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The coordinated development is the core of sustainable development, and the hot issue of international research.SInland water transport (IWT) is an important part of the water resources exploiting system and comprehensive transport system under socio-economic context of river basin,and also the country’s sustainable development priorities to achieve resource-conserving and environment-friendly strategy.SThis paper is based on the coordinated development content, combined Germany"s successful development experience, explored the elements and the problem of the coordinated development of IWT system of China’s national economic strategy and basin economy, water resourse system, comprehensive transport system, and system itself, and their countermeasures and suggestions,in order to facilitate rapid and coordinated development of China"s inland water transport.S  相似文献   

Positive development of renewable energy, saving and substitution of fossil energy, promotion of the energy structure adjustment are the inevitable strategy choices of China' s sustainable development. This paper discussed the China' s bioenergy resources status, development targets and technology development roadmaps. China has 136. 140 million hm^2 of marginal land, which distribute mainly in western and northern regions. There are 1 billion t of crop residues and forestry waste annually, and 300 million t can be used to produce different kinds of bioenergies. And organic waste and manure can generate 50 billion m3 of biogas. The discussed development target indicated that it can construct a biomass oilfield with the capacity of 100 million t/year and reduce 200 million t of CO2 emission by 2020. The bioenergy technology development roadmap indicated that the bioethanol mainly uses non grain starch and hemicellulose products as raw materials in the near-term (2006 -2010). The biodiesel technology will focus on the advanced production technology, FT diesel, liquefaction of biomass and raw material production technology.  相似文献   

1 Engineering science and technology have become a major drive for China's economic and social development
In the hall of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), there is a couplet collectively created by members of the CAE, which describes the engineering technology developments in both ancient and modem China. The first line describes Chinese achievements of engineering technologies in ancient times, which reads: Tracing back the five-thousand- year Chinese history, countless engineering achievements shine through the course, including the Four Great Inventions of ancient China, the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, Exploitation of the Works of Nature, Shennong' s researches and trying of hundreds of herbs, building arch bridges, excavating canals, clearing oozes and constructing dams, and building the Great Wall, extraordinary and unparalleled feats indeed!  相似文献   

Wind energy is a kind of clean renewable energy, which is also relatively mature in technology, with largescale development conditions and prospect for the commercialization. The development of wind energy is a systematic project, involving policy, law, technology, economy, society, environment, education and other aspects. The relationship among all the aspects should be well treated and coordinated. This paper has discussed the following relationships which should be well coordinated: relationship between wind resources and wind energy development, relationship between the wind turbine generator system and the components, relationship between wind energy technology and wind energy industry, relationship between off-grid wind power and grid-connected wind power, relationship between wind farm and the power grid, relationship between onshore wind power and offshore wind power, relationship between wind energy and other energies, relationship between technology introduction and self-innovation, relationship among foreign-funded, joint ventured and domestic-funded enterprises and relationship between the government guidance and the market regulation, as well as giving out some suggestions.  相似文献   

Simulation study of China’s net primary production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gao  ZhiQiang  Liu  JiYuan 《科学通报(英文版)》2008,53(3):434-443
Spatial and temporal distribution of vegetation net primary production (NPP) in China was studied using three light-use efficiency models (CASA, GLOPEM and GEOLUE) and two mechanistic ecological process models (CEVSA, GEOPRO). Based on spatial and temporal analysis (e.g. monthly, seasonally and annually) of simulated results from ecological process mechanism models of CASA, GLOPEM and CEVSA, the following conclusions could be made: (1) during the last 20 years, NPP change in China followed closely the seasonal change of climate affected by monsoon with an overall trend of increasing; (2) simulated average seasonal NPP was: 0.571±0.2 GtC in spring, 1.573±0.4 GtC in summer, 0.6±0.2 GtC in autumn, and 0.12±0.1 GtC in winter. Average annual NPP in China was 2.864±1 GtC. All the five models were able to simulate seasonal and spatial features of biomass for different ecological types in China. This paper provides a baseline for China's total biomass production. It also offers a means of estimating the NPP change due to afforestation, reforestation, conservation and other human activities and could aid people in using for-mentioned carbon sinks to fulfill China's commitment of reducing greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

我想在中等以上学校教授地理的人和其他需要地理材料的学者不免常常感觉到我们缺乏一本良好的中国地理概论。固然,科学的地学材料不能算不多,但卷帙浩瀚,初学者往往望洋兴叹,中国许多中等以上学校华业生对於本国地理观念的薄弱,这恐怕是一个主要原因吧(1)。集成的叙述虽然有,但少有可以叫我们满意的,英文方面Archibald Little之“TheFar East”在通俗地理中尚为简约明畅在英美久负盛名,但该书成於1905许多材料均嫌陈旧,且卅年来中国地学研究颇有进步已经把许多从前欧美地学家的结论推翻或改正了,再则中国经过了二十多年的革命也不能和卅…  相似文献   

In this paper, Xinjiang's coal field is selected as the investigation area. Through a series of field surveys in Xinjiang, we made the small-scale area analysis of coal field fire using the ground remote sensing technique, and presented the reasonable evaluation of thermal anomaly conditions of Xinjiang's coal field arising from coal self-ignition fires. The results show that the method of small-scale area analysis is available for examining the extinguished actuality of coal fires and detecting fire spots. Therefore, for the selected fire-extlngulshed coal field in Xinjiang, the fire extinguishing effect was effectively analyzed by the means, and the new hidden thermal dangers were sought and diagnosed. For the coal field where the fire has not been extinguished, the utilization of this means approximately identified the severity and range of the fire area, and provided the quantitative and ground references for extinguish engineering.  相似文献   

Renewable energy (RE) has been attached high attention around the world due to its carbon-free and indigenous production in a sustainable way. China enjoys plenty of renewable energy resources, particularly the wind, solar, hydro- and biomass energy, which could be a sound basis for a large-scale exploitation. This report examines the current status of RE technology and industry, analyzes the challenges of promoting RE in China. In order to pave the way for a long-term development of RE, this paper outlines the basic principles and priorities for individual RE technology. In line with these, the paper puts forward the RE targets and further describes the RE road map by 2020, 2030 and extend to 2050, taking consideration of China' s RE resources, industrial basis and energy demand etc. At last, this paper provides some recommendations to ensure the achievements of the RE targets.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查、文献资料查阅、田野调查、专家访淡等方法对云南的楚雄、红河;贵州的毕节;四川的凉山等地部分彝族山寨部落原生态传统体育文化的现状进行调查研究。发现:在现代西方体育文化的冲击下,彝族传统体育文化的生存状态正面临严重的衰退和失传等问题。针对此现状,在分析与归纳彝族原生态传统体育文化资源流失因素基础上,提出健全彝族传统体育文化的法律保护制度,重视挖掘、传承、弘扬和发展彝族传统体育文化,建立彝族原生态资源名录体系等对策与建议。  相似文献   

Manysignificantprogressesofearthscienceinthemidtolate20thcenturywerecloselyrelatedtotheinternationalDeepSeaDrillingProgram(DSDP).ThesedimentaryrecordobtainedfromunderneathseveralthousandsofseawateropenedanewwindowformankindtounderstandtheEarthanditsevolution.TheChineseearthsciencecommunitylearnedtheDSDPthroughtheintroductionoftheplatetectonictheoryinthe1970s,butdeep-seastudyremainedremoteandunrealisticforthethenChina.TheonsetoftheOceanDrillingProgram(ODP)in1985triggeredthehopeforChina…  相似文献   

In natural resources, the forage plant resources are an importantpart of agricultural natural resources, and their contents are widerthan the concept of rangeland resources. The forage plants include notonly herbage but also shrubs and arbors taken in by livestocks. Theyare the cheapest forage for feeding livestocks and serve as the materialbasis for development of livestock industry. As forage plants are akind of living natural resources through long-term natural selectionand artificial cultivation, they contain rich heredity genes and serve  相似文献   

Beijing, June 3 (Xinhua)- President Xi Jinping has vowed China will innovate in engineering to realize peaceful and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Important advances in research of sulphide ore textures in recent years have deepened our understanding of ore genesis of related mineral deposits. Pressure solution of sulphide minerals has been suggested as a mechanism for remobilization of ore materials, whereas pressure solution of the gangues is believed to raise the grade of the primary ores. We have known that precipitation of base metal sulphides from fluids prefers crystal and crack surfaces of pyrite to form overgrowth. Therefore, pyrite-bearing embryo beds in a sedimentary sequence can be acted as effective crystal seed beds and are favorable for fluid overprinting to form huge statabound deposits. Texture studies of various sulphides can be used to interpret the entire history of sedimentation, diagenesis, deformation and metamorphism of the ores. The study of chalcopyrite disease in sphalerite has brought about the idea of zone refining, and given a new explanation to metal zonation in massive sulphide deposits. Ductile shearing of sulphide ores may form ore mylonites, which will become oreshoots enriched in Cu, Au and Ag during late-stage fluid overprinting. Despite that various modern analytical techniques are being rapidly developed, ore microscopy remains to be an unreplaceable tool for ore geologists. Combined with these modern techniques, this tool will help accelerate the development of theories on ore genesis.  相似文献   

Least Privileges and Role’s Inheritance of RBAC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0 IntroductionRoalse -abna asletder ancacteisvse caonndt rsoulp p(lRemBeAnCt) t oh tahse b tereandi tcioonnsaild edries-dcretionary and mandatory access controls (DAC and MAC) .In RBAC,permissions are associated withroles ,and users aremade members of appropriate roles thereby acquiring theroles’permissions[1-4]. Unfortunately,since thereis still lackof specific definition and the necessary formalization forRBAC[5],the well-known security principles and the inherit-ance of roles cannot…  相似文献   

Geckos(Gekko gecko)use their hairy setae to adhere on various solid surfaces and dung beetles(Copris ochus Motschulsky)use their hairy bristles to anti-adhere in sticky environments.We study why two hairy systems express a conflict in functions by using SEM,histological approaches and functional experiments.Adhesion models and various parameters were collected and analyzed.Based on the morphological data and functional experimental results carried out by natural and denatured gecko setae and beetle bristles,we first demonstrated that the stiffness along the hair is 1000 to 30000 times that perpendicular to the hair.This stiffness difference is the key factor leading to the two hairy systems' functional differences.Slope of gecko setae reduces contact stiffness,increases contact points and real contact area that results in amazing adhesive abilities.On the other hand,stiff bristles in a beetle have higher contact stiffness,which reduces the real contact area and decreases the adhesion between two contact surfaces.Deformation of gecko setae destroys the hierarchical structure,increases the contact stiffness and results in a decrease of adhesion forces.Similarly,deformation of beetle bristles destroys the erect structure of the hair,interconnects the separated bristles and thus decreases the anti-adhesive functions.These observations inspire us in designing anti-adhesive and adhesive biomimetic systems  相似文献   

Geckos (Gekko gecko) use their hairy setae to adhere on various solid surfaces and dung beetles (Copris ochus Motschulsky) use their hairy bristles to anti-adhere in sticky environments. We study why two hairy systems express a conflict in functions by using SEM, histological approaches and functional experiments. Adhesion models and various parameters were collected and analyzed. Based on the morphological data and functional experimental results carried out by natural and denatured gecko setae and beetle bristles, we first demonstrated that the stiffness along the hair is 1000 to 30000 times that perpendicular to the hair. This stiffness difference is the key factor leading to the two hairy systems’ functional differences. Slope of gecko setae reduces contact stiffness, increases contact points and real contact area that results in amazing adhesive abilities. On the other hand, stiff bristles in a beetle have higher contact stiffness, which reduces the real contact area and decreases the adhesion between two contact surfaces. Deformation of gecko setae destroys the hierarchical structure, increases the contact stiffness and results in a decrease of adhesion forces. Similarly, deformation of beetle bristles destroys the erect structure of the hair, interconnects the separated bristles and thus decreases the anti-adhesive functions. These observations inspire us in designing anti-adhesive and adhesive biomimetic systems.  相似文献   

The white paper document titled“China’s Space Activities”,released in November2000by the Information Office of the State Council,represents the first time for China to fully,systematically and publicly introduce to the world China’s space development strategy and concerned policies.Its release is a milestone event in the country’s space history,bearing great importance and profound influence to its future space efforts.The paper here describes the shaping processes of some important new ideas and concepts,including the connotative meaning of“space activities in a broad sense”and the roles and positions of different sectors in such activities.It also briefly discusses related policies concerning the country’s space development and short term concepts and plans on its civil space activities.  相似文献   

Zheng  YouFei  Li  HaiTao  Wu  RongJun  Wang  LianXi 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(19):1983-1992
Global warming tends to be the major characteristics of the dramatic global climate change. To deal with these changes, the impact of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission on Chinese future economic and social development has to be assessed. In this paper, a Regional Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (RICE), which is well known and accepted widely, has been used for Chinese economic assessment of climate change after introduction, assimilation and verification. Based on a sensitivity analysis of technical parameters in the RICE model and constrained targets proposed for energy saving and emissions reduction technological advance programs of China from 2000 to 2050, the economic impact of the programs is examined. The results indicate that when technology advances, Chinese CO2 emission, climate loss, and the growth rate of atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature will all decrease. It is assumed that in 2010, the CO2 emission is 20% lower than in 2005, CO2emission in 2050 would only double the level in 2000, the accumulative CO2 emission would be decreased by 12.4 GtC, and the atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature in 2050 would reduce by 35 GtC and 0.04°C respectively from 2000 to 2050. The accumulative climate loss from 2000 to 2050 will drop down by 4.6 billion dollar, which only accounts for 6% of the global total benefits. However, the economic benefit the developed countries will obtain is 10 times that for China under such a technological advance scenario. The decrease of the CO2 emission control rate is 1% in cooperation policy while 4.6% in non-cooperation policy, which would relieve China’s burden in the control of CO2 total emission and thereby benefit China in participation of the international cooperation for CO2 emission reduction.  相似文献   

Holocene lake deposits of Bosten Lake, southern Xinjiang, China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A 9.25-m-long sediment core from Bosten Lake,Xinjiang, provides detailed information about changes in the water budget and biological acticity over the last 8400 cal-endar years. The chronology is constructed from six AMS radiocarbon dates on the terrestrial plant remains. Based onanalyses of TOC, CO3, detrital compounds and biogenic SiO2,lake level fluctuations and periods of remarkably-negative water budget appeared at 8.4-8.2 cal ka, 7.38-7.25 cal ka,5.7-5.5 cal ka, 3.7-3.4 cal ka and 3.3-2.9 cal ka, respec-tively. As they are in-phase with low lake levels at Sumxl Co and Bangong Co in western Tibet Plateau and with paleo-lakes in Inner Mongolia, a climate-induced change to some-what drier and warmer conditions is inferred. A further drop in lake level after 1320 AD of about 200 yr duration may heattributed to a negative water balance prior to the main phase of the Little Ice Age. Deep and stable lake phases of 1500 yr and 1800 yr duration at 7.2-5.7 cal ka and 5.5-3.7cal ka coincide with maximum moisture during the Holocene Megathermai in China. The long term trend towards aridity since about 4.3 cal ka can dearly be recognised. The reduced water budget of Bosten Lake from 640-1200 AD may be attributed to local effects.  相似文献   

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