source area of the Urumqi River valley in the Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China. The results reveal that the carbonate content in the tills in this noncarbonate area is high enough to date by AMS, that the carbon in the coatings on the newly exposed roche moutons and in the modern till is modern carbon and so the14C dating results in the ancient till can represent the actual ages of the till formation, and that the warm period during the Holocene began as early as 6 500 a B. P. and lasted to 1 800 a B. P.  相似文献   

南天山伊契克巴什组生物群含有腕足、珊瑚、头足和苔藓虫动物化石,通过鉴定,其中有腕足动物Eospirifer tingia,Eospirifer sp.,Tuvaella gigantean,Nalivkinia grunewaldtiaeformis;珊瑚动物Palaeo favosites sp.,头足动物Sichuanoceras sp,和遗迹化石线形迹的Gordia属,根据化石生物群和沉积特征.作者认为该组地层时代大致应归属中志留世。从生物群生态特征来看,反映了稳定低能的正常浅海环境,说明南天山中志留世沉积海域与中国南、北海域是广泛相通的。  相似文献   

分析小掠射角海底反射特性与浅海环境噪声场垂直相关的关系,从而提取表征海底反射的参数.对某海域浅水区观测的海洋环境噪声数据进行垂直相关特性研究,并用于反演海底参数.鉴于海底参数之间存在耦合,采用分步反演的方法:首先利用曲线拟合或经验公式的方法获取海底反射相位,然后再反演海底反射幅度,最后将反演结果用于同海区的爆炸声声场预报,预报结果和试验测量相比,相对误差均小于10%.根据本文建立的噪声场垂直相关模型提取小掠射角海底反射参数,不需要限定特定的海底模型,反射损失中还包括界面散射的影响,可以有效地预报声场.  相似文献   

The fluctuation of alpine timberline, which can serve as a good indicator for Holocene climate, is the syn-thetically effective results of many environmental fac-tors during geological and historical periods and mod-ern times. In recent years, researches …  相似文献   

为了研究桥梁声发射检测中的噪音特征,并得到相应的除噪方法,在一座预应力钢筋混凝土公路桥的箱梁内部进行了声发射试验.通过对环境噪音声发射信号的波形图分析、参数关联分析、以及声发射源平面定位时定位组传感器所接收信号的逻辑分析,得到了环境噪音声发射信号的基本特征,并总结了相应的除噪方法.研究表明,通过设置合适的采集门槛以及采集频率范围,可以达到很好的除噪效果,另外,在进行声发射源定位时,利用声发射信号参数的逻辑关系分析,可以进一步滤除已经形成事件的环境噪音,同时,对定位图进行聚类,可以使聚类中心更趋于声发射源.  相似文献   

利用WRF中尺度数值模式对2010年6月22日~23日发生在新疆北天山东段的一次暴雨过程进行数值模拟研究,重点探讨了暴雨过程形成演变的动力与微物理机制。结果表明,控制北疆的西北气流遇到博格达山脉,在迎风坡的强迫抬升作用下,形成对流单体并维持加强。降水蒸发冷却与摩擦拖曳产生的下沉气流紧贴迎风坡地表下泄,与环境西北气流对冲辐合引起对流区域由山坡向山前扩展。霰通过收集云水增长是降水形成的主要微物理机制。当云水被上升气流输送至-20℃以上时,能有效促进霰的增长过程,霰碰并雨滴(低层)及冰雪晶(高层)为霰增长的次要机制。  相似文献   

 西天山成矿带位于伊犁地块东缘,该成矿带发育大量海相火山岩型铁矿床。近年来,随着新疆新一轮铁矿找矿勘查与评价的开展,西天山成矿带勘查工作取得重大进展,相继发现了查岗诺尔、智博、备战、敦德、松湖等大型富铁矿床,该成矿带已成为新疆乃至全国重要的大型富铁矿成矿带之一。但该成矿带铁矿床研究目前仍处于初步阶段,铁矿床成因机制的研究程度较低,成矿动力学背景的讨论仍存争议,大规模铁矿床富集机制亟待解决,该类型铁矿床的勘查找矿标志急需总结。在综述国内外铁矿床分类及研究进展的基础上,分析了西天山成矿带重要铁矿床的地质特征和研究现状,并据此提出了存在的主要问题和研究展望,旨在推动西天山铁矿床的成因研究和找矿勘查。  相似文献   

The Huoerguosi anticline, located in the north Tianshan Mountains piedmont fold-and-thrust belt, is a trending east-west fault-related fold. In the cross section along the Jingou River, its south limb is composed of the pre-growth strata of the Anjihaihe (E2.3a), the Shawan ((E3-N1)s), the Taxihe (N1t) and the lower part of the Dushanzi (N2d) Formations, trending east-west and dipping to south 55°, and the growth strata of the upper part of the Dushanzi (N2d) and Xiyu ((N2-Q1)x) Formations, dips of which decrease from 55° at the base of the growth strata to 47° at the bottom of the Xiyu ((N2-Q1)x) Formation to -0° at the top of the Xiyu ((N2-Q1)x) Formation. The strata at the north limb of the anticline are vertical or over-turned, and are cut by the breakthrough thrusts to result in the drag fold. In the depth, the anticline is symmetric, and its core comprises the Cretaceous and the Jurassic coal-bearing beds. In the seismic profile, the seismic reflectors of pre-growth strata at the south limb of the anticline dip to south constantly, and ones of the growth strata fan southward, whose dips decrease upward. The geometry of the south limb growth strata outcropped along the Jingou River valley and the deep structure of the anticline shown in the seismic profile indicate that the Huoerguosi anticline is a detachment fold anticline growing by limb rotation. Based on the growth model and magnetostratigraphic age, during the growing process of the Huoerguosi anticline, the average shortening rate absorbed by the south limb is -0.46 mm/a, and the average uplifting rate of the anticline is -0.86 mm/a which exceeds the average deposition rate, which is in accordance with the fact that the top of the anticline is intensely eroded. Considering symmetric geometry of the Huoerguosi anticline and ignoring the breakthrough thrusts, the shortening of the whole anticline should be more than -0.92 mm/a, doubling the shortening rate determined from the growth at the south limb.  相似文献   

The genesis of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Dahalajunshan group, mainly consisting of trachytes and trachy-andesites and distributing widely in western Tianshan Mountains, remains to be controversial. It has been proposed to be relevant to “rift” or “plume”. Detailed petrology and geochemical data presented in this paper show that these volcanic rocks represent typical continental arc magmatism. The volcanic rocks are mainly trachy-andesitic, and the magma source is enriched in LILE, Th and Pb, and depleted in HFSE and Ce. Trace element geochemical study suggests that the basalts could be modeled by 7% -11% partial melt of garnet Iherzolite. The volcanic rocks in the Dahalajunshan group are neither the products of “rift” nor so-called “plume”but represent the continental island arc of the Paleo-Southern Tianshan Ocean. The mantle wedge had been modified by the melt generating in subduction zone during a long evolution history of this island arc. The continental crust materials (i.e. mainly sediment on ocean floor) had been added into island arc through melt in subduction zone. Volcanic rocks occurring in different regions might represent magma eruption in different time. The zircon SHRIMP dating indicates that the ages of the basalt varies between 334.0 Ma and 394.9 Ma. The 13 analyses give an average age of 353.7±4.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.7). The apparent ages of zircons in trachy-andesite vary between 293.0 Ma and 465.4 Ma. All analyses fall on the U-Pb concordant line and are divided into two groups. 8 analyses produce an average age of 312.8±4.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.7), which represents the crystallizing age of zircon rims in trachy-andesite. The acquired two ages (i.e. 354 and 313 Ma) belong to the Early Carboniferous and Late Carboniferous epochs, respectively. Thus, the Dahalajunshan group would be separated into several groups with the accumulation of high-quality age dating and data of trace element and isotopic geochemistry, in our opinion.  相似文献   

A portable 3-component broadband digital seismic array was deployed across the Tianshan orogenic belt (TOB) to investigate the lithospheric structure. Based on receiver function analysis of the teleseismic P-wave data, a 2-D S-wave velocity profile of the boundary area of the TOB and the Tarim Basin was obtained at the depths of 0--80 km.Our results reveal a vertical and lateral inhomogeneity in the crust and uppermost mantle. Four velocity interfaces divide the crystalline crust into the upper, middle and lower crust. A low velocity zone is widely observed in the upper-middle crust. The depth of Moho varies between 42 and 52 km. At the north end of the profile the Moho dips northward with a vertical offset of 4--6 km, which implies a subduction front of the Tarim Basin into the TOB. The Moho generally appears as a velocity transitional zone except beneath two stations in the northern Tarim Basin, where the Moho is characterized by a typical velocity discontinuity. The fine velocity structure and the deep contact deformation of the crust and upper most mantle delineate the north-south lithospheric shortening and thickening in the boundary area of the TOB and the Tarim Basin, which would be helpful to constructing the geodynamical model of the intracontinental mountain-basin-coupling system.  相似文献   

为研究噪音环境下桥梁损伤的声发射定位方法,并获取相应的技术参数,在一座运营中的预应力钢筋混凝土桥梁的箱梁内部进行了声发射定位试验,通过定位参数的选取、断铅模拟损伤的声发射定位试验、声发射信号的滤波除噪、定位图聚类等一系列试验,达到了比较满意的定位效果,定位误差控制在50 mm以内,并获得了桥梁检测中的声发射门槛值、定位波速以及三个定位时间参数值[峰值定义时间(PDT)、撞击定义时间(HDT)、撞击锁闭时间(HLT)]。试验结果表明,在运营桥梁上进行声发射损伤定位时,门槛值设为40 d B可以滤除大部分环境噪音,同时通过关联图对比分析、利用数字滤波除噪,并对定位图进行聚类,可以进一步提高定位精度,最终误差可以控制在50 mm以内。研究结果可为声发射损伤定位技术在桥梁检测及监测方面的推广应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the eclogite facies rocks of the Hasiate slice in the western Tianshan Mountains were formed at the early stage of Devonian (401 Ma) and had been uplifted to the greenschist facies tectonic level in the middle stage of Devonian (381 Ma). The formation and uplift of the blueschists of the Akesayi slice are constrained to the late stage of Devonian (370─364 Ma). The different tectonic slices in the high-pressure metamorphic belt have experienced the different uplift history.  相似文献   

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