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Previous studies found that extended futures trading contains useful information in explaining subsequent overnight spot returns. This study therefore compares the performance of using the extended trading of the TAIFEX (Taiwan Futures Exchange) index futures and single‐stock futures to predict their opening underlying spot prices. Furthermore, according to the efficient market hypothesis, the share price fully reflects all the information available and should adjust to new information instantaneously. However, several studies have demonstrated that short‐sales restrictions delay the speed of price adjustment to negative information. The relevant question is whether short‐selling restrictions also slow down the speed at which the opening spot price adjusts to the new information revealed through extended futures trading, and thus reducing the price prediction function of extended futures trading. The empirical results find that using the opening futures price and the prediction method proposed in this study can more accurately predict the opening spot price on the same day. Furthermore, the performance of using the extended trading of index futures to predict the opening spot index price is superior to that of using the extended trading of single‐stock futures to predict the opening stock price. Finally, as found in previous studies, short‐selling restrictions also slow down the speed of stock price adjustment to the new information revealed through extended futures trading. Thus both the up‐tick rule and the short‐selling bans (especially the latter) negatively affect the price forecasting performance of extended futures trading.  相似文献   

This paper explains cross‐market variations in the degree of return predictability using the extreme bounds analysis (EBA). The EBA addresses model uncertainty in identifying robust determinant(s) of cross‐sectional return predictability. Additionally, the paper develops two profitable trading strategies based on return predictability evidence. The result reveals that among the 13 determinants of the cross‐sectional variation of return predictability, only value of stock traded (a measure of liquidity) is found to have robust explanatory power by Leamer's (1985) EBA. However, Sala‐i‐Martin's (1997) EBA reports that value of stock traded, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, level of information and communication technology (ICT) development, governance quality, and corruption perception are robust determinants. We further find that a strategy of buying (selling) aggregate market portfolios of the countries with the highest positive (negative) return predictability statistic in the past 24 months generates statistically significant positive returns in the subsequent 3 to 12 months. In the individual country level, a trading rule of buying (selling) the respective country's aggregate market portfolio, when the return predictability statistic turns out positive (negative), outperforms the conventional buy‐and‐hold strategy for many countries.  相似文献   

We examined the link between international equity flows and US stock returns. Based on the results of tests of in‐sample and out‐of‐sample predictability of stock returns, we found evidence of a strong positive (negative) link between international equity flows and contemporaneous (one‐month‐ahead) stock returns. Our results also indicate that an investor, in real time, could have used information on the link between international equity flows and one‐month‐ahead stock returns to improve the performance of simple trading rules. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a consequence of recent technological advances and the proliferation of algorithmic and high‐frequency trading, the cost of trading in financial markets has irrevocably changed. One important change, known as price impact, relates to how trading affects prices. Price impact represents the largest cost associated with trading. Forecasting price impact is very important as it can provide estimates of trading profits after costs and also suggest optimal execution strategies. Although several models have recently been developed which may forecast the immediate price impact of individual trades, limited work has been done to compare their relative performance. We provide a comprehensive performance evaluation of these models and test for statistically significant outperformance amongst candidate models using out‐of‐sample forecasts. We find that normalizing price impact by its average value significantly enhances the performance of traditional non‐normalized models as the normalization factor captures some of the dynamics of price impact. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

I examine the information content of option‐implied covariance between jumps and diffusive risk in the cross‐sectional variation in future returns. This paper documents that the difference between realized volatility and implied covariance (RV‐ICov) can predict future returns. The results show a significant and negative association of expected return and realized volatility–implied covariance spread in both the portfolio level analysis and cross‐sectional regression study. A trading strategy of buying a portfolio with the lowest RV‐ICov quintile portfolio and selling with the highest one generates positive and significant returns. This RV‐Cov anomaly is robust to controlling for size, book‐to‐market value, liquidity and systematic risk proportion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the profitability of a trading strategy, based on recurrent neural networks, that attempts to predict the direction‐of‐change of the market in the case of the NASDAQ composite index. The sample extends over the period 8 February 1971 to 7 April 1998, while the sub‐period 8 April 1998 to 5 February 2002 has been reserved for out‐of‐sample testing purposes. We demonstrate that the incorporation in the trading rule of estimates of the conditional volatility changes strongly enhances its profitability, after the inclusion of transaction costs, during bear market periods. This improvement is being measured with respect to a nested model that does not include the volatility variable as well as to a buy‐and‐hold strategy. We suggest that our findings can be justified by invoking either the ‘volatility feedback’ theory or the existence of portfolio insurance schemes in the equity markets. Our results are also consistent with the view that volatility dependence produces sign dependence. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a novel way to estimate the out‐of‐sample predictive ability of a trading rule. Usually, this ability is estimated using a sample‐splitting scheme, true out‐of‐sample data being rarely available. We argue that this method makes poor use of the available data and creates data‐mining possibilities. Instead, we introduce an alternative.632 bootstrap approach. This method enables building in‐sample and out‐of‐sample bootstrap datasets that do not overlap but exhibit the same time dependencies. We show in a simulation study that this technique drastically reduces the mean squared error of the estimated predictive ability. We illustrate our methodology on IBM, MSFT and DJIA stock prices, where we compare 11 trading rules specifications. For the considered datasets, two different filter rule specifications have the highest out‐of‐sample mean excess returns. However, all tested rules cannot beat a simple buy‐and‐hold strategy when trading at a daily frequency. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies examine investment strategies based on leverage and momentum; none investigates both variables jointly as an investment strategy. This paper is the first incorporating leverage and momentum together. We show that low past returns (losers) forecast future negative abnormal returns only among stocks with high leverage levels, but not among stocks with low leverage levels. However, high past returns (winners) forecast future positive abnormal returns independently of leverage level. As a result, the negative relation between leverage and future abnormal returns is only observed among loser stocks, and the positive relation between past returns and future abnormal returns is only shown among non‐low leverage stocks. Our results are important in achieving better investment strategies: buying winners' stocks (independently of their level of leverage) and short‐selling losers' stocks with high leverage yield higher abnormal returns than strategies based on only one of these variables. Our two‐dimensional strategy yields risk‐adjusted abnormal returns of 15.66% per annum, whereas the single leverage or momentum strategies yield 7.70% and 7.96% per annum, respectively. The difference is nearly 8% and economically significant. If leverage is considered as proxy for default risk, our results, contrary to previous evidence, show that momentum profits are not exclusive of default stocks, and that momentum returns are not only driven by negative returns yielded by distress stocks.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that optimal trading results can be achieved if we can forecast a key summary statistic of future prices. Consider the following optimization problem. Let the return ri (over time i=1, 2, ..., n) for the ith day be given and the investor has to make investment decision di on the ith day with di=1 representing a ‘long' position and di=0 a ‘neutral' position. The investment return is given by rni=1ridicΣn+1i=1didi−1∣, where c is the transaction cost. The mathematical programming problem of choosing d1, ..., dn to maximize r under a given transaction cost c is shown to have an analytic solution, which is a function of a key summary statistic called the largest change before reversal. The largest change before reversal is recommended to be used as an output in a neural network for the generation of trading signals. When neural network forecasting is applied to a dataset of Hang Seng Index Futures Contract traded in Hong Kong, it is shown that forecasting the largest change before reversal outperforms the k‐step‐ahead forecast in achieving higher trading profits. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interaction of capital market participants is a complicated dynamic process. A stochastic model is proposed to describe the dynamics to predict short‐term stock price behaviors. Independent compound Poisson processes are introduced to describe the occurrences of market orders, limit orders and cancellations of limit orders, respectively. Based on high‐frequency observations of the limit order book, the maximum empirical likelihood estimator (MELE) is applied to estimate the parameters of the compound Poisson processes. Moreover, an analytical formula is derived to compute the probability distribution of the first‐passage time of a compound Poisson process. Based on this formula, the conditional probability of a price increase and the conditional distribution of the duration until the first change in mid‐price are obtained. A novel approach of short‐term stock price prediction is proposed and this methodology works reasonably well in the data analysis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt a panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) approach to estimating and forecasting inflation dynamics in four different sectors—industry, services, construction and agriculture—across the euro area and its four largest member states: France, Germany, Italy and Spain. By modelling inflation together with real activity, employment and wages at the sectoral level, we are able to disentangle the role of unit labour costs and profit margins as the fundamental determinants of price dynamics on the supply side. In out‐of‐sample forecast comparisons, the PVAR approach performs well against popular alternatives, especially at a short forecast horizon and relative to standard VAR forecasts based on aggregate economy‐wide data. Over longer forecast horizons, the accuracy of the PVAR model tends to decline relative to that of the univariate alternatives, while it remains high relative to the aggregate VAR forecasts. We show that these findings are driven by the event of the Great Recession. Our qualitative results carry over to a multi‐country extension of the PVAR approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the forecasted capital asset pricing model (CAPM) beta of momentum portfolios explains a large portion of the return, ranging from 40% to 60% for stock‐level momentum, and from 30% to 50% for industry‐level momentum. Beta forecasts are from a realized beta estimator using daily returns over the prior year. Periods such as 1969–1989 have been found in earlier studies to contain abnormal profits from momentum trading; however, we show that these were spuriously generated by measurement error in systematic risk. These results cast further doubt on the ability of standard momentum trading strategies to generate abnormal profits.  相似文献   

This study establishes a benchmark for short‐term salmon price forecasting. The weekly spot price of Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon is predicted 1–5 weeks ahead using data from 2007 to 2014. Sixteen alternative forecasting methods are considered, ranging from classical time series models to customized machine learning techniques to salmon futures prices. The best predictions are delivered by k‐nearest neighbors method for 1 week ahead; vector error correction model estimated using elastic net regularization for 2 and 3 weeks ahead; and futures prices for 4 and 5 weeks ahead. While the nominal gains in forecast accuracy over a naïve benchmark are small, the economic value of the forecasts is considerable. Using a simple trading strategy for timing the sales based on price forecasts could increase the net profit of a salmon farmer by around 7%.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the use of non‐parametric Neural Network Regression (NNR) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) regression models for forecasting and trading currency volatility, with an application to the GBP/USD and USD/JPY exchange rates. Both the results of the NNR and RNN models are benchmarked against the simpler GARCH alternative and implied volatility. Two simple model combinations are also analysed. The intuitively appealing idea of developing a nonlinear nonparametric approach to forecast FX volatility, identify mispriced options and subsequently develop a trading strategy based upon this process is implemented for the first time on a comprehensive basis. Using daily data from December 1993 through April 1999, we develop alternative FX volatility forecasting models. These models are then tested out‐of‐sample over the period April 1999–May 2000, not only in terms of forecasting accuracy, but also in terms of trading efficiency: in order to do so, we apply a realistic volatility trading strategy using FX option straddles once mispriced options have been identified. Allowing for transaction costs, most trading strategies retained produce positive returns. RNN models appear as the best single modelling approach yet, somewhat surprisingly, model combination which has the best overall performance in terms of forecasting accuracy, fails to improve the RNN‐based volatility trading results. Another conclusion from our results is that, for the period and currencies considered, the currency option market was inefficient and/or the pricing formulae applied by market participants were inadequate. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the empirical literature, it has been shown that there exists both linear and non‐linear bi‐directional causality between trading volumes and return volatility (measured by the square of daily return). We re‐examine this claim by using realized volatility as an estimator of the unobserved volatility, adopting a stationary de‐trended trading volume, and applying a more recent data sample with robustness tests over time. Our linear Granger causality test shows that there is no causal linear relation running from volume to volatility, but there exists an ambiguous causality for the reverse direction. In contrast, we find strong bi‐directional non‐linear Granger causality between these two variables. On the basis of the non‐linear forecasting modeling technique, this study provides strong evidence to support the sequential information hypothesis and demonstrates that it is useful to use lagged values of trading volume to predict return volatility. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The motivation for this paper was the introduction of novel short‐term models to trade the FTSE 100 and DAX 30 exchange‐traded funds (ETF) indices. There are major contributions in this paper which include the introduction of an input selection criterion when utilizing an expansive universe of inputs, a hybrid combination of partial swarm optimizer (PSO) with radial basis function (RBF) neural networks, the application of a PSO algorithm to a traditional autoregressive moving model (ARMA), the application of a PSO algorithm to a higher‐order neural network and, finally, the introduction of a multi‐objective algorithm to optimize statistical and trading performance when trading an index. All the machine learning‐based methodologies and the conventional models are adapted and optimized to model the index. A PSO algorithm is used to optimize the weights in a traditional RBF neural network, in a higher‐order neural network (HONN) and the AR and MA terms of an ARMA model. In terms of checking the statistical and empirical accuracy of the novel models, we benchmark them with a traditional HONN, with an ARMA, with a moving average convergence/divergence model (MACD) and with a naïve strategy. More specifically, the trading and statistical performance of all models is investigated in a forecast simulation of the FTSE 100 and DAX 30 ETF time series over the period January 2004 to December 2015 using the last 3 years for out‐of‐sample testing. Finally, the empirical and statistical results indicate that the PSO‐RBF model outperforms all other examined models in terms of trading accuracy and profitability, even with mixed inputs and with only autoregressive inputs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Often, a relatively small group of trades causes the major part of the trading costs on an investment portfolio. Consequently, reducing the trading costs of comparatively few expensive trades would already result in substantial savings on total trading costs. Since trading costs depend to some extent on steering variables, investors can try to lower trading costs by carefully controlling these factors. As a first step in this direction, this paper focuses on the identification of expensive trades before actual trading takes place. However, forecasting market impact costs appears notoriously difficult and traditional methods fail. Therefore, we propose two alternative methods to form expectations about future trading costs. Applied to the equity trades of the world's second largest pension fund, both methods succeed in filtering out a considerable number of trades with high trading costs and substantially outperform no‐skill prediction methods. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between stock prices and commodity prices and whether this can be used to forecast stock returns. As both prices are linked to expected future economic performance they should exhibit a long‐run relationship. Moreover, changes in sentiment towards commodity investing may affect the nature of the response to disequilibrium. Results support cointegration between stock and commodity prices, while Bai–Perron tests identify breaks in the forecast regression. Forecasts are computed using a standard fixed (static) in‐sample/out‐of‐sample approach and by both recursive and rolling regressions, which incorporate the effects of changing forecast parameter values. A range of model specifications and forecast metrics are used. The historical mean model outperforms the forecast models in both the static and recursive approaches. However, in the rolling forecasts, those models that incorporate information from the long‐run stock price/commodity price relationship outperform both the historical mean and other forecast models. Of note, the historical mean still performs relatively well compared to standard forecast models that include the dividend yield and short‐term interest rates but not the stock/commodity price ratio. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose an ensemble of long–short‐term memory (LSTM) neural networks for intraday stock predictions, using a large variety of technical analysis indicators as network inputs. The proposed ensemble operates in an online way, weighting the individual models proportionally to their recent performance, which allows us to deal with possible nonstationarities in an innovative way. The performance of the models is measured by area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic. We evaluate the predictive power of our model on several US large‐cap stocks and benchmark it against lasso and ridge logistic classifiers. The proposed model is found to perform better than the benchmark models or equally weighted ensembles.  相似文献   

Over the years, investors and the technical analysts have devised hundreds of technical market indicators in an effort to forecast the trend of a security market. Recent literature provides evidence that these rules may provide positive profits after accounting for transaction costs. This clearly contradicts the theory of the efficient market hypothesis which states that security prices cannot be forecasted from their past values or other past variables. This paper uses the daily Dow Jones Industrial Average Index from January 1963 to June 1988 to examine the linear and non-linear predictability of stock market returns with buy—sell signals generated from the moving average rules with a band between the short and the long averages. Strong evidence of non-linear predictability is found in the stock market returns by using the past buy and sell signals of these rules.  相似文献   

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