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我国核技术成就斐然 在近期举行的"中国核事业50年成就展"上,展示了半个世纪以来,我国在核武器、核电站、核技术应用、核科研教育体系等方面取得一系列巨大成就。 我国已建成一个比较完整的核科技工业体系,在维护国家安全和国民经济建设中发挥着重要作用。它包括了铀地质矿冶、铀浓缩、核燃料、元件制造、钚生产堆及后处理厂、铀钚冶金与加工、核武器研制、试验基地等。 我国在成功地研制出自己的"两弹一艇"(原子弹、氢弹、核潜艇)的基础上,核武器研制技术不断发展,核武器性能不断提高,为维护国家主权和领土完整发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

用低压燃烧-气相色谱法测定钢铁与二氧化钚中微量碳的研究*周德海(四川大学原子核科学技术研究所)张林祥曾广文(北京401所)在人造核燃料钚的生产中,需要对钚中的微量碳进行分析.对于金属钚、铀和二氧化钚中碳的分析,通常采用电导法和测定二氧化碳体积法.但这...  相似文献   

透射电镜在气溶胶单颗粒分析中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
透射电镜(TEM)具有很高的分辨率和放大率,可以同时提供形貌、成分、结构信息,非常适宜于对气溶胶细颗粒和超细颗粒等的研究。简述了国内外用TEM对大气气溶胶单颗粒分析的研究及其现状,主要围绕TEM对城市大气气溶胶、海洋气溶胶、燃烧烟尘和机动车废气的研究等方面进行了论述。介绍了作者利用TEM对北京市大气气溶胶的初步研究,提出了今后开展大气可吸入颗粒物的TEM研究的几点建议。  相似文献   

目前,核武器有三代:第一代是原子弹,即利用铀235或钚239等重原子核裂变反应瞬间释放巨大能量的核武器;第二代是氢弹,即利用氢的同位素氘、氚等轻原子核的聚变反应瞬间释放巨大能量的核武器;第三代是特定功能核武器,主要有钻地核弹头、中子弹、电磁脉冲核弹头(又称高能射频核弹头)等。中子弹是第三代核武器家族中的成员。何谓中子弹?中子弹又称弱冲击波强辐射弹,是一种利用中子辐射大规模杀伤对方人员等有生目标的一种核武器,实质上是一种特殊的低当量小型氢弹,其最大的特点是“对人不对物”。中子是基本粒子的一种,是原子核的组成部分。  相似文献   

我认为朝鲜的核计划主要还是为了加大对美谈判的筹码,这里当然不排除朝鲜确实有开发核武器的意图,因为钚和铀本来就是两用的原料。但也决不意味着现在朝鲜已经拥有了核武器。因为潜在地占有核材料,并随时准备跨过核门槛的不止朝鲜一个国家,也包括日本等,现在日本占有的  相似文献   

<正>美国专家最近撰写的一份研究报告称,若美国和中国继续对朝鲜核问题"袖手旁观",或日本企图获得核武器,韩国就有可能自主研制核武器。而韩国一旦作出此政治决定,它可以在五年内制造出数十枚核武器,因为韩国已拥有了可制造数百枚核弹头的钚材料,以及设计制造核武器和高端运载系统的技术能力。核武器是一种非常"势利眼"的东西,它对大国和小国是完全不同的两副面孔业内人士一般将诸如韩国这样的有能力在短时间内制造出核武器的国  相似文献   

介绍了改进的MODIS海洋气溶胶反演算法,并重点对该算法进行了验证,结果表明:(1)改进算法纠正了原算法对较大的气溶胶光学厚度的低估和对较小的气溶胶光学厚度的高估现象;其反演得到的气溶胶光学厚度与AERONET的气溶胶光学厚度的相关系数为0.87,高于原算法与AERONET间气溶胶光学厚度的相关系数(0.84);且有62.1%的反演结果落在误差限内,高于原算法的60.5%。(2)改进算法纠正了原算法对较大的气溶胶尺度分布参数ηss0的低估和较小的气溶胶尺度分布参数卵。的高估现象;其反演得到的气溶胶尺度分布参数与AERONET的气溶胶尺度分布参数的相关系数为0.89,高于原算法与AERONET间气溶胶尺度分布参数的相关系数(0.8)。  相似文献   

我们研究了以Ta(或W)、TaC交替构成的九层或十层多层膜,以判断在1200℃高温下用它盛装熔态钚的可靠性。我们也研究了单层W和TaC。我们还研制了一种两源电子束蒸发工艺,以便把这些涂料喷镀到直径为38mm的半球形Ta碗的内表面。钚试验是令钚熔于有镀层的半球碗内,半置该容器于真空中,在1200℃条件下保持两小时。通过对容器横截面的金相检验和微控分析,我们发现,钚在所有情况下,总是一定程度地渗入Ta  相似文献   

分析了32种常见绿化树种释放的挥发性有机物,探究植物源挥发性有机物特征及其和臭氧、二次有机气溶胶生成潜势的关系,并筛选出城市绿化中低生成潜势树种.结果显示,臭氧生成潜势与烃类、酯类、醇类、酮类、醛类的释放量显著相关(P<0.01),这五类化合物占臭氧生成潜势总变化的60.3%.二次有机气溶胶生成潜势与烃类、醇类、醛类和酯类的释放量显著相关(P<0.01),这四类化合物占二次有机气溶胶总变化的73.2%.臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)和樱花(Cerasus serrulata var. lannesiana)对臭氧和二次有机气溶胶生成潜势相对较弱,豆科和杨柳科包含的12个树种对臭氧和二次有机气溶胶生成潜势相对较强.  相似文献   

针对京津冀地区日益严重的大气污染问题,采用逐像元法对2001-2019年MCD19A2与MOD04气溶胶数据进行融合,并基于AERONET地面站点数据对其在京津冀地区的适用性进行验证后,采用EOF、ISODATA以及回归分析等方法,分析了京津冀地区气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)时间序列的时空演变过程,同时采用地理探测器对其演变过程进行气象解释,对京津冀地区大气污染的防治工作具有重要意义。具体结论如下:(1)从年际演变来看,AOD在2001-2013年绕平均值上下波动,2013-2019年迅速下降。空间分布模式以全局一致型为主,南北分异型为辅,且空间分布与高程呈明显的负相关性。(2)从季节演变来看,夏季AOD较其他季节高,春季和夏季的变化幅度较大。研究期内AOD整体呈减少不显著趋势,其中春季和夏季主要趋势是减少不显著,而秋季和冬季减少不显著和增加不显著比例大致相等。(3)在选取的五个气象因子中,气温对AOD变化的解释力最强。多个气象因子之间会相互影响,对AOD变化具有更强的影响力。气温和湿度对AOD的解释力最强,是主导交互因子。  相似文献   

基于武器部件化爆后核材料气溶胶的源项经验数据,运用流体动力学研究方法,建立了事故区域建筑物的有限元计算网格模型,分析了放射性气溶胶迁移、扩散以及分布规律,评估了核素沉降分布以及放射性沉降区人员的照射剂量水平。研究成果为进一步分析更加复杂和更加实际的受限混合流体的扩散规律,以及事故条件下核材料放射性气溶胶的应急处置与人员防护,提供了一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Influence of aerosol on regional precipitation in North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possible anthropogenic aerosol effect on regional precipitation is analyzed based on the historical data of precipitation and visibility of North China. At first, the precipitation amounts from 1960 to 1979 are considered as natural background values in our study for relatively less intensive industrial activities and light air pollution during that period of time, then the region is divided into different subregions by applying the clustering method including the significance test of station rainfall correlations to the time series of 10-day mean rainfall amounts in this period. Based on the rule that the precipitation characteristics are similar in the same clustering region, the correlation of precipitation amounts among all stations in each region is thus established. Secondly, for the period from 1990 to 2005, during which, the economy had experienced a rapid development in this region, the variations of visibility at each station are analyzed. The stations with the absolute change in visibility less than 0.1 km/a are used as the reference stations, at which it is assumed that precipitation has not been seriously influenced by anthropogenic aerosols. Then the rainfall amounts of reference stations are used to estimate the natural precipitation values of the other stations in each clustering region. The difference between estimated precipitation and measured precipitation amount is thought to result from changes in anthropogenic aerosols. These changes in precipitation amounts caused by anthropogenic aerosols at each station are calculated using the 10-day mean rainfall values from 1990 to 2005. The analysis results obtained with this method are remarkable if it passes the significance test, and therefore, the suppression of regional precipitation over the region by anthropogenic aerosol is proved. It is found that this effect is most remarkable in summer. The influence of anthropogenic aerosols on convective precipitation possibly plays an important role in this season. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403706) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40475003)  相似文献   

为了解决气溶胶分类精度低和特征参数冗杂的问题,基于OMI(Ozone Monitoring Instrument)遥感产品的气溶胶特征参数,利用随机森林算法,将广东省2014年的气溶胶类型划分为沙尘型气溶胶(Desert Dust,DST)、生物质燃烧型含碳气溶胶(Carbonaceous Aerosols Assoc...  相似文献   

焊接过程中产生的气溶胶影响作业环境和工作人员身体健康。总结了熔化极气体保护焊中焊接气溶胶的形成机理以及影响焊接发尘量的因素,并对每一种影响因素的研究现状和研究结论进行归纳,展望了未来研究焊接气溶胶的形成机理以及影响焊接发尘量的因素的方法和发展趋势。后期需要建立一个基于动态条件下的统一模型研究气溶胶的形成机理和多因素影响的发尘量变化规律,并结合高速摄像和图像处理技术,将研究方法从简单的实验观察提升到规律性的研究。  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of optical extinction of atmospheric aerosols is important for quantifying the direct climate effects of aerosols. A portable cavity ringdown spectrometer utilizing a modulated multimode blue diode laser (linewidth ~0.2 nm) is developed to measure the aerosol optical extinction. Laboratory generated ammonia sulfate particles (<1 μm in diameter) are characterized, with good agreements between the experimental measurements and Mie theory calculations. An optical extinction detection sensitivity of 0.24 Mm-1 (1σ) is achieved. Measurements of ambient aerosols are also carried out. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a compact, multimode diode laser cavity ringdown spectrometer for sensitive measurements of the optical extinction of atmospheric aerosols.  相似文献   

A two-moment (mass and number) warm cloud scheme together with ground and aircraft measurements over Beijing is used in a regional model to study the effects of aerosols on cloud radiative property and precipitation.Using a prescribed tri-modal lognormal aerosol size distribution,the aerosol numbers are calculated from prognostic aerosol masses,for which advection,diffusion,and cloud drop activation/deactivation are considered.Specifically,the accumulation mode of a tri-lognormal aerosol size distribution i...  相似文献   

针对气溶胶在大规模场地试验会耗费大量的人力物力成本的问题,同时气溶胶本身具有的有害影响不可控,为了提高试验的效率和保证试验的安全可靠性,本文采用CFD软件对气溶胶形成及扩散过程进行计算机仿真研究.本文首先对气溶胶混合气形成的过程进行数值模拟研究,搭建物理和数学模型模拟液态气溶胶生成过程,通过加入气溶胶注入器数目模拟多个气溶胶来源之间的相互影响;再将气溶胶连续注射到立方体模型中,分散气溶胶的浓度被允许自然衰减一段时间.结果如下:当液态气溶胶进入到环境中时,随着时间的推移液态气溶胶在环境中扩散,并且在中下部聚集;当环境压强增加时,扩散速率会有减少.分析仿真结果得出,液态气溶胶模型可以作为一种有效的工具,用于合理分析液态气溶胶扩散所造成的影响.  相似文献   

Dust aerosol is one important component of atmos-pheric aerosols, and plays important roles in the Earth’s climate system and the biogeochemical cycle. Large amounts of dust aerosols produced from windblown soils and deserts are emitted annually into the atmosphere and transported over long distance to downwind land and ocean areas[1]. The deserts and desertification soils in northern China are important sources of East Asia dust aerosols. It is estimated that 800 Mt of dust aerosols emit-t…  相似文献   

MSA in Beijing aerosol   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Methane sulphonate (MSA) and sulfate (SO4^2-),the main oxidation products of dirnethyl sulfide (DMS), arethe target of atmospheric chemistry study, as sulfate aerosolwould have important impact on the global climate change. It is widely believed that DMS is rnainly emitted from phyto-plankton production in marine boundary layer (MBL), andMSA is usually used as the tracer of non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO4^2-) in marine and coastal areas/MSA/SO4^2- = 1/18) Manyobservations of MSA were in marine and coastal aerosols. Toour surprise, MSA was frequently (>60%) deteeted in BeijingTSP. PM10, and PM2.5 aerosols, even in the samples collectedduring the dust storm period. The concentrations of MSAwere higher than those measured in marine aerosols. Factoranalysis, correlation analysis and meteorology analysis indi-cated that there was no obvious marine influence on Beljiagaerosols. DMS from terrestrial emissions and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) from industrial wastes could be the twopossible precursors of MSA. Warm and low-pressure airmasses and long time radiation were beneficial to the forma-tion of MSA. Anthropogenlc pollution from regional andlocal sources might be the dominant contributor to MSA inBeijing aerosol. This was the first report of MSA in aerosolscollected in an inland site in China. This new finding wouldlead to the further study on the balance af sulfur in inlandcities and its global bingcoehemical cycle.  相似文献   

 在进行安全壳过滤排放系统对气溶胶过滤性能的测试实验时,针对现有固体粉末气溶胶发生装置不能用于高压配送系统的缺点,本文设计了一种能够应用于高压系统、黏性粉末配送的双筒多级流化循环型气溶胶发生装置,它不仅能够配送满足要求的气溶胶,还实现了高压在线连续供粉功能。经过实验验证,气溶胶配送量的相对误差在15%以内,满足研究要求。  相似文献   

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