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The Bangong Lake ophiolite section, the western-most part of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang River ophiolitezone, is located to the south of the Bangong Lake andabout 10 km north of Rutog Town (Fig. 1). Being over2000 km long in Tibet, it extends westward to Kashmirand southeastward beyond Tibet along the Nujiang River.Although the section of the ophiolite is well exposed, nodetailed research work has yet been done. This ophiolitezone, which is one of the ophiolite zones in Tibet, servesas the…  相似文献   

Long-chain alkenones (LCAs) can potentially be used as indicators to understand past variations in lacustrine environments.Previous research has suggested that the relationship between the temperature and the unsaturation index of LCAs should be calibrated individually,because of the possible variations in the alkenone-producing algal species in the lacustrine environment.In this work,we have calibrated U37K’ of water filter samples against the in-situ water temperature in Lake Qinghai,Tibetan Plateau.There are significant relationships between U37K’ and the water temperature,a non-linear relationship was derived.Because the U37K’ values did not respond sensitively at lower temperatures,we suggested that a quadratic regression (U37K’ =0.0011×T2-0.0201×T+0.1959,n=15,r2=0.74) was appropriate than linear regression to represent the relationship between the in-situ temperatures and U37K’.Meanwhile,the U37K correlation relationship was not more significant than U37K’ index in our study.Because of the C37:4 effects by salinity change,we suggest U37K is not as robust as the U37K’ index as a temperature proxy,at least for the salt lake in the Tibetan Plateau.The calibration of the U37K’ index in this work has provided a new understanding of historic climatic changes in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the Haoti, Dangchang County of the western Qinling Mountains, contain a few clearly-zoned olivines. These olivines are relatively big in grain sizes and usually have cracks or broken features. Their cores have similar compositions (Mg#=90.4-91.0) to those for the peridotitic xenoliths entrained in host volcanic rocks and their rims are close to the compositions of olivine phenocrysts (Mg#=85.5-81.9). The CaO contents in these zoned olivines are lower than 0.1%. These features demonstrate that the clearly-zoned olivines are xenocrysts and disaggregated from mantle peridotites. The zoned texture was the result of the interaction between the olivine and host magma. Available data show that the volcanic rocks would have been derived from the mantle source metasomatized by subducted hydrathermally-altered oceanic crust. The formation of these Cenozoic volcanic rocks was perhaps related to the rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

The δ 18O records of ostracode shells in sediments of core QH-2000 from Qinghai Lake can be used as a better proxy to reflect monsoon changes. Low monsoon precipitation between 17.5 and 11 cal. ka BP is indicated by positive δ 18O values averaging 2.37‰. A fast shift in δ 18O from positive at 11 cal. ka BP to negative at 10 cal. ka BP indicates sharp increase of monsoon precipitation. An interval of generally high monsoon precipitation is observed between 10 and 6 cal. ka BP with δ 18O values averaging -2.15‰. Decrease of monsoon precipitation between 6 and 2.5 cal. ka BP is indicated by positive δ 18O values. δ 18O keeps positive values averaging 3.0‰ between 2.5 and 0 cal. ka BP suggesting low high monsoon precipitation. The climatic changes indicated by δ 18O records of ostracode shells in sedi- ments of core QH-2000 from Qinghai Lake and our broader regional comparison show that the climate in Qinghai Lake since the late Glacial is probably controlled by southwest monsoon other than southeast monsoon.  相似文献   

Understanding the stressor–response relationship between nutrient levels and algal biomass is a prerequisite for the management of eutrophication in lakes. In this study, a quantile regression(QR) approach was used to interpret the stressor–response relationships between nutrient(e.g., phosphorus, nitrogen) concentrations and algal biomass as measured by chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) levels. QR results indicated that Lake Dianshan and Lake Changdang,which are both heavily eutrophicated, were P-limited only.In contrast, Lake Kuilei, which has significantly lower nutrient levels and algal biomass than the other two lakes,was P- and N-limited. Moreover, in Lake Kuilei, N and P levels had significant interaction effects on the algal biomass at the upper quantiles(s [ 0.68). The degree to which the lakes were P-limited increased with rises in the mean total P concentration in the lakes. QR has many advantages over ordinary least squares regression for discriminating limiting factors and, in particular, allows us to estimate changes near the upper extremes of distributions associated with limiting factors. QR is adapted to more specialized risk management problems, such as early warnings of the risk of algal blooms.The probable value-at-risk of harmful algal blooms for Lake Kuilei, Lake Dianshan and Lake Changdang is s = 0.76(Chl-a = 9 mg/m3), s = 0.87(Chl-a = 24 mg/m3) and s = 0.72(Chl-a = 35 mg/m3), respectively. Given the results of the stressor–response relationship analysis, we conclude that reductions in P input represent the most feasible and least costly approach for managing eutrophication in the shallow lakes of the Lake Taihu Basin. To control the magnitude and duration of algal blooms in shallow lakes,reductions in P and N inputs are required. The 95 % CI bounds of slopes indicated that the interactions of nonnutrient factors with nutrients had strong impacts on the algal biomass in lightly eutrophicated Lake Kuilei. It is suggested that, in addition to reductions in nutrient loads,several ecological measures, such as an increase in the biomass of submerged macrophytes and the reduction of hydraulic retention time by flushing, could represent important components of an integrated approach to eutrophication management in the Lake Taihu Basin.  相似文献   

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