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本文应用稳定同位素技术对贵州喀斯特洞穴青菜洞和癞子洞生态系统的营养级关系进行研究。结果表明,青菜洞和癞子洞食物链的碳源主要为洞穴内土壤有机质,为第一营养级(即初级生产者);洞穴内软体动物的螺类和节肢动物的裸灶螽、马陆等主要以土壤有机质和颗粒有机物为食,为第二营养级(即初级消费者);洞穴内的节肢动物的蜘蛛类和脊椎动物主要以其他动物为食物,为第三营养级(即次级消费者)。本文中青菜洞Δδ15 N的富集因子为2.9‰,癞子洞Δδ15 N的富集因子为2.46‰。  相似文献   

According to systemically monitoring results of oxygen (hydrogen) isotope compositions of precipitation, soil waters, soil CO2, cave drip waters and their corresponding speleothems in Liangfeng Cave (LFC) in Guizhou Province, Southwest China, it is found that local precipitation is the main source of soil waters and drip waters, and that the amplitudes of those δ18O values of three waters (precipitation, soil water and drip water) decrease in turn in the observed year, which are 0‰ to -10‰, -2‰ to -9‰ and -6‰ to -8‰, respectively. Moreover, the δ18O values for three waters show a roughly simultaneous variation, namely, that those values are lighter in the rainy seasons, weightier in the dry seasons, and that the average δ18O value of drip waters is about 0.3‰ weightier than that of precipitation, which is modified by surface evaporation processes. We also find that oxygen isotope equilibrium is reached or neared in the formation processes of speleothems in LFC system, and that it is feasible to reconstruct paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation by using δ18O values of speleothems. However, it should be noted that surface evaporation would affect the oxygen isotope values in the study area.  相似文献   

The strontium isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr) of samples including soils, bedrock, soil waters, drip waters and their corresponding speleothems in the Qixing Cave (QXC), Guizhou Province, China, were systemically measured and analyzed. The results indicate that there are significant Sr isotopic differences among samples. The mean 87Sr/86Sr ratios in drip water for the samples 1#, 4# and 9# were 0.709568, 0.709139 and 0.708761, respectively, which possibly result from different flow paths, residence times, and other hydrogeological processes in the unsaturated zone overlying QXC. Meanwhile, levels of 40.8%, 57.6% and 72.4% of Sr in drip waters for 1#, 4# and 9#, respectively, were derived from bedrock dissolution, which was calculated by the mixture model of the two end-members (soil and bedrock). There is, however, no positive correlation between the relative proportion from bedrock dissolution (δ13C value is 1.8‰) and drip water δ13CDIC values. The mean drip water δ13CDIC value in 1# is the heaviest (–4.5‰) with the lowest contribution rate of bedrock dissolution, whereas the value in 9# is the lightest (–9.3‰) with the highest contribution rate of bedrock dissolution. The proportion from host rock dissolution in 4# is higher than that in 1# and lower than that in 9#, while its mean drip water δ13CDIC value (–8.6‰) is higher than that of 9# and lower than that for 1#. This suggests that the prior calcite precipitation (PCP) processes in the unsaturated zone overlying the cave are responsible for the δ13CDIC value differences between different drip waters, and not bedrock dissolution. Furthermore, this study also demonstrates that the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of speleothems in the 1# and 4# mainly reflect the variation in the relative proportions from the soil system (soil water) and bedrock dissolution overlying the cave. It is, therefore, feasible to use the strontium isotopic signals of speleothems as an indicator for soil chemical weathering intensity, and consequently as a monsoon proxy in the study area.  相似文献   

韦灵  陈晓冰  吴晗  姜波  李振东 《科学技术与工程》2020,20(29):11891-11900
为探究秸秆覆盖对桂北岩溶区水稻田土壤优先路径的影响,采用野外染色示踪方法,结合图像形态学解析技术与空间统计分析方法,研究桂北岩溶区秸秆覆盖与非覆盖条件下水稻田优先路径及其空间分布特征。结果表明:随土壤深度的增加,秸秆覆盖条件下的水稻田土壤染色形态呈表层整体分散分布向深层团块状零散分布形态转变,而非秸秆覆盖条件下的土壤染色形态以聚集枝状裂隙为主向两侧团块状分布形态转变,且秸秆覆盖的水稻田平均总染色面积比(18.23%)仅是非秸秆覆盖的0.75倍,二者之间差异显著(P<0.05)。秸秆覆盖条件下水稻田的平均优先路径总数量(6323)仅是非秸秆覆盖条件下的0.81倍,二者优先路径数量均随土壤深度的增加而降低,但覆盖条件下水稻田的优先路径数量下降最快,以4.48倍速减小,其优先路径的平均复杂度为2.11,而非覆盖条件下水稻田优先路径平均复杂度为2.14,二者之间差异性显著(P<0.05),即非秸秆覆盖下的水稻田优先路径扭曲程度更高,表现为路径较集中的空间分布状态,且秸秆覆盖措施影响水稻田优先路径。覆盖措施虽加快了土壤表层水流运动状态,但降低了深层土壤中优先流的发育程度,减少了田间水肥深层渗漏,在一定程度上可提高作物耕作层中的水肥利用率。  相似文献   

广西及邻区泥盆系碳酸盐岩碳、氧同位素组成特征及意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广西及邻区下泥盆统至下石炭统稳定碳同位素组成逐渐增大,由埃姆斯阶(D_1)一1‰~一4‰增至法门阶,杜内阶的+0.5‰~+2.5‰。同时期δ ̄18O呈“W”型分布,在艾菲尔阶()和弗拉斯阶()两个负向波动;在埃姆斯阶(),吉维特阶()和法门阶()、杜内阶()三个正向波动。这些变化趋势反映了当时气圈、沉积的变化,也反映了生物界的演化变迁。华南泥盆纪δ ̄13C和δ ̄18O的变化特征可与同时期、同纬度的北美大陆保存完好的低镁方解石质腕足动物壳中碳、氧同位素组成良好的对比。因此,华南碳酸盐中碳、氧同位素组成基本保存了泥盆纪古海洋中同位素的特征,是很有潜力的地层对比的工具。  相似文献   

龙子祠泉岩溶水流量衰减原因及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从自然和人为因素两方面,分析了龙子祠泉流量衰减的主要原因是大气降水量的减少、岩溶地下水开采量的增加以及由于煤矿开采大量抽排岩溶地下水,提出了建立水源保护区、完善监测体系、开展采矿排水利用研究、加强岩溶水的人工补给等对策,以保护好龙子祠泉水资源。  相似文献   

Since 2004, three excavations have been carried out at a late Pleistocene human fossil site of Huanglong Cave in Yunxi County, Hubei Province of China, which unearthed seven human teeth, dozens of stone tools, mammal fossils and other evidence indicating human activities. During the third excavation in 2006, in the same layer as the human teeth, we found some patches of black materials embedded in the deposit. We doubted that this black deposit layer is the remains of burning or even human use of fire at the cave. To further explore the possibility of human fire use at the Huanglong Cave, we examined samples directly taken from the black deposit layer and compared them with samples taken from several places in the cave using three methods: micromorphology, element content determination and deposit temperature analysis. Our results indicate that the contents of carbon element in the black deposit reach 64.59%―73.29%. In contrast, contents of carbon element of the comparative samples from other parts in the cave are only 5.82%―9.49%. The micromorphology analysis of the black deposit samples reveals a plant structure like axial parenchyma, fibrocyte, uniseriate ray and vessel. High-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements suggest that the stratum possibly underwent a high temperature in the nature. Based on these lab analyses, we are sure that the black layer in the Huanglong Cave is the remains of fire and combustion did occur in the cave 100000 years ago. Taking other evidence of human activities found in the Huanglong Cave into consideration, we believe that the evidence of fire from the Huanglong Cave was caused by the human activities of controlled use of fire.  相似文献   

The cultural deposits at pits T1 and T2 in Zhangkou Cave are intercalated with several flowstone layers. U-series dates show that the capping and 2nd flowstone layers are Holocene of age. The 4th and 5th flowstone layers are ca. 55 and 110 ka old respectively. The lithic artifacts bracketed by them provide unequivocal evidence for hominid presence during this time interval. The ┐temporal gap” of hominid fossil, widely quoted as in support of the out-of-Africa hypothesis, is most probably an artifact due to systematic errors of dating techniques. The infillings under 6th flowstone layer date to > 300 ka, much older than the previous estimate at 15 ka based on classical14C dating of fossil bones, providing one more example of the limited reliability of this chronometer. With rich relics and favorable conditions for precise dating, this site is promising for further multidisciplinary studies to address issues concerning recent human evolution in China.  相似文献   

The cultural deposits at pits T1 and T2 in Zhangkou Cave are intercalated with several flowstone layers. U-series dates show that the capping and 2rid flowstone layers are Holocene of age. The 4th and 5th flowstone layers are ca. 55 and 110 ka old respectively. The lithic artifacts bracketed by them provide unequivocal evidence for hominid presence during this time interval. The ““temporal gap““ of hominid fossil, widely quoted as in support of the out-of-Africa hypothesis, is most probably an artifact due to systematic errors of dating techniques. The infillings under 6th flowstone layer date to >300 ka, much older than the previous estimate at 15 ka based on classical 14C dating of fossil bones, providing one more example of the limited reliability of this chronometer. With rich relics and favorable conditions for precise dating, this site is promising for further multidisciplinary studies to address issues concerning recent human evolution in China.  相似文献   

岩溶水资源是西南岩溶地区社会经济发展的一个最为重要的支撑点.西南岩溶地区降水丰富,岩溶水资源总量大,但由于强烈的岩溶作用和岩溶植被的破坏,西南岩溶地区成为我国严重缺水的地区之一,水资源问题成为制约该地区经济发展的关键因素.充分认识西南岩溶地区水资源的赋存特点和时空演变规律,认清目前岩溶水资源开发利用中存在的问题及原因,有利于今后西南岩溶地区水资源的合理开发和保护,对实现西南岩溶地区脱贫和社会经济的可持续发展具有重要意义.从地质背景和人类活动胁迫两方面分析了岩溶含水层的特点以及目前西南岩溶地区水资源开发利用中存在的突出问题,提出了西南岩溶区水资源的可持续利用的对策.  相似文献   

兰序书  李坡  吴士章 《贵州科学》2010,28(1):76-79,92
本文主要对岩溶山区水稻田间需水规律研究,探索水稻在不同的生育期的需水定额,为农业节水提供理论依据,把传统用水转到现代的高效用水的轨道上来,建立合理、节水、高产、高效的与生态良性循环的水资源体系。  相似文献   

为探讨喀斯特灌木丛优势树种烟管荚蒾(Viburnum utile)叶片稳定氮同位素组成的季节变异特征及其影响因素,以喀斯特高原贵州省清镇市王家寨峰丛洼地小流域为例,选取流域内稀疏灌草丛、草灌丛、灌丛3种植被类型下的常绿树种烟管荚蒾为具体研究对象,分别在4月(生长初期)、7月(生长旺盛期)、9月(生长晚期)和12月(生长停滞期)对其叶片稳定氮同位素组成和N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn元素含量进行测定分析。结果表明:研究区烟管荚蒾叶片的δ~(15)N在不同群落间和不同坡位间均无显著差异(P0.05),群落间的变化趋势为灌丛稀疏灌草丛草灌丛,坡位间的变化趋势为中坡下坡上坡,变化范围为-3.28‰~-0.59‰,平均值为-2.22‰;烟管荚蒾叶片δ~(15)N值在不同群落中均表现出9月最负而12月最正的特征,变化趋势均为9月7月12月,但仅在草灌丛群落中的7月与12月间和9月与12月间有显著差异(P0.05),在其他群落中各月份间的差异均不显著(P0.05),同一生长期内不同群落间、不同坡位间的差异也不显著;研究区植被类型、坡位和季节对烟管荚蒾叶片δ~(15)N的交互影响均不显著,说明烟管荚蒾对生境恶劣的喀斯特环境具有特殊的适应能力;烟管荚蒾叶片的δ~(15)N与Fe、Mn含量密切相关,同时受N、P、K、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn元素化学计量比的影响,说明其叶片δ~(15)N值的变化主要受自身氮生理代谢过程的控制;研究区9月温暖湿润和12月干旱寒冷的气候特征可能是导致烟管荚蒾叶片δ~(15)N在9月最负和12月最正的主要原因。  相似文献   

通过2009年9月~2010年11月对芙蓉洞11个监测点CO_2浓度连续监测,发现芙蓉洞CO_2浓度有一定时空变化特征。空间上,由于洞穴环境封闭,洞内CO_2浓度总体上从洞口到洞尾增长,同时游客人数,洞道形状等因素对其产生一定影响;季节上,CO_2浓度与洞穴外部环境有一定的响应关系,冬季外界温度较低,降水量较少,洞内CO_2浓度也较低。  相似文献   

兰州市大气中NMHCs的稳定碳同位素组成及来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Tenax TA吸附管采集了兰州市污染源和主要功能区冬季及夏季大气样品, 利用热解析-气相色谱-同位素质谱联用仪分析了样品中非甲烷烃的稳定碳同位素组成。结果表明: 不同源排放的 NMHCs 的稳定碳同位素组成不同, 交通相关源中NMHCs的δC平均值为 - 28. 7‰, 显著低于燃煤烟气(-24.1‰); 夏季各功能区NMHCs 的δ13C值相差不大, 平均值在 - 29. 5‰ ~- 27. 4‰之间, 冬季西固工业区的 δ13C平均值(-25. 5‰)大于盘旋路(-28. 8‰) 和二电厂(-31. 2‰)。同位素来源分析结果显示: 盘旋路冬夏两季 NMHCs主要来源于交通相关源; 西固工业区冬季 NMHCs 主要来源于燃煤烟气, 夏季正烷烃和苯主要来源于交通相关源;二电厂冬季正戊烷、正己烷和苯等主要来源于交通相关源; 居民区夏季 NMHCs 则受到交通相关源排放的影响较大, 其他未知源也有贡献。冬夏两季大气中均检测出苯的存在, 且主要来源于交通相关源, 因此控制交通相关源的排放是降低致癌物质苯污染的关键。  相似文献   

为确定南京汤泉地区地下热水补给来源,本次对比分析了区内20组不同水样的水化学、氘氧同位素及锶同位素比值的特征。结果表明,汤泉地下热水水化学类型为SO4- Ca型,热储温度为63℃~75℃;δD、δ18O值分别为 -42.89~-53.21‰、-7.11~-8.40‰,均位于当地大气降水线附近,指示其补给来源为雨水,补给高程为321 m~539 m;87Sr/86Sr同位素比值为0.708876~0.709299,表现为碳酸盐岩溶滤水特性。研究认为,地下热水的来源为碳酸盐岩岩溶出露区的大气降水补给,并主要流经碳酸盐岩地层,与浅层冷水和地表水水力联系微弱。  相似文献   

福建永定仙湖洞为多层状喀斯特洞穴系统,发育于向斜核部的下三叠统溪口组(T1x)鲕状石灰岩中,主要受到北东向和北西向两组断裂的控制,由于北东向压扭性断裂破碎影响的带宽,更有利于喀斯特洞穴的发育形成,因而洞穴总体呈北东向延伸。  相似文献   

针对岩溶采城内盲目开采深层岩溶地下水的现象,理论联系实际论述了泉城内开采岩溶地下水对泉水出流量的影响,提出了岩溶水资源管理系统目标及一些行之有效的管理措施。  相似文献   

北方资源型及水质型缺水、南方洪涝灾害和季节性缺水、水资源与经济发展空间不匹配等是我国岩溶地区水资源开发面临的主要问题。近几十年来,尽管我国在岩溶水资源开发利用过程中掌握很多关键技术并研发出一些成功的模式,但是仍然存在着许多急需解决的问题。本文对国外岩溶地区水资源开发利用的成功经验、典型案例和关键技术进行分析,总结出雨水及表(浅)层岩溶水资源收集-储存-利用、岩溶含水层水资源调蓄与循环利用、中小流域岩溶水资源综合开发与管理、跨流域(区域)尺度岩溶水资源协调开发,以及岩溶大流域水资源梯级调蓄与综合开发等国外岩溶水开发的成功模式。基于上述模式对我国岩溶地区水资源规划、保护、管理和开发所带来的启示,提出借鉴国外跨流域(区域)尺度岩溶水资源协调开发经验,实施水资源跨流域协调开发,有效解决岩溶地区水资源与经济发展空间不匹配的问题;按照大流域岩溶水资源梯级调蓄与综合开发利用的思路,在西南岩溶区利用梯级分布且具有密切水文联系的岩溶大洼地,实施集防洪与调蓄水资源等多目标的大岩溶流域梯级水资源开发工程,解决南方岩溶区季节性缺水的难题;重视我国北方岩溶区地下水资源普遍超采造成岩溶含水层被疏干的水环境问题,启动向岩溶含水层回灌补水计划,增强北方岩溶含水层调蓄水资源的能力,提高水资源利用效率和改善地下水环境;推进极端干旱岩溶区收集-储存-综合利用雨水、表(浅)层岩溶水或坡面流的技术创新,为我国岩溶地区水资源可持续开发利用、生态经济发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Isotopic geochemical characteristics of helium in garnet and omphacite of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains are discussed. Concentrations of3He and4He in garnet and omphacite are 3.9 × 10−14–24.0 × 10−14 and 0.48 × 10−7–9.42 × 10−7cm13.g−1, respectively. Values of3He/4He have a range of (1.19–4.63) × 10−7. Helium In the eclogite is derived from both mantle and crust. Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.  相似文献   

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