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The area along the eastern and southeastern margins of the Tengger Desert, NW China, which is sensitive to the summer monsoon variations, was selected for studying the environmental conditions surrounding the transition between Paleolithic foragers and Neolithic farmer/pastoral-ists. Short cores were obtained from four lake basins in the southwestern Tengger using a hand-driven piston coringdevice. Proxies from these cores were supplemented by ra-diocarbon ages obtained from lake sediment cores, shoreline features and spring mound deposits. Together these records provide evidence of millennial-scale climate change eventsfrom the Pleistocene-Holocene transition to the present.Lake/wetland events, representing periods of more intensive summer monsoon, occur in the records at-12.7-11.6,-10.1, -9.3, -8.0, -5.4, -1.5, and -0.8 ka BP. They do suggest that century- to miliennial-seale climatic cycles are characteristic of the Holocene in the southeastern Tengger Desert although the chronology must be considered extremely tentative.  相似文献   

The Holocene Palaeoclimatic change in southern vicinity of Tengger Desert   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Through stratigraphy and chronology studies on Hongshui River section located at the southern vicinity of Tengger Desert, and based on the analysis results of TOC, TIC, elements, stable oxygen isotope that possess a high resolution of 40–50 a, the paleaoclimatic change history during last 8 000–3 000 a has been reconstructed.  相似文献   

Based on the tree ring width index of Pinus tabulaeformis, precipitation in the last 140 years was reconstructed at south margin of the Tengger Desert. The results indicated that there were obvious fluctuations of dry-wet changes in precipitation: two wet periods occurred during 1868-1876 and 1932-1939, and two dry periods during 1877-1894 and 1924-1932, however, the years 1887 and 1888 were a little wet. There were small changes in precipitation during 1895-1923 and 1940-2000. As compared to the average, the maximum increasing range of precipitation amounted to 56% during the wet periods, and 42% during the dry periods. And the range of variability of precipitation exceeded 30% in 19 years. There was no obvious consistent drying or wetting trend in the last 140 years. But since 1940 fluctuating scope of precipitation tended to be smaller, while the frequency of the fluctuation tended to be larger. Power spectrum analyses suggested that precipitation of south margin of the Tengger Desert had significant periodicities of 2.46-2.64 a and quasi periodicity of 11.67 a.  相似文献   

Holocene climatic change in Hunshandake Desert   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Research on the geological data of Hunshandake Desert in China monsoon region revealed that Holocene summer monsoon had experienced six prevailing periods and seven weakening periods. The climatic humidity and the vegetation had also undergone the similar periodical variation influenced by the monsoon periodicity. The period when summer monsoon prevailed or winter monsoon weakened and climatic humidity and vegetation coverage relatively increased, corresponded to the global warming events;whereas the period when summer monsoon weakened or winter monsoon prevailed and climatic humidity and vegetation coverage relatively decreased, corresponded to the arid events in middle to low latitudes and the cold events in North Atlantic. As for the changing regularity of summer monsoon intensity there were two distinct periodicities of 1456 years and 494 years, also these two periodicities had global significance.  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠南缘土门剖面52L~41FD层段由3层风成沙丘砂、2层湖相沉积、2层古土壤和5层砂黄土构成. 分析结果表明:微量元素含量的高低变化依次为Mn、P、Sr、Rb、Cr、V、Zn、Ni、Cu、Nb,各元素含量在砂黄土、古土壤和湖相沉积中表现为相对峰态,而在沙丘砂层段中则呈现为相对谷态;在垂直方向上,各微量元素含量随着各沉积相的多次更替,构成了10条峰谷交替的锯齿状形态的元素波动过程线. 结合研究区地理位置与微量元素特征,认为可用Zn(ppm)、P(ppm)为代表作为气候替代性指标,指示本区东亚冬夏季风变化. 据此划分出了8个冷暖波动事件:冷干事件,即C1(11 870~11 640 a BP)、C2(12 650~12 050 a BP)、C3(13 340~13 010 a BP)、C4(13 810~13 620 a BP), 暖湿事件, 即W1(12050~11870 a BP)、W2(13010~12650 a BP)、W3(13620~13340 a BP)、W4(14850~13810 a BP). 本研究与格陵兰GRIP冰芯和中国南京葫芦洞H82石笋之间较高的同步性,这表明,腾格里沙漠南缘气候波动可能与格陵兰气候变化受相同的高纬动力驱动.  相似文献   

对腾格里沙漠古湖泊沉积和地貌的考察及对典型代表剖面初步研究结果表明,一个连续而巨大的淡水湖泊高水位形成于距今3.9~3.6万年前.在距今3.3~2.3万年期间,腾格里沙漠西北部曾存在一面积至少达16200km2、水深25m(白碱湖,最大水深超过60m,分布于大海子一带)的淡水湖泊.大量的瓣鳃类、腹足类化石及介形类化石组合的存在表明该时期湖泊水温不低于10℃,由此把该时期的湖泊暂且称“腾格里大湖”(MegalakeTengger)  相似文献   

Holocene lake deposits of Bosten Lake, southern Xinjiang, China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A 9.25-m-long sediment core from Bosten Lake,Xinjiang, provides detailed information about changes in the water budget and biological acticity over the last 8400 cal-endar years. The chronology is constructed from six AMS radiocarbon dates on the terrestrial plant remains. Based onanalyses of TOC, CO3, detrital compounds and biogenic SiO2,lake level fluctuations and periods of remarkably-negative water budget appeared at 8.4-8.2 cal ka, 7.38-7.25 cal ka,5.7-5.5 cal ka, 3.7-3.4 cal ka and 3.3-2.9 cal ka, respec-tively. As they are in-phase with low lake levels at Sumxl Co and Bangong Co in western Tibet Plateau and with paleo-lakes in Inner Mongolia, a climate-induced change to some-what drier and warmer conditions is inferred. A further drop in lake level after 1320 AD of about 200 yr duration may heattributed to a negative water balance prior to the main phase of the Little Ice Age. Deep and stable lake phases of 1500 yr and 1800 yr duration at 7.2-5.7 cal ka and 5.5-3.7cal ka coincide with maximum moisture during the Holocene Megathermai in China. The long term trend towards aridity since about 4.3 cal ka can dearly be recognised. The reduced water budget of Bosten Lake from 640-1200 AD may be attributed to local effects.  相似文献   

The terrestrial NPP simulations in China since Last Glacial Maximum   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Based on Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model (AVIM), the magnitude and spatial distribution of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) in China is simulated during three different geological eras, Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Mid-Holocene (MH) and the present. The simulation shows that the glacial-interglacial variation of East Asian summer monsoon in China is the key factor affectfng the NPP change. During the three eras, mean NPPs are 208 g/m^2·a, 409 g/m^2·a, and 355 g/m^2·a. The total NPPs are 2.05 Pg/a, 3.89 Pg/a and 3.33 Pg/a, respectively. The terrestrial NPP in China during warm-humid climate is larger than that during cold-arid eras, and the correlation analysis between NPP and climate factors suggests that temperature is the primary factor affecting the terrestrial NPP during 21 kaBP (LGM), and for 6 kaBP (MH) and the present the primary factor is precipitation.  相似文献   

Comprehensive field investigations and laboratory analyses show that palaeolakes, including fresh- mesohaline water Megalake Tengger and other semi-con- nected, isolated water bodies, during late Pleistocene covered an area of more than 20000 km2, which is more than half of the Tengger Desert in NW China. Stratigraphic correlation and chronological evidence indicate that before ca. 42000 aBP the area was more arid. The palaeolakes started to develop around 40000 uncal. 14C aBP but until 37000 14C aBP their scope was limited. High water levels established from 35000 14C aBP lasted until 22000 14CaBP. Lake levels regressed between 22000 and 20000 14C aBP but transgressed from 20000 to 18600 14C aBP. Subsequently, water level declined further and the Megalake Tengger finally desiccated at around 18000 14C aBP. Megalake Tengger possessed a fresh-mesohaline water property, implying that the regional precipitation increased significantly. During the period of Megalake Tengger, the climate was warmer-humid than present. The annual rainfall was 250 to 350 mm more than that of today and the temperature was 1.5 to 3.0℃ higher.  相似文献   

The research on the respondence and feedback of modern sand deserts to the climate change is an important component part in the studies on the global climate change. Deserts respond to the climate change, meanwhile, they affect the climate with their feedback of peculiar environment during the respondence. Many researches on desert climate have been carried out at home and abroad. However, there is little research on the respondence and feedback of modern fixed, semi-fixed and mobile deserts in arid areas to the climate change, in which the factor analysis as well as the parameter changing effects is especially the difficult problem all along. In this note, the parameters of the respondence and feedback of Gurbantunggut Desert to the climate change are measured and analyzed, some variable parameters of water-heat exchange are obtained, and a numerical model of desertification is developed according to a series of climate change of about 40 years and the variable relations of meteorological and physical features of the sand surface in Gurbantunggut Desert.  相似文献   

We present a 550-year ice-core pollen record with a 5-year resolution from the Puruogangri ice field in the central Tibetan Plateau.Analysis of the relationship between pollen record and instrumental observations suggests that the sum of the steppe and meadow pollen taxa is a good indicator of summer (June-August) temperature,whereas the ratios of Cyperaceae/(Gramineae+Artemisia) [Cy/(G+A)] as well as M/S (meadow to steppe percentages) are indicative of humidity changes in this region.Together with δ18O and...  相似文献   

根据地貌变化,在研究区共施工7个场地33个钻孔,对其中2个代表性钻孔的213个岩芯孢粉样品,采用孢粉谱定量分析法,通过孢粉百分比图式、浓度图式将其划分出若干孢粉组合带,并结合C14和光释光测年数据,揭示了漳州地区第四纪以来的气候演化过程.8.5 ka以来气候演化基本与我国南方区气候演化一致,以温暖气候为主,经历了由温暖偏干到温暖偏湿波动变化的7个阶段.植被经历了中亚热带含针叶树的常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶混交林→北亚热带灌草丛→中亚热带含松、柏树的常绿阔叶林→南亚热带常绿阔叶林→南亚热带含针叶树的常绿阔叶林→南亚热带含针叶树的灌草丛→南亚热带针叶林-灌丛的变化过程.  相似文献   

Pollen records with an average time resolution of 20-200 years from Holocene loess sections at Dingxi, Qin'an, and other localities of Gansu Province reveal a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes in the western Loess Plateau. For most time of the Holocene, the landscape was dominated by grasslands or forest steppes. However, during the middle Holocene (7.5-5.8 ka BP), relatively dense forests developed, and the endemic vegetation flourished, suggesting a much warmer and more humid climate condition than the present. Superimposed upon this general pattern are several dry intervals marked by the episodic expansion of grasslands or forest steppe. Xeric vegetation expanded after 3.8 ka BP, indicating a trend towards dry conditions.  相似文献   

巴汗淖孢粉记录的全新世环境变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用AMS14C测年,分析了鄂尔多斯高原中部巴汗淖湖泊沉积物孢粉,揭示了鄂尔多斯高原全新世植被和气候演化历史:8.696~7.847 kaBP植被以荒漠草原主导,气候寒冷干旱;7.847~7.130 kaBP植被转变为禾草草原,温湿条件得到改善,但区域气候很不稳定;7.130~4.780 kaBP植被演化为疏林草原,气候温暖湿润且稳定;4.780~4.207 kaBP为松-栎混交林,为温暖湿润且稳定的气候最宜期;4.207~3.622 kaBP植被退化为松属一禾草森林草原,气候向十旱化方向发展;3.622 kaBP以来,植被进一步退化为荒漠草原,气候进一步变干.  相似文献   

Pollen assemblages of 53 surface pollen samples from farmlands and wastelands in Northeast China were analyzed. Tree pollen percentages were usually higher than 30%, with Pinus (26.9%), Quercus (0.9%), Betula (0.9%) and Populus (0.7%) as the major types, and herb pollen percentages were usually higher than 50%, with weedy Poaceae (8.7%), Chenopodiaceae (7.1%), Artemisia (1.9%) and Compositae (3.5%) as the major taxa. Thus, the pollen assemblages were consistent with the regional vegetation compositions. However, there were differences in pollen assemblages among regions, especially among different geomorphological units. For example, in the mountains, there were more types of tree pollen and higher total percentages (average 42%) than in other areas, while cereal pollen percentages were lowest (11.2%). In the hills and high plains, herbs made up more than 60% of the pollens, with cereals (average 53.6%) the dominant type. In the low plains, pollen types were similar to those in the hills and high plains, but total pollen concentrations and the proportion of Concentricystes were much higher, while cereal pollen percentages were slightly lower (average 41.6%). Pollen assemblages in different land use types also differed. For example, in farmland, cereal pollen percentages were more than 40% and Chenopodiaceae was usually less than 2.5%, while in wasteland, weedy Poaceae was usually less than 10% and Chenopodiaceae was usually higher than 25%. Total pollen concentrations in farmland (average 3909 grains/g) were much lower than in wasteland (average 15074 grains/g). Redundancy analysis revealed that pollen assemblages were significantly negatively correlated with mean annual temperature (-0.73) and July mean temperature (-0.81) and significantly positively correlated with mean annual precipitation (0.48), indicating that pollen assemblages in the artificial or human-disturbed vegetation reflect regional climate well. Comparison of pollen assemblages in different areas of northern China showed that pollen concentrations reflect the intensities of human impact to some degree. For example, pollen concentrations decrease as human impacts increase in intensity. The cereal pollen proportions in farmland differed by area. In Northeast China, cereal pollen proportions were distinctly higher than in most other areas of northern China, suggesting differences in planting habits and climate.  相似文献   

通过对上海地区鹤鸣孔和东海1井两个钻孔进行孢粉分析鉴定和对比,结合AMS14C测年等资料,划分出了6个孢粉组合带,恢复了本区的植被演化和气候波动的6个阶段.对鹤鸣孔的大西洋期、亚北方期和亚大西洋期各划分出了两个孢粉组合亚带,反应了大气候环境下气候的次一级波动.在晚更新世晚期的硬绿色粘土中还发现了以环纹藻为主的孢粉组合,从孢粉学角度上证实了这一硬绿色粘土层“水成沉积”的观点.  相似文献   

Pollen records with an average time resolution of 20—200 years from Holocene loess sections at Dingxi, Qin'An, and other localities of Gansu Province reveal a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes in the western Loess Plateau. For most time of the Holocene, the landscape was dominated by grasslands or forest steppes. However, during the middle Holocene (7.5—5.8 ka BP), relatively dense forests developed, and the endemic vegetation flourished, suggesting a much warmer and more humid climate condition than the present. Superimposed upon this general pattern are several dry intervals marked by the episodic expansion of grasslands or forest steppe. Xeric vegetation expanded after 3.8 ka BP, indicating a trend towards dry conditions.  相似文献   

The formation mechanisms of the mega-dunes and lakes in the hinterland of Badain Jaran Desert,China,is the focus of extensive academic research in the field of geoscience,and an often debated topic is whether atmospheric precipitation on the mega-dune can infiltrate to recharge groundwater.In the present study,the probability distribution functions and the return period analysis of extreme daily precipitation based on long-term precipitation records for the southern margin of Badain Jaran Desert and 2-year observation of hinterland precipitation were used to classify precipitation in the desert region.The data of automatic weather station and eddy covariance system in the desert hinterland were used to analyze evaporation on the mega-dune surface after various rain events.The results showed that the rain events in the desert could be divided into three categories.The first is conventional precipitation(CP),which is below 5 mm,accounting for roughly 90%of all rain events in the desert.The second and third categories are ordinary annual maximum(OAM)and extreme precipitation(EP),in which precipitation is roughly 20 mm and more than 40 mm,respectively.The atmospheric precipitation of CP and OAM evaporated from the megadune surface in 1–3 days and 3–4 weeks,respectively.Following an EP event,the mega-dune evaporation was negatively influenced by the upper dry sand layer,and a lengthy period was required for its complete removal.The accumulative evaporation and accumulative precipitation of all three types of rain events indicated that local atmospheric precipitation had no significant contribution to recharging the groundwater system in the hinterland of Badain Jaran Desert.This research will benefit comprehensive elucidation of the formation mechanism of lakes in the hinterland of Badain Jaran Desert.  相似文献   

为了明确白北凹陷腾格尔组储层特征和分布规律,指导下一步勘探工作。通过白北凹陷6口探井的岩心观察,薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、储层物性等研究,分析了腾格尔组储层岩电特征、物性特征、平面物性特征,并利用测井曲线结合地震资料进行了测井约束反演,研究预测腾格尔组储层分布规律。结果表明:白北凹陷腾格尔组储层的岩石类型以砾岩、砂岩、泥质粉砂岩和灰岩为主,砂岩孔隙类型为粒间孔隙、溶蚀孔隙,储层非均质性很强,为特低孔特低渗-超低孔超低渗储层。储层渗透率的变化主要受相带的影响,孔隙度相对较大的区带主要分布在SC1井东西两侧以及YM4井东部。研究认为在南部斜坡带发育3套储层;在北部西佰分支断层下降盘根部发育2套储层;在西佰断层下降盘根部发育3套储层。  相似文献   

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