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Dicer is essential for mouse development   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
To address the biological function of RNA interference (RNAi)-related pathways in mammals, we disrupted the gene Dicer1 in mice. Loss of Dicer1 lead to lethality early in development, with Dicer1-null embryos depleted of stem cells. Coupled with our inability to generate viable Dicer1-null embryonic stem (ES) cells, this suggests a role for Dicer, and, by implication, the RNAi machinery, in maintaining the stem cell population during early mouse development.  相似文献   

Mekk3 is essential for early embryonic cardiovascular development   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Sox9 is required for cartilage formation.   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  

The microRNA-producing enzyme Dicer1 is essential for zebrafish development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are produced by the Dicer1 enzyme; the role of Dicer1 in vertebrate development is unknown. Here we report target-selected inactivation of the dicer1 gene in zebrafish. We observed an initial build-up of miRNA levels, produced by maternal Dicer1, in homozygous dicer1 mutants, but miRNA accumulation stopped after a few days. This resulted in developmental arrest around day 10. These results indicate that miRNA-producing Dicer1 is essential for vertebrate development.  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested that the active derivative of vitamin A, retinoic acid (RA), may be important for early development of mammalian embryos. Severe vitamin A deprivation in rodents results in maternal infertility, precluding a thorough investigation of the role of RA during embryogenesis. Here we show that production of RA by the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2) enzyme is required for mouse embryo survival and early morphogenesis. Raldh2 is an NAD-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase with high substrate specificity for retinaldehyde. Its pattern of expression during mouse development has suggested that it may be responsible for embryonic RA synthesis. We generated a targeted disruption of the mouse Raldh2 gene and found that Raldh2-/- embryos, which die at midgestation without undergoing axial rotation (body turning), exhibit shortening along the anterioposterior axis and do not form limb buds. Their heart consists of a single, medial, dilated cavity. Their frontonasal region is truncated and their otocysts are severely reduced. These defects result from a block in embryonic RA synthesis, as shown by the lack of activity of RA-responsive transgenes, the altered expression of an RA-target homeobox gene and the near full rescue of the mutant phenotype by maternal RA administration. Our data establish that RA synthesized by the post-implantation mammalian embryo is an essential developmental hormone whose lack leads to early embryo death.  相似文献   

Vertebrate limb development depends on signals from the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), which rims the distal tip of the limb bud. Removal of the AER in chick results in limbs lacking distal skeletal elements. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) proteins can substitute for the AER (refs 4-7), suggesting that FGF signalling mediates AER activity. Of the four mouse Fgf genes (Fgf4 , Fgf8, Fgf9, Fgf17) known to display AER-specific expression domains within the limb bud (AER-Fgfs), only Fgf8 is expressed throughout the AER. Moreover, Fgf8 expression precedes that of other AER-Fgfs (refs 8-13), suggesting that Fgf8 may perform unique functions early in limb development. In mice, loss of function of Fgf4 (refs 13,14), Fgf9 (D. Ornitz, pers. comm.) or Fgf17 (ref. 15) has no effect on limb formation. We report here that inactivating Fgf8 in early limb ectoderm causes a substantial reduction in limb-bud size, a delay in Shh expression, misregulation of Fgf4 expression, and hypoplasia or aplasia of specific skeletal elements. Our data identify Fgf8 as the only known AER-Fgf individually necessary for normal limb development, and provide insight into the function of Fgf signalling from the AER in the normal outgrowth and patterning of the limb.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases often have critical roles in particular cell lineages by initiating signalling cascades in those lineages. Examples include the neural-specific TRK receptors, the VEGF and angiopoietin endothelial-specific receptors, and the muscle-specific MUSK receptor. Many lineage-restricted receptor tyrosine kinases were initially identified as 'orphans' homologous to known receptors, and only subsequently used to identify their unknown growth factors. Some receptor-tyrosine-kinase-like orphans still lack identified ligands as well as biological roles. Here we characterize one such orphan, encoded by Ror2 (ref. 12). We report that disruption of mouse Ror2 leads to profound skeletal abnormalities, with essentially all endochondrally derived bones foreshortened or misshapen, albeit to differing degrees. Further, we find that Ror2 is selectively expressed in the chondrocytes of all developing cartilage anlagen, where it essential during initial growth and patterning, as well as subsequently in the proliferating chondrocytes of mature growth plates, where it is required for normal expansion. Thus, Ror2 encodes a receptor-like tyrosine kinase that is selectively expressed in, and particularly important for, the chondrocyte lineage.  相似文献   

Nrl is required for rod photoreceptor development.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

Loss of the de novo DNA methyltransferases Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b in embryonic stem cells obstructs differentiation; however, the role of these enzymes in somatic stem cells is largely unknown. Using conditional ablation, we show that Dnmt3a loss progressively impairs hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation over serial transplantation, while simultaneously expanding HSC numbers in the bone marrow. Dnmt3a-null HSCs show both increased and decreased methylation at distinct loci, including substantial CpG island hypermethylation. Dnmt3a-null HSCs upregulate HSC multipotency genes and downregulate differentiation factors, and their progeny exhibit global hypomethylation and incomplete repression of HSC-specific genes. These data establish Dnmt3a as a critical participant in the epigenetic silencing of HSC regulatory genes, thereby enabling efficient differentiation.  相似文献   

Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (SJS1) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by permanent myotonia (prolonged failure of muscle relaxation) and skeletal dysplasia, resulting in reduced stature, kyphoscoliosis, bowing of the diaphyses and irregular epiphyses. Electromyographic investigations reveal repetitive muscle discharges, which may originate from both neurogenic and myogenic alterations. We previously localized the SJS1 locus to chromosome 1p34-p36.1 and found no evidence of genetic heterogeneity. Here we describe mutations, including missense and splicing mutations, of the gene encoding perlecan (HSPG2) in three SJS1 families. In so doing, we have identified the first human mutations in HSPG2, which underscore the importance of perlecan not only in maintaining cartilage integrity but also in regulating muscle excitability.  相似文献   

Craniofacial malformations are among the most frequent congenital birth defects in humans; cleft palate, that is inadequate fusion of the palatal shelves, occurs with an annual incidence of 1 in 700 to 1 in 1,000 live births among individuals of European descent. The secondary palate arises as bilateral outgrowths from the maxillary processes, and its formation depends on the coordinated development of craniofacial structures including the Meckel's cartilage and the mandible. Cleft lip and palate syndromes in humans are associated with polymorphisms in the gene (TGFA) encoding transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha), an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand made by most epithelia. Here we have characterized craniofacial development in Egfr-deficient (Egfr-/-) mice. Newborn Egfr-/- mice have facial mediolateral defects including narrow, elongated snouts, underdeveloped lower jaw and a high incidence of cleft palate. Palatal shelf explants from Egfr-/- mice fused, but frequently had residual epithelium in the midline. In addition, morphogenesis of Meckel's cartilage was deficient in cultured mandibular processes from Egfr-/- embryos. The secretion of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) was diminished in Egfr-/- explants, consistent with the ability of EGF to increase MMP secretion and with the decreased MMP expression caused by inhibition of Egfr signalling in wild-type explants. Accordingly, inactivation of MMPs in wild-type explants phenocopied the defective morphology of Meckel's cartilage seen in Egfr-/- explants. Our results indicate that EGFR signalling is necessary for normal craniofacial development and that its role is mediated in part by its downstream targets, the MMPs, and may explain the genetic correlation of human cleft palate with polymorphisms in TGFA.  相似文献   

The molecular controls that govern the differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells remain poorly understood. DGCR8 is an RNA-binding protein that assists the RNase III enzyme Drosha in the processing of microRNAs (miRNAs), a subclass of small RNAs. Here we study the role of miRNAs in ES cell differentiation by generating a Dgcr8 knockout model. Analysis of mouse knockout ES cells shows that DGCR8 is essential for biogenesis of miRNAs. On the induction of differentiation, DGCR8-deficient ES cells do not fully downregulate pluripotency markers and retain the ability to produce ES cell colonies; however, they do express some markers of differentiation. This phenotype differs from that reported for Dicer1 knockout cells, suggesting that Dicer has miRNA-independent roles in ES cell function. Our findings indicate that miRNAs function in the silencing of ES cell self-renewal that normally occurs with the induction of differentiation.  相似文献   

To rapidly identify genes required for early vertebrate development, we are carrying out a large-scale, insertional mutagenesis screen in zebrafish, using mouse retroviral vectors as the mutagen. We will obtain mutations in 450 to 500 different genes--roughly 20% of the genes that can be mutated to produce a visible embryonic phenotype in this species--and will clone the majority of the mutated alleles. So far, we have isolated more than 500 insertional mutants. Here we describe the first 75 insertional mutants for which the disrupted genes have been identified. In agreement with chemical mutagenesis screens, approximately one-third of the mutants have developmental defects that affect primarily one or a small number of organs, body shape or swimming behavior; the rest of the mutants show more widespread or pleiotropic abnormalities. Many of the genes we identified have not been previously assigned a biological role in vivo. Roughly 20% of the mutants result from lesions in genes for which the biochemical and cellular function of the proteins they encode cannot be deduced with confidence, if at all, from their predicted amino-acid sequences. All of the genes have either orthologs or clearly related genes in human. These results provide an unbiased view of the genetic construction kit for a vertebrate embryo, reveal the diversity of genes required for vertebrate development and suggest that hundreds of genes of unknown biochemical function essential for vertebrate development have yet to be identified.  相似文献   

In mammals, the DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1) faithfully copies the pattern of cytosine methylation at CpG sites to the newly synthesized strand, and this is essential for epigenetic inheritance. In Arabidopsis thaliana, several DNA methyltransferases or chromatin modifiers coupled to methylation changes have been characterized, and mutations that cause loss of their function are recessive. This is surprising because plant gametogenesis includes postmeiotic DNA replication in haploid nuclei before fertilization. Therefore, the recessive character of the mutations excludes the affected components from a regulatory role in postmeiotic maintenance or modification of epigenetic states. Here we show, however, that depletion of A. thaliana MET1, a homolog of mammalian Dnmt1 (ref. 8), results in immense epigenetic diversification of gametes. This diversity seems to be a consequence of passive postmeiotic demethylation, leading to gametes with fully demethylated and hemidemethylated DNA, followed by remethylation of hemimethylated templates once MET1 is again supplied in a zygote.  相似文献   

An increasing number of human disorders have been linked to mutations in genes of the secretory pathway. The chemically induced zebrafish crusher variant results in malformed craniofacial skeleton, kinked pectoral fins and a short body length. By positional cloning, we identified a nonsense mutation converting leucine to a stop codon (L402X) in the sec23a gene, an integral component of the COPII complex, which is critical for anterograde protein trafficking between endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Zebrafish crusher mutants develop normally until the onset of craniofacial chondrogenesis. crusher chondrocytes accumulate proteins in a distended endoplasmic reticulum, resulting in severe reduction of cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) deposits, including type II collagen. We demonstrate that the paralogous gene sec23b is also an essential component of the ECM secretory pathway in chondrocytes. In contrast, knockdown of the COPI complex does not hinder craniofacial morphogenesis. As SEC23A lesions cause the cranio-lenticulo-sutural dysplasia syndrome, crusher provides the first vertebrate model system that links the biology of endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi trafficking with a clinically relevant dysmorphology.  相似文献   

We targeted the locus encoding the cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) by homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Embryonic fibroblasts lacking CDK2 proliferate normally and become immortal after continuous passage in culture. Elimination of a conditional Cdk2 allele in immortal cells does not have a significant effect on proliferation. Cdk2-/- mice are viable and survive for up to two years, indicating that CDK2 is also dispensable for proliferation and survival of most cell types. But CDK2 is essential for completion of prophase I during meiotic cell division in male and female germ cells, an unforeseen role for this cell cycle kinase.  相似文献   

The amnionless gene, Amn, on mouse chromosome 12 encodes a type I transmembrane protein that is expressed in the extraembryonic visceral layer during gastrulation. Mice homozygous with respect to the amn mutation generated by a transgene insertion have no amnion. The embryos are severely compromised, surviving to the tenth day of gestation but seem to lack the mesodermal layers that normally produce the trunk. The Amn protein has one transmembrane domain separating a larger, N-terminal extracellular region and a smaller, C-terminal cytoplasmic region. The extracellular region harbors a cysteine-rich domain resembling those occurring in Chordin, found in Xenopus laevis embryos, and Sog, found in Drosophila melanogaster. As these cysteine-rich domains bind bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmps), it has been speculated that the cysteine-rich domain in Amn also binds Bmps. We show that homozygous mutations affecting exons 1-4 of human AMN lead to selective malabsorption of vitamin B12 (a phenotype associated with megaloblastic anemia 1, MGA1; OMIM 261100; refs. 5,6) in otherwise normal individuals, suggesting that the 5' end of AMN is dispensable for embryonic development but necessary for absorption of vitamin B12. When the 5' end of AMN is truncated by mutations, translation is initiated from alternative downstream start codons.  相似文献   

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