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The bonding of solid steel to liquid aluminum was conducted using rapid solidification. The influence of diffusion time on interfacial shear strength was studied. The results show that when the temperature of aluminum liquid is 700℃ and the preheat temperature of steel plate is 250℃, the relationship between diffusion time (t) and interfacial shear strength (σ) is (σ=15.1+8.14t(037t2 +0.005t3, and the maximum interfacial shear strength is 71.1 MPa.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that the magnetic resonance signal decay with an extend range of diffusion weighting(b-factor)is a bi-exponential attenuation in the diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging experiments in vivo.Based on this feature and the two-compartmental model,we propose a twice-linear-fitting(TLF)algorithm to estimate the apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC)of the water molecules instead of the commonly used iterative Levenberg–Marquardt(LM)method.The TLF algorithm consists of two liner fitting steps to estimate the fast and the slow apparent diffusion coefficients and their sizes,respectively.It is unnecessary to guess the initial values in the whole fitting process.The time consumption of the TLF algorithm is much less than that of the iterative LM method.Moreover,the TLF algorithm may avoid the extraneous solutions,which often deteriorates the results of the LM method.Compared with the iterative fitting method,the TLF algorithm is a reliable and timeefficient approach to estimate the ADC of water molecules in vivo in magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging experiments.  相似文献   

基于磁共振T1成像的全脑区分割方法及其在临床上的应用已经有较为广泛的研究,磁共振扩散张量成像凭借其在脑白质神经纤维束成像上的优势,近年来围绕扩散张量成像的理论和应用研究发展很快,针对扩散张量成像的脑区分割研究就成为一个必须要解决的问题.图像配准是精确实现脑区分割的重要技术步骤,传统的配准方法未考虑到图像的形变大小对配准...  相似文献   

在经典的捕食者—被捕食者模型中,引入分析猎物演化趋势的平均灭绝时间,利用最快下降法,通过理论计算推导得到该模型的平均首次通过时间的解析表达式,对噪声强度及其关联对被捕食者(猎物)和系统的平均灭绝时间之间的影响进行分析.理论计算结果的数值分析研究表明:(1)被捕食者的平均灭绝时间T+(x-→xu)随加性噪声强度D的变化趋势呈现出单调递减函数图像.(2)平均灭绝时间T-(x+→xu)随着D的增加而迅速减小,即T-(x+→xu)关于D呈现出单调减函数的关系图.(3)随着乘性噪声强度Q的增加,T(x±→xu)出现一个迅速增加并达到峰值的过程,然后迅速减小.(4)噪声间关联强度λ对平均灭绝时间T-(x+→xu)和T+(x-→xu)呈现出完全不同的影响方式.上述结果可以从统计物理学的角度为濒危物种、稀有珍贵物种保护提供一定理论指导,以确保生物多样性保护更有力地开展.  相似文献   

The mean residence time of river water in the Canada Basin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seawater was collected from the western Arctic Ocean for measurements of 18О, ^226Ra and ^228Ra. The fractions of river runoff and sea ice melt-water in water samples were estimated by using δ^18О-S-PО^* tracer system. The mean residence time of river water in the Canada Basin was calculated based on the relationship between ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. and the fractions of river runoff in the shelf and deep ocean. Our results showed that the river runoff fractions in the Canada Basin were significantly higher than those in the shelf regions, suggesting that the Canada Basin is a major storage region for Arctic river water. ^228Ra activity concentrations in the Chukchi shelf and the Beaufort shelf ranged from 0.16 to 1.22 Bq/m^3, lower than those reported for shelves in the low and middle latitudes, indicating the effect of sea ice melt-water. A good positive linear relationship was observed between ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. and the fraction of river runoff for shelf waters, while the ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. in the Canada Basin was located below this re-gressive line. The low ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. in the Canada Basin was ascribed to ^228Ra decay during shelf wa-ters transporting to the deep ocean. The residence time of 5.0-11.0 a was estimated for the river water in the Canada Basin, which determined the time response of surface freshening in the North Atlantic to the river runoff into the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

以葡萄糖酸钠作缓凝剂,测得掺量0.05%、0.1%、0.15%、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%、0.8%、1%、2%时胶凝砂砾石的初凝时间和终凝时间,以及3 d、7 d和28 d抗压强度,试验结果表明:在相同试验条件下,随着葡萄糖酸钠掺量的增加,胶凝砂砾石的初凝时间和终凝时间都有较明显的延长,掺量为2%时分别延长了20 h和37.5 h;葡萄糖酸钠的掺量在0.1%时对胶凝砂砾石的抗压强度有所提升,随着葡萄糖酸钠的增加,胶凝砂砾石早期抗压强度下降明显,且中后期抗压强度也有一定下降,得到葡萄糖酸钠的适宜掺量为水泥用量的0.1%~0.8%。  相似文献   

汽车消声器性能计算中的气流与温度因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发动机排气噪声是汽车噪声中一个主要声源,消声器是控制排气噪声的一个重要方法.该文推导出两种消声单元的传递矩阵,在消声器性能计算过程中考虑气流和温度梯度的影响,并采用三维谱图方法研究气流对消声器消声性能的影响.编写了性能计算程序,计算结果与实验结果吻合较好,计算与实验精确性有待进一步提高.  相似文献   

耦合振子系统的爆发式同步是许多生物系统自组织动力学行为的内在机制之一,因而倍受关注.考虑到现实生活中许多振子之间的相互作用是非对称性的,通过理论分析和数值计算方法,详细研究了规则网络中,流耦合作用对耦合相振子系统爆发式同步动力学行为的影响.结果表明,非对称的流耦合作用,在具有特定频率空间分布的耦合相振子系统中,有利于促进耦合相振子系统产生爆发式同步.耦合系统达到爆发式同步所需的临界耦合强度与流耦合强度成线性关系.此外,在同步区间可观察到集中锁相和分散锁相两种同步形式共存.通过理论分析,给出了流耦合作用对促进耦合相振子系统爆发式同步的内在机制.研究结果可以为更好地理解非对称耦合作用下耦合相振子系统的自组织现象提供理论支持.  相似文献   

重力波翻转意味着对流不稳定并伴随有非线性的波流相互作用,这是重力波改变背景大气结构的重要途径之一.利用自主建立的模拟重力波非线性传播过程的二维数值模式,研究了重力波的翻转时间(重力波发生对流不稳定时的持续时间)对湍流和分子扩散的依赖关系.模拟结果表明,翻转时间随着湍流扩散系数的增加而减小.通过与三维数值模式模拟的重力波翻转时间进行比较,适当调整湍流扩散系数,使得从二维模式得到的翻转时间与从三维模型得到的翻转时间具有可比性,从而得到湍流扩散系数的最优值.分子扩散从低热层开始,以指数形式增大,从而能够有效地耗散掉小尺度波动并使得重力波能够更快地恢复到稳定状态.  相似文献   

To test the influence of binder strength, porous concretes with 4 binder strengths between 30.0-135.0 MPa and 5 void ratios between 15%-35% were tested. The results indicated that for the same aggregate, the rates of strength reduction due to the increases in void ratio were the same for binders with different strengths. To study the influence of aggregate size, 3 single size aggregates with nominal sizes of 5.0, 13.0 and 20.0 mm (Nos. 7, 6 and 5 according to JIS A 5001) were used to make porous concrete. The strengths of porous concrete are found to be dependent on aggregate size. The rate of strength reduction of porous concrete with small aggregate size is found to be higher than that with larger aggregate size. At the same void ratio, the strength of porous concrete with large aggregate is larger than that with small aggregate. The general equations for porous concrete are related to compressive strength and void ratio for different binder strengths and aggregate sizes.  相似文献   

根据气体在浓度梯度作用下进行自由扩散的原理,开展浓度梯度驱动下的天然气扩散运移物理模拟实验,对扩散在低孔渗致密砂岩气成藏中的作用和贡献、低孔渗致密储层天然气成藏机制进行探讨。结果表明:浓度梯度驱动下的天然气扩散运移模拟实验后低孔渗致密砂岩最大含气饱和度与物性总体呈负相关关系,渗透率≤0.1×10-3μm2时最大含气饱和度与孔隙度具有更好的负线性相关性,渗透率0.1×10-3μm2时最大含气饱和度与渗透率具有更好的负线性相关性;当低孔渗致密砂岩的孔隙度小于0.6%、空气渗透率小于0.01×10-3μm2时,扩散可能对低孔渗致密砂岩含气饱和度的增加起主要作用和贡献;扩散是低孔渗致密储层天然气成藏的重要机制之一,是中低丰度低孔渗致密储层大面积含气的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

根据简正波理论,推导了基于平均测量法的浅海环境中水下物体声目标强度TS(Target Strength)的解析表达式,深入分析了TS的物理意义.分析表明,在确定的方位角上,TS与分布在一定范围内的垂直入射角i和散射角s所对应的目标散射函数值有关,i和i是离散的,其取值取决于简正波阶数;同时,TS还跟海洋环境和测试距离有关,当测试距离非常大时,约等于自由场声目标强度TSfree.  相似文献   

中亚热带优势灌木根系对土壤抗剪切力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在浙江南部的山体滑坡、泥石流易发区,对中亚热带常绿阔叶林中3种优势灌木植物(檵木、麂角杜鹃和香港黄檀)根系进行野外和室内剪切测试,探讨了灌木植物根系增强土壤抗剪切强度的作用。结果表明:须根相对丰富的植物能明显提高表层土壤的抗剪强度;根系抗拉力和抗剪力均与根径呈幂函数正相关关系;檵木和麂角杜鹃根系抗拉强度与根径呈幂函数负相关关系,而香港黄檀根系抗拉强度与根径无明显相关性;细根或比粗根更有利于土壤加固和抗剪强度的提高。  相似文献   

采用经风洞实验验证的数值模型(标准k-ε模型)研究了树冠尺寸与建筑高度改变对街谷内自然通风及污染物扩散的影响。考虑了3种树冠尺寸与4种街谷结构,并采用无量纲浓度K与空气交换率ACH分别对街道峡谷内污染程度与通风性能进行评估。结果表明,建筑高度与树冠尺寸改变会显著影响街谷内气流流动结构。上游建筑高度增加与树冠尺寸增大不利于街谷内的环境通风与特定区域的污染物扩散。树冠尺寸的减小会增强街道峡谷的通风性能,从而改善街道峡谷内的空气质量,但在一些特定结构的街道峡谷内,树冠尺寸的改变对ACH的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

为了制备高坯体强度和烧结密度的凝胶注模成型不锈钢制件,研究了凝胶注模工艺参数包括预混液单体含量和单体/交联剂比例、浆料固相含量及引发剂加入量等对坯体抗弯强度及烧结体密度的影响规律.结果表明,对于316L不锈钢的凝胶注模成型,可同时获得较好的坯体强度和烧结密度的工艺条件为:预混液单体质量分数18%~22%,单体/交联剂比例90∶1~240∶1;浆料固相体积分数52%~55%;引发剂用量约为单体质量的0.8%~1.4%.最终获得坯体强度高于30.0MPa、烧结密度高于97%的复杂形状烧结不锈钢零件,其烧结体力学性能略低于粉末注射成型时的性能,但远高于美国MPIF标准.  相似文献   

以土壤吸湿水常规测定方法为标准,设置不同的土壤吸湿水烘干温度和时间组合,对不同类型土壤样品进行分析测定,并与常规方法进行比较。结果表明:(115±1)℃,2 h是比较理想的土壤吸湿水快速测定方法。该土壤吸湿水快速测定方法与常规方法相比,具有快速、节能、低损耗之特点,适合多批样品吸湿水含量的测定。  相似文献   

减水剂对掺电石渣水泥强度与结构影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
探讨不同掺量的减水剂对掺电石渣水泥强度与结构的影响.结果表明:当w电石渣掺量为5%时,掺入减水剂会使掺电石渣水泥的早期强度有所下降.当w电石渣掺量大于20%时,掺入减水剂可消除水泥的凝聚现象,大大提高水泥的流动性,降低硬化水泥浆体的孔隙率,明显提高掺电石渣水泥的早期强度,且水灰比越低,减水剂的增强效果越强.本试验中w减水剂的最佳掺量为0.75%.减水剂的掺入对掺电石渣水泥的后期强度影响不大.  相似文献   

非饱和黏土的水气迁移影响着路基服役期间的安全运行和长期使用性能的保障。研究非饱和土路基水气迁移规律对路基路床湿度的影响具有重要的工程应用价值和意义。本文通过室内试验模型,运用高低温交变恒温箱改变环境温度,模拟四季环境温度对水分迁移的影响。模拟非饱和黏性土气态水迁移过程,并进行影响因素的敏感性分析。获得非饱和黏性土的水气迁移规律并进行影响性因素评价,实验结果表明,非饱和土水气迁移过程中,含水率梯度对气态水迁移量影响较大;迁移时间对液态水迁移影响较大;低温环境下以液态水迁移为主,随环境温度升高气态水迁移量占比逐渐升高。含水率梯度,含水率水平,压实度,迁移时间,不同环境温度均对气态水迁移量均有贡献,其中压实度对其影响最小。在实际工程中应更重视水气两相迁移对路基土体性能的影响。  相似文献   

综述在医用金属表面制备生物活性梯度涂层的主要方法和最新研究进展,着重介绍了非晶涂层晶化转变的动力学、不同热处理工艺的比较及对涂层组织和生物稳定性的影响.  相似文献   

Internal waves are one of the primary causes of sea water mass variations in shallow water. The time stability of an acoustic channel may be degraded by the activities of internal waves. Based on the oceanographic data of Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX), the characteristics of the internal waves in the East China Sea (ECS) are analyzed and the effects of linear and solitary internal waves on broadband acoustic field correlation are numerically investigated. The numerical results of the length of the correlation time affected by the internal waves are compared with the experimental data. It was found that the existence of both linear internal waves and soliton packets may be one of the explanations of the experimental correlation drop.  相似文献   

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