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Ingmundson A  Delprato A  Lambright DG  Roy CR 《Nature》2007,450(7168):365-369
Rab1 is a GTPase that regulates the transport of endoplasmic-reticulum-derived vesicles in eukaryotic cells. The intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila subverts Rab1 function to create a vacuole that supports bacterial replication by a mechanism that is not well understood. Here we describe L. pneumophila proteins that control Rab1 activity directly. We show that a region in the DrrA (defect in Rab1 recruitment A) protein required for recruitment of Rab1 to membranes functions as a guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor displacement factor. A second region of the DrrA protein stimulated Rab1 activation by functioning as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor. The LepB protein was found to inactivate Rab1 by stimulating GTP hydrolysis, indicating that LepB has GTPase-activating protein activity that regulates removal of Rab proteins from membranes. Thus, L. pneumophila encodes proteins that regulate three distinct biochemical reactions critical for Rab GTPase membrane cycling to redirect Rab1 to the pathogen-occupied vacuole and to control Rab1 function.  相似文献   

Fringe is a glycosyltransferase that modifies Notch   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Notch receptors function in highly conserved intercellular signalling pathways that direct cell-fate decisions, proliferation and apoptosis in metazoans. Fringe proteins can positively and negatively modulate the ability of Notch ligands to activate the Notch receptor. Here we establish the biochemical mechanism of Fringe action. Drosophila and mammalian Fringe proteins possess a fucose-specific beta1,3 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity that initiates elongation of O-linked fucose residues attached to epidermal growth factor-like sequence repeats of Notch. We obtained biological evidence that Fringe-dependent elongation of O-linked fucose on Notch modulates Notch signalling by using co-culture assays in mammalian cells and by expression of an enzymatically inactive Fringe mutant in Drosophila. The post-translational modification of Notch by Fringe represents a striking example of modulation of a signalling event by differential receptor glycosylation and identifies a mechanism that is likely to be relevant to other signalling pathways.  相似文献   

The Rab5 effector EEA1 is a core component of endosome docking   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Intracellular membrane docking and fusion requires the interplay between soluble factors and SNAREs. The SNARE hypothesis postulates that pairing between a vesicular v-SNARE and a target membrane z-SNARE is the primary molecular interaction underlying the specificity of vesicle targeting as well as lipid bilayer fusion. This proposal is supported by recent studies using a minimal artificial system. However, several observations demonstrate that SNAREs function at multiple transport steps and can pair promiscuously, questioning the role of SNAREs in conveying vesicle targeting. Moreover, other proteins have been shown to be important in membrane docking or tethering. Therefore, if the minimal machinery is defined as the set of proteins sufficient to reproduce in vitro the fidelity of vesicle targeting, docking and fusion as in vivo, then SNAREs are not sufficient to specify vesicle targeting. Endosome fusion also requires cytosolic factors and is regulated by the small GTPase Rab5. Here we show that Rab5-interacting soluble proteins can completely substitute for cytosol in an in vivo endosome-fusion assay, and that the Rab5 effector EEA1 is the only factor necessary to confer minimal fusion activity. Rab5 and other associated proteins seem to act upstream of EEA1, implying that Rab5 effectors comprise both regulatory molecules and mechanical components of the membrane transport machinery. We further show that EEA1 mediates endosome docking and, together with SNAREs, leads to membrane fusion.  相似文献   

给出了修改一类G着色图的一算法 ,并证明了通过第n次循环获得的G_Vo的第n +1个着色图一定不同于前n个G_Vo的着色图中的任何一个 ,和具有两个同一分支的连续循环过程不可能无休止地进行下去  相似文献   

Studies of intracellular traffic in yeast and mammalian systems have implicated members of the Rab family of small GTP-binding proteins as regulators of membrane fusion. We have used the patch clamp technique to measure exocytotic fusion events directly and investigate the role of GTP-binding proteins in regulating exocytosis in mast cells. Intracellular perfusion of mast cells with GTP-gamma S is sufficient to trigger complete exocytotic degranulation in the absence of other intracellular messengers. Here we show that GTP is a potent inhibitor of GTP-gamma S-induced degranulation, indicating that sustained activation of a GTP-binding protein is sufficient for membrane fusion. We have found that synthetic oligopeptides, corresponding to part of the effector domain of Rab3a, stimulate complete exocytotic degranulation, similar to that induced by GTP-gamma S. The response is selective for Rab3a sequence and is strictly dependent on Mg2+ and ATP. This suggests that sustained activation of a Rab3 protein causes exocytotic fusion. The peptide response can be accelerated by GDP-beta S, suggesting that Rab3a peptides compete with endogenous Rab3 proteins for a binding site on a target effector protein, which causes fusion on activation.  相似文献   

Lanzetti L  Palamidessi A  Areces L  Scita G  Di Fiore PP 《Nature》2004,429(6989):309-314
Rab5 is a small GTPase involved in the control of intracellular trafficking, both at the level of receptor endocytosis and endosomal dynamics. The finding that Rab5 can be activated by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) raised the question of whether it also participates in effector pathways emanating from these receptors. Here we show that Rab5 is indispensable for a form of RTK-induced actin remodelling, called circular ruffling. Three independent signals, originating from Rab5, phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase and Rac, respectively, are simultaneously required for the induction of circular ruffles. Rab5 signals to the actin cytoskeleton through RN-tre, a previously identified Rab5-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP). Here we demonstrate that RN-tre has the dual function of Rab5-GAP and Rab5 effector. We also show that RN-tre is critical for macropinocytosis, a process previously connected to the formation of circular ruffles. Finally, RN-tre interacts with both F-actin and actinin-4, an F-actin bundling protein. We propose that RN-tre establishes a three-pronged connection with Rab5, F-actin and actinin-4. This may aid crosslinking of actin fibres into actin networks at the plasma membrane. Thus, we have shown that Rab5 is a signalling GTPase and have elucidated the major molecular elements of its downstream pathway.  相似文献   

Xenoturbella bocki, first described in 1949 (ref. 1), is a delicate, ciliated, marine worm with a simple body plan: it lacks a through gut, organized gonads, excretory structures and coelomic cavities. Its nervous system is a diffuse nerve net with no brain. Xenoturbella's affinities have long been obscure and it was initially linked to turbellarian flatworms. Subsequent authors considered it variously as related to hemichordates and echinoderms owing to similarities of nerve net and epidermal ultrastructure, to acoelomorph flatworms based on body plan and ciliary ultrastructure (also shared by hemichordates), or as among the most primitive of Bilateria. In 1997 two papers seemed to solve this uncertainty: molecular phylogenetic analyses placed Xenoturbella within the bivalve molluscs, and eggs and larvae resembling those of bivalves were found within specimens of Xenoturbella. This molluscan origin implies that all bivalve characters are lost during a radical metamorphosis into the adult Xenoturbella. Here, using data from three genes, we show that the samples in these studies were contaminated by bivalve embryos eaten by Xenoturbella and that Xenoturbella is in fact a deuterostome related to hemichordates and echinoderms.  相似文献   

Ranganathan R  Cannon SC  Horvitz HR 《Nature》2000,408(6811):470-475
The neurotransmitter and neuromodulator serotonin (5-HT) functions by binding either to metabotropic G-protein-coupled receptors (for example, 5-HT1, 5-HT2, 5-HT4 to 5-HT7), which mediate 'slow' modulatory responses through numerous second messenger pathways, or to the ionotropic 5-HT3 receptor, a non-selective cation channel that mediates 'fast' membrane depolarizations. Here we report that the gene mod-1 (for modulation of locomotion defective) from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans encodes a new type of ionotropic 5-HT receptor, a 5-HT-gated chloride channel. The predicted MOD-1 protein is similar to members of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor family of ligand-gated ion channels, in particular to GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)- and glycine-gated chloride channels. The MOD-1 channel has distinctive ion selectivity and pharmacological properties. The reversal potential of the MOD-1 channel is dependent on the concentration of chloride ions but not of cations. The MOD-1 channel is not blocked by calcium ions or 5-HT3a-specific antagonists but is inhibited by the metabotropic 5-HT receptor antagonists mianserin and methiothepin. mod-1 mutant animals are defective in a 5-HT-mediated experience-dependent behaviour and are resistant to exogenous 5-HT, confirming that MOD-1 functions as a 5-HT receptor in vivo.  相似文献   

在《探险家沃斯》中,怀特将人之本质属性诠释为"人是斩了首的上帝",即人兼有神圣与世俗双重属性。人是上帝,喻示人具有内在神圣性;人会被"斩首",意味着人具有现实的世俗性。怀特强调,世俗性是立身之基,但若为之所困,便会在物欲狂潮中失落对神圣与无限性的信仰和追求;现实生活需要神性的升华,但不应以逃避乃至牺牲现实生活为代价。现代人只有经由受难,正确体认双重属性的辩证统一,才有可能超越单维度生存困境,走向曼荼罗式的圆满与和谐。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了有单位元或无零因子的分配生成近环,以及满足无零因子、有中心幂等元等H-近环成为可换环的若干个条件  相似文献   

R T Jensen  S W Jones  K Folkers  J D Gardner 《Nature》1984,309(5963):61-63
The tetradecapeptide bombesin was originally isolated from frog skin. Bombesin-like peptides have since been detected in mammalian gastrointestinal tract, brain and lung. These peptides have potent pharmacological effects on the central nervous system; they cause contraction of intestinal, uterine and urinary tract smooth muscle; and stimulate the release of other peptides including gastrin, cholecystokinin, motilin, pancreatic polypeptide, neurotensin, insulin, enteroglucagon, prolactin and growth hormone. Specific plasma membrane receptors for bombesin have been demonstrated on pancreatic acinar cells, brain membranes and pituitary cells. Studies defining the physiological importance of bombesin have been impeded by the lack of a bombesin receptor antagonist. Here we describe experiments which demonstrate that a peptide originally described as a substance P receptor antagonist, [D-Arg, D-Pro, D-Trp, Leu ]substance P, is also a bombesin receptor antagonist. This peptide competitively inhibits the ability of bombesin to stimulate enzyme secretion from dispersed pancreatic acini, and also inhibits the action of other peptides that interact with the bombesin receptor.  相似文献   

Sheehy AM  Gaddis NC  Choi JD  Malim MH 《Nature》2002,418(6898):646-650
Viruses have developed diverse non-immune strategies to counteract host-mediated mechanisms that confer resistance to infection. The Vif (virion infectivity factor) proteins are encoded by primate immunodeficiency viruses, most notably human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1). These proteins are potent regulators of virus infection and replication and are consequently essential for pathogenic infections in vivo. HIV-1 Vif seems to be required during the late stages of virus production for the suppression of an innate antiviral phenotype that resides in human T lymphocytes. Thus, in the absence of Vif, expression of this phenotype renders progeny virions non-infectious. Here, we describe a unique cellular gene, CEM15, whose transient or stable expression in cells that do not normally express CEM15 recreates this phenotype, but whose antiviral action is overcome by the presence of Vif. Because the Vif:CEM15 regulatory circuit is critical for HIV-1 replication, perturbing the circuit may be a promising target for future HIV/AIDS therapies.  相似文献   

利用半群S上的等价关系,给出了半群是左零带的拟膨胀及半群是左群的拟膨胀的充要条件,同时讨论了左零带及左群的膨胀。  相似文献   

Most Oryza sativa cultivars die within a week of complete submergence--a major constraint to rice production in south and southeast Asia that causes annual losses of over US 1 billion dollars and affects disproportionately the poorest farmers in the world. A few cultivars, such as the O. sativa ssp. indica cultivar FR13A, are highly tolerant and survive up to two weeks of complete submergence owing to a major quantitative trait locus designated Submergence 1 (Sub1) near the centromere of chromosome 9 (refs 3, 4, 5-6). Here we describe the identification of a cluster of three genes at the Sub1 locus, encoding putative ethylene response factors. Two of these genes, Sub1B and Sub1C, are invariably present in the Sub1 region of all rice accessions analysed. In contrast, the presence of Sub1A is variable. A survey identified two alleles within those indica varieties that possess this gene: a tolerance-specific allele named Sub1A-1 and an intolerance-specific allele named Sub1A-2. Overexpression of Sub1A-1 in a submergence-intolerant O. sativa ssp. japonica conferred enhanced tolerance to the plants, downregulation of Sub1C and upregulation of Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (Adh1), indicating that Sub1A-1 is a primary determinant of submergence tolerance. The FR13A Sub1 locus was introgressed into a widely grown Asian rice cultivar using marker-assisted selection. The new variety maintains the high yield and other agronomic properties of the recurrent parent and is tolerant to submergence. Cultivation of this variety is expected to provide protection against damaging floods and increase crop security for farmers.  相似文献   

Evidence that substance P is a neurotransmitter in the myenteric plexus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
K Morita  R A North  Y Katayama 《Nature》1980,287(5778):151-152
Substance P (SP) is an undecapeptide originally isolated from the gut and since shown to occur within neurones in several parts of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Immunohistochemical studies indicate an exceedingly dense network of SP-containing nerves within the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig ileum. These nerves are intrinsic to the gut wall and can release SP to contract the longitudinal muscle layer. We have previously shown that SP directly depolarizes myenteric neurones and that this depolarization has a time course and ionic mechanism similar to the slow excitatory postsynaptic potential (e.p.s.p.) which can be produced by electrical stimulation of presynaptic nerves within the myenteric ganglia. We wondered whether SP might mediate this slow synaptic potential. We report here that the SP depolarization and the slow e.p.s.p. are reversibly depressed by chymotrypsin, an enzyme which degrades SP, although the responses to acetylcholine, serotonin and an unknown hyperpolarizing transmitter are unaffected. The results provide direct evidence that a peptide can mediate chemical transmission between neurones in the mammalian nervous system.  相似文献   

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