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This paper assesses a new technique for producing high‐frequency data from lower frequency measurements subject to the full set of identities within the data all holding. The technique is assessed through a set of Monte Carlo experiments. The example used here is gross domestic product (GDP) which is observed at quarterly intervals in the United States and it is a flow economic variable rather than a stock. The problem of constructing an unobserved monthly GDP variable can be handled using state space modelling. The solution of the problem lies in finding a suitable state space representation. A Monte Carlo experiment is conducted to illustrate this concept and to identify which variant of the model gives the best monthly estimates. The results demonstrate that the more simple models do almost as well as more complex ones and hence there may be little gain in return for the extra work of using a complex model. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a dynamic factor model in which estimates for unobserved monthly US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are consistent with observed quarterly data. In contrast to existing approaches, the quarterly averages of our monthly estimates are exactly equal to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) quarterly estimates. The relationship between our monthly estimates and the quarterly data is therefore the same as the relationship between quarterly and annual data. The study makes use of Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo and data augmentation techniques to simulate values for the logarithms on monthly US GDP. The imposition of the exact linear quarterly constraint produces a non‐standard distribution, necessitating the implementation of a Metropolis simulation step in the estimation. Our methodology can be easily generalized to cases where the variable of interest is monthly GDP and in such a way that the final results incorporate the statistical uncertainty associated with the monthly GDP estimates. We provide an example by incorporating our monthly estimates into a Markov switching model of the US business cycle. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of the Stock and Watson coincident indicator model that allows one to include variables available at different frequencies while taking care of missing observations at any time period. The proposed procedure provides estimates of the unobserved common coincident component, of the unobserved monthly series underlying any included quarterly indicator, and of any missing values in the series. An application to a coincident indicator model for the Portuguese economy is presented. We use monthly indicators from business surveys whose results are published with a very short delay. By using the available data for the monthly indicators and for quarterly real GDP, it becomes possible to produce simultaneously a monthly composite index of coincident indicators and an estimate of the latest quarter real GDP growth well ahead of the release of the first official figures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Son, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops a state space framework for the statistical analysis of a class of locally stationary processes. The proposed Kalman filter approach provides a numerically efficient methodology for estimating and predicting locally stationary models and allows for the handling of missing values. It provides both exact and approximate maximum likelihood estimates. Furthermore, as suggested by the Monte Carlo simulations reported in this work, the performance of the proposed methodology is very good, even for relatively small sample sizes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forecasting for nonlinear time series is an important topic in time series analysis. Existing numerical algorithms for multi‐step‐ahead forecasting ignore accuracy checking, alternative Monte Carlo methods are also computationally very demanding and their accuracy is difficult to control too. In this paper a numerical forecasting procedure for nonlinear autoregressive time series models is proposed. The forecasting procedure can be used to obtain approximate m‐step‐ahead predictive probability density functions, predictive distribution functions, predictive mean and variance, etc. for a range of nonlinear autoregressive time series models. Examples in the paper show that the forecasting procedure works very well both in terms of the accuracy of the results and in the ability to deal with different nonlinear autoregressive time series models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates inference and volatility forecasting using a Markov switching heteroscedastic model with a fat‐tailed error distribution to analyze asymmetric effects on both the conditional mean and conditional volatility of financial time series. The motivation for extending the Markov switching GARCH model, previously developed to capture mean asymmetry, is that the switching variable, assumed to be a first‐order Markov process, is unobserved. The proposed model extends this work to incorporate Markov switching in the mean and variance simultaneously. Parameter estimation and inference are performed in a Bayesian framework via a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme. We compare competing models using Bayesian forecasting in a comparative value‐at‐risk study. The proposed methods are illustrated using both simulations and eight international stock market return series. The results generally favor the proposed double Markov switching GARCH model with an exogenous variable. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of additive outliers on the least squares (LS) estimation of threshold autoregressive models. The class of generalized-M (GM) estimates for linear time series is modified and applied to non-linear threshold processes. A Monte Carlo experiment is carried out to study the robust properties of these estimates. Their relative forecasting performances are also examined. The results indicate that the GM method is preferable to the LS estimation when the observations are contaminated by additive outliers. A real example is also given to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper a nonparametric approach for estimating mixed‐frequency forecast equations is proposed. In contrast to the popular MIDAS approach that employs an (exponential) Almon or Beta lag distribution, we adopt a penalized least‐squares estimator that imposes some degree of smoothness to the lag distribution. This estimator is related to nonparametric estimation procedures based on cubic splines and resembles the popular Hodrick–Prescott filtering technique for estimating a smooth trend function. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that the nonparametric estimator may provide more reliable and flexible approximations to the actual lag distribution than the conventional parametric MIDAS approach based on exponential lag polynomials. Parametric and nonparametric methods are applied to assess the predictive power of various daily indicators for forecasting monthly inflation rates. It turns out that the commodity price index is a useful predictor for inflations rates 20–30 days ahead with a hump‐shaped lag distribution. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using option market data we derive naturally forward‐looking, nonparametric and model‐free risk estimates, three desired characteristics hardly obtainable using historical returns. The option‐implied measures are only based on the first derivative of the option price with respect to the strike price, bypassing the difficult task of estimating the tail of the return distribution. We estimate and backtest the 1%, 2.5%, and 5% WTI crude oil futures option‐implied value at risk and conditional value at risk for the turbulent years 2011–2016 and for both tails of the distribution. Compared with risk estimations based on the filtered historical simulation methodology, our results show that the option‐implied risk metrics are valid alternatives to the statistically based historical models.  相似文献   

We develop a novel quantile double autoregressive model for modelling financial time series. This is done by specifying a generalized lambda distribution to the quantile function of the location‐scale double autoregressive model developed by Ling (2004, 2007). Parameter estimation uses Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian methods. A simulation technique is introduced for forecasting the conditional distribution of financial returns m periods ahead, and hence any for predictive quantities of interest. The application to forecasting value‐at‐risk at different time horizons and coverage probabilities for Dow Jones Industrial Average shows that our method works very well in practice. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a methodology for estimation, prediction, and model assessment of vector autoregressive moving-average (VARMA) models in the Bayesian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. The sampling-based Bayesian framework for inference allows for the incorporation of parameter restrictions, such as stationarity restrictions or zero constraints, through appropriate prior specifications. It also facilitates extensive posterior and predictive analyses through the use of numerical summary statistics and graphical displays, such as box plots and density plots for estimated parameters. We present a method for computationally feasible evaluation of the joint posterior density of the model parameters using the exact likelihood function, and discuss the use of backcasting to approximate the exact likelihood function in certain cases. We also show how to incorporate indicator variables as additional parameters for use in coefficient selection. The sampling is facilitated through a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. Graphical techniques based on predictive distributions are used for informal model assessment. The methods are illustrated using two data sets from business and economics. The first example consists of quarterly fixed investment, disposable income, and consumption rates for West Germany, which are known to have correlation and feedback relationships between series. The second example consists of monthly revenue data from seven different geographic areas of IBM. The revenue data exhibit seasonality, strong inter-regional dependence, and feedback relationships between certain regions.© 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using quantile regression this paper explores the predictability of the stock and bond return distributions as a function of economic state variables. The use of quantile regression allows us to examine specific parts of the return distribution such as the tails and the center, and for a sufficiently fine grid of quantiles we can trace out the entire distribution. A univariate quantile regression model is used to examine the marginal stock and bond return distributions, while a multivariate model is used to capture their joint distribution. An empirical analysis on US data shows that economic state variables predict the stock and bond return distributions in quite different ways in terms of, for example, location shifts, volatility and skewness. Comparing the different economic state variables in terms of their out‐of‐sample forecasting performance, the empirical analysis also shows that the relative accuracy of the state variables varies across the return distribution. Density forecasts based on an assumed normal distribution with forecasted mean and variance is compared to forecasts based on quantile estimates and, in general, the latter yields the best performance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In their seminal book Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Box and Jenkins (1976) introduce the Airline model, which is still routinely used for the modelling of economic seasonal time series. The Airline model is for a differenced time series (in levels and seasons) and constitutes a linear moving average of lagged Gaussian disturbances which depends on two coefficients and a fixed variance. In this paper a novel approach to seasonal adjustment is developed that is based on the Airline model and that accounts for outliers and breaks in time series. For this purpose we consider the canonical representation of the Airline model. It takes the model as a sum of trend, seasonal and irregular (unobserved) components which are uniquely identified as a result of the canonical decomposition. The resulting unobserved components time series model is extended by components that allow for outliers and breaks. When all components depend on Gaussian disturbances, the model can be cast in state space form and the Kalman filter can compute the exact log‐likelihood function. Related filtering and smoothing algorithms can be used to compute minimum mean squared error estimates of the unobserved components. However, the outlier and break components typically rely on heavy‐tailed densities such as the t or the mixture of normals. For this class of non‐Gaussian models, Monte Carlo simulation techniques will be used for estimation, signal extraction and seasonal adjustment. This robust approach to seasonal adjustment allows outliers to be accounted for, while keeping the underlying structures that are currently used to aid reporting of economic time series data. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The bootstrap, like the jack-knife, is a technique for estimating standard errors. The idea is to use Monte Carlo simulation, based on a non-parametric estimate of the underlying error distribution. The bootstrap will be applied to an econometric equation describing the demand for energy by industry, to determine multi-period forecasting error and choose among competing specifications. The delta method for estimating forecast errors turns out to be too optimistic by a factor of 2.  相似文献   

We propose in this paper a threshold nonlinearity test for financial time series. Our approach adopts reversible‐jump Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to calculate the posterior probabilities of two competitive models, namely GARCH and threshold GARCH models. Posterior evidence favouring the threshold GARCH model indicates threshold nonlinearity or volatility asymmetry. Simulation experiments demonstrate that our method works very well in distinguishing GARCH and threshold GARCH models. Sensitivity analysis shows that our method is robust to misspecification in error distribution. In the application to 10 market indexes, clear evidence of threshold nonlinearity is discovered and thus supporting volatility asymmetry. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We aim to assess the ability of two alternative forecasting procedures to predict quarterly national account (QNA) aggregates. The application of Box–Jenkins techniques to observed data constitutes the basis of traditional ARIMA and transfer function methods (BJ methods). The alternative procedure exploits the information of unobserved high‐ and low‐frequency components of time series (UC methods). An informal examination of empirical evidence suggests that the relationships between QNA aggregates and coincident indicators are often clearly different for diverse frequencies. Under these circumstances, a Monte Carlo experiment shows that UC methods significantly improve the forecasting accuracy of BJ procedures if coincident indicators play an important role in such predictions. Otherwise (i.e., under univariate procedures), BJ methods tend to be more accurate than the UC alternative, although the differences are small. We illustrate these findings with several applications from the Spanish economy with regard to industrial production, private consumption, business investment and exports. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A diagnostic procedure for detecting additive and innovation outliers as well as level shifts in a regression model with ARIMA errors is introduced. The procedure is based on a robust estimate of the model parameters and on innovation residuals computed by means of robust filtering. A Monte Carlo study shows that, when there is a large proportion of outliers, this procedure is more powerful than the classical methods based on maximum likelihood type estimates and Kalman filtering. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Density forecasts for weather variables are useful for the many industries exposed to weather risk. Weather ensemble predictions are generated from atmospheric models and consist of multiple future scenarios for a weather variable. The distribution of the scenarios can be used as a density forecast, which is needed for pricing weather derivatives. We consider one to 10‐day‐ahead density forecasts provided by temperature ensemble predictions. More specifically, we evaluate forecasts of the mean and quantiles of the density. The mean of the ensemble scenarios is the most accurate forecast for the mean of the density. We use quantile regression to debias the quantiles of the distribution of the ensemble scenarios. The resultant quantile forecasts compare favourably with those from a GARCH model. These results indicate the strong potential for the use of ensemble prediction in temperature density forecasting. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a long‐memory dynamic Tobit model, defining it as a censored version of a fractionally integrated Gaussian ARMA model, which may include seasonal components and/or additional regression variables. Parameter estimation for such a model using standard techniques is typically infeasible, since the model is not Markovian, cannot be expressed in a finite‐dimensional state‐space form, and includes censored observations. Furthermore, the long‐memory property renders a standard Gibbs sampling scheme impractical. Therefore we introduce a new Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme, which is orders of magnitude more efficient than the standard Gibbs sampler. The method is inherently capable of handling missing observations. In case studies, the model is fit to two time series: one consisting of volumes of requests to a hard disk over time, and the other consisting of hourly rainfall measurements in Edinburgh over a 2‐year period. The resulting posterior distributions for the fractional differencing parameter demonstrate, for these two time series, the importance of the long‐memory structure in the models. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this paper is to select an appropriate power transformation when we use ARMA models for a given time series. We propose a Bayesian procedure for estimating the power transformation as well as other parameters in time series models. The posterior distributions of interest are obtained utilizing the Gibbs sampler, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The proposed methodology is illustrated with two real data sets. The performance of the proposed procedure is compared with other competing procedures. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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