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Summary Corpora allata of the cockroachDiploptera punctata normally synthesize only the isoprenoid juvenile hormone III (JH III). Only under extreme in vitro conditions (absence of carbon sources other than propionate) do they produce trace amounts of the homoisoprenoid JH II in addition to JH III. The specificity of the in vitro synthesis of JH III byD. punctata is thus consistent with the observed lack of homoisoprenoid JHs in this insect.  相似文献   

Summary Binding specificity of juvenile hormone (JH) III enantiomers and analogs to hemolymph proteins ofLeptinotarsa decemlineata andLocusta migratoria was investigated by competitive displacement tests. The order of binding affinity was 10R-JH-III>10R, 10S-JH-III10S JH-III> methylfarnesoate for analogs of the epoxide group and diazo-JHA-IV>EFDA for analogs of the methylester. Both the epoxide and ester groups are important for the interaction of JH-III with its binding protein.18 November 1986  相似文献   

Summary Octopamine enhanced the release of JH3 from isolated corpora allata of locusts in short-term cultures. This effect was suppressed when phentolamine (inhibitor of the octopamine receptors) was added to the culture medium. Moreover an octopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase was found in the corpora allata. The results suggest a positive octopaminergic control on the activity of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

Summary Incubation of the calcium ionophore A23187 resulted in an increase in the median rate of juvenile hormone III release by corpora allata (CA) of both gregarious and solitarious adultLocusta migratoria females at 3, 5 and 8 days after fledging. At all 3 datapoints, the enhancement of release rates was highly significant for CA from gregarious females but not significant for CA from solitarious females.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone bisepoxide (JHB3) and juvenile hormone III (JH III) both inhibited the in vitro production of ecdysteroids by ring glands and brain-ring gland complexes from third instar post-feeding larvae ofDrosophila melanogaster in a reversible manner, although JHB3 had greater efficacy. The JH III and JHB3 precursor, methyl farnesoate, did not affect ecdysteroid production. The in vitro synthesis of total detectable JH (JHB3+JH III+methyl farnesoate) by the corpus allatum portion of the isolated ring gland was also inhibited reversibly in the presence of exogenous JHB3 and JH III, but not by methyl farnesoate. These data indicating negative feedback are in agreement with the accepted dogma of endocrine gland regulation.  相似文献   

Use of the enkephalinase inhibitor phosphoramidon in the in vitro radiochemical assay for juvenile hormone biosynthesis enhanced allatostatin-mediated inhibition of hormone production by corpora allata of the cockroach,Diploptera punctata. Significant increases in inhibition in day 2 virgin female CA by AST 1 (at 10–7 M) and AST 4 (10–8–10–7 M) were observed in the presence of phosphoramidon (10–5M or greater). No significant increases in inhibition were seen in CA from day 6 mated females with AST 4 (10–9–10–7M) and phosphoramidon combined. Phosphoramidon alone had no effect on JH biosynthesis. Analysis of allatostatin content of the CA, as determined by ELISA, revealed that addition of phosphoramidon to the medium increased the endogenous allatostatin conten in CA of virgin and mated females. The similarity in primary structure between allatostatins and enkephalin-like peptides and their similar distribution makes it probable that phosphoramidon acts by preventing breakdown of allatostatins within the CA.  相似文献   

Summary JH III is the only JH detected by GLC-MS in medium from in vitro incubations of corpora allata of adult females ofCalliphora vomitoria. When corpora allata were removed from females at various times during the reproductive cycle and the JH III produced by the glands in vitro measured by a JH III radioimmunoassay, an increase in the level of synthesis was found to occur before previtellogenesis (0–24 h). A second increase appeared at the onset of vitellogenesis (72–83 h) and continued until the end of vitellogenesis (96 h) and the occurrence of chorionation (120 h). Since sexual receptivity develops with vitellogenesis, the significantly higher levels of JH III biosynthesis in vitro at this time supports a possible role for JH in the acquisitive of receptivity.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone I (JH I) was identified by combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry as the predominant JH in the hemolymph of female adults of the bean bug,Riptortus clavatus (Thunberg) (Hemiptera: Alydidae). Among JH I, II, and III, JH I was the most effective hormone for inducing the synthesis of yolk proteins in diapause adults.  相似文献   

We studied time-dependent metabolism of (10R)-[3H] juvenile hormone (JH) III and (10R, 11S)-[3H]JH I injected intoManduca sexta larvae; the hormones are metabolized to polar metabolites, expecially the JH acid-diol, and an unknown. Products were analyzed using a reversed-phase liquid chromatography assay. (10R)-JH III is metabolized much more rapidly than (10R, 11S)-[3H]JH I, whether injected seperately or as a mixture of hormones. The unknown metabolites of JH I and JH III were identified as phosphate conjugates of JH I and JH III diol by tandem mass spectral analysis of isolated samples. The phosphate conjugate of JH I diol is the principle end product of JH I metabolism.  相似文献   

The hemolymph from various species of moths was analyzed for cross-reactivity with a panel of six monoclonal antibodies made against the hemolymph juvenile hormone binding protein ofManduca sexta. With the exception of one antibody, the immunoreactivity was limited to the sphingid family. One monoclonal antibody cross-reacted with a number of lepidopteran species; however, families such as Noctuidae and Pyralidae, known to have high affinity, low molecular weight juvenile hormone binding proteins, did not cross-react. Immunological cross-reactivity withManduca sexta juvenile hormone binding protein in several primitive moth families supports the current model of phylogenetic relationships in the order Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

In 6-day-old females ofBlattella germanica, the activity of corpora allata (CA) was inhibited in vitro by juvenile hormone III (JH III). Effective doses (281.5 and 375.4 M in the medium) were somewhat higher than (although of the same order of magnitude as) the estimated intraglandular concentration of JH III at this age, and they induced about 45% inhibition of hormonal release and a significant intraglandular accumulation of JH III and methyl farnesoate. The results suggest that autoinhibitory mechanisms operate in the CA to constrain the upper limit of JH III production at the end of the gonadotrophic cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Biological activity of enantiomerically pure juvenile hormones was assayed by topical application on allatectomizedBombyx fourth instar larvae. JHs tested were (10R)-JH I [methyl (2E,6E,10R,11S)-10,11-epoxy-3,11-dimethyl-7-ethyl-2,6-tridecadienoate], (10S)-JH I [methyl (2E, 6E, 10S, 11R)-10,11-epoxy-3,11-dimethyl-7-ethyl-2,6-tridecadienoate], (10R)-JH III [methyl (2E,6E,10R)-10,11-epoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-dodecadienoate] and (10S)-JH III [methyl (2E,6E,10S)-10,11-epoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-dodecadienoate]. Among these compounds, natural (10R)-JH I was most active and the dose needed to induce 50% larval molting was 0.04 g/larva; it was approximately 12,000 times more active than unnatural (10S)-JH I. Though natural (10R)-JH III showed slight biological activity, it was only one three-thousandth of that of (10R)-JH I. Unnatural (10S)-JH III exhibited no biological activity at the levels assayed.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of the pure 10R (=natural) and 10S enantiomers of juvenile hormone III (JH III) was determined in 3 different bioassays, and the relative binding affinity of the 2 enantiomers to the haemolymph JH-binding protein of the cockroachNauphoeta cinerea was measured. In theGalleria wax test, a local morphogenetic assay, the 10R enantiomer was 5240 times more active than, the 10S enantiomer, 1Galleria unit corresponding to 0.42 pg of 10R-JH III as compared to 2.2 ng for 10S-JH III. In a systemic morphogenetic assay with the cockroachNauphoeta cinerea 380 times less 10R enantiomer was necessary in order to induce detectable juvenilisation (58 ng 10R and 22 g 10S) and in a systemic gonadotropic assay withNauphoeta cinerea 255 times less 10R was needed to induce vitellogenin synthesis in 50% of the insects (6.7 ng 10R and 1710 ng 10S). In the JH-binding protein assay 10R-JH III had an affinity for the JH-binding protein (lipophorin) which was approximately 46 times higher than that of 10S-JH III.  相似文献   

Summary The main carboxylesterase in the hemolymph of the migratory locust,Locusta migratoria, is a protein of high molecular weight; about 700–750 kDa. This esterase hydrolyzes juvenile hormone III, -naphthylacetate and -naphthylacetate. The carboxylesterase dissociates to give an esterase of molecular weight 148 kDa after treatment of the hemolymph with mercaptoethanol.  相似文献   

Catabolism of juvenile hormone was studied in vivo in the African locust by injection of the labelled natural enantiomer (10R) (12-3H) JH-III. Due to the poor solubility of JH in aqueous solution, it was injected in a water-miscible solvent. Ethanol was chosen for its apparently low toxicity towards the locust. In these experimental conditions, reverse phase liquid chromatography procedure (RP-HPLC) coupled with on line radiodetection, revealed an apolar metabolite of JH-III. This compound was found both in adult females and in fifth stadium larvae. We demonstrate that this metabolite resulted from substitution of the carboxyl methyl group of JH-III by some hydrophobic moiety. This compound co-migrates in our RP-HPLC system with the JH analog epoxy-ethyl farnesoate (JH-III ethyl ester) obtained by KCN-catalysed transesterification of JH-III in ethanol. Both JH-III ethyl ester of chemical origin and biological compounds extracted from locusts give the same spectra when analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Transesterification of JH-III was not observed with locust tissues incubated in vitro but occurred in vivo even if JH was injected in other alcoholic solvents such as propanol. Our data suggest that transesterification of JH-III occurred in vivo and underline the role of injecting solvent in in vivo studies.  相似文献   

The in vitro release of juvenile hormones (JH) by female, and of JH acids (JHA) by male corpora allata (CA) ofLeucania loreyi was identified by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Separation and quantification were accomplished by HPLC and GC, respectively. JH II and JH III were the major components released by CA of females. Four JHA analogues were identified as the release products of male CA, i.e. JHA III, Iso-JHA II, JHA II and JHA I. JHA III and Iso-JHA II were reported for the first time as the major release products of CA of adult male Lepidoptera. Iso-JHA II is a new member of the insect juvenile hormone analogue family.  相似文献   

Summary It has been tested whether juvenile hormone plays a role in the larval-adult transformation of lateral oviducts in the milkweed bug. The transformation is ecdysteroid-dependent, as was reported previously2. Application of precocene or juvenile hormone III proved that the absence of juvenile hormone is required.Acknowledgments. This work was supported by a grant (Do 163/91) of the DFG. We thank Ms C. Friederichs for excellent technical support.  相似文献   

Summary During diapause O2 consumption in fly pupae is a cyclic event (4-day periodicity at 25°C) driven by cycles of juvenile hormone activity. Levels of juvenile hormone esterase activity change systematically during the cycle, with highest activity observed at the nadir of the O2 consumption cycle.Supported in part by grant 88-37153-3473 from the USDA Competitive Grants Office and grant 23-088 from the USDA Forest Service. Thanks to Dr Ming Tu Chang for her helpful advice.  相似文献   

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