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The increase in oil price volatility in recent years has raised the importance of forecasting it accurately for valuing and hedging investments. The paper models and forecasts the crude oil exchange‐traded funds (ETF) volatility index, which has been used in the last years as an important alternative measure to track and analyze the volatility of future oil prices. Analysis of the oil volatility index suggests that it presents features similar to those of the daily market volatility index, such as long memory, which is modeled using well‐known heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) specifications and new extensions that are based on net and scaled measures of oil price changes. The aim is to improve the forecasting performance of the traditional HAR models by including predictors that capture the impact of oil price changes on the economy. The performance of the new proposals and benchmarks is evaluated with the model confidence set (MCS) and the Generalized‐AutoContouR (G‐ACR) tests in terms of point forecasts and density forecasting, respectively. We find that including the leverage in the conditional mean or variance of the basic HAR model increases its predictive ability. Furthermore, when considering density forecasting, the best models are a conditional heteroskedastic HAR model that includes a scaled measure of oil price changes, and a HAR model with errors following an exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity specification. In both cases, we consider a flexible distribution for the errors of the conditional heteroskedastic process.  相似文献   

We propose a method for improving the predictive ability of standard forecasting models used in financial economics. Our approach is based on the functional partial least squares (FPLS) model, which is capable of avoiding multicollinearity in regression by efficiently extracting information from the high‐dimensional market data. By using its well‐known ability, we can incorporate auxiliary variables that improve the predictive accuracy. We provide an empirical application of our proposed methodology in terms of its ability to predict the conditional average log return and the volatility of crude oil prices via exponential smoothing, Bayesian stochastic volatility, and GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity) models, respectively. In particular, what we call functional data analysis (FDA) traces in this article are obtained via the FPLS regression from both the crude oil returns and auxiliary variables of the exchange rates of major currencies. For forecast performance evaluation, we compare out‐of‐sample forecasting accuracy of the standard models with FDA traces to the accuracy of the same forecasting models with the observed crude oil returns, principal component regression (PCR), and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) models. We find evidence that the standard models with FDA traces significantly outperform our competing models. Finally, they are also compared with the test for superior predictive ability and the reality check for data snooping. Our empirical results show that our new methodology significantly improves predictive ability of standard models in forecasting the latent average log return and the volatility of financial time series.  相似文献   

Multifractal models have recently been introduced as a new type of data‐generating process for asset returns and other financial data. Here we propose an adaptation of this model for realized volatility. We estimate this new model via generalized method of moments and perform forecasting by means of best linear forecasts derived via the Levinson–Durbin algorithm. Its out‐of‐sample performance is compared against other popular time series specifications. Using an intra‐day dataset for five major international stock market indices, we find that the the multifractal model for realized volatility improves upon forecasts of its earlier counterparts based on daily returns and of many other volatility models. While the more traditional RV‐ARFIMA model comes out as the most successful model (in terms of the number of cases in which it has the best forecasts for all combinations of forecast horizons and evaluation criteria), the new model performs often significantly better during the turbulent times of the recent financial crisis. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper subjects six alternative indicators of global economic activity to empirically examine their relative predictive powers in the forecast of crude oil market volatility. GARCH-MIDAS approach is constructed to accommodate all the relevant series at their available data frequencies, thereby circumventing information loss and any associated bias. We find evidence in support of global economic activity as a good predictor of energy market volatility. Our forecast evaluation of the various indicators places a higher weight on the newly developed indicator of global economic activity which is based on a set of 16 variables covering multiple dimensions of the global economy, whereas other indicators do not seem to capture. Furthermore, we find that accounting for any inherent asymmetry in the global economic activity proxies improves the forecast accuracy of the GARCH-MIDAS-X model for oil volatility. The results leading to these conclusions are robust to multiple forecast horizons and consistent across alternative energy sources.  相似文献   

We investigate whether crude oil price volatility is predictable by conditioning on macroeconomic variables. We consider a large number of predictors, take into account the possibility that relative predictive performance varies over the out-of-sample period, and shed light on the economic drivers of crude oil price volatility. Results using monthly data from 1983:M1 to 2018:M12 document that variables related to crude oil production, economic uncertainty and variables that either describe the current stance or provide information about the future state of the economy forecast crude oil price volatility at the population level 1 month ahead. On the other hand, evidence of finite-sample predictability is very weak. A detailed examination of our out-of-sample results using the fluctuation test suggests that this is because relative predictive performance changes drastically over the out-of-sample period. The predictive power associated with the more successful macroeconomic variables concentrates around the Great Recession until 2015. They also generate the strongest signal of a decrease in the price of crude oil towards the end of 2008.  相似文献   

This paper examines the information content of implied volatility for crude oil options as it relates to future realized volatility. Using data for the period 1996 to 2011 we find that implied volatility is an effective predictor of the month‐ahead realized volatility. We show that implied volatility subsumes the information content of contemporaneous volatility, and it contains incremental information on future volatility after controlling for contemporaneous volatility. Furthermore, incorporating risk‐neutral skewness, and especially kurtosis, improves the forecasting of realized volatility. Overall, the association between implied volatility and month‐ahead realized volatility is consistent with evidence documented for other asset classes, leading us to conclude that implied volatility serves as a reasonable proxy for expected volatility. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the informational content of alternative realized volatility estimators, daily range and implied volatility in multi‐period out‐of‐sample Value‐at‐Risk (VaR) predictions. We use the recently proposed Realized GARCH model combined with the skewed Student's t distribution for the innovations process and a Monte Carlo simulation approach in order to produce the multi‐period VaR estimates. Our empirical findings, based on the S&P 500 stock index, indicate that almost all realized and implied volatility measures can produce statistically and regulatory precise VaR forecasts across forecasting horizons, with the implied volatility being especially accurate in monthly VaR forecasts. The daily range produces inferior forecasting results in terms of regulatory accuracy and Basel II compliance. However, robust realized volatility measures, which are immune against microstructure noise bias or price jumps, generate superior VaR estimates in terms of capital efficiency, as they minimize the opportunity cost of capital and the Basel II regulatory capital. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper compares the information content of realized measures constructed from high‐frequency data and implied volatilities from options in the context of forecasting volatility. The comparison is based on within‐sample and out‐of‐sample (over horizons of 1–22 days) forecasts of daily S&P 500 index return volatility. The paper adds to the findings of previous studies, by considering recent developments in the related practice and the literature. It is shown that, for within‐sample fitting, the realized measure is more informative than the implied volatility. In contrast, the implied volatility is more informative than the realized measure for out‐of‐sample forecasting, in particular for multi‐step‐ahead forecasting. Moreover, we show that it is helpful to use all the information provided by the realized measure and the implied volatility for the within‐sample fitting. For multi‐step‐ahead forecasting, however, it is better to use only the implied volatility. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inspired by the commonly held view that international stock market volatility is equivalent to cross-market information flow, we propose various ways of constructing two types of information flow, based on realized volatility (RV) and implied volatility (IV), in multiple international markets. We focus on the RVs derived from the intraday prices of eight international stock markets and use a heterogeneous autoregressive framework to forecast the future volatility of each market for 1 day to 22 days ahead. Our Diebold-Mariano tests provide strong evidence that information flow with IV enhances the accuracy of forecasting international RVs over all of the prediction horizons. The results of a model confidence set test show that a market's own IV and the first principal component of the international IVs exhibit the strongest predictive ability. In addition, the use of information flows with IV can further increase economic returns. Our results are supported by the findings of a wide range of robustness checks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the functional coefficient to heterogeneous autoregressive realized volatility (HAR‐RV) models to make the parameters change over time. A nonparametric statistic is developed to perform a specification test. The simulation results show that our test displays reliable size and good power. Using the proposed test, we find a significant time variation property of coefficients to the HAR‐RV models. Time‐varying parameter (TVP) models can significantly outperform their constant‐coefficient counterparts for longer forecasting horizons. The predictive ability of TVP models can be improved by accounting for VIX information. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study we propose several new variables, such as continuous realized semi‐variance and signed jump variations including jump tests, and construct a new heterogeneous autoregressive model for realized volatility models to investigate the impacts that those new variables have on forecasting oil price volatility. In‐sample results indicate that past negative returns have greater effects on future volatility than that of positive returns, and our new signed jump variations have a significantly negative influence on the future volatility. Out‐of‐sample empirical results with several robust checks demonstrate that our proposed models can not only obtain better performance in forecasting volatility but also garner larger economic values than can the existing models discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This study investigates the forecasting performance of the GARCH(1,1) model by adding an effective covariate. Based on the assumption that many volatility predictors are available to help forecast the volatility of a target variable, this study shows how to construct a covariate from these predictors and plug it into the GARCH(1,1) model. This study presents a method of building a covariate such that the covariate contains the maximum possible amount of predictor information of the predictors for forecasting volatility. The loading of the covariate constructed by the proposed method is simply the eigenvector of a matrix. The proposed method enjoys the advantages of easy implementation and interpretation. Simulations and empirical analysis verify that the proposed method performs better than other methods for forecasting the volatility, and the results are quite robust to model misspecification. Specifically, the proposed method reduces the mean square error of the GARCH(1,1) model by 30% for forecasting the volatility of S&P 500 Index. The proposed method is also useful in improving the volatility forecasting of several GARCH‐family models and for forecasting the value‐at‐risk. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A recent study by Rapach, Strauss, and Zhou (Journal of Finance, 2013, 68(4), 1633–1662) shows that US stock returns can provide predictive content for international stock returns. We extend their work from a volatility perspective. We propose a model, namely a heterogeneous volatility spillover–generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model, to investigate volatility spillover. The model specification is parsimonious and can be used to analyze the time variation property of the spillover effect. Our in‐sample evidence shows the existence of strong volatility spillover from the US to five major stock markets and indicates that the spillover was stronger during business cycle recessions in the USA. Out‐of‐sample results show that accounting for spillover information from the USA can significantly improve the forecasting accuracy of international stock price volatility.  相似文献   

This study attempts to apply the general equilibrium model of stock index futures with both stochastic market volatility and stochastic interest rates to the TAIFEX and the SGX Taiwan stock index futures data, and compares the predictive power of the cost of carry and the general equilibrium models. This study also represents the first attempt to investigate which of the five volatility estimators can enhance the forecasting performance of the general equilibrium model. Additionally, the impact of the up‐tick rule and other various explanatory factors on mispricing is also tested using a regression framework. Overall, the general equilibrium model outperforms the cost of carry model in forecasting prices of the TAIFEX and the SGX futures. This finding indicates that in the higher volatility of the Taiwan stock market incorporating stochastic market volatility into the pricing model helps in predicting the prices of these two futures. Furthermore, the comparison results of different volatility estimators support the conclusion that the power EWMA and the GARCH(1,1) estimators can enhance the forecasting performance of the general equilibrium model compared to the other estimators. Additionally, the relaxation of the up‐tick rule helps reduce the degree of mispricing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a novel quantile double autoregressive model for modelling financial time series. This is done by specifying a generalized lambda distribution to the quantile function of the location‐scale double autoregressive model developed by Ling (2004, 2007). Parameter estimation uses Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian methods. A simulation technique is introduced for forecasting the conditional distribution of financial returns m periods ahead, and hence any for predictive quantities of interest. The application to forecasting value‐at‐risk at different time horizons and coverage probabilities for Dow Jones Industrial Average shows that our method works very well in practice. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a wavelet neural network (neuro‐wavelet) model for the short‐term forecast of stock returns from high‐frequency financial data. The proposed hybrid model combines the capability of wavelets and neural networks to capture non‐stationary nonlinear attributes embedded in financial time series. A comparison study was performed on the predictive power of two econometric models and four recurrent neural network topologies. Several statistical measures were applied to the predictions and standard errors to evaluate the performance of all models. A Jordan net that used as input the coefficients resulting from a non‐decimated wavelet‐based multi‐resolution decomposition of an exogenous signal showed a consistent superior forecasting performance. Reasonable forecasting accuracy for the one‐, three‐ and five step‐ahead horizons was achieved by the proposed model. The procedure used to build the neuro‐wavelet model is reusable and can be applied to any high‐frequency financial series to specify the model characteristics associated with that particular series. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We utilize mixed‐frequency factor‐MIDAS models for the purpose of carrying out backcasting, nowcasting, and forecasting experiments using real‐time data. We also introduce a new real‐time Korean GDP dataset, which is the focus of our experiments. The methodology that we utilize involves first estimating common latent factors (i.e., diffusion indices) from 190 monthly macroeconomic and financial series using various estimation strategies. These factors are then included, along with standard variables measured at multiple different frequencies, in various factor‐MIDAS prediction models. Our key empirical findings as follows. (i) When using real‐time data, factor‐MIDAS prediction models outperform various linear benchmark models. Interestingly, the “MSFE‐best” MIDAS models contain no autoregressive (AR) lag terms when backcasting and nowcasting. AR terms only begin to play a role in “true” forecasting contexts. (ii) Models that utilize only one or two factors are “MSFE‐best” at all forecasting horizons, but not at any backcasting and nowcasting horizons. In these latter contexts, much more heavily parametrized models with many factors are preferred. (iii) Real‐time data are crucial for forecasting Korean gross domestic product, and the use of “first available” versus “most recent” data “strongly” affects model selection and performance. (iv) Recursively estimated models are almost always “MSFE‐best,” and models estimated using autoregressive interpolation dominate those estimated using other interpolation methods. (v) Factors estimated using recursive principal component estimation methods have more predictive content than those estimated using a variety of other (more sophisticated) approaches. This result is particularly prevalent for our “MSFE‐best” factor‐MIDAS models, across virtually all forecast horizons, estimation schemes, and data vintages that are analyzed.  相似文献   

This study examines the intraday S&P 500 implied volatility index (VIX) to determine when the index contains the most information for volatility forecasting. The findings indicate that, in general, VIX levels around noon are most informative for predicting realized volatility. We posit that the VIX performs better during this time period because trading motivation around noon is less complex, and therefore trades contain more information on the market expectation of future volatility. Further investigation on the 2008 financial crisis period suggests that market participants become more cautious, and thus the forecasting performance is sustained until the market's close. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the effect of cojumps within the agricultural futures market, and cojumps between the agricultural futures market and the stock market, on stock volatility forecasting. Also, we take into account large and small components of cojumps. We have several noteworthy findings. First, large jumps may lead to more substantial fluctuations and are more powerful than small jumps. The effect of cojumps and their decompositions on future volatility are mixed. Second, a model including large and small cojumps between the agricultural futures market and the stock market can achieve a higher forecasting accuracy, implying that large and small cojumps contain more useful predictive information than cojumps themselves. Third, our conclusions are robust based on various robustness tests such as the realized kernel, expanding forecasts, different forecasting windows, different jump tests, and different threshold values.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity–mixed data sampling–extreme shocks (GARCH-MIDAS-ES) model for stock volatility to examine whether the importance of extreme shocks changes in different time ranges. Based on different combinations of the short- and long-term effects caused by extreme events, we extend the standard GARCH-MIDAS model to characterize the different responses of the stock market for short- and long-term horizons, separately or in combination. The unique timespan of nearly 100 years of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) daily returns allows us to understand the stock market volatility under extreme shocks from a historical perspective. The in-sample empirical results clearly show that the DJIA stock volatility is best fitted to the GARCH-MIDAS-SLES model by including the short- and long-term impacts of extreme shocks for all forecasting horizons. The out-of-sample results and robustness tests emphasize the significance of decomposing the effect of extreme shocks into short- and long-term effects to improve the accuracy of the DJIA volatility forecasts.  相似文献   

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