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针对最小化最大完工时间的带有不相关并行机的混合流水车间调度问题,提出了改进贪婪遗传算法。首先,该算法染色体编码采用基于工件加工顺序的编码,解码提出了两种设备分配方案,并考虑到不同阶段加工设备配置不同对算法的影响,采用了正序解码和逆序解码加再调度并用的解码策略。其次,提出贪婪交叉算子和贪婪变异算子,这些算子不仅承担改进种群,增加种群多样性的功能,同时还具有较强的局部搜索能力。最后通过正交实验确定算法的参数设置,与已有算法对已知案例的求解结果进行了比较,说明了该算法的有效性。同时实验表明了正序和逆序解码策略的必要性以及正序或逆序解码的时机。  相似文献   

An improved differential evolution (IDE) algorithm that adopts a novel mutation strategy to speed up the convergence rate is introduced to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) with the objective of minimizing project duration. Activities priorities for scheduling are represented by individual vectors and a serial scheme is utilized to transform the individual-represented priorities to a feasible schedule according to the precedence and resource constraints so as to be evaluated. To investigate the performance of the IDE-based approach for the RCPSP, it is compared against the meta-heuristic methods of hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and several well selected heuristics. The results show that the proposed scheduling method is better than general heuristic rules and is able to obtain the same optimal result as the HGA and PSO approaches but more efficient than the two algorithms.    相似文献   

多核处理器的并行任务调度一直是研究的热点话题,属于NP-hard问题。针对此问题,本文提出了一种集启发式算法、禁忌搜索算法、模拟退火算法于一体的改进混合遗传算法(modified hybrid genetic algorithm,MHGA)。MHGA改进如下:首先,采用启发式的分层调度来初始化种群,提高初始种群质量;其次,提出基于禁忌搜索(tabu search,TS)的随机编号交叉算子,提高种群的多样性;最后,采用基于模拟退火(simulated annealing, SA)的变异,提高个体质量。实验结果表明,与其他遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)相比,MHGA可以得到更小的任务调度时间和更快的最优解搜索能力。  相似文献   

A memetic algorithm (MA) for a multi-mode resourceconstrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) is proposed. We use a new fitness function and two very effective local search procedures in the proposed MA. The fitness function makes use of a mechanism called "strategic oscillation" to make the search process have a higher probability to visit solutions around a "feasible boundary". One of the local search procedures aims at improving the lower bound of project makespan to be less than a known upper bound, and another aims at improving a solution of an MRCPSP instance accepting infeasible solutions based on the new fitness function in the search process. A detailed computational experiment is set up using instances from the problem instance library PSPLIB. Computational results show that the proposed MA is very competitive with the state-of-the-art algorithms. The MA obtains improved solutions for one instance of set J30.  相似文献   

求解Job Shop调度问题的粒子群算法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为解决单一粒子群算法求解Job shop调度问题存在的不足,提出一种基于交换序的混合粒子群算法,提高了这类问题的求解质量.在混合粒子群算法中,采用粒子群算法进行大范围全局搜索.根据Job Shop调度问题解的特征,提出基于关键工序的邻域选择方法,并将基于这种方法的禁忌搜索算法作为局部搜索算法,增强了粒子群算法的搜索能力.采用混合粒子群算法对13个难解的benchmark问题进行求解,在较短的时间内,得到的最优解和10次求解的平均值优于并行遗传算法和粒子群算法.由此说明本文所提出的混合粒子群算法是有效的.  相似文献   

模糊多目标资源受限项目调度问题的优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种求解模糊多目标资源受限项目调度问题的遗传局域搜索(GLS)算法,目标是生成近似有效解集以便决策者在决策过程中有更多的选择.算法利用线性加权效用函数将多目标组合优化问题转换为单目标组合优化问题,通过系统的方法生成目标权系数向量,对于每次生成的权系数向量,调用GLS算法求解以极小化效用函数为单一目标的子问题,由此生成的近似有效解集更加具有多样性.实验结果表明:本文算法可以针对多目标资源受限项目调度问题生成较好质量的近似有效解集,在多数指标上优于其它两种对照算法.  相似文献   

集装箱码头集成调度模型与混合优化算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高集装箱码头作业中各种设备的协调性,提高整体作业效率,建立了集成调度模型,模型集成了装卸桥、集卡与龙门吊的调度问题.同时,设计了求解模型的混合优化算法,此算法集成了神经网络良好的近似估计功能与模拟退火算法有效的搜索能力.算法流程是:初始化集装箱装卸序列;基于一定的分配规则为集装箱分配作业设备;采用模拟退火算法搜索解空间,更新装卸序列.在算法过程中,用神经网络预测目标函数,并且过滤明显的劣质解.最后,通过算例分析验证了模型与算法的有效性.结果表明,混合优化算法可以提高模型求解效率,对于规模为400个集装箱的调度问题,平均偏差为7.52%,计算时间为8.9s,模型与算法可行.  相似文献   

改进差分进化算法求解武器目标分配问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对武器目标分配问题求解收敛速度慢、搜索效率低、寻优精度差的问题,提出一种基于改进差分进化算法的武器目标分配方法.首先,建立多约束条件下武器目标分配优化模型,将动态武器目标分配问题离散为静态武器目标分配问题处理.其次,采用随机邻域变异策略平衡差分进化算法全局探索和局部开发能力,采用基于历史存档的自适应参数整定方法,根据...  相似文献   

作业车间调度问题(JSSP)是组合优化问题中的NP难问题。本文提出了以适用于JSSP问题的二进制编码遗传算法为基础,在算法中增加了两种启发式算子:激活算子和瓶颈修复算子,并相应调整算法结构,形成混和遗传算法解决JSSP问题。激活算子以GT算法为依据,将种群中部分个体转化为活动调度个体,是一种较有独创性的新算子;瓶颈修复算子对所得结果进一步优化。算例运行结果表明与其它算法相比,该算法在全局搜索能力和运行效率上都有突出的表现。  相似文献   

Satellite observation scheduling plays a significant role in improving the efficiency of satellite observation systems.Although many scheduling algorithms have been proposed,emergency tasks,characterized as importance and urgency(e.g.,observation tasks orienting to the earthquake area and military conflict area),have not been taken into account yet.Therefore,it is crucial to investigate the satellite integrated scheduling methods,which focus on meeting the requirements of emergency tasks while maximizing the profit of common tasks.Firstly,a pretreatment approach is proposed,which eliminates conflicts among emergency tasks and allocates all tasks with a potential time-window to related orbits of satellites.Secondly,a mathematical model and an acyclic directed graph model are constructed.Thirdly,a hybrid ant colony optimization method mixed with iteration local search(ACO-ILS) is established to solve the problem.Moreover,to guarantee all solutions satisfying the emergency task requirement constraints,a constraint repair method is presented.Extensive experimental simulations show that the proposed integrated scheduling method is superior to two-phased scheduling methods,the performance of ACO-ILS is greatly improved in both evolution speed and solution quality by iteration local search,and ACO-ILS outperforms both genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm.  相似文献   

A system model based on joint layer mechanism is formulated for optimal data scheduling over fixed point-to-point links in OFDMA ad-hoc wireless networks. A distributed scheduling algorithm (DSA) for system model optimization is proposed that combines the randomly chosen subcarrier according to the channel condition of local subcarriers with link power control to limit interference caused by the reuse of subcarrier among links. For the global fairness improvement of algorithms, a global power control scheduling algorithm (GPCSA) based on the proposed DSA is presented and dynamically allocates global power according to difference between average carrier-noise-ratio of selected local links and system link protection ratio. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms achieve better efficiency and fairness compared with other existing algorithms.  相似文献   

分析研究环形穿梭车(RGV)的工作特点和调度策略,同时考虑其起停、等待、复合作业对搬运能力的影响,创建了环形RGV搬运作业的多目标优化调度数学模型.在此基础上提出了基于自学习和改进遗传算法的环形RGV实时调度算法.讨论了调度算法的编码、选择、交叉变异操作规则方法,提出改进种群和妥协解的专家库自学习方法,提高优化计算速度.通过计算仿真和工程验证,证实环形RGV的搬运能力得到有效提高,该模型和自学习算法是可行和有效的.  相似文献   

提出了一种将递阶遗传算法和奇异值分解的优点相结合的新型径向基神经网络学习算法--混合递阶遗传算法。它具有较高的学习效率,并能同时确定径向基神经网络的结构和参数。利用所提出的混合递阶遗传算法对混沌时间序列学习和预测,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

借鉴量子计算的相关原理和差分进化思想,提出一种用于连续空间优化问题的量子差分混合优化算法。算法的核心是构造由决策向量的分量和量子位概率幅为等位基因的实数编码染色体;采用依据染色体的具体形式设计的互补变异进化部分优秀个体,以加快算法的收敛速度;利用差分进化思想进化部分随机选取个体,以保持算法的全局搜索能力和鲁棒性。对Benchmark函数测试表明,该算法具有寻优能力强、搜索精度高和稳定性好的特点。应用该算法求解路基沉降预测模型参数估计问题,能够有效提高实测沉降数据的拟合精度.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic detection satellite (EDS) is a type of earth observation satellites (EOSs). The Information collected by EDSs plays an important role in some fields, such as industry, science and military. The scheduling of EDSs is a complex combinatorial optimization problem. Current research mainly focuses on the scheduling of imaging satellites and SAR satellites, but little work has been done on the scheduling of EDSs for its specific characteristics. A multi-satellite scheduling model is established, in which the specific constrains of EDSs are considered, then a scheduling algorithm based on the genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed. To deal with the specific constrains of EDSs, a penalty function method is introduced. However, it is hard to determine the appropriate penalty coefficient in the penalty function. Therefore, an adaptive adjustment mechanism of the penalty coefficient is designed to solve the problem, as well as improve the scheduling results. Experimental results are used to demonstrate the correctness and practicability of the proposed scheduling algorithm.  相似文献   

针对批量与排序的集成问题设计一种遗传算法和禁忌搜索相结合的混合算法,用遗传算法作为主框架优化批量,排序部分由禁忌搜索单独优化,并将排序最优解反馈到遗传算法的主框架中生成集成计划继续寻优。遗传算法的选择算子和变异算子分别采用不同的自适应机制,以提高算法的搜索能力和收敛速度。对3种不同规模算例进行测试,其结果与其他算法比较,验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

To improve the total throughput of the uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access system,a low complexity hybrid power distribution(HPD) combined with subcarrier allocation scheme is proposed.For the fairness mechanism for the subcarrier,the inter-cell interference is first analyzed to calculate the capacity of the multi-cell.The user selects the subcarrier with the largest channel gain.Based on the above subcarrier allocation scheme,a new kind of HPD scheme is proposed,which adopts the waterfilling-power-distributed scheme and the equal-power-distributed scheme in the cell-boundary and the cellcenter,respectively.Simulation results show that compared with the waterfilling-power-distributed scheme in the whole cell,the proposed HPD scheme decreases the system complexity significantly,meanwhile its capacity is 2% higher than that of the equal-powerdistributed scheme over the same subcarrier allocation.  相似文献   

Flow shop问题的蚁群优化调度方法   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
提出了一种新颖的蚁群优化算法,用于解决流水作业(flowshop)的优化调度问题。算法中,流水作业调度问题以结点或弧模式有向图表示,人工蚁受有向图上信息素踪迹的指引,在图上搜索并一步步构造出问题的可行解。算法中的信息素踪迹更新过程作为蚁群间的间接通信机制,将引导整个蚁群收敛到问题的优化解。信息素踪迹更新过程中的停滞状态脱离机制以及信息素踪迹限制机制能帮助人工蚁跳出局部最优解。算法局部搜索过程中采用的基于关键路径的领域结构缩小问题的搜索空间。与其他算法在Taillard流水作业调度测试问题集上的比较试验表明,本算法性能更优,且具有更强的自适应和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Task scheduling for electro-magnetic detection satellite is a typical combinatorial optimization problem. The count of constraints that need to be taken into account is of large scale. An algorithm combined integer programming with constraint programming is presented. This algorithm is deployed in this problem through two steps. The first step is to decompose the original problem into master and sub-problem using the logic-based Benders decomposition; then a circus combines master and sub-problem solving process together, and the connection between them is general Benders cut. This hybrid algorithm is tested by a set of derived experiments. The result is compared with corresponding outcomes generated by the strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm and the pure constraint programming solver--GECODE, which is an open source software. These tests and comparisons yield promising effect.  相似文献   

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