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Electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic reconnection provides a physical mechanism for fast energy conversion from magnetic energy to plasma kinetic energy. It is closely associated with many explosive phenomena in space plasma, usually collisionless in character. For this reason, researchers have become more interested in collisionless magnetic reconnection. In this paper, the various roles of electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection are reviewed. First, at the ion inertial length scale, ions and electrons are decoupled. The resulting Hall effect determines the reconnection electric field. Moreover, electron motions determine the current system inside the reconnection plane and the electron density cavity along the separatrices. The current system in this plane produces an out-of-plane magnetic field. Second, at the electron inertial length scale, the anisotropy of electron pressure determines the magnitude of the reconnection electric field in this region. The production of energetic electrons, which is an important characteristic during magnetic reconnection, is accelerated by the reconnection electric field. In addition, the different topologies, temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the magnetic field affect the accelerating process of electrons and determine the final energy of the accelerated electrons. Third, we discuss results from simulations and spacecraft observations on the secondary magnetic islands produced due to secondary instabilities around the X point, and the associated energetic electrons. Furthermore, progress in laboratory plasma studies is also discussed in regard to electron dynamics during magnetic reconnection. Finally, some unresolved problems are presented.  相似文献   

The characteristics of low-frequency waves in magnetic reconnection are studied using two-dimensional hybrid simulation code. In a coordinate system moving with fluid,the time series of a magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic reconnection plane,By, is transformed into the power spectrum via fast Fourier transformation,while the wave propagation direction and polarization are determined by minimum variance analysis of the electric field.The results show that low-frequency Alfvén ion-cyclotron waves dominate the reconnection area.These waves have frequencies 0-1Ωp(where Ωp is the local proton gyro frequency)and all are left-handed circularly polarized.Among these waves,large-amplitude turbulence,with frequencies of 0-0.6Ωp and isotropic propagation,dominates the outflow regions.This can cause the reversal of By in the quadrupole structure.In the inflow regions, dominant waves,propagating mainly parallel to the ambient magnetic field,have higher frequencies and smaller amplitudes.The frequency of the main peak of wave energy is usually higher than 0.5Ωp.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is used to investigate electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection, and the proton/electron mass ratio is taken to be m i /m e = 256. The results show that the presence of a strong initial guide field will change the direction of the electron flow. The electron density cavities and the parallel electric field can be found in the electron inflow region along the separatrix, and the electron inflow and density cavities only appear in the second and fourth quadrants. What is different from the results with a smaller mass ratio is that new structures appear in the diffusion region near the X line: (1) Narrow regions of density enhancement and density cavities can be found synchronously in this region; and (2) corresponding to the electron density changes near the X line, the strong parallel electric fields are found to occur in the first and third quadrants. These electric fields perhaps play a more important role in acceleration and heating electrons than those fields located in the density cavities. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40725013) and Open Research Program Foundation of State Key Laboratory for Space Weather, Chinese Academy Sciences  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is a very important and fundamental plasma process in transferring energy from magnetic field into plasma. Previous theory, numerical simulations and observations mostly concentrate on 2-dimensional (2D) model; however, magnetic reconnection is a 3-dimensional (3D) nonlinear process in nature. The properties of reconnection in 3D and its associated singular structure have not been resolved completely. Here we investigate the structures and charactedstics of null points inside the reconnection diffusion region by introducing the discretized Poincar6 index through Gauss integral and using magnetic field data with high resolution from the four satellites of Cluster mission. We estimate the velocity and trajectory of null points by calculating its position in different times, and compare and discuss the observations with different reconnection models with null points based on characteristics of electric current around null points.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are performed to investigate the formation of electron density depletions in collisionless magnetic reconnection.In anti-parallel reconnection,the quadrupole structures of the out-of-plane magnetic field are formed,and four symmetric electron density depletion layers can be found along the separatrices due to the effects of magetic mirror.With the increase of the initial guide field,the symmetry of both the out-of-plane magnetic field and electron density depletion layers is distorted.When the initial guide field is sufficiently large,the electron density depletion layers along the lower left and upper right separatrices disappear.The parallel electric field in guide field reconnection is found to play an important role in forming such structures of the electron density depletion layers.The structures of the out-of-plane magnetic field By and electron depletion layers in anti-parallel and guide field reconnection are found to be related to electron flow or in-plane currents in the separatrix regions.In anti-parallel reconnection,electrons flow towards the X line along the separatrices,and are directed away from the X line along the magnetic field lines just inside the separatrices.In guide field reconnection,electrons can only flow towards the X line along the upper left and lower right separatrices due to the existence of the parallel electric field in these regions.  相似文献   

The process of magnetic reconnection in non-periodic three-layer current sheets is studied numerically by using two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation. The results show that unlike periodic current sheets, it is complex unsteady magnetic reconnection. It may be important for solar flare and corona heating.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is an important universal plasma dissipation process that converts magnetic energy into plasma thermal and kinetic energy,and simultaneously changes the magnetic field topology.In this paper,we report the first observation of energetic electrons associated with asymmetric reconnection in the sheath of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection.The magnetic field shear angle was about 151°,implying guide-field reconnection.The width of the exhaust was about 8×104 km.The reconnection rate was estimated as 0.044-0.08,which is consistent with fast reconnection theory and previous observations.We observed flux enhancements of energetic electrons with energy up to 400 keV in this reconnection exhaust.The region where ener- getic electron fluxes were enhanced is located at one pair of separatrices in the higher density hemisphere.We discuss these observation results,and compare with previous observations and recent kinetic simulations.  相似文献   

When the IMF turns southward, a great amount of magnetic energy is stored in the magnetotail, and the electric field across the magnetotail substantially enhances. As long as magnetic reconnection (MR) in the magnetotail initiates and continues, the magnetic field and plasma in the central plasma sheet are carried away to the near-Earth and down to the tail, the magnetic field and plasma in the lobe region enter the CPS and are involved in MR. We call this process “Continuous Lobe Reconnection (CLR)”. In this paper a detailed analysis of Cluster observation of MR through 2001--2003 is made. Plenty of CLR events are found that led to considerable changes of tail configuration, appearance of BBF, as well as large-scale bubbles in which both plasma temperature and number density substantially decrease. It is shown that in general CLR events last for dozens of minutes and have good correspondence to substorm initiation under the condition of continuous southward IMF.  相似文献   

In collisionless reconnection,the magnetic field near the separatrix is stronger than that around the X-line,so an electron-beam can be formed and flows toward the X-line,which leads to a decrease of the electron density near the separatrix.Having been accelerated around the X-line,the electrons flow out along the magnetic field lines in the inner side of the separatrix.A quadruple structure of the Hall magnetic field By is formed by such a current system.A 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation code is used ...  相似文献   

As well known, the magnetic cross-tail component By in the magnetotail is in direct proportion to the in-terplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By component. And the polarity of IMF and plasmoid / flux rope By components do indeed agree. This results indicate that the IMF By penetrates plasmoids and the magnetic structures must therefore be three-dimensional. In this note, the dynamical processes of magnetotail in the course of a substorm are studied using a MHD code with two-dimensions and three components on the basis of two types of initial equilibrium solutions of the quiet magnetotail. The numerical results of two cases illustrate various features of time evolution of By component that correspond to two kinds of plasmoid-like structures: one is associated with a flux rope core and the other resembles a “closed loop” plamoid. Therefore, the occurrence of various magnetic structures in the magnetotail might be related to nonsteady driven reconnection with different distributions of the By component.  相似文献   

针对铁磁构件裂纹损伤检测方法和仪器应用技术现状,建立了V型裂纹漏磁场分析模型,得出了平板铁磁构件表面指定探测点的漏磁场理论表达式。采用MATLAB软件编程进行全面的仿真分析,得出了漏磁场的法向分量与裂纹开口宽度的关系曲线、漏磁场的法向分量与裂纹深度的关系曲线、漏磁场的法向分量与裂纹长度的关系曲线;得出裂纹漏磁场法向分量过零点、漏磁场垂向分量出现最大值和漏磁场切向分量出现裂纹端部过零点的漏磁场分布特性。根据理论分析得出的裂纹漏磁场特征,设计制作了阵列式的裂纹检测装置和检测平台,并对带有V型裂纹的平板铁磁构件进行检测。实验表明:文中理论分析得出的三维漏磁场与检测结果能够较好的吻合,并对裂纹的几何参数估计具有一定的指导意义,根据漏磁模型研制的检测装置能探测铁磁构件的裂纹缺陷。  相似文献   

采用建筑钢材建造的工程结构,在其服役期内将不可避免地产生一些损伤,从而影响结构的内力分布规律,导致其部分应力可能超限,引起局部失效,严重者将使整个结构倒塌.为了直接测试这类结构的应力状态,从而确保这类结构的安全性,提出了钢材等铁磁材料基于磁力耦合效应的全磁通应力磁性无损检测法,即通过测试材料的全磁通量来测试材料的应力状态.根据铁磁材料磁特性的应力敏感这一特性,以圆形铁磁试件为研究对象,采用能量最小理论,推导了圆形铁磁试件磁感应强度同拉应力之间的相关关系方程,建立了其磁通量增量与拉应力关系的磁力学模型.该磁力学模型表明,铁磁试件在外加磁场和外加应力的共同作用下,其磁通量的变化量随拉应力的增大而增大,且与外加应力呈现出线性关系.所提磁力本构模型可为全磁通直力检测技术奠定基础,具有较好的理论意义和实用价值.  相似文献   

磁流体热疗设备的三维电磁场模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为清楚了解磁流体热疗设备产生的电磁场的分布,本文采用有限元方法对自制的设备原型建立三维模型并进行了优化,计算了该模型在静态和谐态下产生的电磁场的分布,对磁极中间的气隙宽度在20~40mm范围内变化时的磁场强度进行了对比.选取气隙宽度为30mm时计算电磁场的磁场强度、电感和涡流损耗,所得结果与实验测量值完全吻合,验证了模拟计算的可靠性.  相似文献   

辐射旁效应的发现对传统的以线性外推方式建立起来的辐射防护学提出了挑战,其研究已成为辐射生物学领域的热点.十几年来,通过离体细胞的体外实验,旁效应的现象及其机制已逐渐被人们所了解。近年来,随着单粒子微束装置的发展,人们的研究重点逐渐从细胞水平转向更为复杂的组织水平和个体水平.文中对国内外有关辐射旁效应的活体研究进行了综述,并且建立了一个实验体系来研究线虫个体水平上的辐射长程传导效应.  相似文献   

利用晶体振荡器设计稳定度很高的信号源,其输出由可编程放大器调节后,经过功率放大电路输出至线圈阵列,实现了对三种不同结构和性能的阵列线圈的驱动, 使线圈阵列达到很好的磁场聚焦效果.  相似文献   

The evidence about hydrocarbon migration within reservoir rocks in two wells has been obtained according to results of magnetic and mineralogical analysis of the Kapushaliang Group reservoir rocks from wells S15 and S4 located at the Yakela oil field, Tarim Basin. Results show that the secondary alteration associated with oil and gas accumulations above oil and gas field is predominantly magnetite mineralization, and that sulfur alteration occurs commonly at oil-water boundary and their products are generally pyrite and pyrrhotite, except for magnetite alteration which is closely related with hydrodynamical conditions in situ. The spherical magnetite grains of cauliflower microtexture on surface extracted from oil-bearing cores are secondary magnetite related with hydrocarbon microseep-age and their diameters are usually less than 50 μm.  相似文献   

磁共振成像(MRI)技术是常见的临床医学影像学的检测手段之一.在临床诊断中使用最多的是纵向弛豫(T1)造影剂:马根维显(Gd-DTPA).自其正式商用化后,人们对钆基造影剂进行了大量研究.文章介绍了钆基无机纳米粒子(Gd IONPs)造影剂的作用原理,阐述了无机纳米粒子的形貌、尺寸、表面修饰、氧空位等因素的影响,并对Gd IONPs造影剂的设计做了展望.  相似文献   

讨论了主成分分析中的几类问题的计算方法,重点揭示在协方差矩阵中对角元素相同时的第一主成分及贡献率和对角元素不同时的主成分贡献率.经讨论后给出有关计算公式,并说明这些计算公式在多元统计分析中的实际作用.  相似文献   

利用郑州1951年以来的气温记录,采用统计方法和最小二乘法分析了郑州的气温变化特征。计算了气温变化的幅度.用孟津1961年以来气温变化与郑州作对比,并用两地增温率对比计算城市化对郑州城市气温变化的贡献率.结果显示1951年以来郑州市年平均气温变化总趋势是不断变暖,气温升高幅度约0.23℃/10年,年平均最低气温及春冬季节气温升温幅度最大,夏季气温却有降温趋势.1961年以来郑州年平均气温的城市化增温率为0.064℃/10年,城市化增温对郑州城市气温增加的贡献率为25%.郑州1951年以来气温的变化还主要是受区域背景气候的影响;受城市化影响在夏季最明显.  相似文献   

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