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A large literature has investigated predictability of the conditional mean of low‐frequency stock returns by macroeconomic and financial variables; however, little is known about predictability of the conditional distribution. We look at one‐step‐ahead out‐of‐sample predictability of the conditional distribution of monthly US stock returns in relation to the macroeconomic and financial environment. Our methodological approach is innovative: we consider several specifications for the conditional density and combinations schemes. Our results are as follows: the entire density is predicted under combination schemes as applied to univariate GARCH models with Gaussian innovations; the Bayesian winner in relation to GARCH‐skewed‐t models is informative about the 5% value at risk; the average realised utility of a mean–variance investor is maximised under the Bayesian winner as applied to GARCH models with symmetric Student t innovations. Our results have two implications: the best prediction model depends on the evaluation criterion; and combination schemes outperform individual models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal adjustment is performed in some data-producing agencies according to the ARIMA-model-based signal extraction theory. A stochastic linear process parametrized in terms of an ARIMA model is first fitted to the series, and from this model the models for the trend, cycle, seasonal, and irregular component can be derived. A spectrum is associated to every component model and is used to compute the optimal Wiener–Kolmogorov filter. Since the modelling is linear, prior linearization of the series with intervention techniques is performed. This paper discusses the performance of linear signal extraction with intervention techniques in non-linear processes. In particular, the following issues are discussed: (1) the ability of intervention techniques to linearize time series which present non-linearities; (2) the stability of the linear projection giving the components estimators under non-linear misspecifications; (3) the capacity of the WK filter to preserve the linearity in some components and the non-linearities in others. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper applies the GARCH‐MIDAS (mixed data sampling) model to examine whether information contained in macroeconomic variables can help to predict short‐term and long‐term components of the return variance. A principal component analysis is used to incorporate the information contained in different variables. Our results show that including low‐frequency macroeconomic information in the GARCH‐MIDAS model improves the prediction ability of the model, particularly for the long‐term variance component. Moreover, the GARCH‐MIDAS model augmented with the first principal component outperforms all other specifications, indicating that the constructed principal component can be considered as a good proxy of the business cycle. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the performance of conditional variance models using high‐frequency data of the National Stock Index (S&P CNX NIFTY) and attempts to determine the optimal sampling frequency for the best daily volatility forecast. A linear combination of the realized volatilities calculated at two different frequencies is used as benchmark to evaluate the volatility forecasting ability of the conditional variance models (GARCH (1, 1)) at different sampling frequencies. From the analysis, it is found that sampling at 30 minutes gives the best forecast for daily volatility. The forecasting ability of these models is deteriorated, however, by the non‐normal property of mean adjusted returns, which is an assumption in conditional variance models. Nevertheless, the optimum frequency remained the same even in the case of different models (EGARCH and PARCH) and different error distribution (generalized error distribution, GED) where the error is reduced to a certain extent by incorporating the asymmetric effect on volatility. Our analysis also suggests that GARCH models with GED innovations or EGRACH and PARCH models would give better estimates of volatility with lower forecast error estimates. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We analyse the price movement of the S&P 500 futures market for violations of the efficient market hypothesis on a short-term basis. To assess market inefficiency we construct a model and find that the returns, i.e. the difference in the logarithm of closing prices on consecutive days, exhibit the usual conditional heteroscedasticity behaviour typical of long series of financial data. To account for this non-linear behaviour we scale the returns by a volatility factor which depends on the daily high, low, and closing price. The rescaled series, which may be interpreted as the trend-countertrend component of the time series, is modelled using Box and Jenkins techniques. The resulting model is an ARMA(1,1). The scale factors are assumed to form a time series and are modelled using a semi-non-parametric method which avoids the restrictive assumptions of most ARCH or GARCH models. Using the combined model we perform 1000 simulations of market data, each simulation comprising 250 days (approximately one year). We then formulate a naive trading strategy which is based on the ratio of the one-day-ahead expected return to its one-day-ahead expected conditional standard deviation. The trading strategy has four adjustable parameters which are set to maximize profits for the simulation data. Next, we apply the trading strategy to one year of recent out-of-sample data. Our conclusion is that the S&P 500 futures market exhibits only slight inefficiencies, but that there exist, in principle, better trading strategies which take account of risk than the benchmark strategy of buy-and-hold. We have also constructed a linear model for the return series. Using the linear model, we have simulated returns and determined the optimum values for the adjustable parameters of the trading strategy. In this case, the optimum trading strategy is the same as the benchmark strategy, buy-and-hold. Finally, we have compared the profitability of the optimized trading strategy, based on the non-linear model, to three ad hoc trading strategies using the out-of-sample data. The three ad hoc strategies are more profitable than the optimized strategy.  相似文献   

This paper uses high‐frequency continuous intraday electricity price data from the EPEX market to estimate and forecast realized volatility. Three different jump tests are used to break down the variation into jump and continuous components using quadratic variation theory. Several heterogeneous autoregressive models are then estimated for the logarithmic and standard deviation transformations. Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) structures are included in the error terms of the models when evidence of conditional heteroskedasticity is found. Model selection is based on various out‐of‐sample criteria. Results show that decomposition of realized volatility is important for forecasting and that the decision whether to include GARCH‐type innovations might depend on the transformation selected. Finally, results are sensitive to the jump test used in the case of the standard deviation transformation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates inference and volatility forecasting using a Markov switching heteroscedastic model with a fat‐tailed error distribution to analyze asymmetric effects on both the conditional mean and conditional volatility of financial time series. The motivation for extending the Markov switching GARCH model, previously developed to capture mean asymmetry, is that the switching variable, assumed to be a first‐order Markov process, is unobserved. The proposed model extends this work to incorporate Markov switching in the mean and variance simultaneously. Parameter estimation and inference are performed in a Bayesian framework via a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme. We compare competing models using Bayesian forecasting in a comparative value‐at‐risk study. The proposed methods are illustrated using both simulations and eight international stock market return series. The results generally favor the proposed double Markov switching GARCH model with an exogenous variable. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four options for modeling and forecasting time series data containing increasing seasonal variation are discussed, including data transformations, double seasonal difference models and two kinds of transfer function-type ARIMA models employing seasonal dummy variables. An explanation is given for the typical ARIMA model identification analysis failing to identify double seasonal difference models for this kind of data. A logical process of selecting one option for a particular case is outlined, focusing on issues of linear versus non-linear increasing seasonal variation, and the level of stochastic versus deterministic behavior in a time series. Example models for the various options are presented for six time series, with point forecast and interval forecast comparisons. Interval forecasts from data-transformation models are found to generally be too wide and sometimes illogical in the dependence of their width on the point forecast level. Suspicion that maximum likelihood estimation of ARIMA models leads to excessive indications of unit roots in seasonal moving-average operators is reported.  相似文献   

The linear multiregression dynamic model (LMDM) is a Bayesian dynamic model which preserves any conditional independence and causal structure across a multivariate time series. The conditional independence structure is used to model the multivariate series by separate (conditional) univariate dynamic linear models, where each series has contemporaneous variables as regressors in its model. Calculating the forecast covariance matrix (which is required for calculating forecast variances in the LMDM) is not always straightforward in its current formulation. In this paper we introduce a simple algebraic form for calculating LMDM forecast covariances. Calculation of the covariance between model regression components can also be useful and we shall present a simple algebraic method for calculating these component covariances. In the LMDM formulation, certain pairs of series are constrained to have zero forecast covariance. We shall also introduce a possible method to relax this restriction. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Volatility models such as GARCH, although misspecified with respect to the data‐generating process, may well generate volatility forecasts that are unconditionally unbiased. In other words, they generate variance forecasts that, on average, are equal to the integrated variance. However, many applications in finance require a measure of return volatility that is a non‐linear function of the variance of returns, rather than of the variance itself. Even if a volatility model generates forecasts of the integrated variance that are unbiased, non‐linear transformations of these forecasts will be biased estimators of the same non‐linear transformations of the integrated variance because of Jensen's inequality. In this paper, we derive an analytical approximation for the unconditional bias of estimators of non‐linear transformations of the integrated variance. This bias is a function of the volatility of the forecast variance and the volatility of the integrated variance, and depends on the concavity of the non‐linear transformation. In order to estimate the volatility of the unobserved integrated variance, we employ recent results from the realized volatility literature. As an illustration, we estimate the unconditional bias for both in‐sample and out‐of‐sample forecasts of three non‐linear transformations of the integrated standard deviation of returns for three exchange rate return series, where a GARCH(1, 1) model is used to forecast the integrated variance. Our estimation results suggest that, in practice, the bias can be substantial. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a simple class of multivariate GARCH models, allowing for time‐varying conditional correlations. Estimates for time‐varying conditional correlations are constructed by means of a convex combination of averaged correlations (across all series) and dynamic realized (historical) correlations. Our model is very parsimonious. Estimation is computationally feasible in very large dimensions without resorting to any variance reduction technique. We back‐test the models on a six‐dimensional exchange‐rate time series using different goodness‐of‐fit criteria and statistical tests. We collect empirical evidence of their strong predictive power, also in comparison to alternative benchmark procedures. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In their seminal book Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Box and Jenkins (1976) introduce the Airline model, which is still routinely used for the modelling of economic seasonal time series. The Airline model is for a differenced time series (in levels and seasons) and constitutes a linear moving average of lagged Gaussian disturbances which depends on two coefficients and a fixed variance. In this paper a novel approach to seasonal adjustment is developed that is based on the Airline model and that accounts for outliers and breaks in time series. For this purpose we consider the canonical representation of the Airline model. It takes the model as a sum of trend, seasonal and irregular (unobserved) components which are uniquely identified as a result of the canonical decomposition. The resulting unobserved components time series model is extended by components that allow for outliers and breaks. When all components depend on Gaussian disturbances, the model can be cast in state space form and the Kalman filter can compute the exact log‐likelihood function. Related filtering and smoothing algorithms can be used to compute minimum mean squared error estimates of the unobserved components. However, the outlier and break components typically rely on heavy‐tailed densities such as the t or the mixture of normals. For this class of non‐Gaussian models, Monte Carlo simulation techniques will be used for estimation, signal extraction and seasonal adjustment. This robust approach to seasonal adjustment allows outliers to be accounted for, while keeping the underlying structures that are currently used to aid reporting of economic time series data. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative analysis of linear and mixed models for short‐term forecasting of a real data series with a high percentage of missing data. Data are the series of significant wave heights registered at regular periods of three hours by a buoy placed in the Bay of Biscay. The series is interpolated with a linear predictor which minimizes the forecast mean square error. The linear models are seasonal ARIMA models and the mixed models have a linear component and a non‐linear seasonal component. The non‐linear component is estimated by a non‐parametric regression of data versus time. Short‐term forecasts, no more than two days ahead, are of interest because they can be used by the port authorities to notify the fleet. Several models are fitted and compared by their forecasting behaviour. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Combining time- and frequency-domain analysis demonstrates considerable improvement in modelling seasonal patterns in daily exchange rate changes. A high-pass filter in the frequency domain is used, followed by the usual time-domain analysis with GARCH models, to estimate day-of-the-week effects in the spot returns on five exchanges against US dollars and the results are seen to compare favourably with those from a pure time-domain GARCH approach.  相似文献   

ARCH and GARCH models are substantially used for modelling volatility of time series data. It is proven by many studies that if variables are significantly skewed, linear versions of these models are not sufficient for both explaining the past volatility and forecasting the future volatility. In this paper, we compare the linear(GARCH(1,1)) and non‐linear(EGARCH) versions of GARCH model by using the monthly stock market returns of seven emerging countries from February 1988 to December 1996. We find that for emerging stock markets GARCH(1,1) model performs better than EGARCH model, even if stock market return series display skewed distributions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At what forecast horizon is one time series more predictable than another? This paper applies the Diebold–Kilian conditional predictability measure to assess the out‐of‐sample performance of three alternative models of daily GBP/USD and DEM/USD exchange rate returns. Predictability is defined as a non‐linear statistic of a model's relative expected losses at short and long forecast horizons, allowing flexible choice of both the estimation procedure and loss function. The long horizon is set to 2 weeks and one month ahead and forecasts evaluated according to MSE loss. Bootstrap methodology is used to estimate the data's conditional predictability using GARCH models. This is then compared to predictability under a random walk and a model using the prediction bias in uncovered interest parity (UIP). We find that both exchange rates are less predictable using GARCH than using a random walk, but they are more predictable using UIP than a random walk. Predictability using GARCH is relatively higher for the 2‐weeks‐than for the 1‐month long forecast horizon. Comparing the results using a random walk to that using UIP reveals ‘pockets’ of predictability, that is, particular short horizons for which predictability using the random walk exceeds that using UIP, or vice versa. Overall, GBP/USD returns appear more predictable than DEM/USD returns at short horizons. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This intention of this paper is to empirically forecast the daily betas of a few European banks by means of four generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models and the Kalman filter method during the pre‐global financial crisis period and the crisis period. The four GARCH models employed are BEKK GARCH, DCC GARCH, DCC‐MIDAS GARCH and Gaussian‐copula GARCH. The data consist of daily stock prices from 2001 to 2013 from two large banks each from Austria, Belgium, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. We apply the rolling forecasting method and the model confidence sets (MCS) to compare the daily forecasting ability of the five models during one month of the pre‐crisis (January 2007) and the crisis (January 2013) periods. Based on the MCS results, the BEKK proves the best model in the January 2007 period, and the Kalman filter overly outperforms the other models during the January 2013 period. Results have implications regarding the choice of model during different periods by practitioners and academics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the importance of forecasting higher moments for optimal hedge ratio estimation. To this end, autoregressive conditional density (ARCD) models are employed which allow for time variation in variance, skewness and kurtosis. The performance of ARCD models is evaluated against that of GARCH and of other conventional hedge ratio estimation methodologies based on exponentially weighted moving averages, ordinary least squares and error correction, respectively. An empirical application using spot and futures data on the DJI, FTSE and DAX equity indices compares the in‐sample and out‐of‐sample hedging effectiveness of each approach in terms of risk minimization. The results show that the ARCD approach has the best performance, thus suggesting that forecasting higher moments is of practical importance for futures hedging. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effectively explaining and accurately forecasting industrial stock volatility can provide crucial references to develop investment strategies, prevent market risk and maintain the smooth running of national economy. This paper aims to discuss the roles of industry‐level indicators in industrial stock volatility. Selecting Chinese manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) and its five component PMI as the proxies of industry‐level indicators, we analyze the contributions of PMI on industrial stock volatility and further compare the volatility forecasting performances of PMI, macroeconomic fundamentals and economic policy uncertainty (EPU), by constructing the individual and combination GARCH‐MIDAS models. The empirical results manifest that, first, most of the PMI has significant negative effects on industrial stock volatility. Second, PMI which focuses on the industrial sector itself is more helpful to forecast industrial stock volatility compared with the commonly used macroeconomic fundamentals and economic policy uncertainty. Finally, the combination GARCH‐MIDAS approaches based on DMA technique demonstrate more excellent predictive abilities than the individual GARCH‐MIDAS models. Our major conclusions are robust through various robustness checks.  相似文献   

A non‐linear dynamic model is introduced for multiplicative seasonal time series that follows and extends the X‐11 paradigm where the observed time series is a product of trend, seasonal and irregular factors. A selection of standard seasonal and trend component models used in additive dynamic time series models are adapted for the multiplicative framework and a non‐linear filtering procedure is proposed. The results are illustrated and compared to X‐11 and log‐additive models using real data. In particular it is shown that the new procedures do not suffer from the trend bias present in log‐additive models. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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