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根据动态卡尔曼滤波理论,结合GPS监测地壳形变数据处理的特点,构建了动态卡尔曼滤波计算地壳运动漂移速度的数学模型.结合IGS的GPS连续观测网络部分站点的多期数据,使用精密定位定轨软件GAMIT进行定位计算,获得高精度的站点坐标.将坐标作为具有先验方差信息的准观测值,设置站点漂移速度为未知数,进行卡尔曼滤波漂移速度的估计.计算结果与已有结果的比较表明,卡尔曼滤波漂移速度估计可以达到mm级的精度,可用于GPS监测地壳形变进行漂移速度的估计.  相似文献   

Through GPS carrier phases observation in southwestern China during 1991–1997, the velocity field within eastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) and its neighbour regions has been established. The velocity of those sites in and west of Chuan-Dian block is mostly 5–10 mm · a™1 relative to the fiduciary station CHDU (Chengdu), and the motion in Chuan-Qing and Yangtze blocks east of the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault is weak with a velocity of about 0–7 mm · a−1. The velocity vector in these areas indicates a clockwise rotation vortex rather than the so-called intensive eastward pushing or eastward escape. The main pattern of the crustal deformation is a clockwise rotation vortex structure and a differential slip along the boundary fault between different blocks.  相似文献   

We obtain a unified horizontal velocity field of continental China and vicinity through measurements at 81 GPS stations provided by the National Key Infrastructure Project, Crustal Movement Observation Network of China. The velocity field delineates patterns of movements and deformation of active crustal blocks in continental China under the Eurasia-fixed reference frame. The space-based geodesy also clearly shows for the first time the horizontal movement and deformation of continental China induced by indentation of the Indian plate. The data provide kinematic constraints for simulating dynamic process of continental lithospheric deformation.  相似文献   

利用覆盖山西蒲县地区的24景Sentinel-1A升轨影像,分别采用永久散射体雷达差分干涉测量(PS-InSAR)与短基线集雷达干涉(SBAS)技术对研究区域2019-01-2019-12的地表进行时序形变监测,获取蒲县地区疑似滑坡体位置、范围及滑坡速率,并对两种监测结果进行对比,深入分析滑坡隐患的可能性成因.结果 表明,两种时序InSAR技术采集的形变信息大致相同,蒲县大部分地区趋于稳定状态,年平均形变速率在-10 ~10mm/a;其中存在4处位置一致、形变明显的疑似滑坡点,分别是半沟村罗克线两侧、水泉窊015乡道附近、郭家山周边及井子洼村赵克路沿线.  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)是以复数据提取的相位信息为源获取地表三维信息,与传统的获取数字高程模型的方法相比,InSAR技术在获取DEM方面具有全天候、大范围、高精度等优势。详细介绍了基于InSAR的DEM获取数据处理流程及方法。  相似文献   

InSAR技术在西藏玛尼强震区的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为测量 1997年 11月 9日西藏玛尼里氏 7.4级地震震前一年的地壳形变和震时同震形变 ,以地震震中为图像中心的 5 0 km× 5 0 km范围内 ,选择了 5景 ERS- 1/ 2数据组成5个像对 ,并在此基础上组成 2个差分像对 ,以分别表示地震前一年形变和同震形变 ,再应用合成孔径雷达干涉测量(In SAR)技术进行处理。在同震形变差分图上 ,地震断层作用清晰可辨 ,在卫星斜距方向上可测量出近 0 .5 m的形变。结果表明 :In SAR技术对于定量研究同震形变和地震断层具有特别的优势和广阔的应用前景  相似文献   

利用InSAR生成DEM技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了InSAR生成DEM的基本原理以及数据处理流程,概述了利用InSAR生成DEM技术研究现状,并对今后的发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

天山现今地壳变形的非连续接触模型模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过有限元数值模拟的方法,利用物理接触模型模拟断裂的非连续运动,计算GPS观测结果约束下天山的地壳运动变形,探讨天山东西部差异性地壳缩短的动力学机制。研究结果表明:天山现今地壳运动方向基本为NNE—NE向,运动速度由西南往北、往东逐渐减小;在活动断裂两侧,地壳的运动状态没有大的跳变;天山现今地壳构造应力场以近南北向挤压为主,这种应力环境导致地壳发生与之相应的近南北向缩短变形;受到山体内部块体几何形态和力学性质差异的影响,天山的地壳变形并不均匀,而且地壳缩短的主方向在东西部出现微小变化:中部为近N—S向,往西偏为NNW向,往东偏为NE向;塔里木盆地的顺时针旋转导致它对天山的挤压强度由西向东逐渐减弱,在这种西强东弱的不对等挤压作用下,天山便呈现出由西向东逐渐减弱的差异性地壳缩短变形特征。  相似文献   

Seasonal vertical crustal motions in China detected by GPS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
By analyzing daily continuous data of Chinese Global Positioning System (GPS) fiducial network with 25 sites from 1999 to 2001, seasonal altitude variations with amplitude of 3-10 mm are detected. Most part of the variations can be explained by the seasonal vertical crustal movements caused by atmospheric pressure variation and mass loading redistribution of non-tidal ocean loading, snow, and soil moisture. Nevertheless, there exists a systematic discrepancy between GPS deduced result and the counterpart predicted by combining various geophysical sources. Much longer time series of GPS site coordinates and further studies are still needed to give out a reasonable interpretation for this discrepancy.  相似文献   

InSAR技术提取矿区DEM方法研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点研究了应用InSAR提取矿区DEM的技术方法,探讨了数据选取和实际数据处理时针时矿区特点应注意的问题,时进一步提高DEM精度提出了建议.  相似文献   

Using discontinue deformation analysis(DDA) method we analyzed the characters of the crustal deformation of Chinese mainland in this study form the velocity field revealed by 308 GPS stations. The result shows that the current N-S compression rate and W-E extension rate of the south Tibetan plateau are 1.40 × 10-8/a and 1.81 × 10-8/a, and that of Tiansan block are 2.59× 10-8/a and 0.62× 10-8/a. The Altyn Tagh is a left-lateral strike slip fault with a current slip rate of 8-12 mm/a, and the clockwise rotating rate of Tarim and Gansun-Qinghai block are -8.7 and -8.1 nrad/a, respectively, with respect to the Eurasia plate. According to the boundary condition of Chinese mainland respect to the Eurasia obtained from the DDA model, a two-dimension discontinuous finite element method(DFEM) model was built. Using this model, we evaluated the relationships between the slipping of Altyn Tagh and the crustal deformation and dynamics of Chinese mainland, and found that the slip of Altyn Tagh has influence on compression of Tibetan plateau, rotating of Tarim basin and Gansun-Qinghai block, the region absorbing the energy generated by the collision of Indio Plate and Eurasia plate, the ability and method of energy transferring toward east and the deformation of both Ordos block and North-China block. Further more, the slip of Altyn-Qiliansan Tagh strongly effects the stress field in most part of north-south seismic belt. The crustal deformation and tectonic activities of Chinese mainland west is mainly caused by the block boundary stress generated by the movement of India Plate, and it also influences some area of the east mainland through slipping along Altyn-Qiliansan Tagh. In some Part of east China and south east of China, the small-scale mantle convection and the effect of denudating can not be ignored.  相似文献   

GPS与InSAR数据融合的研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPS与InSAR数据融合研究是一个极具潜力的研究方向。本文在详细论述其研究现状的基础上,探讨了它的研究特点、应用优势。针对其研究现状,讨论了其在基本概念、相位解缠算法、水汽模型和大气层延迟改正模型、时间域与空间域的融合模型和算法、精度评定和质量控制等研究方面的问题.为GPS与InSAR数据融合提出了基本的研究框架。  相似文献   

Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (for short, InSAR) is a new kind of earth observation technology, which has obtained great development in recent ten years and has a great development potential and successful future. In this note, three typical regions with different physiognomies and terrains have been selected as study regions to extract their Digital Elevation Model (DEMs). Compared with the existing 1: 250000 DEM and by analyzing their results, we have obtained its accuracy and applicable scopes. The results show that in the region (plains, mountains or highlands) with dry surface and sparse vegetation, because of the better correlatability of images, the DEM obtained by InSAR is evidently better than the existing 1: 250000 DEM and the accuracy can reach 4–6 m; in the thick-vegetation-covering region, correlatability between images descends and the accuracy of InSAR DEM can only reach about 30 m worse than its existing 1: 250000 DEM; in the middle covering field, the accuracy of InSAR DEM with tandem images can reach about 10 m as well; yet in water space, such as lakes and rivers, InSAR DEM shows a big error since there is only quite faint signal reflected to the sensor. Then the conclusion has been got: in the west of China, where it has a lack-vegetation and dry ground, InSAR is completely feasible to be applied to such a complicated nature environment region.  相似文献   

Based on the bi-cubic Bessel spline function method, we have inverted the present-day crustal horizontal velocity field and deformation field in China continent by combining with 410 GPS observations, 327 seismic moment tensors of earthquakes and fault slip rates in China and its neighboring areas, and considered the geological and geophysical parameters at the same time. The results reveal that the crustal movement mostly takes on compression in SN-NE direction and extension in EW-NW direction in China continent. The continent is rotating southeast and takes on a clockwise rotation image from the west to the east, particularly in the southeast of Tibet and Chuan-dian area. Different blocks have different deformation in China continent. The south China, Ordos and Northeast block have good integrity.The deformation in the western part of China is obviously stronger than that in the eastern part. The strong strains are focused on the Himalaya, east Tibet,west Tian Shan and Chuandian block etc. The deformation at the joint of blocks is stronger than that within the blocks. The China continent deformation not only has the strike-slip faulting and extrusion feature but also has the crustal shortening and thickening feature.  相似文献   

在综合考虑空间垂直基线、时间基线和多普勒质心频率基线对干涉图去相关影响的基础上,分析和研究了时序SAR图像中优化选取一幅或多幅公共主图像的两种实用模型;结合具体的ERS-1/2SLCSAR图像,开展了PS InSAR公共主图像的优化选取试验,提出了利用基于DESCW和综合相关系数γ^m的公共主图像优化选取方法在一系列时序SAR图像中优化选取一幅或多幅公共主图像的实甩化数据处理流程。理论分析和计算数据充分表明,该数据处理流程是可行的。  相似文献   

结合序贯平差方法监测地表形变的InSAR时序分析技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于短重访周期SAR卫星影像,对黄河三角洲地表形变进行高效和持续监测的SBAS-InSAR时序分析.首先对研究区已有的SAR影像集进行干涉处理,得到干涉图,并进行大气效应校正和轨道误差去除,然后利用传统的SBAS(small baseline subset)方法获取地表形变.在此基础上,当增加新的SAR数据时,采取渐进...  相似文献   

在InSAR处理中,频谱偏移是影响干涉图质量的主要因素之一,预滤波的作用是去除干涉像对中频谱偏移引起的去相干。首先对预滤波原理进行了介绍,然后以河北省张北地区和长江三峡地区的ERS SLC数据以及青海玉树地区和山西省临汾地区的ENVISAT ASAR SLC数据为例,分别对方位向和距离向的频谱偏移进行了预滤波实验,并通过相干性直方图和相干性平均值对影响预滤波效果的因素进行了着重分析。实验表明,在主辅图像多普勒中心频率差值较大时,方位向预滤波效果明显;时间基线太长、剧烈地表形变或植被覆盖较密引起的主辅图像去相干性较大,或空间基线较短均会导致距离向预滤波效果的明显降低。  相似文献   

张庆云  李雪川  王宁 《科学技术与工程》2022,22(30):13202-13210
地面沉降是一种普遍存在的地质灾害,天津是中国地面沉降较为严重的城市之一,对地面形变特征的研究,有助于了解地面沉降分布,合理进行城市规划。基于覆盖天津地区的Sentinel-1升轨和降轨数据,使用改进的小基线时序干涉测量方法获取卫星视线向(line of sight, LOS)向形变速率场,针对沿海地区大气影响严重等问题,引用InSAR通用大气校正在线服务(generic atmospheric correction online service for InSAR, GACOS)模型去除大气误差影响。从获取的天津地区形变速度场可以看出,天津市区内形变量相对较小,市区周边的静海区、西青区存在一定的形变漏斗,最大LOS向形变量约-40 mm/a;武清区和北辰区形变量最大,有一个范围和形变量级都较大的形变漏斗,形变漏斗中心为武清区王庆坨镇,其最大LOS向形变量在升轨和降轨结果中分别为80 mm/a和99.2 mm/a,结合该区域土地利用情况,发现主要是由于产业园密集建设,导致工业和生活用水过度导致地下水超采。从形变结果可以看出,后续需要对存在形变漏斗的区域进行科学用水管理和合理城市规划,从而...  相似文献   

在回顾监测网己有各种基准设计方法的基础上,指出并分析了上述方法的缺陷性,同时针对监测网的特点,分别对监测网的空域基准设计及时域基准设计进行了新的探讨,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

SAR差分干涉测量技术及其在地表形变监测中的应用现状   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量技术(D-InSAR)是一种新的空间对地观测技术.它利用合成孔径雷达(SAR)的相位信息提取地表的三维信息和高程变化信息,可以监测地球表面和冰雪表面的微小变化,且探测地球表面位移变化的精度可达到cm量级.因此,介绍了D-InSAR的基本原理和发展概况,综述了D-InSAR在地表形变监测中的应用现状,并对D-InSAR的应用前景进行了展望、  相似文献   

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