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The development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology has made it possible to carry out functional brain imaging experiments in small animals. Usually, group data is required to form the assessment of population, which can not only increase the sensitivity of the overall experiment, but also allow the generalization of the conclusion to the whole population. In order to average the signals of functional brain images from different subjects, it is necessary to put all the mapping images into the same standard space (template image). However, up to now, most animal brain templates remain unavailable and it must be done by ourselves. In this study, a template image based on the brains of eight male Wistar rats is obtained, and it is successfully used in our present Alzheimer disease (AD)-like rat model studies as template for spatially normalizing images to the same stereotaxical space. The fMRI results processed with statistical parametric mapping (SPM99) software are in agreement with the results from immunohistochemical experiment, which proves that this method is universally applicable to the pathologic models of other small animals and to human brain lesion studies.  相似文献   

通过Hom-Jordan李代数L的迷向Hom-理想J, 得到L中存在包含J的极大迷向Hom-理想I, 并得到L等距同构于L/I的某个T* 扩张或某 个T* 扩张非退化的余维数为1的Hom-理想, 进而给出Hom-Jordan李代数L的结构特征.  相似文献   

Recently, there were debates about the specificity of lateral middle fusiform in face processing. The debates focused on whether these areas were specialized in face processing or involved in processing of visual expertise and categorization at individual level. The present study aims to investigate the neural mechanism of face processing, using Chinese characters as comparison stimuli. Chinese characters are greatly similar to faces on a variety of dimensions, among which the most significant one is that both faces and Chinese characters not only are extremely familiar to literate Chinese adults but also are processed at individual level. In the present study, faces and Chinese characters activated bilateral middle fusiform with great correlation. Greater activities were observed in the right fusiform face area (FFA) for faces than for Chinese characters. These results demonstrate that FFA is specialized in face processing per se rather than the processing of visual expertise and categorization at individual level.  相似文献   

Recently, there were debates about the specificity of lateral middle fuisform in face processing. The debates focused on whether these areas were specialized in face processing or involved in processing of visual expertise and categorization at individual level. The present study aims to investigate the neural mechanism of face processing, using Chinese characters as comparison stimuli. Chinese characters are greatly similar to faces on a variety of dimensions, among which the most significant one is that both faces and Chinese characters not only are extremely familiar to literate Chinese adults but also are processed at individual level. In the present study, faces and Chinese characters activated bilateral middle fusiform with great correlation. Greater activities were observed in the right fusiform face area (FFA) for faces than for Chinese characters. These results demonstrate that FFA is specialized in face processing per se rather than the processing of visual expertise and categorization at individual level.  相似文献   

以D,L-酒石酸铵为模板剂,以正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为原料,在碱性介质的催化下进行水解、缩合,经过滤、洗涤、干燥制备出了高产率、尺寸均匀、大长径比的二氧化硅纳米管,并进行了1 L放大实验.借助扫描电子显微(SEM)、透射电子显微(TEM)等分析方法对所制备的二氧化硅纳米管进行了表征.  相似文献   

在Baemstein[2]及王键[3]定义的*—函数和T^*的研讨下,对TG^*h函数的性质进行研究,作出一些讨论,得出TG^*算子的有界性和连续性的结论及TG^*h,与h的非增对称重排之间的关系.  相似文献   

近年来,深度学习算法被广泛应用于生成各种类型的数据。本文通过分析测井数据与核磁共振T2谱之间的映射关系,利用随机森林与LSTM网络模型实现了对核磁共振T2谱的重构。核磁共振测井每个深度获得的T2谱是在不同的时间序列中通过不同的布点数来显示形态上的变化的,随机森林算法能够处理高维度的核磁共振T2谱数据且不需要做特征选择,而LSTM可以很好地控制不同深度神经元对T2谱各分布点的影响,将这两种网络模型进行参数优化后对同一口井的预测结果进行对比分析。这里选取了中国海上A油田的测井数据作为例子进行方法测试。首先,利用灰色关联度算法分析T2几何均值与测井曲线的相关性。选取相关性高于设定值的测井曲线,将测井曲线标准化缩放在0~1后作为随机森林与LSTM模型的输入,预测同一地层T2谱形态分布规律并比较算法的优劣。在比较软件处理得到的核磁共振T2谱和预测结果后分析它们之间产生差异的原因。结果显示通过LSTM神经网络模型预测的数据与地层真实数据的符合度比随机森林算法更高,符合度可达90%以上。  相似文献   

研究了一种用于发动机磨损状态监测与故障诊断的MCD磨粒专家系统(ES),首先讨论了诊断知识的获取与规则表示。接着根据ES模板化思想,研究了一种面向对象的规则模板,包括面向对象的规则知识表示、生的反向推理机制及图形化的人机界面;最后在此基础上构造出该诊断ES的实例,应用表明,该诊断系统(ES)较好地实现了领域知识与计算机软件技术的有机融合,对于提高磨损监测与诊断的智能化水平有着积极意义。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进模板匹配的车牌字符识别方法。详细介绍了车牌字符识别的过程,主要包括模板的建立,基于弹性网格的字符特征提取,模板匹配的步骤及改进方法。运用该方法不仅可减少计算量,而且提高了实时性。实验结果表明,提出的方法具有效率高、精确度好等特点,识别率可以达到90%以上。  相似文献   

基于改进型A*-Markov联合模型的无人机航路规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验一种基于改进型A~*算法来对无人机进行任务路径规划.引入了无人机的机动步长、转角限制和飞行高度,有效地缩减了无人机搜索空间,除此之外还引入了地形、任务等约束条件,使航路规划更接近于真实环境.考虑到规划过程中敌方能力的不确定性,以及无人机在航路中的生存概率的不可知性,采用八状态Markov模型评估无人机的飞行状态.该模型与A~*算法结合时在威胁区域内完成任务后,由于时间的积累向外扩展时生存代价值越高,导致迭代次数过多,而同心圆模型越向外扩展时生存代价值越低的优点可避免该问题,因此引入同心圆模型与Markov模型的联合模型.仿真实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地检测航路中飞机的各种状态的概率,以此对整个航路进行评估,并且有效降低了仅采用Markov模型时在威胁区域内完成任务点后规划新航路迭代次数过多的问题.  相似文献   

针对车牌识别中的字符识别问题,提出了一种改进的模板匹配方法,首先把字符模板根据某种特征进行粗分类,特征类似的分到同一组,识别时首先提取字符的这种特征,根据特征提取相应分组的模板进行匹配,最后给出识别结果。  相似文献   

研究了机电产品管线自动敷设,提出了一种改进的A*算法。该算法先采用离散的网格划分法建立敷设空间模型,以利于缩小搜索空间;再针对多路管线敷设引入最短通道约束、最短走线约束和最少折弯约束,建立敷设约束模型;然后结合这两个模型在A*算法估价函数中引入可行权值因子、通道权值因子和折弯评估项。实验表明,利用改进的A*算法驱动多路管线敷设路径搜索,可以得到合理的实现方案。  相似文献   

基于模板匹配的运动目标快速检测与跟踪   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄飞泉  姜弢  马成顺 《应用科技》2006,33(6):115-117
在图像跟踪系统中,运动目标的快速检测与识别是至关重要的.通过分析视频序列图像的特点,并结合帧差法和多分辨率图像匹配的优点,提出了一种基于模板匹配的快速检测识别目标的方案.实验结果表明,该方法能快速有效地识别目标,基本上达到了实时跟踪的要求.  相似文献   

基于稀疏A*算法的三维航迹并行规划算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出三维稀疏A*算法的规划时间组成,并分析该算法的时间复杂度和并行性,随后给出并行任务划分的不同策略.判断OPEN表中是否存在与新节点相同节点的准则修改为:只比较OPEN表中代价比新节点代价小的节点,新准则可以有效地减少对共享式OPEN,CLOSED表的瓶颈效应.提出的三维航迹并行规划算法在并行机群环境中实现,实验结果表明时间效果改善明显.  相似文献   

梁添才  王锟 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(24):6200-6203
本文提出一种基于偏微分方程的钞票图像恢复方法。通过分析常用的几种基于偏微分方程(PDE)的图像恢复模型,结合赃污钞票图像特点,最后选择一致增强异性扩散模型,并提出了一种该模型的数值解法对脏污钞票图像进行修复。实验结果表明,用这种模型可以对钞票图像的平滑区域和边缘细节均有比较好的修复能力。  相似文献   

以壳聚糖为模板剂,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了平均粒径为15nm,具有较高分散性、热稳定性和光催化活性的纳米TiO2粒子.采用扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、傅立叶红外光谱(FT-IR)以及紫外-可见光谱(UV-vis)等手段对产物进行了分析和表征.条件实验结果表明,在500℃下灼烧1h所得TiO2产物由锐钛矿相及少量金红石相构成.光催化实验结果表明,所得产物在日光下对有机染料亚甲基蓝有很好的催化降解作用.  相似文献   

研究了非单调优先推理系统P和累积单调推理系统CM,以及模糊命题演算的形式演绎系统L ,在L 系统中定义了后承关系|~:A|~B当且仅当A2├B,证明了在L 系统中的这种后承关系满足累积单调推理系统CM,非单调优先推理系统P的全部规则,但这种后承关系不满足单调推理系统M的逆否律规则,从而在L 系统中建立了一个介于非单调推理系统和单调推理系统之间的逻辑系统.这为两种系统的理论研究建立一个桥梁以及为模糊控制提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   

基于螺旋理论的两转一移解耦并联机构型综合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
强耦合性是并联机构的一个显著特点,如果能使并联机构的运动部分解耦或者完全解耦,将使并联机构的理论分析、实际应用等方面变得容易。为此,本文基于螺旋理论、机构运动螺旋系与分支运动螺旋系之间的关系,提出了移动解耦分支型综合准则和转动解耦分支型综合准则,确定了并联机构转动条件及输入运动副选择原则,形成了两转一移解耦并联机构型综合方法,并以此对两转一移解耦并联机构进行了综合并得到了许多新型机构,从而验证了该方法的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

In order to improve the adaptability of the quadruped robot in complex environments , a path planning method based on sliding window and variant A * algorithm for quadruped robot is presen-ted .To improve the path planning efficiency and robot security , an incremental A*search algorithm ( IA*) and the A*algorithm having obstacle grids extending ( EA*) are proposed respectively .The IA* algorithm firstly searches an optimal path based on A * algorithm, then a new route from the current path to the new goal projection is added to generate a suboptimum route incrementally .In comparison with traditional method solving path planning problem from scratch , the IA* enables the robot to plan path more efficiently .EA* extends the obstacle by means of increasing grid g-value, which makes the route far away from the obstacle and avoids blocking the narrow passage .To navi-gate the robot running smoothly , a quadratic B-spline interpolation is applied to smooth the path . Simulation results illustrate that the IA* algorithm can increase the re-planning efficiency more than 5 times and demonstrate the effectiveness of the EA * algorithm.  相似文献   

针对传统医学图像对缺乏标注的数据进行自动分割时存在分割精度不高、边缘模糊等问题,提出了一种利用混合神经网络对脑部核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)的图像进行语义分割的算法。利用仿射网络对脑部MRI图像进行线性几何变换,基于卷积神经网络进行3D医学图像仿射变换,加入稠密模块减轻梯度消失和加强特征传递问题; 通过空间转换网络对脑部MRI进行空间转换,基于图谱的分割法获得脑部图像的分割结果。采用MICCAI的公共数据集BraTs2019进行实验验证,结果表明,算法可由脑部肿瘤MRI图像获得较好的分割精度和分割效率,为脑部MRI图像语义分割的研究提供一种新的实验方案。  相似文献   

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