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Yong Zheng Jinjiang Zhang Jiamin Wang Bo Zhang Xiaoxian Wang Meng Wang 《科学通报(英文版)》2014,59(9):874-885
The Himalayan orogen characterized by very high variability in tectonic and climatic processes,and is thus regarded as a natural laboratory for investigating the coupling of tectonics and climate,as well as the influence of this coupling on geomorphological processes.This study uses apatite fission track(AFT)dating of samples from a45-km-long section crossing the Great Himalaya Crystalline Complex(GHC)in the Nyalam area,southern Tibet,to constrain the timing and rate of late Cenozoic denudation.The AFT ages can be divided into two groups:(1)15–6 Ma,to the north of Nyalam town,for which the bestfit line of elevation-age has a gentle slope of 0.05,and for which a denudation rate of 0.27 mm/a is calculated;and(2)3–1 Ma,south of Nyalam town,for which the best-fit line has a steep slope of 0.64,and for which a denudation rate of 1.32 mm/a is calculated.The whole AFT ages has a positive correlation with sample elevation(i.e.,older ages are found at higher elevations),and the geographical location of the point of inflexion of the two fitted lines corresponds closely to the junction of Poqu River near Nyalam town.By integrating the AFT data with thermotectonic modeling,it can be inferred that the GHC has experienced two different periods of denudation:(1)slow denudation during middle to late Miocene(15–6 Ma)is recorded in the northern part of the GHC;and(2)rapid denudation from the Pliocene to the Pleistocene(3–1 Ma)is recorded in the southern part of the GHC.An abrupt change in denudation rate occurred between the two periods,with the Pliocene–Pleistocene denudation rate being five times higher than that during the Miocene.This abrupt change in denudation rate during Pliocene pervaded the Himalayan orogen,and was roughly synchronous with a marked change in global climate at 4–3 Ma,and intensification of the Asian monsoon.Importantly,the later period of rapid denudation in the study region closely coupled to the mean annual precipitation,while there is no clear evidence for large-scale faulting activity and associated uplift during this period.Therefore,climate(precipitation)is inferred to be the main cause of the rapid denudation of the Himalayan orogen since the Pliocene. 相似文献
The HP-UHP metamorphic terrane of Jiangling, eastern Dabieshan comprises extensively distributed granitic gneisses, mica-schists and numerous eclogite blocks. The mica-schists generally contain garnet, phengitic muscovite, biotite, plagioclase, quartz, rutile and a small amount of epidote and hornblende. Study on petrography and phases equilibria in the NCKMnFMASH system indicates that the present mineral assemblages in mica-schists are not in equilibrium. The earlier stage of mineral assemblage represented by garnet and phengite reflects a HP-UHP condition. The garnet compositions and the phengite Si contents give a PT condition of 580-00 ℃ at 2.6-2.8 GPa. The garnet zonation records an earlier progressive metamorphic process which may be associated with the appearance of glaucophane, jadeite and lawsonite. The later stage of mineral assemblage characterized by the presence of biotite and plagioclase reflects a PT condition of 620-635℃ at 0.9-1.1 GPa, belonging to the HP amphibolite facies. The main mineral assemblage in mica-schists from the Jiangling region has recorded a complete HP-UHP metamorphic process. 相似文献
采用等温蒸发法研究了四元含锂铷氯化物体系Li+,Na+,Rb+//Cl--H2O 298.2K下的相平衡关系,测定了平衡液相的溶解度、密度和折光率.基于实验数据,绘制了该四元体系的立体图、干基图、密度-组成图和折光率-组成图.该四元体系298.2K下的介稳相图由1个共饱和点,3条单变量曲线和3个结晶区(RbCl、NaCl、LiCl·H2O)组成.将研究的结果同LiCl+KCl+RbCl+H2O体系进行了对比和分析,总结Na+和K+对三元体系Li+,Rb+//Cl--H2O的影响.应用折光率计算的经验公式对实验测定的折光率进行了验证,其最大绝对误差小于-0.0090,从而证明了实验数据的可靠性. 相似文献
本文研究了三元体系LiCl—谷氨酸—H_2O 25℃,0℃时的溶度及饱和溶液的折光率,绘制了该体系的等温相图和折光率—组成图。实验结果表明,在25℃,0℃时该体系是一个简单共饱型体系,除水合氯化锂外没有新化合物生成,体系的溶度曲线和折光率曲线均分别由两支组成,依次相应于C_5H_9NO_4,LiCl·H_2O(25℃);C_5H_9NO_4,LiCl·2H_2O(0℃)共饱点组成为: 25℃ LiCl 45.15% C_5H_9NO_4 2.05% H_2O 52.80% 0℃ LiCl 40.44% C_5H_9NO_4 0.93% H_2O 58.63%本文还利用最小二乘法拟合了计算饱和溶液折光率的经验方程式,计算结果与实验测定值相当吻合。 相似文献
科学通报 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(8):764-767
Zircon U/Pb ages were measured for Qianshan gneiss at the ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) complex in the Southern Dabie
Terrain (SDT). According to morphology, Th and U contents of eight fractions of zircon and data distribution on the discordia,
it is indicated that they should be treated as metamorphic overgrowth mixing zircons, in which the cores mainly are magmatic
and the outers were metamorphic. The intercept ages show that the gneiss underwent UHPM. There is no direct correlation for
zircon between morphological feature and genesis. 相似文献
世界旅游业发展大致经历了景点竞争、线路竞争、城市竞争、区域旅游合作四个阶段。当前,发展区域旅游是我国重要的旅游业政策之一,它对促进区域经济发展、促进无障碍的旅游者流动和旅游业经营有重要的意义。运用区域旅游相关理论,结合大别山区域旅游现实基础分析,提出大别山区域旅游合作与发展的战略对策。 相似文献
研究基于生存理论的两类博弈模型(非合作博弈与合作博弈模型)及平衡的存在性。将生存理论思想植入到非合作博弈与合作博弈模型中,构建两类新的博弈模型,并给出新模型的非合作博弈强(弱)平衡和合作博弈强(弱)平衡定义。在满足一定的条件下,得到强(弱)平衡的4个存在性定理。这一工作在理论上拓宽了博弈论的研究范畴,具有一定的现实意义。 相似文献
李仲飞 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》1995,(6)
引进了n人非合作多准则亚对策的真pare ̄'to平衡解概念,并给出了它及Pareto平衡、弱Pareto平衡、Nash平衡之间的一些关系。此外还建立了这几种解的一个统一的存在性定理. 相似文献
Geochemical characteristics and tectonic implications of HP-UHP eclogites and blueschists in southwestern Tianshan, China 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Four rock assemblages in correspondence with two different tectonic settings have been recognized in the NEE-SWW extending HP-UHP metamorphic belt in southwestern Tianshan, northwest China. Eclogite assemblage EC1 is geochemically akin to alkaline within-plate oceanic island basalt (OIB). EC2 shows affinity to enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalt (EMORB). Rare earth element (REE) and other immobile trace element characteristics of blueschist assemblage BS1 resemble those of normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt (NMORB). These three assemblages are likely formed on a seamount setting, and the prevalent presence of carbonate minerals and omphacite quartzite stripes/gobbets suggests ancient pelagic sediments including marls are probably developed upon the basaltic seamount. Whereas the geochemical characteristics of BS2 assemblage are of volcanic arc basalt-type. The seamount with the pelagic sediments on it is brought into the subduction zone, and volcanic arc basalts formed on the active continental margin and trench sediments are eroded and enwrapped in the subducting mass, they are altogether subjected to high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphism and subsequent exhumation towards surface. The HP-UHP metamorphic belt is thus interpreted as a subduction-accretionary complex formed by tectonic juxtaposition and imbrication of seamount, seafloor, trench and volcanic arc sequences during oceanic crust subduction. 相似文献
测定了正庚烷-苯甲醇部分互溶系统在308~325K范围内的过量体积V_m~E,根据V_m~E的不连续性确定了该系统的液-液平衡数据,与文献值一致。用UNIQUAC和流体混合物的双格子模型对液-液平衡数据进行了关联,得到满意的结果。 相似文献