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Based on the geological mapping, it is suggested that the pillow lavas exposed in Jianshui area in southeastern Yunnan Province are emplaced into the western part of Shizong-Mile faults, the boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysian blocks, and mainly composed of tectonic massive of basalts and basaltic andsites. The geological and geochemical studies show that these lavas erupted in an island arc tectonic setting, which suggests that there existed the subduction of oceanic crust between the Yangtze and Cathaysian blocks. The paleontological fossils in the sedimentary interlayers between the volcanic rocks indicate that these pillow lavas erupted during Carboniferous-Permian. The geologic and geochemical evidence suggested that there existed an eastern branch of Paleo-Tethys between the Yangtze and Cathaysian blocks in southeastern Yunnan, South China.  相似文献   

一类保守系统向类耗散系统的过渡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在已经报道的加保护的张弛振荡电路模型中,随着保护区从无到有,从小到大,系统连续地逐渐从一个典型的保守系统转变为一个“类耗散系统”。在选择一组参数下,当保护区大小等于0时,相平面呈现曲型的保守系统中的混沌海,随着保护区逐渐增大,系统函数的不连续边界出现,而且系统在此边界处的能量跳跃也逐渐增大,使得系统的“类保守性”逐渐减弱,而“类耗散性”逐渐加强,在此过程中,原来的混沌海中的迭代轨道逐渐演变为一个由不连续边界象集的归宿构成的随机网,最后,当类耗散性很强时,这个随机网又演变为非常类似于耗散系统中的混沌吸引子,计算了这时的“混沌类吸引子”的分数维。  相似文献   

泰山古今林木变迁的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史记载和当今林木发展与保有的实际情况看去,泰山地区种植树木除了一直都有美化环境追求的一致性之外,以清末民初为界限,可以主要分为为政治治理服务,和主要为了发展经济的前后两个历史时期.前期,从有文字明确记载的春秋时期开始,泰山地区种植的林木大都与统治者或思想家们所提倡的树的种类有关.后一时期内,与中国其他地方一样,泰山地区虽然也仍然未完全摆脱政治控制社会的古老窠臼,但林木种植的目的已主要是为了发展经济,包括为了收获更多的干鲜果品、为了采伐更多的木材与收获更多的茶叶等.对泰山古今林木变迁的考察不但有经济学生态学的意义,同时也有文化与政治意义.  相似文献   

Sobolev AV  Hofmann AW  Nikogosian IK 《Nature》2000,404(6781):986-990
The hypothesis that mantle plumes contain recycled oceanic crust is now widely accepted. Some specific source components of the Hawaiian plume have been inferred to represent recycled oceanic basalts, pelagic sediments or oceanic gabbros. Bulk lava compositions, however, retain the specific trace-element fingerprint of the original crustal component in only a highly attenuated form. Here we report the discovery of exotic, strontium-enriched melt inclusions in Mauna Loa olivines. Their complete trace-element patterns strongly resemble those of layered gabbros found in ophiolites, which are characterized by cumulus plagioclase with very high strontium abundances. The major-element compositions of these melts indicate that their composition cannot be the result of the assimilation of present-day oceanic crust through which the melts have travelled. Instead, the gabbro has been transformed into a (high-pressure) eclogite by subduction and recycling, and this eclogite has then been incorporated into the Hawaiian mantle plume. The trace-element signature of the original plagioclase is present only as a 'ghost' signature, which permits specific identification of the recycled rock type. The 'ghost plagioclase' trace-element signature demonstrates that the former gabbro can retain much of its original chemical identity through the convective cycle without completely mixing with other portions of the former oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Transition from haploidy to diploidy   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
V Perrot  S Richerd  M Valéro 《Nature》1991,351(6324):315-317
As a direct consequence of sex, organisms undergo a haploid and a diploid stage during their life cycle. Although the relative duration of haploid and diploid phases varies greatly among taxa, the diploid phase is more conspicuous in all higher organisms. Therefore it is widely believed that diploidy offers more evolutionary possibilities and is thus nearly always selected for. We have now performed computer simulations to investigate one possible advantage of diploidy, that is, protection against the expression of deleterious mutations. Instead of comparing isolated haploid and diploid populations, we considered interbreeding haploids and diploids. Diploids invaded the population only when the dominance degree of a single deleterious mutation was smaller than about 1/2, and the condition allowing diploidy to invade depended on how harmful the mutation was.  相似文献   

理想的动力总成悬置在低频高幅值激励下应具有大刚度大阻尼、在高频低幅值激励下小刚度小阻尼特性.针对现有磁流变液悬置的动刚度可控范围低、零场动刚度大及工作行程有限等问题,本文提出并实现了一种在全工作频率范围内具有较大动刚度范围、较小零场动刚度和最大化工作行程的磁流变液悬置,即内旁通道阀式磁流变液悬置.利用有限元仿真软件对该磁流变液悬置进行了电磁场仿真分析.建立了该磁流变液悬置的可控阻尼力数学模型,并基于搭建的伺服液压作动系统进行了磁流变液悬置阻尼力可控性能试验.  相似文献   

龙冬云 《长春大学学报》2005,15(4):31-32,90
主要讨论目前IPv4佰地址空间所面临的问题,以及解决这种问题的根本方法,即采用具有更大地址空间的新版本的IP协议(IPv6)。对于IPv6的介绍,主要从三个方面来讨论,IPv6地址空间的大小、格式,IPv6中地址的类型(单播、组播和任播),以及IPv6地址空间的分配。  相似文献   

The dynamic characteristic in a spatially distributed nonlinear system, a subset of lasers in an array of coupled lasers, has been studied and analysed numerically. The evolution, with the increasing coupling strength, from stable quiescent state to chaotic state, to hyper-chaotic state and, back to quasi-steady state has been observed in this system. Yao Duanzheng: born in Aug. 1946, Associate professor. Current reseach interest is in mathematical physics and nonlinear optics Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

西安王顺山国家森林公园旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对王顺山国家森林公园的资源优势和基本条件,分析了开展森林旅游的必要性,提出了立足保护,适度开发的森林公园建设指导思想,以及开展森林旅游的基本原则,总体布局和主要措施,为实现王顺山森林公园的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在目前对于服务组合的研究中,对于用业务流程执行语言(BPEL)和WSCL等标准语言来描述的服务来说,语言本身缺乏对组合正确性进行检验的支持,必须借助相关的形式化工具来完成对服务组合的检验.为了解决BPEL对检验支持的不足,基于接口自动机这一形式化工具,对BPEL中主要语言元素到接口自动机进行转换,转换的目的是为了下一步应用基于接口自动机的行为获取方法来对服务的组合进行验证,最后通过一个实例证明了转换方法的有效性.  相似文献   

民本思想是中国传统政治思想的重要组成部分。从商周到清末,传统民本思想不断得到充实和完善;民本思想的核心是重民,但它同时又是与封建专制联系在一起的,具有着自身的逻辑和推论,不能等同于现代的民主理念;但是近代中国却是以民本为支点,逐渐认识和接受民主思想的。这说明传统民本和现代的民主思想仍有对接之处;实现传统民本思想向现代政治理念的转化是现在对待传统民本思想的态度。  相似文献   

图书馆学在当今社会中日益发挥着重要的作用,中国的图书馆学自古代一步步发展到当代,在吸取外来经验及自我学习中不断地改进和完善。在研究方法、管理方法以及科学技术等方面不断革新,实现其由传统向现代过渡。  相似文献   

分析了我国从GSM向IMT-2000过渡应该遵循的方针,介绍了一种在GSM基础上数据传输能力得到很大增强的GPRS网;分析了GPRS中分组数据的几种传输方法,得出GPRS技术能够提高数据传输速率和无线资源利用率的结论。  相似文献   

刘玉薇 《科技信息》2008,(34):230-230
本文主要阐述了美国的两种家庭组成形式:传统的核心家庭和现代的新式家庭。文章详细阐明了这两种家庭之间的转变和这种转变对美国社会变迁的影响,同时也分析了美国社会家庭观和婚姻观的转变,最终得出家庭模式变化的原因。  相似文献   

略论从身份到契约的转变--兼论其对中国身份社会的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从身份到契约的转变是人类社会文明史上的巨大进步和发展,它可以看作是由传统社会向现代社会转变的重要标志。这一转变的意义对社会经济生活、政治生活和思想文化观念都产生了极其深刻的影响,本文试以身份到契约这一转变为线索,来分析比较和研究这一转变的重要表现及其对当代中国社会产生的深远影响。  相似文献   

以压降法、压力脉动法、速度脉动法测定了横肋管中的临界雷诺数Re_C。当峰高k/d为0.01~0.06,间距s/k为7~40时,其值为850~2100。在流动稳定性理论的基础上探讨了峰高、间距及初始扰动等因素对Re_C的影响。  相似文献   

如何保持通信系统的平滑过渡一直是通信领域的热点问题。对3G和4G的性能指标、所采用的关键技术作了分析比较,在此基础上提出了如何有效利用3G的技术和设备来满足4G通信要求的一些建议,以最大限度地提高设备利用率,节省投资,实现3G向4G的平滑过渡。  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study of the possibility of transition from multiple macro-cracking to multiple micro-cracking in cementitious composites.Conventional polyvinyl alcohol fiber reinforced cementitious composites normally exhibit macroscopic strain-hardening and multiple cracking after the first cracks appear.However,the individual crack width at the saturated stage is normally 60 to 80 μm.In the current study,the effect of fine aggregate size on the cracking performance,especially the individual crack width in the strain-hardening stage was studied by bending tests.The results show that the individual crack widths can be reduced from 60-80 μm to 10-30 μm by modifying the particle size of the fine aggregates used in the composites.  相似文献   

用低温核供热堆进行海水淡化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文论述了用核能作为海水淡化能源对于减少环境污染的重要作用。在这方面,低温核供热堆是一种合适的堆型。多效蒸馏法是目前最有发展前途的一种海水淡化工艺。水平管液膜蒸发器具有先进的综合指标,是可供优先选择的一种蒸馏设备。  相似文献   

奴隶制五刑是一种野蛮的、不人道的、故意损伤受刑人肌体的刑罚。进入封建社会之后,经过刑制的不断改革,最终在《开皇律》中确立了封建制五刑。较奴隶制五刑而言,封建制五刑是一种较文明、较人道的刑罚。由奴隶制五刑向封建制五刑的过渡是中国古代刑制史上的伟大进步。  相似文献   

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