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1 .INTRODUCTIONRecently ,an intense interest has focused on wire-less systems that can provide good quality and highdata rate .Space-ti me coding is an i mportant tech-nique that can i mprove system performance at fa-ding environments by obtaining diversity gains andcoding gains in multiple antenna systems .To make multiple antenna system practical ,methods that can obtain diversity gains with mod-erate complexity and provide acceptable bit errorrate ( BER) performance are investigated i…  相似文献   

给出了多用户条件下利用扩频结合空时编码传输信号的系统模型,然后利用多用户与基站之间的信道冗余,通过提出的天线优选模型对信道进行选择,经优选后的系统,从整体上提高了误码率性能。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该方法具有较好的性能和较强的实用性。  相似文献   

A differential modulation scheme using space-time block codes is put forward. Compared with other schemes, our scheme has lower computational complexity and has a simpler decoder. In the case of three or four transmitter antennas, our scheme has a higher rate a higher coding gain and a lower bit error rate for a given rate. Then we made simulations for space-time block codes as well as group codes in the case of two, three, four and five transmit antennas. The simulations prove that using two transmit antennas, one receive antenna and code rate of 4 bits/s/Hz, the differential STBC method outperform the differential group codes method by 4 dB. Useing three, four and five transmit antennas, one receive antenna, and code rate of 3 bits/s/Hz are adopted, the differential STBC method outperform the differential group codes method by 5 dB, 6. 5 dB and 7 dB, respectively. In other words, the differential modulation scheme based on space-time block code is better than the corresponding differential modulation  相似文献   

针对多输入单输出(multiple input single output, MISO)系统中的空时分组码(space-time block code, STBC)盲识别问题, 提出了一种基于卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)的串行STBC识别方法。首先, 结合STBC识别问题提出了基本CNN (CNN basic, CNN-B)框架; 然后在分析STBC相关性的基础上, 针对空间复用和Alamouti信号混叠问题, 设计了基于相关性的CNN (CNN based on correlation, CNN-BC)模型; 最后将STBC数据集输入到网络模型中, 完成网络的训练和识别测试。仿真结果表明, 相比于基于特征提取的传统算法, 该方法将可识别的STBC扩展到了6种, 并且在低信噪比下的识别准确率更高, 识别过程可控制在微秒级别, 具有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

针对目前已提出的空时编码结构大多只研究单用户检测这一现状,研究了频率选择性信道下多输入多输出(MIMO)的多用户结构,并提出了一种采用V BLAST空时编码结构码分多址系统的多用户检测算法。基于发射符号的旋转不变特性和奇异值分解,得到了矢量信道冲激响应(VCIR)的盲估计,进而提出了上行信号的多用户检测器。该方法在满足系统对多用户检测性能期望的同时,还能很容易地对算法复杂度进行有效控制。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对分布式多输入多输出(multiple input multiple output, MIMO)系统中由于收发天线在地域上的离散分布所引起的异步接收问题,提出了一种基于矩阵分割的串行检测算法。该算法先从等效信道矩阵中划分出较小的矩阵,然后在此矩阵内进行检测。检测出的结果,部分用于干扰消除,部分用于和之后的检测结果合并。最后,从干扰消除后的信道矩阵中再划分矩阵,重复检测步骤,直至所有信号被检测出。在瑞利衰落信道下的计算机仿真表明,该算法与已有的分布式天线下的排序干扰对消(distributed antenna ordering successive interference cancellation, DA-OSIC)检测算法相比,可支持信号的连续发送,且随着发送序列的增长,算法性能逐步逼近DA-OSIC算法,并具有较低的计算复杂度。  相似文献   

在4×4多输入多输出(multiple input multiple output, MIMO)系统中,为了同时达到全分集增益和全速率数据传输,进而达到降低系统误码率及提高系统可靠性的要求,提出将低密度奇偶校验(low density parity check, LDPC)码与基于星座旋转的准正交空时分组码级联的编码方案,并找出了在全数据传输速率的前提下能够获得满分集增益的最优旋转角度。仿真结果表明,该级联编码方案误码率低于传统的LDPC编码与空时分组码级联的编码方案,在误码率为10-5的情况下,比LDPC码与正交空时分组码级联的编码方案有8 dB左右的增益。  相似文献   

主要研究了空时编码系统在相关瑞利衰落信道和高斯噪声环境下的性能。基于Karhunen Loeve去相关变换,将相关的系统子信道系数向量投影到另一组元素间不相关的系数向量。根据所得的去相关的系数向量,得到了系统误码率的解析表达式。同时,将误码率公式表示为有利于数值计算的一元有限积分形式,推广了熟知的不相关瑞利衰落环境下的系统误码率公式。对所得理论结果进行数值仿真,结果表明相关性使系统编码增益降低1~2dB。  相似文献   

针对分布式多输入多输出〖CD*2〗正交频分复用系统,提出一种新的训练序列及时频同步方案。在定时同步方面,它首先利用训练序列的时域共轭对称性完成粗定时同步,在此基础上进一步通过接收信号与本地时域训练序列移动相关完成细定时同步;在频率同步方面,它首先在时域利用接收信号相位差估计小数倍频偏,然后在频域利用训练序列良好的自相关性估计整数倍频偏。该方案不仅能够同时估计出各收发天线对之间的定时偏移和频率偏移,而且估计性能良好。  相似文献   

对基于空时分组编码的协作分集系统进行了研究,讨论了时分双工协作模式、大尺度路径损失和阴影衰落对于系统的分集增益、中断概率和系统容量的影响,并在此基础上讨论了对于协作用户的选取准则和难易程度.性能分析和数值仿真表明,基于空时分组编码的协作分集系统是可行的.  相似文献   

在分布式多输入多输出(multiple input multiple output, MIMO)雷达执行目标检测和跟踪多任务时, 为了在多个目标中突出对重点目标的跟踪, 提出了基于改进公平起点搜索的阵元选取模型与求解算法。在限定目标检测性能、跟踪性能和系统资源的前提下, 以最小的阵元集合为代价函数, 建立优化模型。为在同一框架下讨论系统的不同性能指标, 对参数进行预处理, 将表征跟踪性能的位置估计误差界进行去量纲化、归一化处理。分别引入表征目标重要程度和任务重要程度的权重因子, 得到表征系统综合性能的参数。遍历每一个初始阵元对, 逐次增加对系统贡献最大的阵元, 最终完成阵元集的选择。仿真结果表明, 所提算法能够提供接近穷举算法的性能并有效降低系统计算量。  相似文献   

Two optimal power control(PC) schemes under the power constraint for space-time coded multiple input multiple output systems over the flat Rayleigh fading channel with the imperfect channel state information(CSI) are presented.One is based on the minimization of a bit error rate(BER),and the other is based on the maximization of a fuzzy signal-to-noise ratio.In these schemes,different powers are allocated to individual transmit antennas rather than equal power in the conventional one.For the first scheme,the optimal PC procedure is developed.It is shown that the Lagrange multiplier for the constrained optimization in the power control does exist and is unique.A practical iterative algorithm based on Newton’s method for finding the Lagrange multiplier is proposed.In the second scheme,some existing schemes are included,and a suboptimal PC procedure is developed by means of the asymptotic performance analysis.With this suboptimal scheme,a simple PC calculation formula is provided,and thus the calculation of the PC will be straightforward.Moreover,the suboptimal scheme has the BER performance close to the optimal scheme.Simulation results show that the two PC schemes can provide BER lower than the equal PC and antenna selection scheme under the imperfect CSI.  相似文献   

To accurately assess the performance of cooperative multiple packet reception (MPR) based on network-assisted diversity multiple access (NDMA), non-ideal collision detection is introduced in ALLIANCES (ALLow improved access in the network via cooperation and energy savings). To provide a unified analysis framework, the length of cooperative transmission epoch is fixed to the detected collision order. The mathematical analysis of potential throughput (PTP) and potential packet loss rate (PPLR) are given under a pessimistic assumption and an optimistic assumption. According to the analysis of PTP and PPLR, threshold selection is done to optimize system performances, e.g. the optimal threshold should guarantee PTP to be maximum or guarantee PPLR to be minimum. In simulations, the thresholds are selected according to PTP under the pessimistic assumption. Simulation results show that the proposed cooperative MPR scheme can achieve higher throughput than NDMA and slotted ALOHA schemes.  相似文献   

针对现有多输入多输出(multiple input multiple output,MIM O)雷达稀疏恢复成像算法中存在的运算量大、对扩展目标成像质量低的问题,提出一种基于块稀疏矩阵恢复的MIMO雷达扩展目标高分辨成像算法,通过引入目标块稀疏特征,提高对空间扩展目标的成像质量.首先,通过构造距离向和方位向感知矩阵,建...  相似文献   

空时编码阵雷达通过在相邻阵元间引入时间延迟,在发射单一波形的条件下可实现全向空域有效覆盖,工程上易于实现。但实际应用中,器件变化会造成时移误差,难以得到准确的时移量。本文研究了时移误差对空时编码阵方向图的影响,定量分析了确定时移误差下的方向图误差并得到闭式表达式,推导了随机时移误差下方向图误差的上限。此外,进一步研究发射方向图响应和多维模糊函数,并结合仿真实验分析时移误差对空间探测范围,距离、角度维分辨率和副瓣电平等特性的影响。  相似文献   

针对非协作多输入多输出通信系统中正交空时分组码(orthogonal space-time block codes, OSTBC)与非正交空时分组码(non-orthogonal space-time block code, NOSTBC)的盲识别问题,提出结合特征值矩阵联合近似对角化(joint approximate diagonalization of eigenvalue matrix, JADE)与特征提取的盲识别方法。首先将接收信号转换为盲源分离问题中的线性瞬时混合模型,然后利用JADE算法估计出该模型的虚拟信道矩阵,根据该信道矩阵的相关矩阵为数量矩阵的特点,从相关矩阵中提取特征参数,利用此特征参数识别OSTBC与NOSTBC。仿真结果表明,在较低信噪比以及不同的调制模式下,所提方法均可有效识别出OSTBC与NOSTBC。  相似文献   

The research and application of wireless local area networks (WLAN) technology are in a stage of rapid development. It has been one of research focuses of the wireless communications field. Through the use of enhanced single-user (SU)/multi-user (MU) multiple input multiple output (MIMO)-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology, the next generation WLAN IEEE 802.11ac dramatically increases the throughput. An improved MIMO-OFDM scheme based on modulation diversity is proposed for the next generation WLAN. It uses two-dimensional modulation diversity to the current IEEE 802.11ac transmission scheme. Through the space-time-frequency component interleaver and the rotational modulation, the proposed scheme exhibits high spectral efficiency and low error rate in fading channels. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms the SU/MU MIMO-OFDM scheme in the current IEEE 802.11ac standard, which is up to 5 dB.  相似文献   

分析了常规时域编码信号用于多输入多输出(multiple-input multiple-output,MIMO)雷达发射信号无法获得良好的波形分集性能.提出了将空时二维编码技术用于MIMO雷达发射波形设计,理论分析得出该技术能有效抑制波形的互相关能量,提高回波信号的信杂比,可获得良好的波形分集性能,并分析了空时编码技术...  相似文献   

以离散傅里叶变换扩展正交频分复用(discrete Fourier transform spread orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,DFT-S-OFDM)技术为核心的单载波频分多址(single carrier frequency division multiple access,SC-FDMA)方案,已经成为第三代合作伙伴计划长期演进项目上行多址技术标准。提出了一种基于调制分集的多入多出(multiple input multiple output,MIMO)DFT-S-OFDM方案。该方案将调制分集和Turbo码相结合,有效利用时间分集和空间分集特性,在衰落信道下,既可以使系统具有较低误码性能,又可以获得较高的频谱效率。仿真结果表明,在最优旋转角度下,通过较小复杂度的增加,提出的系统与传统基于比特交织编码调制技术的MIMO DFT-S-OFDM系统相比,可获得明显的性能优势。  相似文献   

To improve the error performance and the resource utilization of cooperative systems, the optimum resource allocation, i.e., power allocation and partner choice, for an adaptive decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative diversity system based on quadrature modulation is investigated. The closed-form expression of the bit error rate (BER) system performance is derived and an optimal power allocation (OPA) algorithm is proposed to optimize the power allocation between the local and relayed signals under the minimum BER criterion. Based on the OPA algorithm, a partner choice strategy is proposed to determine the partner locations specified by various cooperation gains. Simulation results show that the proposed resource optimization algorithms are superior to the unoptimized algorithms by significantly reducing the BER and improving the cooperative gain, which is useful to simplify the practical partner choice process.  相似文献   

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