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通过两种不同方法对太阳高能粒子(Solar Energetic Particles,SEP)通量初始时刻进行研究,一种是数值模拟方法,即数值模拟中取第一颗粒子出现的时刻来确定,另一种是观测背景方法,即通过太阳高能粒子通量随时间变化的背景值与上升值的拐点时刻来确定.Kahler(2013)定义的SEP时间尺度TO(the onset time from CME launch to SEP onset,从CME爆发时刻到SEP初始时刻的时间段)、TR(the rise time from onset to half the peak intensity(0.5Ip),从SEP初始时刻的上升时间直到半峰值时刻)、TD(the duration of the SEP intensity above 0.5Ip,SEP强度高于半峰值的持续时间)都与SEP通量初始时刻相关.将CME驱动激波作为源,利用粒子输运方程,对SEP传播进行数值模拟.然后对描述SEP时间尺度的TR、TO的数值模拟值与观测进行对比,发现两者吻合很好,即TR随CME速度和宽度增加而增加.由于TO影响的因素较为复杂,并没有很好的规律性.另外,当源位置经度距离观测者较远的时候,影响时间尺度TR,TO的因素较多.因此,用不同方法确定的SEP通量初始时刻对TR,TO的影响不大;当源位置经度距离观测者较近的时候,观测背景方法下的数值模拟与观测更加符合.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is used to investigate electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection, and the proton/electron mass ratio is taken to be m i /m e = 256. The results show that the presence of a strong initial guide field will change the direction of the electron flow. The electron density cavities and the parallel electric field can be found in the electron inflow region along the separatrix, and the electron inflow and density cavities only appear in the second and fourth quadrants. What is different from the results with a smaller mass ratio is that new structures appear in the diffusion region near the X line: (1) Narrow regions of density enhancement and density cavities can be found synchronously in this region; and (2) corresponding to the electron density changes near the X line, the strong parallel electric fields are found to occur in the first and third quadrants. These electric fields perhaps play a more important role in acceleration and heating electrons than those fields located in the density cavities. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40725013) and Open Research Program Foundation of State Key Laboratory for Space Weather, Chinese Academy Sciences  相似文献   

Electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic reconnection provides a physical mechanism for fast energy conversion from magnetic energy to plasma kinetic energy. It is closely associated with many explosive phenomena in space plasma, usually collisionless in character. For this reason, researchers have become more interested in collisionless magnetic reconnection. In this paper, the various roles of electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection are reviewed. First, at the ion inertial length scale, ions and electrons are decoupled. The resulting Hall effect determines the reconnection electric field. Moreover, electron motions determine the current system inside the reconnection plane and the electron density cavity along the separatrices. The current system in this plane produces an out-of-plane magnetic field. Second, at the electron inertial length scale, the anisotropy of electron pressure determines the magnitude of the reconnection electric field in this region. The production of energetic electrons, which is an important characteristic during magnetic reconnection, is accelerated by the reconnection electric field. In addition, the different topologies, temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the magnetic field affect the accelerating process of electrons and determine the final energy of the accelerated electrons. Third, we discuss results from simulations and spacecraft observations on the secondary magnetic islands produced due to secondary instabilities around the X point, and the associated energetic electrons. Furthermore, progress in laboratory plasma studies is also discussed in regard to electron dynamics during magnetic reconnection. Finally, some unresolved problems are presented.  相似文献   

The third order accurate upwind compact difference scheme has been applied to the numerical study of the magnetic reconnection process possibly occurring near the interplanetary current sheet, under the framework of the two-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Our results here show that the driven reconnection near the current sheet can occur within 10—30 min for the interplanetary high magnetic Reynolds number, RM =2 000—10 000, the stable magnetic reconnection structure can be formed in hour-order of magnitude, and there are some ba- sic properties such as the multiple X-line reconnections, vortical velocity structures, filament current systems, splitting and collapse of the high-density plasma bulk. These results are helpful in understanding and identifying the magnetic reconnection phenomena near the interplanetary current sheets.  相似文献   

研究了分别发生在2003年10月28日和2003年11月18日的两次相似的强烈日冕物质抛射(CME)事件.通过比较这两次CME事件以及它们的行星际响应,分析了其伴随的两种主要空间天气效应:太阳高能粒子事件和地磁暴.这两次CME事件均伴随有一个强耀斑和一次暗条爆发,并且之前都有一个较弱的CME从同一源区产生.第一个CME事件引起了一次极大的太阳高能粒子事件,而第二个则没有引起明显的太阳高能粒子事件.这两次CME事件均引起了大的地磁暴,且第二个CME所引起的地磁暴比第一个CME所引起的地磁暴更强.通过比较分析这两次CME事件,以及与之相关的活动现象和对应的行星际磁云(MC),讨论了这两次CME引起不同空间天气效应的原因:形成不同强度的太阳高能粒子事件在于CME爆发过程中的能量释放率在这两次事件中显著不同,而地磁暴强度的差异则是由行星际MC轴的方向以及MC经过地球时的相对位置不同造成的.  相似文献   

日冕物质抛射(CME)是最大尺度的太阳活动现象,灾害性空间天气的主要驱动源.行星际日冕物质抛射(ICME)中的等离子体波动性质与ICME的演化密切相关.由于ICME中的平均磁场较大,其中的Alfven低频扰动研究较少.前人的研究只分析了0.3AU和0.68AU处的个别ICME中的Alfven波动.ICME在1AU处的Alfven波观测较少.本文对第23太阳周1995—2006年期间所有引起大磁暴(Dst≤-100nT)的单个ICME事件进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)大约30%的ICME中长时间存在Alfven波(超过ICME持续时间的30%);(2)约一半的ICME的鞘层中存在快磁声波;(3)所有ICME中都存在短时间段的慢磁声波.这些观测结果为研究CME在行星际传播过程时其中的Alfven波演化机制及其动力学演化提供了观测基础.  相似文献   

We have examined the Wind data in 1996 and identified 21 small interplanetary magnetic flux ropes(SIMFRs),and all the 21 SIMFRs have boundary layer structures.The durations of the boundary layers varied from several minutes to 30 minutes.These boundary layers also have properties of high proton temperature,density,and plasma beta.These boundary layers are formed by magnetic reconnections.In addition,in three events magnetic reconnections were occurring inside the boundary layers.It indicates that the flux rope structures have propagated for some period of time,and their boundaries were still evolving through interaction with the background solar wind.Namely it is very possible that the SIMFRs came from the solar corona.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is a very important and fundamental plasma process in transferring energy from magnetic field into plasma. Previous theory, numerical simulations and observations mostly concentrate on 2-dimensional (2D) model; however, magnetic reconnection is a 3-dimensional (3D) nonlinear process in nature. The properties of reconnection in 3D and its associated singular structure have not been resolved completely. Here we investigate the structures and charactedstics of null points inside the reconnection diffusion region by introducing the discretized Poincar6 index through Gauss integral and using magnetic field data with high resolution from the four satellites of Cluster mission. We estimate the velocity and trajectory of null points by calculating its position in different times, and compare and discuss the observations with different reconnection models with null points based on characteristics of electric current around null points.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are performed to investigate the formation of electron density depletions in collisionless magnetic reconnection.In anti-parallel reconnection,the quadrupole structures of the out-of-plane magnetic field are formed,and four symmetric electron density depletion layers can be found along the separatrices due to the effects of magetic mirror.With the increase of the initial guide field,the symmetry of both the out-of-plane magnetic field and electron density depletion layers is distorted.When the initial guide field is sufficiently large,the electron density depletion layers along the lower left and upper right separatrices disappear.The parallel electric field in guide field reconnection is found to play an important role in forming such structures of the electron density depletion layers.The structures of the out-of-plane magnetic field By and electron depletion layers in anti-parallel and guide field reconnection are found to be related to electron flow or in-plane currents in the separatrix regions.In anti-parallel reconnection,electrons flow towards the X line along the separatrices,and are directed away from the X line along the magnetic field lines just inside the separatrices.In guide field reconnection,electrons can only flow towards the X line along the upper left and lower right separatrices due to the existence of the parallel electric field in these regions.  相似文献   

对于多个具有共同特性粒子事件,采用一种统计的数值模拟方法,即将观测事件根据几个指标进行分类排序,并通过寻找每一分组的中值作为特征值,然后将上百个事件转化为几个特征事件进行数值模拟,缩短了数值模拟时间,同时得以考察观测内在的物理规律.并运用此方法对太阳高能粒子峰值强度分别与日冕物质抛射速度以及位置之间的相关性做了研究,最后得出与观测结果相一致的结论.该方法是数值模拟与观测分析研究的最佳结合,弥补了观测结果无法拆分开来考察单因素对事件影响的缺陷,同时也减少了对大量单个事件数值模拟的次数.  相似文献   

Storm-time changes of main plasma parameters in the auroral ionosphere are analyzed for two intense storms occurring on May 15, 1997 and Sept. 25, 1998, with emphasis on their relationship to the solar wind dynamic pressure and the IMF Bz component. Strong hard particle precipitation occurred in the initial phase for both storma,associated with high solar wind dynamical pressure. During the recovery phase of the storms, some strong particle precipitation was neither concerned with high solar wind pressure nor southward IMF Bz. Severe negative storm effects depicted by electron density depletion appeared in theF-region during the main and recovery phase of both storms, caused by intensive electric field-related strong Joule/frictional heating when IMF was largely southward. The ion temperature behaved similarly in E- and F-region, but the electron temperature did quite different, with a strong increase in the lower E-region relating to plasma instability excited by strong electric field and a slight decrease in the F-region probably concerning with a cooling process. The field-aligned ion velocity was high and apparently anticorrelated with the northward component of the ion convection velocity.  相似文献   

强磁场退火对FePt薄膜结构与磁性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少FePt纳米薄膜退火过程中晶粒团聚长大,进行了在外加强磁场条件下的退火实验。对化学法制备的FePt纳米薄膜,经热处理后外加磁场,并使用X射线衍射仪、透射电子显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、振动样品磁强计表征薄膜的结构、晶粒尺寸和磁性能。实验发现:外加7.96MA.m-1磁场450℃退火,样品即开始有序化相变;外加7.96MA.m-1磁场600℃退火,样品有序度要高于常规退火样品;外加1.59~6.37 MA.m-1磁场550℃退火,样品晶粒明显细化、矫顽力明显提高。因此,强磁场退火能降低FePt薄膜有序化相变温度,提高有序度、细化晶粒和提高矫顽力。  相似文献   

As well known, the magnetic cross-tail component By in the magnetotail is in direct proportion to the in-terplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By component. And the polarity of IMF and plasmoid / flux rope By components do indeed agree. This results indicate that the IMF By penetrates plasmoids and the magnetic structures must therefore be three-dimensional. In this note, the dynamical processes of magnetotail in the course of a substorm are studied using a MHD code with two-dimensions and three components on the basis of two types of initial equilibrium solutions of the quiet magnetotail. The numerical results of two cases illustrate various features of time evolution of By component that correspond to two kinds of plasmoid-like structures: one is associated with a flux rope core and the other resembles a “closed loop” plamoid. Therefore, the occurrence of various magnetic structures in the magnetotail might be related to nonsteady driven reconnection with different distributions of the By component.  相似文献   

运用EGSnrcMP蒙特卡罗程序模拟了不同能量单能电子在铝吸收体中的吸收,画出吸收曲线,并将模拟结果与实验结果进行比较.在模拟条件与实验条件一致的情况下,模拟值与实验值得到了很好的符合.本文还通过改变模拟计算的条件,讨论了实验条件对电子吸收规律测量的影响.  相似文献   

在有效质量理论近似下,采用磁Kronig-Penny势场,精确求解了GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs超晶格中的电子在周期性磁场中形成的能带结构.考虑不同方向上的周期性磁调制以及电调制的作用下三维电子的运动行为,发现电子不仅在z方向形成能带,而且在y方向也可以形成一些可允许的能带.同时详细讨论了电子能带结构的特点及其形成机制.  相似文献   

从综合角度,分析了交流电机结构及定子绕组磁势的异同和相似之处。提出用一种新的方法来推导交流电机定子短距绕组系数,并用一种简单而直观的实验方法验证三相交流电机定子绕组中所产生的旋转磁场。  相似文献   

目的:探讨磁场对缺氧性心肌病大鼠血红细胞SOD活性变化的影响。方法:将大鼠随机分为四组:空白对照组、磁作用对照组、缺氧性心肌损伤组、缺氧性心肌损伤磁场治疗组。采用四氮唑蓝法测定各组大鼠血红细胞SOD活性。结果:大鼠血红细胞SOD活性,心肌损伤磁场治疗组明显高于缺氧性心肌损伤组(P<0.01),磁作用对照组高于空白对照组(P<0.05)。结论:在磁场作用下缺氧性心肌损伤大鼠和健康大鼠血红细胞SOD活性可明显升高,进而表明:磁场对缺氧性心肌损伤大鼠和健康大鼠心肌具有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨磁场对缺氧性心肌损伤大鼠心肌MDA含量变化的影响。方法:本实验将大鼠随机分为四组:空白对照组、磁作用对照组、缺氧性心肌损伤组、缺氧性心肌损伤磁场治疗组。采用硫代巴比妥酸法测定各组大鼠心肌MDA含量。结果:心肌MDA含量,缺氧性心肌损伤磁场治疗组明显低于缺氧性心肌损伤组(P<0.01)。结论:磁场对缺氧性心肌损伤大鼠心肌MDA含量具有明显降低的作用。初步证实,磁砀对缺氧性心肌损伤大鼠心肌具有一定的保护作用。进而表明,磁场对克山病心肌具有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

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