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Summary Synthetic lecithin, dissolved in chloroform, is able to add salts which are non-soluble in chloroform and to transfer these at neutral pH from the aqueous into the lipoid phase. The effect is dependent on the cation concentrations and particularly on their valency. Calcium, barium, copper ions, etc., are about one hundred times more effective than sodium and potassium. Two-basic amines are also very effective. For experimental reasons, anion was, up to now, not varied and in all tests tropeoline was used.   相似文献   

Summary Dissolved in an apolar solvent (CCl4), lecithin, also when shaken with water, is present in an inactive form of low water content. Certain liposoluble substances hydratize the lipid phase and consequently the lecithin dissolved therein, converting it into the active form.The importance of lecithin for cellwallpermeability and for conduction of nerve impulses is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in water, sodium, and potassium excretion following administration of synthetic oxytocin (Syntocinon)—alone or in combination with acetazolamide— resemble the changes that occur after an equivalent dose of neurohypophysial extract containing oxytocin. Since the action of Syntocinon on water and sodium excretion is manifest when carbonic anhydrase in kidney tissue is fully inhibited by acetazolamide, it may be assumed that the mechanism whereby Syntocinon increases sodium excretion is independent of carbonic anhydrase. Oxytocin does not affect ultrafiltration in the glomeruli (Krause 4) and would therefore appear to modify the reabsorption or excretion process in the tubuli.  相似文献   

Summary The hindlimb of cat was separated from the body, the sciatic nerve remaining intact, The separated hindlimb was perfused through the femoral artery with tyrode solution. Synthetic bradykinin and kallidin injected into the femoral artery elicit vasoconstriction in the hindlimb, reflex on the systemic blood pressure, and stimulation of respiration. We assumed the cause of this reflex to be general sympathetic excitation through stimulation of chemoreceptor cells in the blood vessels of the hindlimb of the cat.  相似文献   

Summary Based on the behaviour of lecithin in a biophysical cell model, novel compounds have been developed which are regarded as phosphatide blockers in the membrane of the living cell. They inhibit neoplasms in animal experiments to a high degree, and are therefore potential chemotherapeutic agents of great interest.  相似文献   

Summary (1) The increased tissue catecholamine level of the thiamine deficient rat was shown in the atrium, the ventricle, the brain cortex and in the spleen but not in the brain stem and the adrenal gland. (2) The increased response to tyramine of the thiamine deficient heart is most probably due to the high catecholamine level caused by thiamine deficiency. (3) The increased catecholamine content in the thiamine deficient rat does not result from the increased pyruvic acid.

Herrn Professor Dr.F. Th. von Brücke zum 60. Geburtstag im Januar 1968 gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary Eels with dermal tumors, consisting mainly of undifferentiated epidermal cells, have been treated with inorganic diphosphate. Depending on concentration of the diphosphate used, the tumors show either an increased number of mucous cells or they are repelled. In the adjacent tissue of the cutis, during these processes, a great number of lymphocytes and macrophages are found. Three possibilities are offered to explain these facts, the most important of which is that the diphosphate increases the ability of the tumor cells to redifferentiate. Consequently, formation of tumor specific antigens is induced, as a result of which the tumor is destroyed by an immunbiological reaction.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the isolation of chloroplasts from powder of frozen-dried leaves without using any liquids.  相似文献   

Summary High concentrations of chlorpromazine cause a considerable decrease of the oxidative phosphorylation of tumor mitochondria and rat liver mitochondria. Regarding preliminary experimental and clinical investigations, we assume that malignant tumors can be sensitised to cytotoxic substances and ionising radiations impairing their energy metabolism by uncoupling the oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of -adrenergic receptor-inhibitors was examined in relation to the effectiveness of radioprotective agents. The results, when mice were irradiated, show that the receptor-inhibitors significantly reduced the effect of the applied protectors.  相似文献   

Summary F-antigens are glycoproteins with s 20 c , 0.1M NaCl=5.4 and a main component in SDS-polyacrylamide of molecular weight of 40,000. Separation of F-antigens is described; with the methods used they are indistinguishable.

Arbeit mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Kredit Nr. 5254.3). Herrn Dr.H. Mosimann danke ich für die Hilfe bei der analytischen Ultrazentrifugation, Frl.U. Kohler für Mitarbeit und Herstellung der Skizzen.  相似文献   

Summary The microphotometric absorptiometry of single isolated melanin granula and the photometric analysis of a KOH extract from a melanoblastoma metastasis show an extinction strongly increasing to the violet end of the spectrum, without any remarkable extinction maximum.

Die Arbeit wurde mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ausgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary Sedimentation and diffusion coefficients, partial specific volume, intrinsic viscosity, ATP-ase activity and molecular weight of cardiac myosin from calf hearts were determined. The values agree well with the results ofMueller et al.4 for cardiac myosin of the dog, and are not essentially different from values reported for skeletal myosins.1   相似文献   

Summary Investigations of the formation of carbonyl compounds in fats subjected to electron rays (100 Mrad) have been reported. More than 20 different substances can be determined by gasliquid-chromatography. The splitting of the ester-C-O-C-bonds is mostly accompanied by a fracture of the fatty acid chain and carbonyl compounds with 6 to 12 C-atoms are essentially formed (aldehydes mostly up to 9 C-atoms). A relatively high concentration of unsaturated C9-ketones and a small amount of ketones with more than 13 C-atoms has been found in irradiated tripalmitin and palmitic acid. None of these higher compounds could be detected in unsaturated oils, which contain more C11- and C12-ketones.  相似文献   

Summary After application of 3-H uridine to one eye-ball, an intraaxonal flow of RNA (1–3 mm/d) and low-molecular uridine-compounds (30–50 mm/d) has been demonstrated in the optic tract ofScardinius erythrophtalmus andCarassius carassius (Teleostei).  相似文献   

Summary Psilocin, a by-product of Psilocybin which is the active principle of hallucinogenic mushrooms, has been identified as 4-hydroxy-dimethyltryptamine.  相似文献   

Summary Dog auricle fibres were impaled by 2 intracellular electrodes. The first electrode measured the effect of adrenaline on the resting potential, and through the second one electrotonic impulses were applied.Adrenaline increases the resting potential by 1–35 mV. The polarisation is higher at a low resting potential and increases with the dose.Small polarisations were not accompanied by a detectable change of the membrane resistance. During higher polarisations, the membrane resistance was reduced to 50%.

Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Vasopressin and oxytocin are antagonistically effective substances with inverse dependence on concentration in the nervous system of insects. These results emphasize the central importance of neurohormonal control of general response in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary Photolysis of N-nitroso-22,26-imino-5-cholestane-3,16-diols in acidic solution leads to the corresponding spirosolane alkaloids soladulcidine, solasodine and tomatidine, respectively.

Photochemische Reaktionen, 5. Mitteilung. — 3. und 4. Mitteilung vgl.2. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist zugleich 62. Mitteilung der ReiheSolanum-Alkaloide.  相似文献   

Summary A strong pH dependence of the radiation induced formation of malondialdehyde in 1% glycerol solution was observed. The following G-values were found: 0,202 at pH 2,35, 0,017 at pH 5,50 and 0,168 at pH 8,55.  相似文献   

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